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Chapter 49: Mexico Situation Map

After Tom made an aristocratic gesture, he continued his speech:

"Your Majesty, those savage Indians really don't understand etiquette!"

"The local planters are so rude!"

"They are all a bunch of barbaric, backward, ignorant people who don't understand etiquette!"

“I have a dream that one day the feudal world will stand up again and truly live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident—that all men are not created equal.”

"I have a dream that one day, on the red hills of Mexico, the sons of former dukes will be able to sit down at the same table as the sons of former counts and discuss the ways of rule."

"I have a dream that one day, even the United States, a place where slavery has disappeared and equality is the norm, will become an oasis of aristocracy and slavery."

"I have a dream that one day, future children will live in a country where they will be judged not by their wealth, but by the height of their birth."

"My dream was crushed by the gay guys last year!"

"But I'm not willing to give in!"

"I want to support Your Majesty. Your Majesty, you have come all the way from Austria just to restore the "glory of the monarch" to America!"

"You are a direct descendant of the supreme Habsburg family!"

"Your family deserves to rule the world!"

"And I have the secret recipe for you to truly become the ruler of Mexico!"

"I just don't know if His Majesty is interested?"

Tom preconceived the idea, and when Maximiliano I was still confused, he "exported" to Maximiliano I, exporting the "distorted" values ​​​​that had no sense of justice and human rights.

Tom is a qualified capitalist, a capitalist of the new era. He can talk about human rights with women's rights fighters, why can't he talk with feudal monarchs about promoting hierarchy?

It's all for business anyway.

Although Maximilian I was a puppet emperor, he was not a fool. From Tom's speech where he pointed out the country, promoted words, and said "dung is now a capitalist", we could hear what kind of "royalist" Tom was!

Maximilian I was a little moved when he heard this.

Then again, who doesn’t know how to lie?

Before Maximilian I came to Mexico, the royalists in Mexico and the royalists in France had good words to say.

What’s the result? What’s the result! What’s the result.

Maximilian No. 1 no longer recalls it, any more memories will be filled with tears.

Maximilian I decided to listen to the proposal of this American capitalist.

Seeing that Maximilian I had been fooled by him, Tom asked his followers to carry out a blackboard, which contained a map of the current situation in Mexico.

Judging from the situation map, the situation on the front of the United Mexican States is excellent, with the peak of troops pointing directly at Mexico City, and the Second Mexican Empire is in danger.

"Your Majesty, look."

"I won't talk about these barbaric and unruly Indians."

"Manor owners in China are also bullies and shy of the strong."

"There is also the sinful country of freedom to the north - Eagle, America."

"There is also an unreasonable country in the south that has an arrogant monarch - Wolfdog, Great Britain."

"And the Germanic barbarians in Europe - Viper, Prussia are also spying on America."

"And those other European barbarians are not happy either!"

"It's hard to explain this situation! It's hard to explain!"

Not only the United States of Mexico, Tom also placed a soaring eagle in the north of the map, a wolf dog crawling in the south, and even a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity in the sea.

Even within the Second Mexican Empire, Tom painted several comical images of plantation owners.

The Second French Empire, the only one with the image of a "savior", was also painted by Tom in a state of disarray, with no end in sight.

At the bottom of the picture, figures of other European powers are also drawn watching Mexico.

On the left and right sides of the situation map, Tom wrote specifically in German - "Self-evident, clear at a glance."

This "Mexico Situation Map", which was copied from the Manchu Situation Map, even made Maximiliano I tremble with fear.

Only then did Maximilian I remember Prussia's recent frequent diplomatic moves, and it also united with the Kingdom of Italy to defeat its mother country, the Austrian Empire.

Great Britain is also a traditional troublemaker country, with a "continental balance policy" that has ruined many good things for the Habsburg family from ancient times to the present.

The only savior, the Second French Empire, is indeed unable to save itself and is deeply involved in European affairs.

The Czar, Italy, Spain and other European powers are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Maximilian I looked carefully at the example picture of the domestic situation.

Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí and Guanajuato are already on the front line of the battlefield. With the "good news" not long before Maximiliano I united, he knew that it was only a matter of time before the fall of these states.

The only "buffer zone" between his current location—Mexico City and the United States Army—is the state of Queretaro.

If these three major states were to fall completely, my Mexican "Emperor Dream" would basically be pronounced dead.

Tom also used some painting techniques to make the map of Mexico narrow in the north and south and wide in the east and west, so that the territory of the United Mexican States appears larger, and Mexico City and the United States Army Peak are closer.

"In this situation, is it possible that you still have the means to win back the victory?"

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? How capable I am, how much I can do, and how much work I can do, I will definitely have a way."

"Let's listen to it."

Maximilian I could not help but fall into deep thought.

Is the throne of Mexico really so important?

It would be too embarrassing to flee back to Europe in despair. My name carries the supreme glory of Habsburg.

His elder brother, Franz Joseph I, is the current emperor of the Austrian Empire and a descendant who also inherited the name of Habsburg. Why should he go back and become a grand duke under his elder brother?

Let’s listen to what method the man in front of us has.

"Personally, I admire the European monarchy and aristocratic system very much."

"Ever since I was a child, I have often fantasized about having a noble and noble status like you."

"When I grow up, I know that my lowly bloodline cannot compare with the Habsburg bloodline, which is as bright as the moon."

"Then, please allow me, Your Majesty, to become a knight in your name, leading my soldiers to charge towards the ignorant, barbaric and arrogant primitive Indians."

"I believe that with my superb "martial arts", I will be able to revive the glory of Habsburg in America, a continent where aristocracy has disappeared!"

“Reinvigorate European aristocracy!”

"Restore the Holy Roman Empire!"

"And you will definitely become like every Habsburg member because of your ability to recognize people and restore your family's glory."

"go down in history!"

"A member of the Habsburg family deserves to be remembered in history!"

"You too!"

Maximilian I couldn't help but want to laugh. After talking for a long time, it turned out that Tom was still an arrogant and stupid businessman, relying on force?

The French army, known as the "First Army in Europe", did not destroy a group of barbarians who did not even know the written language.

No matter how powerful the French expeditionary force was, the Second French Empire could not completely defeat those rats in the gutter.

Can a rich country bumpkin win?

Of course, Tom also saw the contempt and disdain in Maximiliano I's eyes.

This is also part of Tom's plan.


There is an additional chapter after Chapter 8, remember to read it

This chapter has been completed!
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