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Chapter 52: Fat Meat on the Chopping Board

After his cousin left, Tom couldn't help but wonder what went wrong.

Neither Johnny nor Rocky nor the female secretary would turn their arms outward like this after receiving money.

On the contrary, a cousin who was truly connected by "blood" did something that Tom was most taboo about.

If it weren't for his aunt's sake, this cousin would have gone to the Gulf of Mexico to accompany the sharks after that cough.

Tom looked at the "Appendix" in his hand.

My cousin recalled that the school textbook was "almost transformed" into a "lazy lackey" who loves his country but not his family, and loves his people but not his capital.

Tom couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.

"After Smith Newspapers, Smith Publishing House, Smith Educational Publishing House and Smith School will all be put on the agenda."

Tom decided to find some people he trusted to write several sets of qualified "textbooks", especially textbooks within the Smith family.

The family textbook is called "The Smith Family Teaching Series".

Choose a few more must-read books.

Location determines the path.

Tom didn't want there to be a few more foolish young men in his family who were like his cousin, blindly pursuing those "honorable" paths without understanding their own position.

Tom now only hopes that one of his children will be qualified to edit these textbooks. He does not have so much energy, and his peers are all ordinary Germans who have not received much higher education.

"It's better to be a daughter."

"My daughter is more careful, and it is easier for her to know how to control people's hearts."

"It's not just for that illusory sense of achievement in restoring history."

After roughly deciding on the direction, Tom walked back to the office.

There are piles of documents under a map of Mexico.

Now in Smith's office, only materials related to the Mexican "Civil War" are left.

If you look carefully, you will find in the documents that some military factories have already experienced a shortage of capital chains.

It is not difficult to deduce that Hero Company has also staked its "net and life" for this war.


In mid-June 1867,

Tom was sitting in the office, looking at various urgent documents for work:

Payment fees submitted by raw material suppliers from overseas and other states, strategic material demand orders sent by John, salary slips of workers in various factories, funds for railway and highway projects across Texas, school construction fees in Texas...


"No money!"

"I really have no money!"

Tom couldn't help but patted his forehead. After being in this world for so long, this was the first time that Tom was so worried about money.

The financial consumption of the war far exceeded Tom's expectations.

Especially as the advance deepens, the front line continues to lengthen.

Now Hero Company is losing at least millions of dollars every month because of the war.

It is true that Tom's tactics and skills are to pave the road with money, but Tom did not expect to pave such a "thick" road. It is simply a road of gold and silver.

The material consumption rate is even greater than the combined monthly material consumption rate of the Confederate States of America and the United States of America during the Civil War.

During the Civil War, the apparent monthly expenses of the Confederate and Northern armies were actually tens of millions of dollars per month.

However, that was a bill for buying firearms and military supplies from an arms supplier, and these were produced by Tom himself!

The Morgan consortium was able to sell guns that were not worth a dollar and were about to be scrapped to the Yankee government army at a price of more than 20 dollars each.

Not to mention how shady other arms suppliers are.

Tom's self-produced army consumes tens of millions of dollars in military supplies every month.

If the acquisition price were the same as that of the Northern and Southern armies during the Civil War, it would be at least several billion dollars per month.

Fortunately, Tom started preparing the military factory a few months in advance, otherwise, he would have been dragged down by the "middlemen".

In just over a year, Hero Company emerged from a group of Dixie guys who only knew how to farm, and has swept into super giant companies in many industries such as medicine, fertilizers, and dyes in the United States.

From the beginning to the end, it is absolutely "personal shareholding" and "personal decision-making", preventing outsiders from intervening.

Even if there is no public listing of stocks and there is no need to disclose financial statements or anything like that, major local consortiums estimate that Hero Company's monthly net profit is tens of millions of dollars. Taking into account the huge "underground smuggling", Hero Company's monthly income is simply inestimable.

With such terrifying profits, it is impossible to support Tom's "road-building tactics" for a long time. It can be seen that the United States, which could support MacArthur's "island hopping tactics" on the other side of the Pacific during World War II, was much more productive than neon.

Today's monthly losses of tens of millions of dollars have seriously hit Hero Company's capital flow chain.

The shortage of capital chain of Hero Company has been reflected in many aspects.

Hero Company has increased production of its products. It is no longer a monthly rationed rush to buy, but it is accepting all comers, taking all orders, and selling silver and other non-gold rare metals on a large scale. The underground market no longer only accepts gold.

By bartering, dollars or other valuable materials independently issued by other states can be purchased and exchanged for Hero products.

Tom now just needs to sell the hero company's gold reserves and sell a large amount of real estate.

(At this point in time, the world is still dominated by the gold and silver dual standards, and it has not yet reached the point where the gold standard will dominate the world. The gold standard will gradually dominate the world after 1870.)

Many people in charge of the financing of the Yang Kai Group are also sensitive to the business opportunities brought by Hero Company.

The war brought down Hero Company's finances. This is the consensus among the Yankees in the North now.

Everyone hopes that in this crisis of hero company, they can make a profit by "taking advantage of the situation" in the name of "giving help in times of need".

On the surface, the Yang guys even said to each other that they would boycott each other and not give loans to Hero Company, but secretly they were contacting the top management of Hero Company and trying every means to talk to Tom Smith.

In the past few days, from the **** Group under the name of the Morgan consortium, which originated in Europe, to the state banks supported by various local consortiums in the United States, and even the First National Bank of Boston, under the name of the Boston consortium with a "blood feud", have begun to contact Tom.


The huge profits even attracted several royal families in Europe, such as the Hanoverian royal family (later renamed the famous Windsor royal family), the Bonaparte royal family (later renamed the Napoleon family), the Habsburg royal family, and the Hohenzollern royal family.

Not to mention the Romanov royal family, the ruling families of several major countries.

The former ruling families of large countries or the ruling families of small countries, such as the Bourbon family, Stuart family, Braganza family, Wittelsbach family, and Friedrich family, are also ready to make a move.

These families even offered to send troops to join the war and provide materials and funds to invest in Hero Company.

Their real thoughts are actually far more barbaric than those of Mr. Yang who only want to invest in capital through financing.

If it weren't for the hundreds of thousands of "Devil's Army" killing everyone in Mexico, and the restless "neighbors" in my hometown in Europe.

The Europeans even want to expedition to the United States, conquer Texas by force, and violently obtain the complete industrial chain of Hero Company.

For a time, the declining hero company became a piece of meat in the eyes of major forces in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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