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Chapter 62 The Military Heavy Made from Boiled Urine!

"Your Majesty, do you want to collect all the urine in the palace from now on? It's hard to store so much." Wang Chengen made some arrangements for the speechless emperor and asked people to collect all the urine in the palace. This stuff smells bad.

It takes up a lot of space, which is really unreasonable. Now the Ming Dynasty Palace is so grand and smelly everywhere. It really doesn’t look like it.

"I will arrange someone to deal with these things tomorrow. Please let the people in the palace be patient for a while." After saying that, Zhu Youjian actually felt a headache at this time. Boiling urine is not easy to operate. The most important thing is

The most important thing is to find a good place to get some good equipment, otherwise the palace will be filled with the smell of urine. I guess if this happens, everyone in the palace will run away without anyone having to fight.

The craftsmen were arranged to build several large copper steam furnaces, and at the same time they connected several thin copper pipes to a large pool. The intensely heated water vapor would be condensed directly through this method.

Entering the pool should reduce the smell. If conditions are good in the future, it would be best to drain the water and waste gas directly into the sewers of the palace.

There was no thermometer, and there was no way to observe the conditions in the steam oven. Everything had to be guessed. Since the craftsmen had never done this before, Zhu Youjian could only watch it himself.

A dignified emperor personally followed others to boil urine. This scene was too embarrassing for the Ming Dynasty, but it had nothing to do with the great cause of the Qianqiu and the life of the family. What could be done if he didn't do this? For the sake of the family and life, this kind of hardship must be endured.


Holding back the unpleasant smell, the business of boiling urine officially began. Under the patient operation of the craftsmen, the steam pipe in the pool began to bubble. Zhu Youjian had people watch and wait until the bubbles stopped, and then notified the furnace burner.

People withdraw from the fire.

Due to limited sealing conditions, the entire place was filled with an unpleasant smell as the temperature rose. Even under such conditions, Zhu Youjian did not withdraw, but endured and waited for the results to come out.

When there is no more bubbles in the tube, immediately order people to remove the fire from the bottom of the furnace, then lift the steam furnace outside to cool down, and then open the lid to see if there is any white phosphorus steaming out inside.

After taking the lid off, I discovered something unexpected. There was so much sand in the pot that I couldn't tell what was white phosphorus and what was sand. I could just vaguely see some yellow-white crystals on the sand.

"Go to the sugar factory and borrow a centrifuge bucket, mix the sand in the steamer with water, then put it into the centrifuge bucket and mix it. We will check the situation after the mixing is complete."

After busying myself for a long time, I finally saw through the sediment that there is a layer of yellow-white stuff between the sand and the water. This should be white phosphorus!

Have people carefully drain out the top water, and then separate these yellow-white crystals from the sand.

"Take a little out and hit it with a hammer!" White phosphorus has an extremely low ignition point and will spontaneously ignite under a little pressure. Zhu Youjian thought of using this method to see if the cooked food was actually white phosphorus.

White smoke and green flames emitted from the smashed white crystal. It seemed that the business of boiling urine was successful. Just when Zhu Youjian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to arrange the next step of work, he realized that the craftsmen around him were actually using a

He looked at himself with a very strange look.

"What's wrong with you? What are you looking at me for?"

"Your Majesty? What is this thing cooked in urine? It can't be a will-o'-the-wisp, right?" A craftsman carefully expressed his thoughts. The way this thing burns is really like the legendary will-o'-the-wisp.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is a phosphorus fire! Okay, don't think about it anymore, quickly find a smaller steamer and spread sand on the bottom of the pot, then put the phosphorus on top, remember to fill the pot, and then

Cover. Cover and heat."

He hurriedly asked the craftsmen to continue working to see if they could produce red phosphorus at once.

When firing red phosphorus, the most troublesome thing is to determine the furnace temperature. If the furnace temperature is too low, red phosphorus cannot be produced, and if the temperature is too high, red phosphorus cannot be produced. In the end, Zhu Youjian came up with a solution and waited until the furnace temperature is almost heated.

When the temperature is high, let people drop water drops on the furnace wall. If the water droplets vaporize as soon as they touch the furnace wall, the temperature should be about the same.

I tried this method several times. When the water dropped onto the furnace wall and formed into rolling balls, I quickly had someone remove the heat and carry the steamer outside to dry.

After letting it dry for a while, Zhu Youjian couldn't wait to open it. After opening, there was a layer of red powder crystals floating on the sand in the pot. Fortunately, this should be red phosphorus.

"Scrape out the red powder, then find a very small bowl, put some in it, and smash it hard with a hammer."

Want to smash it again? The craftsmen did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed the emperor's instructions.

After smashing it several times, black smoke arose from the small bowl. Seeing this, the craftsmen and Zhu Youjian couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The craftsmen were angry because the weird green color didn't appear again like before.

Guang, Zhu You detected Changqi because he finally successfully produced red phosphorus. With red phosphorus, the technical bottleneck of breech-loading muskets was broken through.

"Daban, you find a prudent person to be responsible for building a factory here to boil urine and make phosphorus. I have watched the general process. Next, I will arrange for the craftsmen to continue to refine and refine the tools, and then make a large number of them.

Phosphorus. Remember that this factory is a highly confidential unit, and you must select trustworthy workers to work in it. Your expert factory must also arrange for people to keep an eye on these people, and must not leak any information about the heavy materials and preparation methods of the military state.


After boiling urine, something heavy on the military and the state was cooked! Wang Chengen felt that his outlook on life was greatly shocked. He really couldn't figure out what the heavy thing on the military and the state was after today's tossing and tossing.

With the first batch of red phosphorus prepared, Zhu Youjian came to Meishan, and then asked someone to fetch some rice paper, carefully divided the red phosphorus into small piles, then added a little paste, and then covered it with a layer of paper.

.After the paper is dry, separate these simple flash caps.

After waiting for a few days, the people from the Craftsman Research Institute made a simple bending gun according to the emperor's description, and made several bullets out of copper according to the caliber of the bending gun.

The flash cap was attached to the bottom of the bullet, and then someone was asked to test the gun. The test results were very satisfactory, with nine out of ten shots detonating successfully.

"Master Wu, judging from the test firing, this new type of fire gun can be used. Next, you have to make some snacks. Based on the style you have now explored, you can make a new fire gun that can be used in actual combat as soon as possible.

Guns. My requirements for new fire guns are not difficult to say, but they are not easy to accomplish! The caliber must be unified, all parts must have fixed sizes, and the bullets made must be usable on all fire guns! You only need to

If you meet these requirements, I will grant you special funds to build you a factory specializing in the production of new muskets and bullets! You can run this factory yourself and specialize in producing muskets for the Ming military camp. I will leave you enough profit based on the cost. In the future, you will produce muskets.

Gun, pay first and deliver later, you won’t be unable to make money.”

This chapter has been completed!
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