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Chapter 50: The Mexican Summation

"Mr. Tom Smith, on behalf of the United Mexican States, I beg you for peace."

"We are willing to pay five million dollars in war reparations."

"Payable over thirty years, the total amount including interest is $20 million."

"The Mexican government is willing to use the minerals from all the mines in northern Mexico as collateral."

"I just ask you to stop the war and take your "knight attendants" out of Mexico."

Porfirio Diaz could only continue to suppress the anger and grievance in his heart, and forced out a bunch of humiliating words prepared in advance from his teeth.

"Does your Mexican government still have credibility? Have you forgotten what started this war?"

After hearing these exaggerated conditions, Tom didn't even bother to raise his head and refused coldly.

ps: The reason why the Franco-Mexican War broke out was that President Benito refused to pay the high interest on loans borrowed by the European powers, which angered the European powers, especially Napoleon III, who was carrying out reforms at home and was in urgent need of diplomatic prestige and money.

"We have also investigated here. You, a great businessman who started from scratch and quickly became a wealthy man in the United States, have spent tens of millions of dollars every month since you intervened in our civil war in Mexico."

"And currently, from a business perspective, I haven't seen any return at all."

"This kind of behavior that outweighs the gains and losses does not fit well with your image as the number one businessman in the United States and even the world."

"Isn't it a necessary quality for every good businessman to stop losses in a timely manner?"

Porfirio Diaz still reminded Tom's hero company with a calm "goodwill" look on his face that he had suffered losses.

Trying to use benefits to remind Tom that this war will bring no benefits to you as a businessman. You are a businessman, an excellent businessman, but you are just a businessman!

Tom also understood what Porfirio Díaz meant when he kept mentioning the word "Shang", a Nike smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he snorted coldly.


Tom pointed to "Tom Smith Heard the Death of Maximilian I" behind him. Porfirio Dias also followed Tom's finger and looked at the world that could be called "weird".

Famous paintings.

"Have you seen this painting?"

"I saw it sir, why are you like this in this painting?"

"At that time, I heard that my supreme Lord was executed by you, a group of insidious and cunning liberals. I cried with grief and anger for five days and five nights. The painter was by my side and kept drawing as a reference."


Porfirio Diaz was counting the days in his mind. Didn't he just finish the painting today?

Your eyes are not red or swollen at all. You said you cried for five days?

are you fug kidding me? (Maintaining the Internet environment and not swearing starts from you and me. Original English meaning: You are teasing me. English version of swearing.)

"I swore an oath to the five patron saints that I would be loyal to Your Majesty until your Majesty's death. I did not go with Your Majesty just to take revenge on you shameless traitors."

"Four or five? I also forgot. I think there was Saint Martin or Saint Donkey? I can't remember clearly."

"If there weren't too many mountains in Mexico, I would have rescued Mexico City just like the Polish Hussars rescued Vienna, and killed all of you ownerless people."

"You vulgar people who don't understand etiquette, accept the sanction of my paladin."

Porfirio Diaz looked at Tom's untroubled face and said these blasphemous words indifferently, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Even if others heard this without knowing it, Porfirio Díaz was a high-ranking military officer in the United Mexican Republic and a commander with real power.

In Porfirio Diaz's memory, Tom's "Devil's Army" had stopped since the day Maximiliano I was arrested, the United States held a trial overnight, and issued a death sentence.

They had to wait until a month later, after Maximilian I was executed, to start moving forward again.

As a Mexican general, Porfirio Díaz knew that if the "Devil's Army" advanced at its original speed, it would surely reach Mexico City before the execution day.

Porfirio Dias said to himself: "I think you just want the emperor to die!"

Tom didn't have the ability to read minds, but with his long experience in dealing with people, he could tell that the special envoy of the United Mexican States in front of him was on the verge of going berserk.

Tom will take advantage of the situation to add fuel to the fire.

"Only the noble bloodline of the Habsburg family can rule America, a barbaric land that ignores its masters."

"The throne of Mexico must belong to my lord's family, not to you monkey-like primitive people."

"I will once again put my Lord's blood on the throne of Mexico."

Porfirio Diaz couldn't stand it any longer. Who in the world didn't know that Maximiliano had no heirs?

Is it possible to bring over another noble from Europe?

Who dares to come to the Habsburg family? The emperor's own brother was shot.

Other families would not even dare to become emperor. Let alone the issue of life, this behavior would not give the Habsburg family face.

Porfirio Diaz breathed a long sigh of relief and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Tom didn't expect this ordinary envoy to be so patient.

(Tom didn’t know that the man in front of him was the future dictator of Mexico, a tycoon who would leave a mark on history.)

Tom put down the document in his hand, walked under the world-famous painting, once again recalled the tragic plot of generations of people, and showed the expression on the painting.

"Your Majesty, you died so miserably~"

"I will definitely avenge Your Majesty, and I will show the glory of the Habsburg name in America!"

"I am your Majesty's chief royal knight!"


Porfirio Díaz was disgusted by Tom's poor acting. His "Sichuan Opera" behavior of changing his face in this second made Porfirio Díaz unable to bear it any longer.

"Those who deceive the world by deceiving others still use oil paintings to deceive the world!"

"You don't even respect the Lord. You are such a faithless person!"

"It was obviously you who killed Maximiliano I, but you are still here pretending!"

"You are a knight in vain!"

Porfirio Díaz cursed at Tom Smith. He never wanted to be in the same room with this bitch again. After cursing, he turned around and left the reception room.

It's no wonder that Porfirio Diaz has poor mental endurance. It's really impossible to find someone as disgusting to him as Tom these days.

Experience determines horizons.

Location determines the path.

In his previous life, Tom "experienced" an era of great liberation of human rights from the history books.

In this era, apart from Tom's biggest enemies - the students of "Teacher Ma" and other human rights fighters, it is difficult to find anyone whom Tom does not despise.

Tom is a time traveler, and he despises the backward ideas of this era from the bottom of his heart.

I despise even more those who advocate this kind of thinking, or use this kind of thinking to gain benefits and status.


Thanks to Resi for the 200 reward

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