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Chapter 63

Wu Yong roared angrily: "You brat, you have to be merciful and merciful, don't bully others too much!"

Qi Tian sneered: "I'm just going to bully you, what can I do?"

Yes, what can I do if I just bully you? Can you still beat them?

One sentence directly made Wu Yong lose his temper.

With no choice but to do so, Wu Yong had no choice but to shout to Wu An: "Brother, you go first, and I will come to the rear for you."

When Wu An heard this, he was naturally unhappy and said anxiously: "No, brother, let's go together!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, we will both die here. Let's go quickly, our Wu family bloodline must continue." Wu Yong reprimanded loudly.

Since his brother had already said this, Wu An had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Wu Yong, on the other hand, stared at Qi Tian tightly and roared angrily: "You brat, even if I die, I will still have to support you."

Having said that, Wu Yong attacked Qitian desperately.

It is a pity that some strength gaps cannot be made up after all. Qi Tian finally found a flaw in Wu Yong and stabbed the ancient ingot knife into Wu Yong's chest.

Wu Yong only had time to let out a scream, and then his body fell to the ground, too dead to die.

After beheading Wu Yong, Qi Tian raised his head and saw that Wu An had already mounted his horse and rode away...

"General Wu An, wait for me!" In the chaos, Mao Cheng shouted anxiously, and then he mounted his horse and followed him away.

Wu An left as he left, but Qi Tian couldn't let Mao Cheng off, no matter what he said.

What a coincidence was that when the big traitor was escaping, he happened to pass by Xu Qing.

"Xu Qing, stop him." Qi Tian roared angrily.

"Okay, Brother Tian." Xu Qing agreed casually, then waved the ancient ingot knife in his hand to block Mao Cheng's path.

"You brat, get out of my way." Mao Cheng cursed, and at the same time, several venomous snakes flashed out of his sleeves.

This bastard raises quite a few venomous snakes!

But it was a pity that Xu Qing was on guard early, and he was also very skilled. He raised his knife and chopped up all the poisonous snakes that were flying towards him.

"Bah! You bastard, go to hell." Xu Qing said with disdain, and raised the ancient ingot knife in his hand again.


There was a flash of blood, and Mao Cheng fell to the ground, dying.

Da da da da.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and Qi Tian came to Mao Cheng.

Seeing him, Mao Cheng's eyes were full of fear, he shook his head like a rattle and said: "No... don't kill me, please, let me live."

Qi Tian grabbed Mao Cheng's hair and said in a tone as cold as ice: "If you want to live, you can take us to Dangcheng Valley to rescue General Yue Qing."

When Mao Cheng heard this, his body shook like chaff and said: "Yue Qing was besieged by the two Xiongnu chanyus, Bonai and Kefu at the same time. If we go to rescue him, it will be like committing suicide!"

It was okay not to say this, but when he said this, Qi Tian became even more angry and roared angrily: "If it weren't for you, a bastard, how could General Yue Qing be in such a dangerous situation?"

"Stop talking nonsense, will you take me with you? If you don't take me with you, I will chop off your head right now!"

Under Qi Tian's intimidation, Mao Cheng could only nod his head like a chicken pecking corn and said: "Okay, General Qi Tian, ​​I will take you there, why don't I take you there..."

In this way, Qi Tiantian temporarily let Mao Cheng live. When he looked up, he found that the Huns army brought by Wu Yong and Wu An to attack Ma City had been wiped out, even if there were some remaining ones.

, they all ran away with Wu An.

As for the city defenders, after Mao Cheng surrendered, they no longer needed to struggle, so they surrendered to Qitian one by one.

This raid was a complete victory. After Qi Tian escorted Mao Cheng back to the city, Xu Qing saw this and shouted: "Brother Tian is mighty, Brother Tian is domineering!"

After Xiao Yu saw Qi Tianjian's great achievements, he even laughed and said: "General Qi Tian is really powerful. I have set up a banquet in the city to celebrate the general's success."

Qi Tian shook his head and said: "No, Master Xiao Yu, now is not the time to celebrate. General Yue Qing is still trapped in the valley of Dangcheng. I must rescue him."

"What? Are you going to save Yue Qing?" Xiao Yu said with a surprised expression,

"To be honest, Qi Tian, ​​Yue Qing is currently besieged by the two great Chanyus, Ke Fu and Bai Nei. You don't have too many soldiers and horses. If you lead the army to rescue Yue Qing, you will probably never come back. And


As Xiao Yu spoke, he leaned into Qi Tian's ear and whispered: "Isn't it just right that Yue Qing is dead? In that case, you, the lieutenant general, will be able to rise to the top and no longer have to be suppressed. With your ability, Da

It’s time to realize your ambitions.”

Qi Tian couldn't believe his ears.

Ever since he met Xiao Yu, from all the things he had experienced, he felt that Xiao Yu was a benevolent and righteous gentleman. Therefore, Qi Tian felt baffled by all the nonsense and dislike of Xiao Yu. He didn't know why.

But now, Xiao Yu told him that Qi Tian should not have to worry about Yue Qing who was trapped in the valley of Dangcheng. He could just wait until Yue Qing died in the battle and directly take over.

Qi Tian couldn't believe what Xiao Yu said...

He looked at Xiao Yu with surprise in his eyes.

Xiao Yu asked strangely: "General Qitian, what's wrong?"

"What did you say?" Qi Tian said speechlessly, "Master Xiao Yu, who do you think I am, Qi Tian? Or do you think I am the kind of person who can throw away all my character and morality for the so-called official power?

A clean person?"

After some reprimands, Zhang Hu, the guard captain next to Xiao Yu, was the first to shout in dissatisfaction: "You brat, don't be rude to our young master Xiao Yu..."

"I think you'd better not be rude to my elder brother, right?" Xu Qing shouted angrily and led the defenders to fight back.

"Stop it!" Qi Tian and Xiao Yu shouted at the same time, stopping the conflict between the two parties.

Immediately, Xiao Yu looked at Qi Tian with a slightly guilty look and said: "General Qi Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I was selfish. Please forgive me..."

"Young Master Xiao Yu is joking. What right does a poor man from a humble family have to be angry with you? I just hope that Young Master Xiao Yu will make less such remarks in the future. It is really chilling..." Qi Tian finished these words coldly.

, turned around and left.

As he said, Xiao Yu's words just now really made him feel chilled. He did not expect that Xiao Yu, who usually treated others with benevolence and righteousness, would behave like this.

Is this what is called seeing one's true nature in adversity?

It's just that Xiao Yu's original intention is more or less disappointing...

After reorganizing the troops and horses of his headquarters, Qi Tian continued to leave Xu Qing to defend the city, and took Kuai Ben, Wang Geng and others to the Dangcheng Valley to rescue Yue Qing.

This chapter has been completed!
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