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Chapter 55 Call

These days, the people of Macheng have been bullied by the Huns.

And the source of all this was the surrender of the county magistrate Jia Gou.

They hated this traitorous magistrate from the bottom of their hearts.

When they heard that Qi Tian was going to kill Jia Gou with his own hands, all the people in Macheng shouted excitedly:

"Okay, okay, kill him, kill him."

"General Qitian is so powerful that he killed this traitor."

Under the applause of the people, Qi Tian placed the ancient ingot knife across Jia Gou's neck and asked in a cold voice: "Jia Gou, what else do you have to say?"

By now, Jia Gou also understood Qi Tian's purpose, which was to try him in front of the people of Macheng.

"I have no choice, Qi Tian, ​​please let me live..." Faced with the fear of death, Jia Gou could only beg pitifully for mercy.

However, Qi Tian had no intention of letting him go. He was still as ruthless as possible towards this traitor and cut off the ancient ingot knife in his hand.


A cold light flashed, and Jia Gou's head fell to the ground. Seeing this, the people of Macheng around him cheered even louder.

Da da da da.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps. It was Yue Qing who came with the army. Seeing Qi Tian kill Jia Gou with his own hands, he smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Qi Tian did it too fast. I still want to

Kill this traitor with your own hands."

Xiao Yu, who was on the side, said happily: "Brothers Qitian are so happy with grudges. Of course, we must get rid of hypocritical traitors like Jia Gou."

Yue Qing laughed heartily and ordered all the people hiding in the back mountains to be brought to the city, and held a celebration banquet that night to celebrate their recapture of Ma City.

At the celebration banquet, Yue Qing, Qi Tian, ​​Xiao Yu, Xu Qing and others were all drinking until their faces were red and they were dripping with joy.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu asked quietly: "General Yue Qing, brothers Qitian, now that you have recaptured Ma City, have you thought about what to do next?"

Yue Qing respectfully replied: "I believe that the news that we have recaptured Ma City will spread throughout Dai County soon. Next, I plan to contact the refugees and even soldiers from other counties in Dai County to ask them to come to us and wait for our team to gather a little bit.

After it grows stronger, we will wait for an opportunity to recapture other cities in Daijun and drive the Huns out."

After the Huns occupied Daijun, some people in the city chose to flee their hometowns and live in various places because they could not bear the humiliation of the Huns. Some of the soldiers guarding the city abandoned the city and chose to fight guerrillas with the Huns.

If we can absorb them, we can indeed increase our chances of winning by fighting the Huns army of the Khov tribe.

However, as the general guarding Ma City, Yue Qing's attitude towards Xiao Yu, the young master, was extremely respectful, which also surprised Qi Tian.

Xiao Yu also agreed with the plan proposed by Yue Qing: "Yes, the other cities are also our Dafeng people, and we have to win over them. After all, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Khan Yu with the strength of our Ma City alone."


Yue Qing clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Master Xiao Yu, please rest assured, I will leave everything to you."

After that day, Yue Qing carried out his plan and sent a message to the refugees and guards in other counties in Dai County, saying that he had led the army to retake Ma City and welcomed everyone to come and seek refuge.

When the people and soldiers whose homes were occupied by the Xiongnu and forced to wander around heard the news, they all came to seek refuge one after another as if they had found a beam of light in the darkness...

What is surprising is that in addition to the ordinary Baixin warriors, the guard captains of Gaoliu City and Dangcheng also led their troops to defect.

Gaoliu City is the seat of Daijun, and the guard captain is named Kuai Ben.

When Nie Kai, the governor of Daijun, was confronting Ke Fu Shanyu, Kuai Ben also went out with the army and was ambushed by Ke Fu and Bonai. Kuai Ben escaped by faking his death, but he was blinded.


When Yue Qing met him, he found that Kuai Ben had a black eyepatch on his right eye. He couldn't help but stepped forward to hold his hands and said, "General Kuai Ben, you have suffered..."

"Compared to the dead Sheriff Nie Kai, what does my suffering mean?" Kuai Ben replied with the same excitement, and at the same time he held Yue Qing's hands tightly and said excitedly,

"General Yue Qing, we must avenge Governor Nie Kai!"

"Definitely!" Yue Qing promised firmly.

Dangcheng was a county town about the same size as Macheng, and the guard captain was named Mao Cheng.

It is said that when Dangcheng was attacked by the Huns, Mao Cheng led his troops to withdraw from Dangcheng in time and fought guerrillas with the Huns in the wild.

Although Mao Cheng won several battles against the Xiongnu through guerrilla tactics, he never recaptured Dangcheng. After hearing that Yue Qing successfully recaptured Macheng, he led his men to defect as defenders.

When the three major guard captains gathered in Macheng, Yue Qing said with great joy: "Great, General Kuai Ben, General Mao Cheng, our three families will unite and expel the Huns is just around the corner."

Kuai Ben nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, yes, what General Yue Qing said is absolutely true."

Mao Cheng said quietly: "General Yue Qing, General Kuai Ben, with all due respect, since we are an alliance, we should decide who the alliance leader is, right?"

"This..." Yue Qing couldn't help but frown and said, "When it comes to official positions, we are all guard captain-level figures. No one is inferior to others. If there is anything, we can discuss it, okay?"

Mao Cheng shook his head and said in denial: "No, no, General Yue Qing, after all, you are well-educated in military science. Don't you know that if the army does not have a general order, there will be chaos? If our alliance really cannot decide on a leader,

It will inevitably lead to a big defeat!"

Kuai Ben nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, yes, what General Mao Cheng said is absolutely true."

Seeing that no matter who said it, Kuai Ben would only nod his head in agreement without any opinion at all. Yue Qing was also as speechless as he wanted.

But think about it, in the past when Kuai Ben followed the governor Nie Kai, Nie Kai always said one thing and he could not say other things. It must have been a habit for a long time.

Seeing the scene like this, Qi Tian on the side said: "Okay, since General Kuai Ben and General Mao Cheng have to choose the leader of the alliance, then our General Yue Qing will take the position of leader."

As soon as these words came out, Mao Cheng immediately looked at Qi Tian and shouted dissatisfied: "Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to interrupt our generals' discussions?"

Yue Qing quickly explained: "This is my newly appointed deputy general, Qi Tian."

Mao Cheng and Kuai Ben suddenly took a breath: "He is Qi Tian?!"

On the way here, Mao Cheng and Kuai Ben also heard that it was only with Qi Tian's help that Yue Qing was able to recapture Ma City from the Huns.

More importantly, I heard that two of Ke Fu's generals, Ning Lu and Yu Tu, died in Qi Tian's hands...

After Yue Qing introduced his identity, Qi Tian asked Mao Cheng: "Dare you ask General Mao Cheng, am I qualified to speak?"

This chapter has been completed!
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