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Chapter 29 Make Texas Great Again!

"Brother Tom, those coal merchants are no longer willing to accept U.S. dollars from our Texas State Bank."

"Not just coal, wood, cloth, cotton, etc., almost all raw material suppliers are no longer willing to accept U.S. dollars from our Texas state banks. They only want U.S. dollars issued by banks in the Yankee region."

"I've calculated that if this continues, our Smith factory area will be shut down in half a month at most."

"This does not include the influx of tens of thousands of Irish and Eastern European refugees every day. If all were included, we would no longer be able to support the Smith Factory District, which now has half a million employees, within ten days at most.


In the Smith Farm, Tom sat leisurely on his leather office chair, with his legs crossed on the desk, smoking a fake glass cigarette in his mouth, and listening to the reports of his subordinates.

Before Tom came to Texas, he had been setting up a secret line to infiltrate the Texas State Bank.

Last month, Tom took complete control of the Texas State Bank. Tom, who was on the verge of bankruptcy, quickly ordered a large number of state dollars to be printed to fill the shortage in the cash chain.

These newly printed U.S. dollars became the means for Tom to pay the raw material suppliers in Smith's factory area.

Employees' salaries began to be paid in these brand-new, ink-smelling dollars again.

But gradually, because of Tom's large-scale money printing, suppliers found that the US dollars in the Texas State Bank were becoming less and less valuable.

Some places in other areas have begun not to recognize the U.S. dollars printed by the Texas State Bank, and suppliers in the Smith Factory District also no longer recognize these baseless U.S. dollars.

A group of men reported these "tragic reports" to Tom with sad faces.


The pair of cheap leather shoes on Tom's feet, which cost less than twenty dollars, collided with each other and made a crisp sound as Tom danced on his toes.

This very rhythmic sound told everyone present that Tom had no psychological burden.

Finally, the cheap leather shoes stopped knocking, and Tom put his legs down, adjusted his sitting posture, and sat upright, looking at the core members of the Smith family in front of him.

From the pile of documents on the table, Tom pulled out a Texas State Bank hundred-dollar bill that had just been printed less than three days ago, and sniffed the pleasant smell of ink with the tip of his nose.

"in God we trust!"

Looking at the phrase consisting of twelve English letters on the U.S. dollar, Tom seemed not to worry about the devaluation of the U.S. dollar at the Texas State Bank at all.

Tom did not directly answer his men's concerns, but asked other questions.

"Is there still a blind mafia in Texas?"

"there is none left."

John Mueller, who was the first to answer, now leads the Mueller family, which is composed of veterans from the German region, and has completely controlled the underground world of Texas.

“Is the scale of the Smith Factory District sufficient to fully operate more than 10 million employee positions?”

"That's enough, construction has stopped now."

"Boss, what's the point of building such a big city? Where did Texas come from with such a large population?"

This time it was Loki who answered, and Tom also asked Tom to raise his own doubts. Tom did not answer, but continued to ask the next person.

"Is the Ku Klux Klan still very powerful but without any real power?"


The third question was answered by Johnny.

"Everything is ready."

"Brothers, it's time!"

"Make Texas Great Again!"

Tom pulled out dozens of file bags from the drawer and distributed each file bag to different core members of the Smith family according to the names on it.

Judging from the dust accumulated on the edge of the document bag, these documents have been stored in Tom's drawer for a long time.

Tom is waiting for this opportunity.

Waiting for this opportunity to make the name Tom Smith shine again in the United States of America.

The next day, all products in the Smith Factory area were directly reduced by 80% from prices similar to those of Yankee products, and began to impact the markets across the United States and Europe.

The production methods of the chemical plant in the Smith Factory District are a perfect combination of Tom's chemical knowledge from the 21st century and the industrial bottlenecks of the 19th century that Tom learned from a beautiful chemist in his previous life.

It is no exaggeration to say that the per capita production efficiency of the chemical plants in the Smith Factory District is more than ten times that of the Yankee and European chemical plants. Even if the current price of the Smith Factory is one-tenth, there will still be huge profits.

Before, Tom was accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity.

The United States of America does have high tariffs to protect its factories.

To be precise, it was the Yankee government that used tariffs to protect the development of the Yankee Industrial Zone.

The industrial products in the European area have always been of higher quality and cheaper than the products in the Yangjiluo Industrial Zone.

But Texas is part of the United States, and the Yankee government can no longer use tariffs as an excuse to protect its own congressmen's factories.

Fertilizer factories were hit first, followed closely by explosives factories, dye factories and other industries closely related to the chemical industry.

Tom is different from his previous life, which had no business experience. In his previous life, Tom started in a fertilizer factory and a pharmaceutical factory, starting little by little and developing steadily.

In this life, I personally experienced the intrigues and deceit among the Yangtze Industrial Zone for another year.

With the large amount of funds accumulated previously, when Tom was building the Smith Factory Area in Texas, he no longer started with one or two industries, but relied on the advantages of the chemical industry to impact all industries.

Even in industries not directly related to the chemical industry, Tom began to invest heavily in them.

Taking the clothing industry as an example, Tom relies on its advantages of being closer to cotton production areas and producing dyes in its own chemical factory. It can produce cheap clothes on a large scale at a cost that is less than one-tenth of the cost of factories in the Yangtze River area.

Not to mention high-end clothing, even those highly praised French fashions have no competitiveness in front of Smith's clothing composed of colorful dyes and delicate and soft fabrics.

Small factories in Yankee areas began to experience large-scale unemployment, and the large factories controlled by congressmen believed that Tom's Smith Factory District was just a bluff. How could any factory maintain profitability at such low prices?

If the population begins to riot after they lose their jobs, then this problem will soon arouse the alarm of the Yankee leaders.

But with the help of human rights fighters in the United States, especially those from the women's liberation movement, the Yankee leaders did not face this "big trouble" in terms of population at all.

Without the security problems caused by excess population, the production efficiency and social environment in the Yangjiao area have actually become better.

An unstoppable and unsolvable positive cycle has begun.

A large number of people from the Yankee region began to flow into Texas by train under the guidance of human rights fighters.

With millions of employees coming to Ireland by sea.

The sparse population no longer shackles the explosion of Texas' industrial power.

Texas, the largest state in the United States with an area of ​​300,000 square miles, flat terrain, and abundant mineral resources, began to rapidly develop the industrial potential it should have had.

This chapter has been completed!
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