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Chapter 25: The Smith Factory Area That Is Not Afraid of Cracking

"Have I changed? No."

Tom scratched the back of his head "innocently", and his messy blond hair became even more messy. Apart from meeting important people, Tom only cares about hygiene and is unkempt most of the time.


John sighed softly. John, who liked children, did not pester him on this issue anymore. Instead, he turned around and asked a more critical question:

"I discovered on the way that only Europeans and Yankees use products made in the Smith Factory area. Considering the shipping costs, can our products really compete with their local products in those places?"

"Relax, even if they are all chemical fertilizers, the nitrogen content of Jin Kaila's second-generation chemical fertilizer is dozens of times higher than that of Jin Kaila's first-generation chemical fertilizer."

After John skipped the question about the special type of work, he directly raised his concerns. John was different from Johnny and Rocky and other stupid people. John had his own thinking. Otherwise, John would not have been in Bavaria.

I taught myself English.

This is not the first time that Tom has traveled back in time to the mid-19th century. After his last time traveling, he learned a lot about the technologies of the same era, and the technologies used in New York were all less advanced technologies.

At that time, several chemical plants that Tom and his brother-in-law's family cooperated with were using technology from the 1870s and 1980s at most, which was less than 20 years ahead of the times.

If in New York, Tom had directly used the chemical technology of the 21st century, Tom would have been a billionaire by now.

But similarly, it is impossible for Tom to escape New York smoothly.

"Aren't you afraid that those Yang guys will send people to steal and crack our technology? I see people coming and going in and out of the Smith Factory area, and there is no one to be alert at all."

"You don't have to worry about this. Let's look at this first."

Tom did not directly answer John's technical concerns. Such professional knowledge would be in vain if explained. Not to mention John's knowledge reserve, it is impossible for all the chemical knowledge in the world to understand Tom's chemical theory at this time.

Tom pulled out a document from the mountain of documents in front of him and handed it to John. Tom wanted to test whether this most useful, powerful, and obedient tool in his previous life would still be as convenient and effective in this life.

John opened the file and looked at it, frowned slightly, nodded, returned the file in his hand to Tom, turned around and walked out.

"My factory's technology has been cracked? It will only be cracked the day I want it to be cracked by outsiders."

Tom thought of John's young and mature appearance, and couldn't help but recall how useful and reliable this man was in his previous life, so he relaxed and continued to process the documents in his hand.

As for the issue of products in Smith’s factory area being cracked?

Don't be ridiculous. In 1866, no one even discovered stereochemistry in organic chemistry, and the dynamic balance of chemical equations was not yet clear. If you want to crack the "chemical products" that combine more than a hundred years of knowledge from later generations, for today's

For a chemist, this is indeed a bit of a fantasy.

More importantly, Tom's chemical factory is strictly "pseudo-modular production".

The Smith factory area is different from the factories in the Yankee area with clear division of labor. In order to prevent the chemical technology from being cracked, the chemical reactions carried out in each factory are not complete production chains.

If a product is a, it requires six steps of chemical reactions to obtain the finished product.

Then Tom will assign each step to six different chemical factories. Each factory only performs one step of production and transports the intermediate products to the next factory. Moreover, these six factories are not solely engaged in the production of intermediate products of one commodity.

Tom now has hundreds of chemical plants with thousands of chemical products under his control. Each chemical plant carries out one or two production steps of several chemical products.

Each factory only receives raw materials, processes them, and delivers its products to the next factory. No one knows what their factory produces or what role they play in the production process of goods.

Even if some factories have produced some goods and completed the final chemical reaction of the goods, these employees do not know how the raw materials used in the process they are processing are produced.

If you want to know the production process of any product of Hero Company, you must obtain all the processes carried out in all Tom's chemical plants, which is much more difficult than just infiltrating one or two chemical plants.

Even if all chemical plants of Tom Hero Company are penetrated, the chemical synthesis procedures of each product must be carried out in a specific order, which increases the difficulty of cracking.

Except for Tom himself, no one knows the production process of these chemical compounds, and Tom's notes are written entirely in English, Chinese, German, French, modern Martian script, and modern chemical terminology, written in pinyin. If you want to decipher these

The difficulty of taking notes for today's Americans is like the Japanese trying to crack the enhanced version of Wind Talker during World War II.

je am an o guo died.

(je French I am, am an English is a, 羙国死Mars Pinyin American)

If the notes written in this writing method could be deciphered, Tom could only express his resignation.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tom, who had been busy in the mountain of documents for two and a half hours, finally completed his work - signing most of the documents.

Tom touched his head and scratched his hair. When he opened his palm, he found that in just two or three hours, he had lost a golden hair.

"From now on, I can't work more than two hours at a time, and I can't work more than three hours a day, otherwise I will keep losing hair."

Tom put down the silky blond hair in his hand heartbrokenly, looked at several plans and government approvals on the table, and silently prayed for John, who was about to complete a life-or-death mission, that he could successfully complete the mission.

"John, I hope you can be as reliable in this life as you were in your last life."

Finally, Tom's sight moved away from the pair of documents, and he rotated the leather chair. Tom looked out the window at the endless fields. In the fields near Houston, Texas, there were no more black people working in the fields. They were all uniform.

The "red neck".

Among the messy piles of documents, the most conspicuous ones are the few documents that Tom just put down after finishing the review and approval - "Texas Tobacco Monopoly Act", "Texas Drug Control Act", "Texas Drug Control Act"

Texas Drug Enforcement Act, etc.

"Brother, we are here."

Johnny and Rocky entered Tom's office. Tom did not respond to the two brothers immediately. Instead, he took a few puffs of the fake glass cigarette in his hand, enjoying the "real feeling" brought by breathing hard in his lungs.

"Take it away."

"John, don't get involved until the critical moment, and..."

"Watch the damn kid."

Tom took out a few documents and gave them to Rocky and Johnny. After giving some special instructions, he continued to admire the beautiful industrial fields where Negro wasted his life on the fields.

"The Smith Factory has been in operation for several months, and those who haven't come to work in the factory are all vagrants and criminals, and at the very least they are unfilial traitors."

This chapter has been completed!
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