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Chapter 44 Dinner for East Asian employees

Paddle steamers carrying two waves of Yankee contingents slowly sailed out of the Port of Houston.

After the paddle steamer had traveled about half a mile, John shouted to the harbor lighthouse behind him.

"Mr. Smith, you can come out now. Their paddle steamers don't have artillery. There are no firearms from this distance that can threaten the port."

"John, I'm not talking about you. Your actions and laughter just now were too stiff, and the full sense of ridicule was not reflected."

Tom walked out of the lighthouse, walked to where Charles was sitting, and sat on it.

He called two strong bodyguards to hold up the chair to prevent him from falling from behind, and crossed his legs on the table in front of him.

The feet placed on the table were still trembling regularly, and the leather shoes on the two feet were constantly colliding with each other, making a rhythmic clicking sound.

"Don't use your hands as pillows and still be so stiff. It's too monotonous. You should be like me."

Tom put his hands on his chest, carefully picked out the gray matter in his nails, took out a small knife, and polished his nails.

"Do you think I'm joking? By the way, let me tell you a little secret. I have switched jobs from Smith Company to Hero Company. We will be competitors from now on, hahaha~"


Seeing Tom's naughty look, the female secretaries standing nearby, suppressing laughter and blushing, couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

Of course, no one present laughed out loud except for these female secretaries, and no one else laughed out loud even if they were holding back their eyes until their eyes turned red.

John didn't laugh because of his personality, but the reason for the others was simple - they were afraid of death.

"John, you are too stiff and not bitchy enough. You have to act like a bitch like me."

"It's just that it's your first time, so you're doing okay. Try your best next time!"

"The next time I perform, I think silently in my heart, I am a bitch, I am a b~i~t~c~h~"

"Who is this? You can actually hold back your laughter. I'm very optimistic about you."

"Come here and give me a manicure."

As soon as Tom finished speaking, he remembered that those poker-faced maids were deaf-mute.

He shook his head helplessly, made a few sign language gestures, and called a few people over to polish his nails.

The two little deaf maids slowly walked to Tom's seat, took the file from Tom's hand, and began to polish Tom's nails.

Several other maids brought out Tom's favorite armchair, and four or five maids struggled to lift Tom from the chair to the armchair.

Give Tom a shoulder and a pat on his back.

"Why does Mr. Smith have to come to the port and teach Mr. Mueller such strange moves?"

"Everyone has a hobby. For example, I have a hobby."

"What's your hobby?"

"Did you just see that uncle's appearance?"

"I saw it."

"I just like to see the expressions on the faces of these human beings who call themselves "superior people" and "blue-blooded people" when they have to swallow their anger because of their most primitive desire to survive. They are simply delicacies on earth."

"Then why did Mr. Smith hide? Wouldn't it be better to do that in front of him? I think Mr. Smith must have done better than Mr. Mueller and would have humiliated the uncle even more."

Tom stretched out his other hand and tapped the talkative maid on the little head.

"Where do you get so much? Why? Give your shoulders a good squeeze."

"Don't hit my head, it will hurt."

Of course, Tom wouldn't say that he was afraid of death. After all, in this kind of situation, you couldn't search your body, and there were a lot of people on the other side. What if there was a "fool" who didn't care about his life but only wanted his face.

It is better to avoid such accidents as much as possible.

"Loki, bring me my plan."

"Okay, Brother Tom."

Loki ran back to the carriage in a hurry. On the way, he pointed at several people who were dealing with the aftermath of the gold.

He took out a folder from the carriage and ran back to Tom's side.

Tom, who was basking in the sun and enjoying being served, took out a hand and took the folder.

Tom waved again, and the maids withdrew.

Tom, who was enjoying the sunbathing, opened the folder with only one page of documents.

The files inside use a variety of text-encrypted "Tom" characters.

Some of the items above are still checked, while others are still blank.

"Let me see, what should I do next?"

The plan was written by Tom when he had just crossed over from the Kingdom of Bavaria, Germany.

There are various goals in it:

Created the Smith family,

After getting his first pot of gold, he came to Texas,

Obtain a standing army of more than 50,000 people

Attack Mexico to gain access to the Pacific Ocean

Became the first emperor in American history to be elected by referendum.

Founded the American Empire,

Tom's fingers slid down one goal after another, and he realized that it was time to hit Mexico, a soft persimmon.

"It's time to fight Mexico."

But I found that between obtaining the army and attacking the seaport, there is a less than number.

Recruit more than 10 million employees who have moved from mainland China to China.

"No, we are recruiting employees who have switched jobs from Galeries Lafayette first."

Tom thought about it carefully. Without the Pacific Ocean outlet, it would be quite difficult to recruit 10 million job-hopping employees.

"Let's do it together. While beating the soft persimmon of Mexico, we can invite employees thousands of miles away."

"How to deceive, bah, persuasion."

"How can I persuade tens of millions of serfs to come from their hometowns, work on ships and trains for a few months, and come to Texas to help me tighten screws?"

Tom was thinking about how to get farmers who believed that land was more important than anything else to leave the land and come to Texas, thousands of miles away.


Some time ago, Tom bought a ramen restaurant. Tom renovated the place and turned it into his exclusive restaurant for hosting East Asian employee leaders.

Speaking of which, Tom was just a college student at first and didn't know much about the culture of drinking and dining, but he has been a man for three generations.

Even if you don’t understand the wine table culture, you can combine the scenes you have seen in TV series in previous lives and create a wine table that is even more “wine table culture” than the officials of the Earth Dynasty.

First of all, the restaurant faces north and faces south. The door of the private private room also faces the south. Tom's main seat is opposite the door. A neat and square large Eight Immortals table is placed in the center of the private room.

Facing the main door, facing north and south, there is a mahogany Taishi chair with exquisite carvings. In the other three directions, there are two Taishi chairs with slightly inferior workmanship and material in each direction.

The remaining six positions are all occupied by six East Asian employee leaders. Only one of them is an old foreman who joined Tom when he was in the New York company last year. The remaining five are all leaders from California.

Wan Dongya employee leader who "escaped" from Dongya.

But the star of today's dinner, Tom Smith, has yet to arrive.


Thanks to book friend 20221103 for the 100 reward

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