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Chapter 708: The train made Daming's first civilian night market!

The fact that trains can hit the road can be said to have truly opened the door to the era, and the steam age has arrived. Since the emergence of the steam engine, Zhu Youjian has spared no effort to promote it in recent years, and its maturity has become higher and higher. Even if there is no such thing as a train

As a representative object, the practicality of the steam engine cannot be doubted. With the advent of the train, there will probably be no force that can stop the vigorous development of the steam engine.

From now on, due to the emergence of the representative thing of the train, Ming Dynasty will be unstoppable in entering the steam age. The steam age is not just about trains, but the steam age without trains is incomplete and incomplete. The steam engine has finally come out of its infancy and is no longer in its infancy.

It needs special care and can thrive on its own strength.

After taking the ministers on a trial ride, that is, in January, the first steam train appeared on the railway line from Beijing to Tongzhou.

This train is more complete than the previous test vehicles. The carriages are no longer flat cars, but have sheds and windows, as well as wooden seats inside. One carriage can hold thirty people, and one locomotive can tow four

There are five carriages, which can accommodate a total of 12 to 150 people.

It can be seen from the number of passengers on a single train that the current train design fully considers military purposes. One train can just transport an infantry company. In future combat delivery, it will be more convenient than the existing mule and horse rail cars.

And a lot of decoration.

When the train was first put into trial operation, in order to avoid operational conflicts with mule-horse rail cars and cause connection problems, it was arranged to run at night. A large oil lamp was used as a light on the front of the train, so it was no problem to drive at night.

Tongzhou is only about 60 miles away from Jingshi East Station. The speed advantage of trains is not very obvious. For short distances, the speed of horse-drawn carriages has no disadvantage. At present, the speed advantage of trains is mainly reflected in durability. However, in terms of transportation capacity,

The advantages of trains have already emerged. During the one-month trial run, six steam locomotives rolled off the assembly line. With six trains, nine batches of round-trip trains can pass between Beijing and Tongzhou every night. If it is purely for transporting people, it can

It allows more than 2,000 people to travel between Tongzhou and Beijing.

However, because there are fewer people traveling at night, most trains are for transporting goods. Each train costs more than 500 tons, and nearly 10,000 tons of goods can be transported in one night. This greatly eases the transportation of goods between Beijing and Tongzhou.

Traffic pressure. According to estimates by the railway transportation agency, if there are about 20 to 30 locomotives, the railway cargo transportation tasks between Beijing and Tongzhou can be fully shouldered by trains.

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, the huge functions of trains were immediately noticed by commercial organizations with railway transportation rights. In just one month, they placed orders for more than 300 locomotives to the train production factory. According to the current production capacity of the locomotive factory, one

It may not be possible to produce it within a year.

The market responded so quickly that the production plant could only seize the time to expand production. Fortunately, in the past few years, it has accumulated some technical workers and experience and equipment in manufacturing steam engines. The uterine delivery system is capable of rapid expansion. At present, the steam locomotive

For production, the Tiangong Bureau is responsible for technical support, and the steam machinery factory of the uterine delivery system is responsible for the specific production. Within ten years, 50% of the profits generated will be distributed to the Tiangong Bureau's account to provide research funds and improvement personnel for the Tiangong Bureau.


To say which group's treatment has changed the most after Zhu Youjian traveled through time, it must be the craftsmen and designers who entered the Tiangong Bureau. There are basically no poor people among the staff now, and many of them can even earn 500 taels a year.

Silver dollars are almost the same as the salaries received by mid-level and high-level officials in the DPRK. In addition to the substantial improvement in material treatment, social status has also been qualitatively improved. Zhu Youjian stipulated that craftsmen and designers who joined the Tiangong Bureau were equivalent to

Officials. In the past, college students were expelled from school because they disrespected the craftsmen of the Tiangong Bureau and were sent to Daning for labor reform. Now no one dares to disrespect the craftsmen of the Tiangong Bureau.

In the hot July, the hearts of idlers in the capital are warm.

"Did you buy it?"


"How many?"


"Let's draw lots to decide who will go to Tongzhou tonight."

The train only ran at night, and at first there were only two round-trips every night. In order to take the legendary train, idle people in the capital queued up and sold tickets in broad daylight, but often could not buy tickets. These idle people bought tickets for no reason.

Others, just to experience it. Some very extreme people even buy train tickets every now and then and go to Tongzhou in the middle of the night to enjoy the scenery.

Because there are too many idle people, it is difficult to get a ticket for the night passenger trains, which were not originally in actual demand! The trains are often full to go and back. Seeing that the demand is so great, several newly arrived trains are specially arranged by the transportation company to carry passengers.

Trains, five or six more passenger lines have been added, and demand is still in short supply.

"Hou San, the tickets we bought today will take more than two hours between the round trip and the trip. What did you do after arriving in Tongzhou?" Sitting on the train, a few idlers looked at the black paint passing by outside the window.

They were looking at the beautiful scenery and excitedly talking about what arrangements they would make after arriving in Tongzhou.

Idle people take the bus purely to experience the experience and have nothing serious to do. They go there the same night and come back the same night, mainly so that they can brag to others the next day. So after they arrive at Tongzhou Station, how do they spend the free time between the round trip and the return trip?

It's very important. You can't wait for two hours in the middle of the night for the cold wind to blow, right?

"Let's go and have a bowl of big meat noodles first. The noodles sold at the night stall east of Tongzhou Station are very good. They say they seem to be passed down from Baoding. The price is also cheap, much more affordable than the noodles made in Beijing.

"Eh. For this bowl of noodles, we can afford a trip to Tongzhou in the middle of the night." A fool said some foolish words. No matter how cheap the noodles are, the round-trip fare is free.

"Where can I finish my noodles? You can't eat a bowl of noodles for two hours, right?"

"I heard from people who visited Tongzhou a day or two ago that the singers and jugglers outside the station have been performing until dawn in recent days. Wouldn't it be just right for us to watch the jugglers and jugglers for an hour or two?"

"It's just right! Let's go to Tongzhou in the evening, so we're here."

Because of the train, and because of these idlers, the nightlife at Tongzhou Station was accidentally brought up. In the past, there were not many places for nightlife in the entire Ming Dynasty. The only nightlife that can be thought of was brothels and prostitutes, which were popular in the past few years.

The theaters that have grown up are high-consumption venues that even people with a little money don't often go to. The nightlife at Tongzhou Station is more than what people usually think of as a nightlife market. Maybe Tongzhou's night market is the first in the entire Ming Dynasty.

A night market for civilians. It flourished due to the arrival of idlers, and soon local residents also participated. How can you miss such a lively place during the long night?

This chapter has been completed!
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