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Chapter 46

Looking in the direction pointed by Yue Qing, Qi Tian saw an aristocratic young man wearing a purple mink coat sitting on a rock not far away.

It was Xiao Yu.

"Master Xiao Yu, it's great that you have come to the back mountain." Qi Tian looked happy. After all, he and Xiao Yu were friends, so seeing him was more exciting than seeing other rich people in Ma Cheng.

Everyone is much happier.

"After Jiagou surrendered to the Huns, that guy wanted to capture me to claim credit from the Huns. Fortunately, I got the news early and ran out." Xiao Yu explained as he came to Qitian again and patted his shoulder.


"Brother Qitian, you really didn't disappoint me. I knew you would never succumb to the Huns."

Qi Tian smiled and said: "As a big man, I must be at odds with the Huns. Otherwise, how will I be different from the traitor?"

"Okay, well said." Xiao Yu patted Qi Tian on the shoulder and said:

"By the way, Brother Qitian, I purchased all the weapons-making materials you asked me to find for you last time, and brought them all to the back mountain."

When Qi Tian heard this, he immediately became excited and said, "Really? Show me quickly."

Those materials were used by Qi Tian to make bombs.

If bombs could be made, wouldn't torturing the Huns be just like playing?

After a while, Xiao Yu led Qi Tian and others to the depths of the cave. They saw boxes one after another placed in the depths, guarded by a white-haired old man and a dark man.

When they saw Xiao Yu arriving, the white-haired old man and the dark-haired man immediately greeted him respectfully: "Meet the young master."

The white-haired old man and the swarthy man were Xiao Yu's housekeeper Xun Liang and the guard captain Zhang Hu. Qi Tian had seen them in the back mountain.

Xiao Yu asked them to guard it personally, which shows how much he attaches importance to this batch of materials.

After opening the box, a strange smell came out, and there were all kinds of mixed materials inside, all of which were extremely complex.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qing couldn't help but frown and asked: "Qi Tian, ​​what do you want to do with these materials?"

"General Yue Qing, you'll find out later." Qi Tian smiled and began to make it.

After a while, an artificial grenade formed in Qi Tian's hand.

Everyone present, whether it was Yue Qing, Xiao Yu or Zhang Hu, had never seen this kind of weapon before. They couldn't help but widened their eyes and asked: "This... what is this?"

On the other hand, Xun Liang, who had white hair, said with a smile: "Interesting, really interesting."

"Of course it's a good thing." Qi Tian said as he led everyone outside the cave to test the power of the grenade.

Qi Tian pulled away the fuse of the grenade and threw it out with all his strength.


There was an explosion, and a huge boulder not far away was blown to pieces by Qi Tian with a grenade.

The power of grenades is evident.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing." Xiao Yu admired him with admiration, and extended his thumb to Qi Tian and said,

"I'm convinced, brother Qitian, you are really a genius when it comes to weapon making."

Yue Qing smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth and said: "With brothers Qitian joining us, we can drive out the Huns and win, and it's just around the corner!"

Qi Tian said seriously: "When I make all those materials into weapons and equip each of our Dafeng soldiers with them, we will have hope against the Huns in the future."

Yue Qing nodded happily: "Okay, then I'll leave it to Brother Qitian."

Immediately, Qi Tian asked Xu Qing and others to move the materials back and prepare to start working overtime to make bombs in batches.

Unexpectedly, while moving materials, a violent roar sounded: "Xu Qing, where is my woman?"

Hearing this, Qi Tian and Xu Qing were both surprised and turned around to see a fat man wearing a gold chain looking at them angrily.

Qi Tian asked in confusion: "This is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Qing had already begun to salute respectfully: "Father-in-law."

What, father-in-law?!

Qi Tian was as confused as he wanted. It turned out that the fat man with a gold chain around his neck was Xu Qing's father-in-law, Pan Jiang, the head of the Pan family, the richest man in Macheng?

It is said that Pan Jiang was a poor country boy when he was young. In his early years, he went into business with his relatives, and he slowly got up step by step, and now he has become the richest man in Macheng.

But as a poor man, after he became a rich man, he began to hate the children of poor families. After learning that his daughter Pan Yi fell in love with Xu Qing, he became furious, so much so that after Pan Yi married Xu Qing, he became very angry.

Don't have anything to do with her.

Not long ago, the second daughter Pan Mian ran directly to Xu Qing's house in order to escape Pan Jiang's promise to marry her to Pang Ru'an, the deputy captain of the Macheng Guard. She did not return home for a long time, which made Pan Jiang furious.

However, after all, blood is thicker than water. After learning that the Xiongnu invaded Wolong Village, Pan Jiang was still worried about his daughter's safety, so much so that he immediately questioned Xu Qing after seeing her.

Feeling Pan Jiang's angry eyes, he quickly replied: "Father-in-law, please rest assured that my wife and Pan Mian are both fine. They followed me to the back mountain."

At this point, Pan Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and asked Xu Qing again: "I heard that your boy is now the deputy hunting captain of Wolong Village?"

"Yes, father-in-law." Xu Qing nodded eagerly, eager to prove himself in front of his father-in-law.

"Haha, Master Pan, you don't know how capable your son-in-law is now..." At this time, Yue Qing stepped forward and told Pan Jiang about Xu Qing following Qi Tian to hunt the Huns.

"Your virtuous son-in-law has a bright future now. After the Huns are defeated, I will definitely report to the court and reward him greatly." Yue Qing said quietly.

Hearing these words, Pan Jiang was as pleased as he could be. His attitude towards Xu Qing also changed greatly, and he patted him on the shoulder and said: "Now that the Huns have invaded, the country is in danger, but this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must

If you want to catch it, follow General Yue Qing and Captain Qi Tian and work hard, do you hear me?"

"Please rest assured, father-in-law, my son-in-law will do a good job." This was the first time that his father-in-law praised him since he married Pan Yi. Xu Qing was so excited that he almost cried.

After moving all the bomb-making materials back, Xu Qing went to his wives Pan Yi and Pan Mian and told them about their encounter with Pan Jiang.

When he learned that his father had also brought his family to the back mountain, Pan Mian immediately went to find him and asked Pan Yi: "Sister, why don't you go and see your father?"

Pan Yi looked complicated and shook her head: "My father doesn't want to see me, so I won't go, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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