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Chapter 698: Soldiers Return Home

"Your Majesty, I hope that after you return to the people, you will still retain your true qualities as a soldier, and you will bravely make new contributions in the local area and contribute to the imperial court's governance of the people and the prosperity of the country. Your Majesty and the imperial court will pay attention to your local performance at any time and will do their best to ensure your local performance.

The treatment will not make veterans feel wronged in their local areas."

In the city of Zhengzhou, Gao Zennuo was listening to a general's final retirement words with a group of retired personnel. They will end their military careers and return to civilian service.

The demobilization system has been implemented for several years, but in the previous years, the scope of implementation was very small, and it was not expanded until this year. Gao Zengnuo had already served in the army before becoming a new soldier. After joining the new army,

From a private soldier to a platoon leader, he was regarded as a junior officer at the grassroots level. This time, because he was a little older and had not attended a military academy, he was finally determined to be a demobilized personnel. The treatment for demobilization was not bad, he was an eighth-grade officer and a general.

Served as the director of inspection in the criminal department of Nanjing City.

After listening to the retirement message, completing all the formalities and packing their luggage, the retired personnel were transported to Zhengzhou Station by open carriages carrying troops, and then embarked on a journey back home under the transportation of special vehicles organized by the station. Before officially taking office

, they have forty days of leave to go back to their hometown to visit relatives.

Gao Zengnuo's original hometown was in Shanxi, but his current home is in Huairou, so when he returns to his hometown, he will naturally return to Huairou.

It took about ten days for the twelve-passenger rail car to transport Gao Zengnuo to Huairou. Fortunately, there is a railway in Huairou, otherwise it would have taken even longer. After arriving in Huairou, there was no special transportation

The soldiers' vehicles were lost, and Gao Zengnuo found a way to get home on his own.

Fortunately, the countryside here in Huairou now has urban and rural shuttle buses similar to those of later generations, and flatbed carriages specially used to travel between urban and rural areas. After buying a ticket and riding the carriage, Gao Zengnuo hurried to the former No. 7 Anmin Home in Huairou, which is now the

Rushing to Xin'an Township, Huairou.

"Young man, are you a retired soldier?" On the carriage, an old man who was riding with him saw Gao Zengnuo wearing military uniform and carrying luggage, so they started talking.

Gao Zennuo replied: "Yes! He was just demobilized."

"These days, I see demobilized soldiers returning to their hometowns. I often meet you. Where is your home?"

"From Xin'an Township."

"Oh, no wonder you have a Shanxi accent. You are from the Anmin Institute. I'm afraid you won't be able to stay long after you return home. Where were you assigned after you were demobilized?"

"You can only stay for about ten days when you return to your hometown. After you settle down at home, you must quickly report to the Military Service Bureau in your province and then go to Nanjing City." The forty days of visiting relatives are counted from the time you leave the military camp to the military service in your province.

The time you report to the military service bureau does not count as the time to report to the assigned unit. The Military Service Bureau is a local unit under the Ministry of War. Its main job is to recruit soldiers and provide placement services for retired soldiers.

"Nanjing is a great place! My second son also joined the army last year. I wonder if he will be able to find a place like yours after he retires." After sighing with emotion, the old man talked about his children.

"The treatment for retired soldiers in the imperial court is good now, old man, don't worry." Seeing the old man talking about his children, Gao Zengnuo quickly expressed his comfort.

"Good treatment is good, but there are only so many good places in the world, and you may not be able to get the best one. But then again, how bad can it be? Wherever you go, you are eating official meals, which is better than digging in the fields.

Is he well fed? My son can be sent to wherever he wants in the future. If he carries the official meal, it will not be in vain to send him to a military camp." The old man said sincerely and sent his son to join the army in order to prevent him from having to go to the military camp.

If you become a farmer again, you can continue to enjoy official meals. Eating official meals is the heartfelt desire and dream of the people of the Ming Dynasty.

After arriving in Xin'an Township, as soon as Gao Zengnuo got out of the car, he was surrounded by the neighbors he met. Most of them didn't know Gao Zengnuo, but what does it matter? They were all from the same village.

Naturally, they are fellow villagers. After hearing that Gao Zengnuo's retirement salary was the eighth grade, the people around him became even more excited. The eighth grade is on the same level as the mayor. The standard official is a person from our hometown, the same as Yourong.


The excited and enthusiastic crowd gathered around Gao Zengnuo and walked to his home. The party was lively for a while before it ended. Gao Zengnuo's wife, his wife and children, and his elder brother's family waited for the crowd to leave before they had the opportunity to have a serious chat with him.

"Nuo'er, it's true that you don't send a letter in advance when you return to your hometown. I'll ask your brother to drive the carriage to the station to pick you up. You still have to walk all this distance by yourself." The old woman wiped her tears with her hands, and then spoke.

He complained about his son.

"Mom, my second brother is retired from the army. The arrangement must be in a hurry. Where can I find the time to write a letter? My second brother, your retiring treatment is the eighth grade? What a pity, our Gao family really has an eighth grade master." Gao Zengguang.

Take the lead and start talking.

"I am a member of the eighth grade, but I have to go to Nanjing to take up my post. It's too far away from home! I can't stay at home for a few days. When I come back this time, I have to discuss with my eldest brother, where should my mother follow me to Nanjing? Or should I stay in Huairou?


"Mom is so old, why should I follow you to Nanjing? Are you afraid that my brother can't support me? She will stay in Huairou and let your sister-in-law take care of her. From now on, you and your sister-in-law can come and visit you when you have time off!

"After several years of separation, the eldest son of the Gao family has become much more responsible than before.

"Mom will stay in Huairou. It's customary to live here. You don't have to worry about mother's affairs. Just be a good officer." Gao's mother also expressed her position. He knew that the second son had just retired and was going to a strange place.

It would definitely be inconvenient for me to take a job.

"Anywhere will do. I will send money to my elder brother every year from now on. Every two years, I will have forty days of family leave to come back to see my mother." Gao Zengnuo also knows his own situation, and he is definitely not taking his mother to Nanjing now.


After the whole family happily had a meal, Gao Zennuo had time to talk privately with his wife and children in the small house. After joining the army, he only returned home once a year.

I don’t have much family life. It’s the first time I met my son, and the little guy doesn’t even call me dad.

It is better to retire, because my wife and son can be by my side, and when I go to Nanjing, my small family will feel like a home. The salary of the eighth grade is four taels of silver per month, plus the government subsidies in different regions, like Nanjing, every day

With about seven taels of silver dollars a month, there is no problem in supporting a small family.

After arriving in Nanjing, I want to have a few more children with my wife. The eldest brother and I got married at the same time, and now we have four children, while I only have one son. I must put the time spent in the army into consideration.

To add to that, Gao Zengnuo, holding his wife in his arms, began to seriously plan his retirement life.

In the army, he lived a collective life, and even his thinking was somewhat collective. He didn't dare to think about family life. Now, his thinking began to return to normal.

This chapter has been completed!
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