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Chapter 57 Shameless

After saying these righteous words, Kuai Ben clasped his fists hard at Qi Tian on the ring: "General Qi Tian is really powerful, I am willing to be defeated."

Qi Tian responded humbly: "General Kuai Ben, I accept the concession."

On the other side of the arena, Yue Qing defeated the deputy captain of the city guard, and Mao Cheng defeated the deputy captain of the Gaoliu City Guard.

In this way, Gaoliucheng has no chance of becoming the leader of the alliance.

However, the soldiers in Gaoliucheng were not too sad. After all, after Kuai Ben's speech, they knew what they should do, which was to seek revenge on Kofu Shanyu and avenge their previous shame.

As for the position of leader, of course it doesn't matter to them.

After understanding this, Kuai Ben and the Gaoliucheng soldiers not only did not feel sad, but congratulated Qitian, Yue Qing and others one by one, asking them to keep up their efforts in the next round.

The next round is the competition between Yue Qing, Qi Tian, ​​Mao Cheng and others.

Three people, if we talk about one-on-one, the number is definitely not enough.

According to the old rules, lots were drawn to determine the order of battle. In the end, Yue Qing and Mao Cheng drew each other's names, while Qi Tian got a bye.

That's simple. Yue Qing and Mao Cheng compete first. If Yue Qing wins, the alliance leader will be Yue Qing's. If Yue Qing loses, then Mao Cheng and Qi Tian compete again to determine the final alliance leader.

Mao Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, I'm going to fight two against each other. General Kuai Ben, are you too disappointed? If only one of you could win, I wouldn't be under such great pressure."

Kuai Ben snorted coldly: "Where did you get all this nonsense? Even if I win and get a bye, won't you still have to compete with me in the end?"

Mao Cheng shrugged his shoulders and seemed speechless.

In the end, Mao Cheng and Yue Qing went to the central arena again, while the Ma City guards and the local guards cheered for their captains.

"General Yue Qing, you have to be merciful. I still have to save my strength to deal with your deputy captain." Mao Cheng chuckled.

Yue Qing said seriously: "Mao Cheng, in this martial arts competition, everyone depends on their own abilities. If you let me and I let you, then what's the point of competing?"

"Oh, in that case, I won't be polite." Mao Cheng said as he pulled out the short knife from his waist.

When they saw Mao Cheng taking out his weapon, everyone couldn't help but frown.

Swords have no eyes. Although this competition is to choose the alliance leader, swords have no eyes, so in the last round of competition, everyone fought with bare hands.

But now, Mao Cheng has taken out his weapons and wants to fight with all his strength!

Yue Qing looked more serious and said: "General Mao Cheng, isn't it like this?"

"Hey, there is nothing we can do, General Yue Qing." Mao Cheng sighed slightly,

"As you know, our city has been occupied by the Huns for a long time. As the captain of the city guard, I am always thinking about how to take back the city, so I want to form an alliance to gather the strength of everyone to take back the city.


"So, I will take the position of alliance leader no matter what I say."

After hearing Mao Cheng's words, the soldiers in the city also shouted: "Take back the city! Take back the city!"

Yue Qing said silently: "However, even if the rest of us become alliance leaders, we will still help you take back Dang City, because the purpose of our alliance is to drive the Huns out of Dai County."

Mao Cheng shook his head and said in denial: "It's different, General Yue Qing, the meaning is different."

What is the different meaning? Yue Qing is also puzzled.

However, since Mao Cheng had already drawn out his weapons, Yue Qing naturally also drew out his spear.

The Captain of the Ma City Guard is not a coward when it comes to fists and kicks, and he is even less cowardly when it comes to weapons.

"Come on, let's fight!" Yue Qing shouted, holding a spear and pointing at Mao Cheng.

"Please give me some advice from General Yue Qing!" Mao Cheng also said solemnly, then waved the short sword in his hand and went straight towards Yue Qing.

In terms of weapons alone, the combat distance of a spear is much higher than that of a short sword. Therefore, from the beginning of the battle, Yue Qing deliberately kept a distance from Mao Cheng, hoping to win with superiority.

Mao Cheng saw Yue Qing's intention and spoke provocatively: "No, General Yue Qing, in my heart, you are not the kind of coward and coward. You don't even dare to accept my attacks."

Yue Qing shook his head speechlessly and said: "Mao Cheng, you and I are not new recruits anymore. There is no need to use such words to provoke the general. You know that I will not fall into the trap."

"Okay then." Mao Cheng sighed helplessly, holding a short knife, and started a head-on confrontation with Yue Qing.

It is conceivable that due to the advantage of the spear in Yue Qing's hand, Mao Cheng had dozens of wounds after dozens of rounds of head-on confrontation, while Yue Qing only had one or two wounds.


Needless to say, everyone knows that if the fight continues, Yue Qing will definitely win.

Even Yue Qing himself couldn't help but persuade Mao Cheng: "Mao Cheng, now that things have happened, aren't you ready to admit defeat?"

"Admit defeat? Why should I admit defeat? It's not the last moment yet..." Mao Cheng gritted his teeth.

Yue Qing sighed and said: "Mao Cheng, I know you are eager to take back Dang City. I promise you that after I become the leader of the alliance, I will immediately send troops to help you capture Dang City. What do you think?"

Mao Cheng sneered and said: "Hey, General Yue Qing, since you are so kind, you might as well just admit defeat and give me the position of leader!"

Good guy, I really don’t know how Mao Cheng had the nerve to say this.

It is conceivable that as soon as Mao Cheng said these words, the soldiers in Macheng, including Qi Tian and Xu Qing, became anxious and cursed at Mao Cheng one by one. Qi Tian even shouted: "I have never seen

Such a shameless person."

When they saw their captain being scolded, the city's defenders should have scolded them in return, but they didn't say anything. Instead, they all blushed and had rough necks, thinking that their captain was too embarrassed.

"That's enough, shut up!" Until finally, Yue Qing couldn't listen anymore and gave an order, and Qi Tian and others shut up.

Immediately, Yue Qing pointed at Mao Cheng with a spear and said: "Okay, General Mao Cheng, since you are not going to admit defeat, let's fight to the end!"

"Hey, what I've been waiting for is General Yue Qing's words." Mao Cheng smiled coldly, holding a short knife and slashing at Yue Qing.

Regarding this, Qi Tian, ​​who was watching the game in the audience, was also puzzled. This bastard was clearly no match for his captain, so why did he persist so hard?

However, he soon understood...

In the ensuing battle between Yue Qing and Mao Cheng, he was struck several times in the body by Mao Cheng.

Seeing such a scene, the soldiers in Macheng were shocked and didn't understand why General Yue Qing, who had the advantage, was now at a disadvantage.

Xu Qing couldn't help but ask Qi Tiandao: "What's going on, Brother Tian, ​​couldn't that guy Mao Cheng hide his strength from the beginning?"

This chapter has been completed!
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