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Chapter 79 How many people can fill it?

At five o'clock in the morning, a few auxiliary soldiers from the Qing army and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty had just finished serving their master on the gate tower of Hejian Fucheng, and were about to take a moment to relax.

"Tou, why do I feel something moving below the city?" A Han soldier told his general his feelings.

"Is there something going on below the city? Don't you think the dogs will come and steal our city? Even if they have the guts to do so, they won't dare to steal it, so go and take a nap for a while! We have to get up and open the city gate tomorrow morning!"

Will the Ming army come to steal the city? Not to mention the Manchus, even these traitors would not believe it. What the Ming army was most afraid of when defending the city was that someone would board the city and fight at close quarters, while the Manchus were least afraid of this. So.

Don't look at the careless way people guard the city. The people in the city are raping, looting, and living in debauchery all day long, but they are not afraid of the city being stolen.

At this time, there was indeed movement under the city. The New Army selected more than 20 gunners and took five new tiger crouching cannons to lurk in a weed pile under the Hejian City Gate at night. Their mission was to lurk quietly.

, when the people dressed as a Qing army transport team arrived at the city and started to seize the city gate, they bombarded the city gate tower with tiger crouching cannons, making it impossible for the Qing troops on the top of the city to assist the Qing troops below the city in time.

There are only two difficulties in this mission. One is to lurk. They must not be discovered by the Qing army at the top of the city before the soldiers who capture the city arrive. The other is to drill the artillery accurately. If you are asked to hit the city gate tower, if the cannonball falls

Entering the city and exploding among your own crowd would be a disservice.

At this time, two miles outside the city, there was also a group of people lurking. This group of people were the fastest soldiers selected from the two brigades of new troops. Their task was to wait for the gate-capturers to seize the city gate.

Run into the city as fast as possible, help the troops seizing the city, withstand the first round of the Qing army's offensive, and wait for the main force, which is six miles away, to enter the city.

The sun had already risen in the sky. The Han soldiers guarding the city in Hejian Prefecture opened the city gate in a hurry, and then stood lazily on the upper and lower floors of the city gate and took a nap. Helping the Qing army to defend the city was the most important job.

It's boring. Almost no one comes to the city now. Except for a few transport teams sent from the south to transport plundered supplies, not even a dog enters the city.

Wang Tianxiang was the leader of the Han army defending the city. He was crawling listlessly on the top of the city and yawning. One of his soldiers ran over. "General, it seems that a team is coming in front. It is probably my master's food transport team."

"Why is it so early today? Come to the top of the city and take a look to see if it's the master's team."

Standing on the city gate tower and taking a closer look, Wang Tianxiang did not dare to neglect the attire of the Eight Banners soldiers. He quickly ran down the city to prepare for the arrival of his master.

After waiting at the bottom of the city for a while, the grain transport team had almost arrived at the bottom of the city.

"It's strange today. Why didn't the master send his own soldiers to let us go out of the city to help transport things?" Wang Tianxiang said to himself while waiting.

Ren Shuangyou is the new army commander who is pretending to be the Qing army's grain transport team this time. He is a little nervous as he slowly reaches the city gate in front of him. There are still about 300 steps to reach the city. If you get closer, you will definitely be attacked.

The Qing army found out! It's time to start taking action! "The cavalry is ready to charge, and the people in the rear will follow us quickly after we rush in."

After saying the order, Ren Shuangyou flicked his riding whip and rushed towards the city.

"No, it's not the master, it's Ming Gou." Wang Tianxiang reacted immediately when he saw the faces of the rushing Ming army cavalry. But by this time, it was too late. Ren Shuang, who was rushing at the front, had no chance.

With a bent gun, he shot Wang Tianxiang. Wang Tianxiang fell to the ground at the sound, his eyes were as big as those of an ox, and he refused to close his eyes.

Twenty or so Han soldiers who were guarding the gate of the city were knocked to the ground before they could react. Ren Shuangyou, who rushed into the city, did not stop, but continued to rush in until they reached the gate of Weng City, whereupon they stopped their horses.


"Everyone dismounted and hid in the two gates, waiting for the artillery attack." Ren Shuangyou directed the troops to line up at the city gate to form a volley, and at the same time ordered everyone not to leave the city gate. At this time, artillery had to move the gate upstairs.

Let's wait for a while to blast the Qing troops in the Weng City wall. The key to the battle to capture the city is not to rush into the city gate, but to capture the entire Weng City defense system. If Weng City cannot be captured, the army will be a living target when entering the city.

The artillerymen lurking outside the city had already climbed out of the grass when Ren Shuangyou and the others captured the city, and began to nervously set up artillery and prepare ammunition. After Ren Shuangyou and the others gave the firing signal, they set up five squatting tiger cannons.

There was a thundering fury.

Five cannons fired three rounds of artillery, and more than a dozen shells exploded near the city gate tower and Wengcheng. Some shells even fell into the courtyard of Wengcheng, almost hitting Ren Shuang and the others.

"The three rounds of artillery are finished. Except for the front team who is standing outside the door, everyone else follows me to the city to kill the Tatars!" Ren Shuangyou waited for the sound of the artillery and immediately issued a military order and took the lead along the runway entering the city wall.

dash forward.

At this time, Tan Tai, the Qing garrison general who lived in the Yamen of Hejian Fucheng, heard the sudden sound of gunfire! He was stunned for a while and then realized that this was the Ming army coming to seize the city.

"Hurry up and ring the bell to gather the soldiers! The daring Ming army is coming to attack the city. The sound should be from the south gate! After everyone is dressed, follow me and fight towards the south gate!"

When Tan Tai issued an urgent order to assemble the troops, the main force of the new army, led by Cao Ruohai and Liu Yuanbin, had already taken control of the Wengcheng defense system at the southern gate tower of Hejian Prefecture.

"Ruohai, it seems like it's going to happen this time. Now we have to start killing the prisoners quickly. Your brigade is responsible for occupying and controlling all the city gates and Wengcheng along the city wall. I will lead a brigade along the main street to kill.

, meet these cannibal thieves."

After Liu Yuanbin and Cao Ruohai completed their division of labor, they each led their troops and rushed in along the city wall and main street! This time their goal was not just to seize the city, but to annihilate all the Qing soldiers in the city!

After Tan Tai hurriedly gathered hundreds of soldiers, he impatiently set off from the main street to fight towards the south gate. The two sides met in the street.

"Throw the grenades in as hard as I can. I want to see how many of these thieves are filling in. If we don't beat the crap out of the Tatars today, I won't rest. The Musketeers and Machete Teams are all following the good team."

If the grenades haven’t exploded, just reload your guns and kill them quickly! Don’t leave anyone alive, otherwise you’ll have to waste imperial wine to heal these bastards.” Liu Yuanbin met the Qing soldiers on the street and fought an exciting and happy battle.

.The narrow space on the street is just the right place to take advantage of grenades and muskets. After a round of bombardment, the hundreds of Qing soldiers brought by Tan Tai were wiped out. Defeating the enemy soldiers without leaving any injuries is Liu Yuanbin's principle in this battle.

, the wounded soldiers who were retained by the Qing army had to be treated and sent to the capital to be sacrificed as prisoners. This was a waste of alcohol and alcohol. No one had the chance to taste such good wine. How could it be used to treat the wounds of the dog Tatars?

Faced with such a one-sided war, Tan Tai had no choice but to retreat to the prefect's Yamen with his few remaining soldiers.

"Master, we have to evacuate the city quickly! In addition to attacking along the main street, Minggou also attacks along the city wall. Now, except for the north gate, several other city gates are occupied by Minggou. If

If it's any later, we won't be able to get out of the city." The deputy general next to him saw Tan Tai retreating to the Yamen in embarrassment, and quickly persuaded him to take everyone to escape from the city.

"Exit the city? Exit the city in such a hurry, not to mention the supplies in the city, and even the army has no time to gather them. How much can be withdrawn?"

"Master, we can evacuate as many as we can now! We can't fight with the bright dogs in the city who are full of firecrackers and thunder. There is no point except killing people. How many people can we have there?"

Fill in?"

This chapter has been completed!
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