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Chapter 41: The Yankee Consortium

Tom put the entire Yankee contingent under house arrest, claiming:

All the contracts for selling the shares of Smith Company during the period of my disappearance are all valid, and the Yankees are welcome to deliver them.

Tom also invited the Yankee contingent, these "close friends" from afar, to attend the Smith family's Christmas dinner.

At the Smith family's Christmas dinner, the guests of honor had a great time, and it was very unpleasant.

And in distant Washington, D.C., there is an elegant manor.

On this day when Jesus was born, there was no joyful atmosphere in the whole manor.

In a conference room in the manor that was no less luxurious than the Senate conference room, dozens of senior executives of the Yankee Consortium gathered.

During the period when Tom was suspended from death, wealthy people from local financial groups in various core cities in the United States, led by the Boston Group, the Chicago Group, the New York Group, etc., gathered together.

We gathered in this conference room in Washington, D.C., to discuss how to "fairly" carve up Smith Company.

Now they received the telegram that Tom was "reborn" and gathered in Washington again.

Discuss how to deal with Smith Company.

No one believes that Tom Smith is really willing to sell the Smith Company he founded to the enemy who "killed him."

The old foxes all looked ashen as they discussed how to redeem their children.

How happy these old foxes were when the last branch meeting was divided, they feel so miserable now.

"A few months ago, Smith Company was a small player like the mafia. It only knew how to engage in smuggling and violent fights. That bastard named Tom has been assassinated many times. How come he dares to attack us Yankees now?"


"I just found out a few days ago that this bastard has recruited hundreds of thousands of black people in the past few months. The war we started was all in vain for this bastard!"

"Even in our Yankee region, millions of employees were recruited by him."

"Even from Europe, nearly 200,000 people go to Texas every month."

"Haven't we already found out that there are no Europeans to back him up? Where did he get so much money to build factories and recruit workers!"

"I don't know about recruiting employees, but when it comes to building a factory, it's just like how we deceived people from England. We got them by cheating."

"Some idiot construction teams and fund companies, knowing that Tom's methods are the same as ours to deceive the English guys, still went to Texas to engage in construction."

"There was a period last month when the U.S. dollars in the Texas State Bank were printed until they were almost a piece of waste paper, and some fools were sending engineering teams to earn this waste paper."

"Stop criticizing me! Didn't your construction company and fund company participate in the construction of the Smith Factory Area in Texas?"

"We are not here to discuss this little bastard's "legendary family history" and to undermine each other! We are here to find a way to solve the trouble he has caused! It is best to eliminate him completely!"

Dozens of representatives of major families hated Tom.

A few months ago Tom had been nothing more than a German pariah from Texas.

Now Tom's Smith Company actually threatens blue-blood nobles like them in several core industries.

Not only is it an industrial threat, now every household has many core members detained by Tom.

"Didn't he almost die in a train accident not long ago? Can't he die in these accidents?"

"It's unlikely. The best opportunity has been wasted by someone's child, and now his army has been brought to light in the name of maintaining law and order."

"This little kid has been secretly recruiting people from his hometown in Germany some time ago. Now Texas has a standing army of more than 50,000 people."

"Pure European arms plus German training."

"Stop joking, how can he possibly maintain a standing army of 50,000 people? Aren't all his products low-priced?"

"Take Boston as an example. The Boston Port's profit from just transporting Smith's medicines is hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. Do you think he may earn less than you Bostonians?"

"And all the products of his Smith Pharmaceuticals Company are claimed to be a loss-making business and low-priced drugs for the sake of human health."

"For the health of all mankind, do you believe this?"

"Where do you think all that money went? The news came back not long ago that the suit he was wearing only cost thirty dollars."

Even a group of "American aristocrats" who consider themselves blue-blooded, when facing Tom's Smith Company.

The first thing I wanted to do was to use the most primitive, barbaric, and most despicable method - assassination.

"Fifty thousand people, there's no way he can gather 50,000 people in Houston!"

"Let's gather a few people from each household and tens of thousands of people to cause an unexpected "fire"."

"Will it be soon before he and the Smith family are completely dealt with?"

The middle-aged man who first proposed another assassination also proposed a violent "assassination".

"Don't just think about these methods, let alone how to cross the Ku Klux Klan trouble zone."

"Even if you go, tens of thousands of people will go to the current base of the "Women's Liberation Movement" and a demonstration site for the "Abolition of Slavery in the South" with great fanfare?"

"You might as well just start a second Civil War."

"Damn woman! What a nuisance! Isn't Texas the most backward-minded place? How could such an abnormal person appear?"

"Dong dong dong!"

A middle-aged man, who looked about forty or fifty years old, hit the ground hard several times with the crutch in his hand.

"The question now is how to deal with Tom! Instead of analyzing the causes and consequences until now!"

After interrupting the crowd's arguments and insinuations, the middle-aged man looked around with his bald eagle-like eyes.

"Don't say what those juniors did was wrong. Ask yourselves, aren't everything they did to acquire Smith Company smoothly?"

"When you first received the news of Tom's death, which one of you wasn't dancing with joy?"

Hawkeye looked at the leaders of other consortiums around him and nodded to each other.

"I think we should agree to Tom Smith's proposal first."

"Isn't it just tens of millions of dollars in gold? Let's collect some from door to door. There isn't much."

Some core members of the same family who were not the middle-aged people in Hawkeye wanted to refute it on the spot after hearing this weak proposal.

But when I saw the person in charge of my family still sitting there steadily, I understood a lot of things.

This decision was made after discussion among these big guys.

The core members like me are just here to listen and have no right to influence.

But not every family has sent a key family heir. Some families have only sent some marginal juniors.

"I object! This kind of soft behavior is not conducive to our future control of Texas."

"The Dixie guys may take this opportunity to encourage the masses to start another Civil War."

The eagle-eyed man didn't even bother to look at the person who retorted, and looked directly at the head of the refutation's family.

"If you object, don't come to this meeting again."

"Now we have to find a way to unite all the forces of the United States. Even if Tom Smith grows wings and flies away, those factories are still the wealth of the United States of America."

"This young and promising guy can definitely join us."

"But if this young man is not appeased, these properties may really fly out of the United States of America!"

"You know, what is the ultimate goal of our Yang Kee Foundation?"

“Don’t let the small lose the big!”

After the leaders of each family heard the phrase "final goal," their faces darkened, and they all said that this was the point.

This dumb loss must be suffered.

This chapter has been completed!
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