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Chapter 44 Encounter

Qi Tian knew in his heart that although they had eliminated the army led by Pang Ruan through an ambush, there was still a long way to compare with the Huns army of Ke Fu.

Therefore, Qi Tian could only take the villagers to the back mountain to escape before Ke Fu arrived.

As for how long to hide, it depends on when the Dafeng court will send troops to assist.

After all, although a woman is now in power in Dafeng, Daijun in Nuoda was occupied by the Xiongnu, which will definitely attract attention. Even King Yan, surnamed Xiao, who is responsible for guarding Youzhou, cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

——After Emperor Tai'an Xiao Yan unified the world, in order to better stabilize the country, he made the clans named Xiao kings. Each clan king surnamed Xiao controlled a state fief.

The person who was granted the title of Youzhou was King Xiao Shun of Yan. He was already fifty years old and had both civil and military skills. He was based in Jicheng, the seat of Guangyang County.

Guangyang County is not far from Dai County. I believe that the news of Dai County being captured will soon reach Xiao Shun's ears.

After the King of Yan sends troops to expel the Xiongnu, Qi Tian will take the Wolong villagers home...

This is how Qi Tian planned it, and this is what he told the Wolong villagers.

There are only two ways before them. Either follow him to the back mountains to hide for a while, or stay in the village and surrender to the Huns. Of course, it is well known that the Huns are very cruel. Even if the villagers surrender voluntarily, it will not be possible.

It will definitely survive.

Fortunately, most of the villagers in Wolong Village have deep feelings for their family and country. They would rather live in the back mountains than fall into the hands of the Huns.

And that small group of people, after seeing the fate of the traitor Sun Qing, Sun Sheng, Sun Kong, and Sun, all agreed to Qi Tian.

As a result, Qi Tian did not encounter much hindrance in taking the villagers from Wolong Village to the back mountain...

After arriving at the back mountain and making arrangements for all the villagers, Qi Tian and Xu Qing took the members of the hunting team to check everywhere to see if there were any oversights.

It turned out that it was okay not to check it, but once it was checked, the problem was indeed found.

On this day, Xu Qing hurriedly came with several members of the hunting team to report: "Brother Tian, ​​we found someone halfway up the mountain."

"Is there anyone?" Qi Tian frowned. You must know that there are many wild beasts in the back mountains, and usually only hunters come here to hunt.

As for the hunters in the villages below Macheng, except for Lijiatun, they are all in the Qitian hunting team.

Who is that person halfway up the mountain?

"Brother Tian, ​​could it be that the Huns are chasing us?" Xu Qing couldn't help but worry.

Qi Tian immediately shook his head in denial: "No, first of all, they can't send troops so quickly, and secondly, Kofu Jiagou and the others don't know that we have fled to the back mountains."

"There must be something fishy about this matter, let me go and take a look!"

"Yeah, okay." Xu Qing agreed immediately, and then took a few dexterous hunting team members with him and followed Qi Tian to the mountainside.

After reaching the mountainside, Qi Tian saw a figure moving in the grass over there. It seemed that he was wearing armor and was a soldier.

Qi Tian was so surprised that even he couldn't help but think to himself, could it be that the Huns were really incompetent?

If the Huns were really entrenched on the mountainside behind them, it would not take long before they would find the villagers of Wolong not far away, and a big battle would inevitably break out, injuring innocent people.

At this point, Qi Tian decided to strike first and kill those Huns soldiers first.

As a result, Qi Tian winked at Xu Qing.

As little brothers who have played together since childhood, Xu Qing understood what Qi Tian meant with just one look and nodded in agreement.

Then, Qi Tian led several members of the hunting team, including Xu Qing, and slowly approached the armored soldiers with repeating crossbows in hand.

"Who? What person?"

Just when Qi Tian and others were about to approach the soldiers, the well-trained soldiers still noticed something was wrong and immediately raised their swords to question.

When Qi Tian was about to pull the trigger of the repeating crossbow in his hand, he discovered that these soldiers were wearing armor from Dafeng soldiers, not from the Huns.

These people are Han people, not Huns!

Xiao Feng was surprised and at the same time ordered Xu Qing and others: "Wait a moment and do it."

Xu Qing and others stopped pressing the triggers of their repeating crossbows and looked at Xiao Feng in confusion.

Xiao Feng looked at the Dafeng soldiers wearing armor: "Whose subordinates are you?"

Logically speaking, in Macheng, there are only two people who can mobilize Dafeng soldiers, one is Yue Qing, the captain of the city defense team, and the other is deputy captain Pang Ruan.

In the battle at the entrance of Wolong Village, Pang Ruan and his traitorous and scoundrel subordinates were wiped out by the hunting party commanded by Qi Tian, ​​so these people who appeared in front of them were probably Yue Qing's subordinates.

Sure enough, those Dafeng soldiers replied one after another: "We are the subordinates of General Yue Qing, who are you?"

Qi Tian was overjoyed when he heard this. He actually sent someone to inquire, saying that Yue Qing was not willing to join Jia Gou in surrendering to the Huns and become a traitor, so he fled out of Macheng with his like-minded subordinates and did not know where he was going.

After doing this for a long time, I hid in the back mountain!

Qi Tian immediately said: "I am Qi Tian, ​​the captain of Wolong Village's hunting team. I know your General Yue Qing. Please take me to see him quickly."

The soldiers looked at each other and finally went to inform Yue Qing.

Not long after, Yue Qing hurried over. After seeing Qi Tian and Xu Qing, he was also very surprised and said: "Why are you here..."

Qitian immediately told Yue Qing the whole story.

After learning that Qi Tian led the hunting team to kill Pang Ruan and his traitor soldiers, Yue Qing was overjoyed, gave Qi Tian a thumbs up and praised him;

"Okay, okay, little brother, you did a great job and made me feel bad."

Qi Tian clasped his fists excitedly and said: "General Yue Qing's refusal to surrender to the Xiongnu is thousands of times better than Jia Goupang Ru'an's. I also admire him very much."

Yue Qing sighed: "Forget it about Pang Ru'an, that guy is usually a villain, but I didn't expect that the county magistrate would..."

Indeed, compared to Pang Ru'an, Jia Gou always spoke in Mandarin and had a majestic appearance. It is difficult for people to imagine that he would choose to surrender to the Huns.

Qi Tian said quietly: "It's okay. Some people say that the official language is true, and some people say that the official language is false. People like Jia Gou obviously want to make the people submit to him more by saying the official language, so as to ensure that

own status."

"He cares so much about his status, and naturally cares more about his own life, so it doesn't matter if he surrenders to the Huns..."

Yue Qing let out a long sigh and nodded noncommittally: "What you said makes sense, little brother, but being able to kill Pang Ruan, little brother, is enough to show that you are a brave and resourceful person. I hope that we can work together well in the future, and together we will

The damn Xiongnu from the tribe of Kofu should be driven out of Daijun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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