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Chapter 20 The Life Desired by Four Little Girls

No matter how hard the four little girls tried to persuade him, Johnny still insisted on not allowing the four little girls to leave the cabin. The four little girls could only lie on the bed every day and watch the dance party with people coming and going on the deck outside the window.

The men and women on the ship were basically bankrupt little Junker nobles from the German region. Their elegant and courteous dance moves attracted four young girls.

The little girl had only seen singing and dancing in distant manors when she was picking grapes. Now that she had the opportunity to have close contact with such social activities of "upper class" people, she was of course eager to join in.

Subconsciously, people at the bottom and middle class always pursue the life of the upper class. They think that if they can occasionally do what the upper class usually does, they have crossed over.

The little Junker nobles on these ships did not know how to follow the trend of the times and devoted themselves to the emerging industry. They did not have much land and soon could not maintain their luxurious life.

He was obviously a bankrupt little nobleman, but he used up his last assets to buy a ticket to the United States.

The United States is not only a "paradise" for European stowaways, but also a "paradise" for European bankrupt aristocrats.

American capitalists are proud to be married to European aristocrats, while European aristocrats use the sweatshops of American factory owners to maintain their "respectable" luxurious lives.

Of course, on the way to pursue "wealth", these Junker nobles will also show their aristocratic demeanor on this ship full of American capitalists who have returned from visiting relatives in Europe and other "fellows of bankrupt nobles".

The social etiquette and family history displayed by these nobles at the ball were like a peacock in full bloom, attracting the wealthy capitalists on board.

American capitalists will select the suitable nobles on this ship just as the goods in their factories are selected by buyers at an exhibition.

"Your family once followed Frederick I?"

"Yes, the sapphire in my hand is the gem given to my ancestors by Emperor Barbarossa. After thousands of years of inheritance, I am now its only owner."

From this conversation, it can be known that this small sapphire of average quality is the last property of this bankrupt nobleman, and it is also his last bargaining chip to exchange for glory and wealth in the rest of his life.

In Europe, thousands of years of war history have turned this kind of noble token into almost "mass" production, but for American capitalists, it is their capital to show off in the upper class circles of America.

When European aristocrats show off their "commodity competitiveness", they can also rely on words such as: items given by Emperor xxx, supreme bloodline originated from Duke xxx, etc. to cover up their shame. As for American capitalists, they can only show off their wealth.

The problem is that on this occasion, showing off wealth is a behavior that violates the etiquette of European aristocrats. As a result, at this exhibition, European aristocrats have difficulty in distinguishing whether their "potential buyers" have potential.

For the four little girls who were once just vineyard workers who were locked up in the most luxurious cabin of the ship every day, it was really difficult to understand the meaning of this large-scale marriage-for-sale blind date scene. They just simply envied those people.

Men and women dancing every day.

These Junker nobles also tried their best to dress themselves up like "old European" nobles, wearing all the remaining noble jewelry. Those jewelry with shining eyes attracted the attention of the four little girls even more.

"Alice, Mia, Reina, I heard the waiter who delivered our meal said that tonight, they are holding the last dinner party. They will arrive in New York tomorrow, and most of them will disembark."

"Sister Amy, so what if you know, Cousin Johnny said we can't go out."

"Yes, although I also want to dance like them. It's so beautiful. Unfortunately, we can't escape Johnny's clutches."

Amy pulled the other three little sisters into her room and took out a three and a half meter long cloth strip made of sheets.

"Tonight, the four of us apply to sleep together. When it gets dark, we will go down through the window of my room."

The window of the room is more than three or four meters above the deck. For a little girl who grew up on a farm, even her hungry and full body can easily get up and down with the help of this "sheet rope".

Not to mention them who have been nourished by enough food for two months.

"Sister Amy, isn't this bad?"

"Alice, if you don't go, forget it, I will definitely go anyway."

"I am coming too."

"I also need to go."

"Well, count me in."

Alice, the most well-behaved girl, did not want to be abandoned in the bedroom by her two best friends and her sister, so she joined the three-person "prison escape" team.

"Recuperate your spirits first and let's sleep together."

The four little girls hugged each other and slept from about one o'clock in the afternoon until dinner time. Johnny thought that the four little girls had finally had enough fun, so he didn't worry too much.

During dinner, the four little girls were all so excited about the "big operation" that was about to take place in the evening that they didn't even eat much.

After dinner, the four little girls went into Amy's room to sleep together again. At about 7:30 in the evening, it was still bright, but the Junkers nobles couldn't wait to start their last self-exhibition.

After all, a large number of high-quality American buyers will disembark tomorrow, followed by New York and Houston. How can there be big capitalists in this place that the Junker nobles have never heard of?

Houston, the end point, was a new stop added temporarily after Johnny bribed the captain. These European aristocrats had only heard of Boston and New York and other places in the United States, and there really weren't many wealthy capitalists.

The four little girls also couldn't wait to climb down from the window. Their bodies may not be healthy after years of hard work, but they are full of strength and have calluses on their hands. They easily stepped onto the deck and joined the deck with curiosity on their faces.


The four little girls, who looked to be only about ten years old, were certainly not "commodities" at the exhibition, and the American capitalists did not pay attention to these four girls dressed in luxurious Junker aristocratic costumes.

In the eyes of fellow European aristocrats, it may be that some Junker noble's "little gift" escaped because they didn't take care of it properly. Anyway, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect their ability to sell themselves.

The four girls soon felt bored. They did not understand aristocratic etiquette and were completely unable to integrate into the conversations around them. The Junker nobles were not willing to accommodate them like they did the American capitalists.

In the end, the four girls had no choice but to spend the long meal at the party, frantically replenishing the energy they had reduced due to excitement at night.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm really tired of eating caviar and the like every day, but the bread is still delicious."

"Speaking of which, we haven't eaten bread since we boarded the ship. This time I want to eat it all at once."

The four girls' eating looks without any "nobility" soon attracted the ridicule of the Junker aristocrats and American capitalists who cling to elegance.

Speaking of which, for my last book, I planned to thank you and reward me every few days.

As a result, the last batch was gone without the thank you letters.

Thank you every day this time, just in case

Thank you for the previous ones first

To be honest, I have never used the subscription money, and the rewards are my only source of income. Thank you for your daily necessities.

100100 of the Universe Star God

Li Yushang’s 100

100 of cloth bundles and letters

Troubled 100

My name is maybe 100

You are not allowed to laugh 100

I am Aaron's 10010010010050015001000100

100 of Book Friends 20200306

Book Friends 20191002 of 100

Master Decadi's 100 in the mid-air split

Coke's 100 for those who don't like Coke

Book friend 20200220 of 100100100

Don’t ask why you thanked me in the main text. It’s a free period anyway, and it happens to be visible to QQ readers. If QQ readers can’t see the author’s words, it’s not a low word count.

Don’t worry, even without this paragraph of thanks, I see here that this chapter has more than 2,200 words. I just don’t know how much I could swallow at the starting point.

My books usually have about 2,500 words in the background. Qidian intelligently annexed some sensitive words, and the number is just over 2,000.

This chapter has been completed!
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