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Chapter 73 Landmines

That's right, the general lying in the wheelchair is none other than King Xiao Shun's general, Jiao Zheng.

Facing Qi Tian's question, Jiao Zheng looked ugly and said: "Xiao Shun can't protect himself, how can he control me?"

Qi Tian smiled and said: "So? What is the general's next plan? Will he be buried with Yan Wang Xiao Shun, or will he stay with me and help His Royal Highness clean up the king's side one day?"

Jiao Zheng said silently: "I don't agree with His Highness King Yan's rebellion. It was Ai Chang who encouraged him in various ways. There is nothing I can do about it..."

"Haha, according to this, General Jiao Zheng is willing to submit to His Highness the Crown Prince?" Qi Tian said with a smile while telling Xiao Yu about this.

After Xiao Yu heard the news, he was also overjoyed and shouted to the other captured Yan army soldiers:

"Brothers of the Yan Army, I know that many of you have to obey Xiao Shun's orders."

"However, I promise you here today that as long as you submit yourself to General Qitian and obey his orders, then I, the Crown Prince, can forget about the mistakes you have committed!"

Listening to Xiao Yu's words, the Yan army officers were more or less dumbfounded.

They thought they were certain to die.

In the end, Xiao Yu actually said that he could give them another chance?

It is conceivable that for a while, the officers and soldiers of the Yan Army were moved and shouted:

"Your Highness, we are willing to surrender to you, and we are willing to obey General Qitian's orders."

"From now on, I will have nothing to do with King Yan Xiao Shun."

"We are willing to obey your orders until the end of the world."

The oaths taken by the officers and soldiers of the Yan Army can be said to be more exciting than the last, and more loyal than the last.

Not long after, Xu Qing, who went to pursue him, came back and said to Qi Tian with excitement: "Brother, I caught that guy back."

After speaking, a gray-headed man was escorted up.

It is none other than King Yan Xiao Shun!

"Hey, isn't this His Highness Prince Yan? It's been so long since we last seen each other. Why are you so embarrassed?" Qitian stepped forward and spoke jokingly to Xiao Shun.

Xiao Shun did not answer Qi Tian's question, but still lowered his head as low as possible, seeming to have accepted his fate.

Xiao Yu came to Xiao Shun, patted his shoulder, and sighed: "Uncle, uncle, tell me, why are you doing this?"

Xiao Shun seemed to have regained his composure after being called out by Xiao Yu. He immediately raised his head and shouted excitedly: "Your Highness, I know I was wrong. Please let me live. I beg you."

"Uncle, you want to rebel, try to harm me, and want me to let you go. Do you think I have such good intentions?" Xiao Shun asked helplessly.

Xiao Shun hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, none of this was my original intention. It was Ai Chang who encouraged me to do this!"

Qitian on the side was speechless and laughed when he heard these remarks.

He finally discovered it, and both Xiao Shun and Jiao Zheng blamed the dead Ai Chang!

Bullying someone is like a dead person who can't speak?

However, it would be good if they could surrender, whether it is true or false, Qi Tian just wants to absorb the Yan army under Xiao Shun.

Of course Xiao Yu also understood this, so he walked down the slope and sighed: "Okay, since this is not my uncle's original intention, then I will give my uncle another chance."

Xiao Shun, who thought he was certain to die, felt as if he had gotten a big deal when he heard that Xiao Yu was willing to let him live. He nodded excitedly and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, I will not let you down again."

Xiao Yu thought of something again and asked Xiao Shun: "By the way, uncle, you haven't informed Luoyang of the news that I'm still alive?"

If Li Feng'er knew that Prince Xiao Yu was still alive, he might send troops to attack him, which would be troublesome.

Xiao Shun hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, no, how could it be possible? After I heard Ai Chang's instigation, I immediately led troops to surround the city. I originally thought that I would inform Luoyang after I captured you, but in the end..."

Xiao Shun didn't say anything else because he was too embarrassed.

Xiao Yu didn't mind anything at all, he just patted Xiao Shun on the shoulder and said, "Uncle, this kind of thing must never happen again."

Xiao Shun vowed again: "Don't worry, Your Highness, if there is another time, you can take the head on my neck!"

As Xiao Shun and Jiao Zheng took the lead in surrendering, the Yan army that had rebelled once again surrendered to Xiao Shun's command.

Xiao Shun, on the other hand, gave full power to the Yan army to Qi Tian to command, and asked Qi Tian to train them and try to equip them with weapons such as crossbows and grenades.

Again, what kind of generals are what kind of soldiers? Qi Tian himself was extremely stubborn. Naturally, the officers and soldiers of the Yan Army under his control also changed from cowards to strong soldiers. They were all screaming and wanting to fight.

The Xiongnu were slaughtered to death.

While training and recruiting Yan Army soldiers, Qi Tian asked Xiao Yu to find new materials for him to make new modern weapons.

It's still a bomb, but it's no longer a grenade, but...


When Qitian came to Xiao Yu with the newly made mine, Xiao Yu was very surprised and asked: "Qitian, what are you doing with a pumpkin?"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Tian almost died from laughter.

You can't blame Xiao Yu for admitting his mistake, because the appearance of the mine is indeed somewhat similar to that of a pumpkin.

Qi Tian couldn't help but retorted: "My lord, this is not a pumpkin, but my latest bomb!"

"Bomb? Is this a bomb?!" Xiao Yu shouted in shock, with disbelief on his face.

"How to use this?"

"Haha, don't we find out if we try it?"

Qi Tian showed a mysterious expression, and then led Xiao Yu to a specific area.


Xiao Yu was shocked when he saw a sika deer accidentally entering a minefield and triggering a bomb scene.

"Oh my God, I thought the grenade you made was powerful enough, but I didn't expect this one to be even more powerful. What's its name?"

"Go back to Your Highness and call me Di Lei."

"Landmine... landmine... ok, ok, that's wonderful, Qi Tian, ​​you are really a genius!"

Xiao Yu sincerely praised Qi Tian.

Qi Tian replied humbly: "Your Highness the Crown Prince, you have given me the award."

"Well, let's do this for now. Let's go back to the city and have a drink to celebrate your development of a new bomb." Xiao Yu said to Qi Tian with a kind face.

Qi Tian also nodded happily: "Okay, Your Highness."

Immediately, Qi Tian and Xiao Yu returned to the city. After returning to the city, Xiao Yu directly ordered his servants to prepare good wine and food to greet them.

Just when Qi Tian was about to exchange glasses with Xiao Yu and enjoy the wine, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of him and said softly:

"General Qitian, long time no see, how about a drink?"

This chapter has been completed!
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