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Chapter 686 Candidates for Surrendering Li Dingguo

In the city of Nanjing, the special envoy sent by Ma Shiying negotiated the final treatment with Zhu Cihong and Zhang Yan. The Nanjing palace was escorted to the city of Beijing by Ren Shuangyou's troops. After arriving in the city, Zhu Cihong's family and Zhang Yan imitated the method of imprisoning Sun Chuanting and restrained them for three years.

Three years later, he regained his freedom and lived a normal life with the same treatment as other princes. During the period of confinement, the palace would still pay the monthly allowance. The new Ming Dynasty regulation of the prince's palace monthly payment was 200 taels, which included all the food and clothing expenses of the family. , and he was demoted to a noble title. In the next generation, except for the prince who succeeded to the county throne, others will have to fend for themselves. However, Zhu Cixiang’s finances are better than others, and Zhang Yan can also receive a salary similar to that of a prince. Monthly example. The two monthly examples add up to nearly 5,000 taels of silver dollars a year, which is enough to support a small family. Zhu Cixiang and Zhang Yan are now in a mother-son relationship, so they are naturally a family.

Compared with the previous treatment of the clan, the current treatment is much worse. The palace's annual expenditure on supporting the clan is less than 3 million taels of silver. You must know that before the restructuring, the normal expenditure of the Ming Dynasty on supporting the clan was 4. Even a million taels of silver can't stop it. Now that the palace's income is more, the burden on the clan is lighter. Every entry and exit has reduced Ming's burden a lot.

But this is not entirely a bad thing for the clan. They get less free money, but there are more ways to advance. Unlike before, they could only work as walking zombies and raise pigs. They can pass a series of programs organized by the royal family. Study and master certain life skills in training institutions, and get employment through the channels of Palace Property and the Royal Bank. You can earn yourself a salary. At the same time, there are many ways to advance, and the best people can even enter the officialdom.

Even if you are the worst, you can still earn a salary of two to three taels of silver dollars a month. With the current consumption level of the Ming Dynasty, a month of 2 taels is enough to maintain the daily life of a small family. There are also welfare benefits in the palace, which can solve the problem. As for basic housing issues, the standard is not bad. A few years ago, the lower-level clans did not receive such treatment. Some people went to beg for food.

After the conditions were negotiated, the main personnel of the Nanjing palace immediately left Nanjing and embarked on the road north. Thousands of other people in the palace were waiting in place, waiting for the uterine delivery system to send people to resettle and evacuate.

"For the palace residents in Nanjing, the palace labor system will run some factories in Nanjing City to solve the resettlement problem. After the Nanjing Palace City is renovated, three universities should be built on the original site, a comprehensive university and a normal school. The Military Academy has another branch there.

The organizational system of Nanzhili was abolished, the six ministries of Nanjing and the treatment of the capital were revoked, and Huifeng Province was established based on the area under the jurisdiction of the former Lufeng Governor's Office. The provincial government was located in Luzhou. The remaining areas of Nanzhili were established as Jiangnan Province, and the provincial government was located in Luzhou. Nanjing City and Songjiang Prefecture are special prefectures with the same structure as Beijing City." Zhu Youjian set the final plan for taking over Nanjing City and Nanjing City in the imperial meeting! Divide Nanjing City into three parts, and also divide Nanjing City into three parts. The level has dropped a big step.

This is not only due to the influence of later generations' memories, but also the deeper reason is to reduce the influence of Jiangnan scholars centered in Nanjing. The original Nanzhi was too big, and the economic foundation was not bad. As the saying goes, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. With the economic support of Nanzhi, their political influence will always be strong. Even if it is temporarily suppressed, it will return to its original state over time.

In this case, let's split them up so that they become scattered and unable to form a joint force. In the future, the core area of ​​​​the entire Jiangnan will be moved from Nanjing and Suzhou to Songjiang. Considering geographical factors, Songjiang Prefecture is better than Nanjing City as the core

The core is more suitable for the central court to control the south of the Yangtze River. Although Songjiang Mansion can occupy the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, it is convenient for shipping and the Yangtze River waterway, and is suitable for economic development. But its geographical location is too far east, unlike Nanjing City, which is naturally the center of the south of the Yangtze River and can make the entire

Jiangnan's resources are naturally concentrated on itself. Overall, the natural adsorption capacity of Songjiang Prefecture is still worse than that of Nanjing City.

In later generations, even though the economic development of Nanjing City was not at the forefront in the entire Jiangnan region, and its political status was average, its science, education, culture and health were not inferior to those of cities ranked higher than it. At the same time, its influence on neighboring provinces was also

It is unmatched by any other provincial capital city.

Although the economic conditions in Wandi are worse than those in other Jiangnan areas, the energy of this place cannot be measured by economic conditions! If this place is divided, half of the talents who originally belonged to Nanzhi will be divided. Like Ruan Dacheng,

From now on, Fang Yizhi and others will be considered as people from two provinces as Zhou Yanru and others, and will no longer be fellow townsmen. The purpose of dividing Huifeng Province is to split the influence of the Jiangnan gentry group.

"Your Majesty, there are currently two main enemy groups in the Jiangnan area. One is Zuo Menggeng's tribe, and the other is Li Dingguo's tribe. Do you want the army to pursue the bandits bravely and chase down and wipe out the remaining bandits in this area as soon as possible?

"Wu Sheng is one of the few important ministers left in Beijing, so he is now worried about military and political affairs. Now that all the armies are in Jiangnan, he naturally wants to quickly pacify Zhejiang and Jiangxi, and the Ming Dynasty will end as soon as possible.

Let’s talk about the main battle.

"Just follow the plan previously planned by the Military Command Hall and promote the recovery of other areas except Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi as soon as possible." The Pingnan Campaign progressed relatively smoothly, and the ministries did not engage in large-scale wars of attrition, so there was no need for rest.

After briefly communicating the situation, this routine imperial military and political meeting ended. The better the situation, the less interesting the imperial meeting. Under the current situation, Zhu Youjian felt that he could actually fish by himself.

After the meeting, Zhu Youjian was thinking about something on the way back to the palace. He wanted to send someone to Jiangxi to persuade Li Dingguo to surrender!

This matter is not easy to handle! Li Dingguo’s situation is different from anyone who has surrendered and rebelled in the past two years. He has no relationship with himself as a monarch or a minister. He has followed Zhang Xianzhong as a rebel since he was a child. It can be said that he is the rebel of Miao Hong.

The second generation. In other words, there is no sense of trust between him and the court.

At the same time, he has not yet reached the point of desperation. Even if the imperial troops recover the entire Jiangxi, he does not have to give up the idea of ​​becoming a rebel and bandit.

In the real historical time and space, Li Dingguo finally became a minister of the Ming Dynasty, but it did not happen until the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, and foreign enemies invaded! The current situation is very different from the real historical time and space, and he can still explain it.


No matter what, we have to give it a try, otherwise Zhu Youjian will be uneasy. Who should he send? It seems that these people in the court have no friendship with Li Dingguo, so they may not be able to talk to him! And he has to send someone

Only when someone with enough weight comes over can he talk things through. If he doesn't have enough weight, Li Dingguo won't take it seriously, and he might even develop a rebellious mentality. Once this guy develops a rebellious mentality, he will have no chance of surrendering in the future.

"Go and summon Xin Lehou to enter the palace. I have something important to do to meet him." After pondering for a long time, Zhu Youjian decided to send his cousin Xin Lehou and the director of the Royal Mint, Liu Wenbin, to do this.

Liu Wenbin is his real relative. Although he is not an important minister in the court, his status is no lower than that of an important minister. From Li Dingguo's point of view, sending a relative to do this kind of thing is probably better than others.

This chapter has been completed!
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