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Chapter Fourteen The Women's Liberation Pioneers

The three of them got off the carriage with Tom's help in turn.

Before boarding the carriage, the four of them formally met for the first time.

When they got off the carriage, the four of them had become like-minded "comrades".

For the first time, the three middle-aged women understood what it felt like to have the words "lucky after meeting each other" and "forgetting to be friends for years" when they happened around them.

The followers of the four are all partners who have been together day and night for many years. It can also be seen from the spirit of the boss/leader that the relationship between the four has been sublimated.

If we say that at the train station, Tom's enthusiasm made the three middle-aged women feel a little embarrassed and overly enthusiastic.

So now, the three women can not only accept Tom's familiar enthusiasm, but also return Tom's more sincere feelings.

There should be a sea of ​​enthusiasm between comrades!

A group of people entered the renovated Smith Farm, but the farm owner still showed many signs of war.

The bullet marks on the door frame, the bombed mailbox barrel, and some deliberately burned traces inside the house all tell the story of the atrocities committed by the Yankee garrison.

The group entered a specially expanded temporary conference room in Smith Farm.

The conference room does not use French design to design the interior decoration like the conference rooms in the Yankee area, nor does it have all kinds of exaggerated art decorations commonly used by Yankee factory owners and European aristocrats.

It's just a simple long conference table with dozens of chairs, gone.

Not even a vase.

The only decorations may be the water glasses on the conference table and a few bottles of drinks that appear to be gin.

After everyone sat down, Tom glanced at the other female members of the American Equal Rights Association who had not had in-depth communication before, and then walked to the end of the long conference table.

Tom started his speech with his back to a large two-meter-high whiteboard.

"All the great human rights fighters, you must have understood by now that the Equal Rights Association of America will not fight for the slightest bit of rights for women."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three women, including the three women who had already recognized Tom, turned dark. Several younger human rights fighters even wanted to refute directly, but were forced back by the cold looks of the three senior executives.

The three middle-aged women all know that the American Equal Rights Association is no longer the original American Equal Rights Association.

After the Civil War, the Yankees failed to fulfill their previous promise to give women equal voting rights with men.

There were also divisions within the American Equal Rights Association, and men within the association broke their original promises and stopped publicly supporting the women's liberation movement.

"I have already talked about this issue with three comrades on the way here. Those dirty politicians just want to use the power of the people to gain profits, and they do not really want to improve people's lives or solve the problems of slavery and gender discrimination.

, women are also among the victims.”


Tom saw some unhappy expressions on some human rights fighters, but Tom ignored them. After his speech was approved by the three human rights fighters, he continued to speak.

Tom's focus today is to seek help from these three people. The rest of the people have too little influence.

"I smuggled myself from Germany, from that backward country filled with aristocratic systems."

"I came to America, a pure land without nobles."

"Although there are no Junker aristocrats like Germany here, there are also disguised "new aristocrats" such as capitalists, factory owners, slave owners, etc."

"The oppression of employees, farmers, and women in the United States is no different from the feudal system of the Second German Empire."

"Especially in terms of the rights of men and women, women have been completely deprived of all their rights."

"Have you ever thought about how to fundamentally solve this problem?"

Tom raised a very controversial question to the human rights fighters in front of him, and it was an issue closely related to these human rights fighters.

Before I finished speaking, all the human rights fighters present were involved in this issue.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, let alone such a highly controversial issue.

"It's the oppression of men! It's all those hateful men."

"It's because women are the weaker side in war, and their natural fighting power is not enough to fight against men."


The three middle-aged women could no longer suppress the excited young human rights fighters around them.

These passionate human rights fighters expressed their opinions in the conference room of Smith Farm, and a heated debate soon began in the conference room.

Each human rights fighter gave his or her own interpretation of the current social situation, especially issues regarding the rights of men and women.

In later generations, even great men who devoted themselves to the people and died can be criticized by various princes on the Internet, let alone debates on such highly subjective issues.

Tom interrupted the human rights fighters' argument with sudden laughter and applause.


"Pah, pah, pah."

Tom stood up laughing and clapped with both hands. The eyes of these human rights fighters were full of ridicule.

The human rights fighters present, including the three leaders of the human rights fighters, were a little confused. It was the first time for the three of them to see a person who just said that he would devote his life to the fight for human rights, and then treated him like a clown.

Think of yourself as a human rights fighter.

This made them feel very strange, even weird. The behavior of this young rich man in his twenties was too abnormal.

Tom slowly stood up amidst everyone's doubtful eyes, walked to the window, holding a wine glass in his hand, looking at the "farming" scene outside the window, took out a few boxes of cigars from his arms and placed them by the window.

"I don't drink, but in order to cope with the guests who may come here at any time, I often drink water from a wine glass and pretend to be gin to taste it."

"I don't smoke, but I carry one or two boxes of high-quality cigars with me so that when I communicate with others, I can take out the cigars and share them with them to get closer."

"I am an atheist, but under the influence of the believers around me, whether it is Jesus or Allah, whether it is Confucius or Shiva, I can have a few words with their believers."

"You want to know why?"

Several feminist fighters were stunned by Tom's unique behavior and a series of strange questions. They couldn't figure out what this young rich man who smuggled from Germany meant?

But Tom's tone was so solemn and dignified, not at all like those traditional men who are hypocritical but discriminatory against women in their hearts.

Even with the unconcealed ridicule in his eyes, the feminist fighters present did not feel the same contempt and disdain for women as other wealthy Americans.

This chapter has been completed!
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