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Chapter 35: Loki's Brilliant Deduction

December 22, 1866

Today is Tom's "first seven".

Tom's funeral was also held today in a field on Smith's farm.

People all over America thought that Tom was dead.

The entire upper class circle in America has exploded, and everyone is sorry that a young talent like Tom died young due to an accident.

There were even Yankee factory owners who had never met each other, and held dances to "remember" Tom again and again in their luxurious manor.

"Cheers to Tom Smith!"


"Cheers, to God, who arranges all this destiny!"

"Cheers, to God."

At the dance, a group of newly wealthy American capitalists who had no worries about food and clothing lamented the uncertainty of life and their ill-fated fate.

It was as if Tom Smith was a good brother they met every day.

In an era without the explosion of information, they can only search for all the ups and downs in the world in their boring daily lives and use them to polish their ugly lives.

The news of Tom Smith's death was just an excuse to have a ball.

The upper class has exploded, but what about the employees and farmers at the bottom?

They don't work one day and are homeless the next day. How can they have the leisure and elegance to regret the sudden death of a rich young man who has never met him?

Not to mention the low-level workers in the Yankee area, even the low-level employees in the Smith Factory District of Texas did not stop working.

After all, the Yankees wanted to acquire a functioning Smith factory complex, not a parked and abandoned building complex.

The workload of eighteen hours a day still tortures every low-level employee in the world. For these people, the news of Tom's death has no impression.

Even in September 1866, someone shouted in Geneva to reduce the workload by ten hours, but it has not caused any waves in the world, let alone the death of a capitalist.


Inside Smith Farm,

Tom Smith's funeral was held as scheduled.

The crowd gathered around an empty coffin and listened to the most respected priest in Texas pray.

The people attending the funeral can be said to be of all kinds:

There are core members of the Smith family; there are Texas government executives and state senators, members of the two chambers of the House of Representatives; there are some red-neck farmers who have worked with Smith, the American Equal Rights Association...

Even the Yankee Task Force, the theoretical murderers of Tom Smith, attended the funeral on behalf of the U.S. federal government to honor the memory of this egalitarian fighter.

After the train "crash", the train that was originally transporting explosives, with the help of Mr. Yang, blew up all the passengers completely.

The Smith family could only use a luxurious empty coffin to hold Tom's funeral.

Normal funeral etiquette for upper-class people in Europe and America, unless the death is extremely tragic, the body will be whitewashed and put into a coffin.

Then at the funeral, the coffin is not closed, but the coffin boards are opened wide.

So that the body can be made public at the funeral for everyone to pay their last respects.

Empty coffins do not have this common European and American custom. The tightly closed empty coffin is behind the priest who prays for Tom's soul, quietly listening to the priest's prayers.

After the priest's prayer ended, relatives and friends took turns to come on stage and make the final speech.

Tom's only remaining immediate family members are all traditional German Catholic female believers.

Devout believers, in this scene where a loved one has passed away, everyone is crying, how can they have the extra energy to speak.

Even Tom's two one- and two-year-old nieces in their arms were affected by the atmosphere, looking at their mother and grandma's painted faces with sad faces.

The two little baby girls hope to use this method to restore their mother and grandmother to their former self.

But it's all in vain.

None of the immediate family members are mentally fit to speak.

The first to publicly remember Tom were the direct descendants of the Smith family, who expressed their recognition and gratitude to Tom.

I affirm Tom's leadership and thank myself for the wonderful life I have brought under Tom's leadership.

Then came the Yankee Task Force, who pretended that Tom Smith's death was a loss to the United States of America.

Then came farmers, equal rights groups and others.

Finally, it was Loki's turn to appear. Loki did not look sad or secretly happy like most people at the funeral.

Instead, with an emotionless face, like a jack in a playing card, he took out a thick stack of speech notes and began to speak.

"My investigation has made it clear that the explosion in which the train derailed and caused the explosives on the cargo compartment to explode was not an accidental explosion."

"Although the train was blown to pieces, my men found the locomotive's baffle yesterday afternoon."

"The locomotive's fender showed no sign of collision at all,"

"Even the few trees blocking the road on the railway track have been carbonized by the fire caused by the explosion."

"I can still see that the cut surface at the root of the tree is extremely smooth and neat."

"All the above evidence shows that this accident was not an accident."

"It's a man-made event."


As soon as these words came out, all the guests stopped breathing and took a deep breath.

Everyone present is not an idiot. They all know what Loki means when he says this at this time?

It is very likely that Loki has conclusive evidence to prove who caused this "accident".

Loki ignored the gasps from the audience and continued to speak with anger and in a chilling tone.

"John, you traitor!"

"It was you and Mr. Yang who killed Brother Tom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the guests in the room looked at John and the gang of Yang guys who came before him.

Before everyone could turn around to look at Loki, Loki began to describe his speculation:

"When Big Tom was in Austin, you were the only one who knew Big Tom's travel route."

"The most important basis is that on the third day after Brother Tom died, you took those hateful Yang guys and forced Aunt Penny to sign an agreement to split up Smith Company and sell its shares."

"All you did was to carve up the Smith Company that Brother Tom worked so hard to build with the Yang guys!"

Everyone began to follow Loki's train of thought and start their own speculations.

It was indeed such a coincidence that Tom died on his front leg. As the sole owner of the company, Tom had no descendants.

Tom's company was supposed to be inherited by his only two adult relatives, Tom's mother and sister.

Then, as someone who originally worked in the vineyard with these men, John had a natural affinity.

A few mud-legged people who had just arrived from Bavaria, Germany, unexpectedly received a sky-high inheritance.

It was reasonable for him to be manipulated by John, an ambitious man, and sign the documents for the sale of the estate.

Everyone suddenly realized that the truth might be what Loki had speculated, that John Mueller was the murderer of Tom Smith!


Thank you Xiaoyuan 100

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