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Chapter 689 The dark face is because the girl has oil in her house!

Foot binding does not seem to be a crucial matter, but it is the only embodiment of the new policy and new trend that can cover almost all families and can be visibly managed. If this omission is thoroughly implemented, only

As far as politics itself is concerned, it is of great significance.

It allows people all over the world to personally feel the changes in the atmosphere brought about by the New Deal, and to physically reflect the results of the New Deal. For example, in Beijing now, more and more women appear on the streets and in factories. Children will be curious.

People look at women with small feet and laugh at them.

This is a change in aesthetic and social concepts. This change will also bring about people's criticism of the old omissions deep in their consciousness, thus forming an atmosphere in which the whole society is cut off from the old concepts.

It is easier said than done to change the custom of foot binding. When it is put into the core national policy to implement it, the difficulty is not as great as imagined. Ordinary people will not argue with the government because of this regulation.

The power is so strong that in real history, the Manchu Qing Dynasty could change the style of their hair in a very short time, so the problem lies in whether the people who performed it took it seriously.

It is necessary to implement the ban on foot binding as the main task, to create a strong atmosphere of public opinion in the whole society, and to promote changes in the ideological concepts of the whole society through liberalization. This is Zhu Youjian's starting point for further clarifying this decree.

In order to promote the implementation of the policy, Zhu Youjian specially invited Ruan Dacheng and asked him to control the newspaper system to regularly and irregularly publicize and interpret the policy prohibiting foot binding, and to expose and criticize those who hinder the implementation of the policy.

In short, this is a major matter, related to the new trend of the Ming Dynasty, and cannot be treated as an optional matter.

In fact, foot-binding was not a completely popular custom throughout the Ming Dynasty, and it was most common in the Jiangnan region. In some remote areas, women did not widely have their feet bound. Like northern Shaanxi, there were actually very few girls with foot-binding, especially in

Girls from ordinary farmers' families basically don't have their feet bound.

Zhang Erya walked into her house with her big feet. She washed her oily hands with soap and sawdust in an enamel basin, then lit an oil lamp, took out new clothes from the small closet, and put them on the bed.

before looking at it carefully.

She has bought new clothes for more than two months, but she is reluctant to wear them once because she is afraid of getting dirty. As a child of an oil digger, even if she is a cooking girl, she will inevitably come into contact with black oil. She will be covered with black oil.

There would always be oil stains on her upper and lower body. Naturally, she was reluctant to take out the new clothes and wear them. She originally wanted to save them until the Chinese New Year. However, she had to put on the new clothes tomorrow.

The family wants to marry her, and tomorrow the matchmaker will bring the young couple to meet her at home.

At this time, people in northern Shaanxi got married, unlike the custom in the south of the Yangtze River. Young men and women had to meet each other before they could decide on the marriage.

I don’t know what the young man I will meet tomorrow looks like. I heard from the matchmaker that he is the son of a wealthy family in Yanchuan County. His family background is not bad, but I don’t know what he looks like and whether he is good-looking. Don’t be a fool!

Zhang Erya was really worried that the person she met was too tall to look at. She was not a child from a rich man's family. If there were no problems, why would he come over to have a blind date with a child from the mountains like her?

Carefully considering her new clothes, the girl Zhang Erya's mind was racing, full of worries and expectations about what would happen tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Erya put on new clothes and was busy in the kitchen. What was she busy with in the kitchen? She was not busy with anything. All the things in the kitchen were done by the sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law in the clan, so she

She's just sitting in the kitchen. Letting her use the stove will stain her new clothes. If the younger generation who came for a blind date or his family members see her, they will think the girl is a bit sloppy.

The women of the Zhang family understand this very well. Now that the conditions at home have improved, we have to pay attention to things that need to be paid attention to. Our Zhang family is not what we could compare to a year ago. We are a family with oil wells. How can we do this?

What detail was overlooked?

When it was almost noon, the matchmaker brought the younger generation and their parents to the Zhang family. After the woman in the kitchen listened to the letter, the atmosphere immediately became lively. Sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law rushed to bring tea and snacks to the main room, naturally for the purpose of inspecting

Ichiban may become the new son-in-law.

"Erya, you're growing well. You're not small, and you're fair. Look at the hands that take the tea. They have thin hair. It doesn't look like they've done hard work." The first person who inquired about the information came over and reported the observation.

arrival situation.

"Second sister, the new brother-in-law's family has forty acres of water land along the river. It belongs to the rich man's family. When I first delivered the water, the second grandfather happened to tell the matchmaker about this." Another spy came to report the news.

"Erya, there are four brothers in his family. He is the third and the one who suffers the most. The eldest and the second are both married. It will be a troublesome thing for the family to divide the property in the future." This time the spy brought

Not good news.

After the women came in and out a few times, it was the turn of the host to show up to Erya, who also carried a plate to deliver the food. This is the opportunity created for both parties to meet during the blind date. Both men and women should use this seemingly inadvertent way

This is an opportunity to look at both parties carefully and decide on life-long events.

Carrying the rice plate, Zhang Erya walked into the main room of his house. He quickly glanced around the room and recognized the owner. He quickly put the rice on the plate on the table and scanned it inadvertently.

With a serious look on her face, she hurriedly left the main room.

"How's it going? Who do you think you can see?" As soon as Zhang Erya returned to the kitchen, a group of women gathered around and asked about the result of the meeting.

"The clothes he is wearing are not too new." Zhang Erya was very embarrassed to tell her the results of his observation.

"How do you look at me?" the women continued to ask.

"People are still upright, but they don't know what their hearts are like?"

"Oh! Our second girl has fallen in love with someone. This marriage can work out." The women who asked questions quickly realized that women are much more sensitive to this kind of thing than men. If you don't like someone,

, who cares whether his heart is good or not?

After noon, the matchmaker took the young man out of Zhang's house and left Qinghua Township in a donkey cart.

On the road, on a cart pulled by two donkeys, the young man's father said, "How is the third child doing? Can the marriage be settled?"

"I don't even know who that woman is."

"You idiot, that's the woman wearing the red flower dress who came here to deliver the long meal."

"What about that? A pair of big feet, and the face is a bit dark." The young man expressed his feelings.

"Isn't it because the girl's face is dark because she has fat at home, and her feet are too big? Big feet are popular in the court now, and girls with big feet are prosperous. Just tell me whether this can be done! It is not possible for our family to get into such a marriage.

It’s easy. How many families now want to get married to someone with an oil well? I knew in the past that the Zhang family didn’t have a tile-roofed house, and the family couldn’t afford a new pair of pants. Now look at the new houses built at home.

They are more courageous than those who own paddy fields. A whole family of young and old, isn’t the one they are wearing brand new? We have only been digging oil here for a year, it’s really incredible.”

This chapter has been completed!
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