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Chapter 83 Qing Army Goes Northward

After escorting Tan Tai out of the hall, Abatai looked at the generals gathered around him, was silent for a while, and then said: "Ming Gou attacked Hejian City, causing a large amount of grain stored by our army to return to Beijing to be robbed!

Moreover, the way back to the north for the army is also unstable due to the fall of Hejian! For this reason, the general decided to lead the main force back north to have a good fight with the Minggu soldiers and horses, and to clear the way for the army, what do you think?"

The generals stood up and said, "Lord Baile is wise, and I will fight to the death for you!" Once the general makes up his mind on such a big decision, the others can only say yes. Even if they have different opinions, they cannot act stupidly on this occasion.

Say it, not to mention that the Qing generals here have no different opinions!

"Turg, this time you are responsible for leading the 10,000 rear troops to escort the army to plunder. Don't push for rapid progress but strive for safety! Once the general's army moves north to open the way for a battle with Minggu, I will dedicate extra troops to support you."

"Slave, I accept my order!" Turge promised with his hands crossed.

"Manda Hai, this time you will lead 10,000 people as the vanguard of the army, responsible for meeting the enemy first. I will lead the rest of the troops behind you. After encountering the Ming army, you will not seek a hasty battle, but will focus on stabilizing the situation. You must capture most of the Ming army.

Lead them all to one place so as to provide powerful fighter opportunities for the arrival of my army."

"The last general takes command!"

"Turg's general military strategy has been decided. Is there anything else you want to explain to the soldiers?"

"All the generals have been veterans for many years, and they have nothing to explain in the war. However, there is one thing I have to mention. This time our army went south and encountered the Yongwei camp of the Emperor of Ming Dynasty twice, and

Everyone has suffered a big loss! Next time you encounter it, you must treat it with caution and report it to Baylor as soon as possible. Don't make your own decisions."

Turge already knew from Tan Tai's mouth which Ming army troops broke into Hejian Mansion! The opponents Tan Tai encountered were the same as the enemies he encountered in the battle of the capital, but he heard that Tan Tai

It is said that the number of people in this brave guard camp is much larger than that in the battle of the capital, with five to six thousand people. And their firearms seem to be more powerful! In addition to the thunder, the fire blunderbuss is also very fierce.

The reason why Tan Tai was defeated was because he was blocked on the street in the city and became a target for firearms.

Turge had a headache when he thought of Zhentian Lei. After obtaining the original form, he immediately reported it to Abatai. Abatai attached great importance to it and even sent someone to go back to Shengjing at great expense, but the information that came back

The news is not optimistic. The craftsmen there are also unable to make a suitable thunder. All the technical difficulties are concentrated on the gunpowder. Only the gunpowder prepared by the Ming army with a new formula has enough power to explode the iron.

Cartridge casing.

This recipe was not available through the existing channels of the Qing army. Their spies just said that this thing was probably related to urine. He said that Emperor Ming collected all the urine in the palace and cooked it with a strong fire in a secret place!

Can urine make new gunpowder recipes? Turge and Abatai were also a little confused. But according to recent news, they did not have this ability. The Manchu Qing Dynasty had spies and spies in the Ming Dynasty, but their espionage level was not

How high, most of them have connections with businessmen doing business in Shengjing, and their main focus is on spying on and infiltrating important officials in the capital. They don't have that much ability to infiltrate widely within the palace! Since the production of new gunpowder began

, the organization that configures gunpowder has become a highly confidential unit, and it will be difficult to penetrate the core at this time. Without penetrating into the core, there is no way to obtain the gunpowder formula.

Sugar is a daily necessities, and it is usually consumed in large quantities. It is difficult for the spies on the periphery of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to be keenly aware that this stuff is the main ingredient for making new gunpowder. On the contrary, it is difficult not to attract people's attention when it comes to boiling urine. A little bit of a spy

Anyone with common sense can tell from this strange situation that it is related to the military.

It was out of concern about the power of the Sky-shattering Thunder and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Brave Guard Battalion that Turg made an explanation to the forward officer Mandahai in front of everyone! Mandahai is the legitimate son of Dabeile Daishan.

The next time he went south, Abatai was the only one who could control him. Without giving him a proper explanation, Turg was worried that such a nobleman would be proud and underestimate the enemy, and would take action without preparation when encountering the Yongwei camp of the Ming army and suffer a big loss.

The Ming army has never fought a tough battle in these years, but when it comes to a Ming army that can really fight a tough battle, it must not be taken lightly! Turg knows how powerful the Ming army can really fight, even if the Eight Banners elite encounters a dangerous situation.

It is difficult to win without relying on numerical superiority. The problem of the Ming army is that it has too few elites compared with the Qing army, and the rebels have too few troops compared to the overall force! Every time they fight, they look like official troops, but in fact they are fighting with less troops.

Hit more.

After Abatai's general order was issued, it took two days for the main force of the Qing army scattered on the front line of Shandong to complete the assembly of the entire army! Then the entire army set off from Yanzhou and went north to find the Ming army's misfortune.

Fifty thousand troops gathered in one place and marched with all their strength on the bank of the canal. The momentum was very scary! The Ming people nearby were so frightened that they ran into the mountains without their lives.

As soon as the army left Yanzhou City, Abatai received a military intelligence report.

"Ming Gou actually has the courage to go south to fight our army! You came just in time, the general is still worried about not having any fighter planes! This time, you just have the opportunity to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!" Looking at the intelligence in his hand, Abatai commented with confidence.

He said a few words and then passed it on to the other generals in the big tent. The war was fought with momentum. No matter what Abatai was really thinking at this time, he had to show full confidence and show no disrespect to the Ming army.

The appearance appeared, not to mention that Abate was indeed qualified to show disrespect to the Ming army.

At almost the same time, Chen Xinjia, who was heading south, also received information about the Qing army heading north. He also summoned the generals in his tent to mobilize before the war! "The pirates are so anxious because they are afraid that our army will cut off their retreat."

Going north, we have the advantage of being able to confront the enemy on the canal line! We are 100,000 against 80,000, and the advantage in strength is also mine! Our army has won another victory, and its morale is strong! Everyone, the rise and fall of the country will depend on this battle, so be sure to do it

Make a great contribution in one battle."

Although Chen Xinjia's words were very powerful and his analysis was clear and logical, the soldiers below did not mobilize any enthusiasm. Most of them only made perfunctory statements.

Military morale and morale are accumulated through countless victories. An army that has been defeated repeatedly, no matter how great the advantages it has, it is difficult for them to have the confidence to defeat a powerful enemy from the bottom of their hearts, not to mention those who mobilize before the war.

Chen Xinjia! This is like Lippi saying to the national football players: "Children, you are no worse than anyone else in Asia." The players below will believe and agree in their hearts. If Li Tie said this, which player would be surprised?

Believe it from the bottom of your heart? The same words spoken by a famous general and a general who has never fought a serious war will have completely different effects.

This chapter has been completed!
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