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Chapter 700 You are entrusted with the task of governing the Qinhuai River!

After staying at home for ten days, Gao Zengnuo was urged by his mother to rush to Xuanhua to report, so as not to waste time and his official position.

Originally, he wanted to stay for two more days, but my mother couldn't bear the urging, so he had no choice but to take his wife and children in his elder brother's carriage, and were sent to Huairou, and then took the bus to Xuanhua. He paid at the Military Service Bureau in Xuanhua

After obtaining the relevant documents and completing the formalities, he was notified to stay at the hostel of the Military Service Bureau first. When the people reporting here were gathered, they were sent to the capital together to arrange for them to go south.

On the railway line, the most concentrated group of people during this period are the demobilized soldiers and their families who went south. This year, the demobilized people are mainly soldiers from Zhili, Shandong, and Xuanmi areas in Yunzhong. It is more convenient to rely on the railway line to go south.


Gao Zengnuo's family of three, and two other demobilized soldiers who also came from Xuanhua, were assigned to a carriage and walked all the way to Yanzhou. After getting off the Yanzhou station, they transferred to the official carriage and continued southward. After arriving in Xuzhou

Stay overnight and then take a boat through the canal to Nanjing.

The canal has been abandoned for too long, and Zhu Youjian has no plans to rebuild the canal. The canal north of Xuzhou is considered abandoned. The hydrological conditions south of Xuzhou are better and can still be used. Now, if you go south, it is Yanzhou

There are some problems with Xuzhou. There is no railway and the canal is not usable. After passing the Yanzhou and Xuzhou sections, the situation will be much better. In this era, it is already the best transportation condition. The railway between Yanzhou and Xuzhou is under construction

We should seize the time to repair it and it is expected to be completed and open to traffic before the end of next year.

Riding the passenger ship on the canal, Gao Zengnuo walked from the cabin to the deck, looking at the scenery on both sides of the river passing by, he couldn't help but be fascinated. From now on, he will most likely live in the south of the Yangtze River, from his hometown of Shanxi to Huairou, and later

After joining the army and fighting all the way to Huguang, I have traveled all over the country and met some people in the world. I don't know if I can adapt to the life in the Jiangnan water town in the future.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and then took out the newly bought lighter. Gao Zengnuo lit up the cigarette and his thoughts drifted to the distance. The lighter in his hand was newly bought, the one he brought out from the military camp and was given away!

When we were at Huairou's house, my mother insisted that she go to Tian's house to repay the gift, saying that Tian Ge had visited her many times over the years, and it was unreasonable not to return the gift. She brought the gift to Tian's house, talked casually for a while, and then left. But before leaving the house,

When they arrived, Tian Ge stopped him and asked if he could give him a gift. From now on, the north and the south would be far apart, and I was afraid they would never see each other again.

How could Gao Zennuo have the habit of carrying gifts with him? Just when he was in trouble, Tian Ge took the initiative and asked for the lighter he carried with him. His wife must not know about this, otherwise it would cause another trouble.

It was a smooth journey all the way to Nanjing. After landing at the dock in Nanjing, Gao Zengnuo rushed to the Criminal Bureau of Chengnan District to report. In order to facilitate management, the imperial court established district-level administrative districts equivalent to county-level administrative units in some big cities after the New Deal. Districts

The current naming of administrative districts at each level is relatively simple, usually based on their directions. The Beijing side is divided into four urban districts, and the Nanjing side is temporarily divided into two urban districts, Chengnan District and Chengbei District.

After arriving at the Criminal Bureau, he handed his identity introduction letter and retirement certificate to the receptionist, and was quickly led to the office of the Criminal Director of Chengnan District.

An official who was walking with a slight limp saw Gao Zengnuo and quickly said, "But Brother Gao? He retired from the 54th Division?"

"She was the one who retreated from the 54th Division." Gao Zengnuo was a little confused, but looking at the leader of the Criminal Bureau who looked like he was asking, he hurriedly responded.

"It's fate that I am a veteran of the 54th Division. Before I retired, I was also a member of the 54th Division. Let me introduce myself. I am Li Xiqiang. I am now the Criminal Director of Nanjing Chengnan. Like you, I am a retired soldier." It was the original person who spoke.

Li Laizi, who works as the inspection director in Beijing, was transferred to the Central Plains and then to Nanjing recently.

The criminal director at the district and county level is an important position, and it is also a relatively technical position. When arranging candidates, the Ministry of Civil Affairs adopted the principle of appointing new officials to old places and old officials to new places for adjustment, so as to avoid relocating new areas and leaving them all in the same place.

It is inconvenient to start work to help the newly demobilized people. A large number of criminal officials from Beizhi, Shandong, Yunzhong, and the Central Plains area were transferred to the Xinfu area. It is hoped that these people with work experience can lead the newly demobilized people.

Newbies, please straighten out your criminal work as soon as possible and get it on track.

"I have met Director Li in my humble position!" Gao Zengnuo

Upon hearing this, he quickly performed a military salute and formally reported to Li Laizi.

"Brother Gao, please don't be cautious and take a seat quickly. From your letter of introduction, you are going to be the inspection director in our Chengnan District. Currently, there are four vacant inspection stations in our district. I will give them to you.

Let me introduce you to where you want to work..."

After giving up his seat to Gao Zennuo, Li Xiqiang hurriedly talked about work matters. He was now seriously short of manpower. When someone came, he had to determine the job position first and ask him to get to work quickly.

After hearing what Li Xiqiang said about the four empty inspection stations, Gao Zengnuo's eyes darkened and he had no idea. However, he was smart and knew that it was best to ask the superior for his opinion.

"I'm new to this humble position, so I have to obey my superior's orders in everything."

"Okay, as expected, he is a man from our army with discipline. I am not polite. Now, the Chenjiafang area near the Qinhuai River is the most troublesome. My intention is that my dear brother will be the director of Chenjiafang inspection.

Get the job done."

"I accept the order from my humble position." Gao Zengnuo quickly saluted and accepted the appointment, although he had no idea about the Qinhuai River or Chenjiafang. In his opinion, no matter how chaotic it is, there is no chaos in the war zone, right? He can handle the war zone with mountains of swords and seas of fire.

What's there to worry about about the Qinhuai River?

"Since Brother Gao has accepted the order, I will entrust you with the important task of regulating the Qinhuai River. Today, you will first settle down at home under the leadership of the officials in the bureau. From tomorrow, you will go to work in the bureau and get familiar with it.

After a few days of work, I will arrange for someone to take you to your job. By the way, tomorrow night, I will throw a reception banquet for you in the bureau cafeteria, so be sure to show your appreciation."

After leaving the director's office, the bureau staff took Gao Zengnuo to the concierge to receive his family papers and salute, and then led him to the bureau's family area.

"High Inspection Inspector, this is the area arranged by the bureau for the families of officials at the station level. Housing is a little tight right now. Only two families can live in a small courtyard. The conditions are relatively simple. I hope you don't dislike it. After the family building is repaired, the conditions will be

Okay. Do you want to live in the east wing or the west wing?" The receptionist led Gao Zengnuo to a small courtyard in the family area and introduced him to the situation.

"I wonder, has another family lived in this courtyard?"

"Not yet. In this small courtyard, Director Gao and his family are the only ones here for the time being."

"I'll choose the west wing."

After choosing a place to live, Gao Zengnuo quickly moved into his new house with his wife. This will be his first place to stay in Nanjing. The couple brought few gifts, including beds and other arrangements.

It has already been arranged and the new home was quickly packed up.

This chapter has been completed!
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