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Chapter 51 You Don't Even Call Me Cousin

Tom is the arrogant and domineering "clown" who stands on the shoulders of giants.

Looking down at all the living beings of this era.

Only with such a mental foundation can we perform such a performance that directly touches the hearts of these self-proclaimed "upper class people".

These "elegant people" will all feel Tom's deepest and most malicious feelings that inadvertently leak out.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a "performance", but a "show" of Tom's true heart.

It's a pity that Tom's current position was also chosen by Tom himself. The only path in front of him is to become the person he despises the most.

After Porfirio Diaz left, Tom happily took out his fake cigarette and took a breath of filtered air.

"Have you recorded everything?"

"The record is ready, Mr. Smith."

"Printing an additional 100,000 copies, I want everyone to know before he returns to the United Mexican States that the special envoy of the United Mexican States publicly insulted me and insulted me."

"No problem, Mr. Smith."

"Act quickly, members of Smith Press."

More than a dozen reporters ran out of the reception room and rushed to the floor of the Smith Building where Smith Newspapers' office was located to begin compiling this urgent "special report."

After the reporters rushed to leave, Tom pointed to his cousin. Tom motioned for his cousin to stay and stand in front of him.

The cousin slowly walked up to Tom, and Tom continued to read the "Appendix" sent by the secret agent without saying a word.

Time passed like this bit by bit.

Tom still flipped through the "Appendix" sent by the secret agent.

The cousin standing in front of Tom was sweating profusely and feeling increasingly frightened.

Scared Tom.

The cousin who couldn't stand the pressure was the first to speak.

"Cousin Tom, I collected three little statues that are not very valuable."

"It's really not that valuable, maybe only one or two hundred dollars each."

"I received the visiting envoy as usual. I really didn't do anything special."

The cousin admitted that it was true that he accepted the gift, but he didn't think it was a big deal.

Just like he did with Porfirio Diaz, Tom continued to look through the "Appendix" of the secret agent without any other action.

"Envoy Porfirio Dia said to me: I just need to advance his meeting a little earlier. There is no other requirement."

"Cousin Tom, this special envoy didn't do anything. He was sent away so angrily."

"Don't you usually give $100 to every employee you meet?"

"I don't think this is anything special. We are a family."

After hearing the word "family", Tom became a little happy. He put down the "Appendix" in his hand and looked up at his cousin standing in front of him.

"When you reported his arrival, why didn't you tell me?"

"We are a family."

"I remember my mother Penny went to your house a few days ago to drink coffee with my aunt."

"My aunt is even my sister's godmother."

"But since I sent you to school to study, you began to alienate the whole family."

"You are trying to clear things up with the whole family, especially me."

"I know that you have learned a lot of advanced ideas in school, and you even think that the whole family is a blood-stained devil."

"You think this world should be one where the government rules the country and the government treats the people well."

"The Smith family, a family that made its fortune from dynamite and muskets, and the Hero Company, a company that relied on unexplained sweatshops to expand."

"It should be punished by law."

"When John came to find you and asked you to take over, if it weren't for the pressure from your aunt, you might not have become my personal secretary."

"Do you really think of me as family?"

"When you encounter this kind of situation, you just say: I don't think this is anything special. We are a family."

"You don't even want to call me cousin, or simply Tom."

"Just non-stop Cousin Tom, Cousin Tom..."

"That's very kind of you."

The cousin was a little excited, took a step forward, and started to "quibble" again.

"I really feel that we are a family and it's okay for me to do this kind of thing."

"If it's a matter of money, I can hand over the money and everything else."

"In the future, if this happens again, I will hand over the money as soon as possible."


Tom couldn't help laughing, stood up slowly, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the conference room, and looked out at the fields and industrial area.


"What on earth have I done to make you not treat me like family?"

"If you were just an ordinary secretary, I wouldn't even care about what you do."

"It doesn't matter if you charge millions of dollars."

"Do you think the previous female secretary accepted less "little things" in this position?"

"You are all my family."

"You are my family, understand?"

"We are a family."

"No matter what, your surname is Smith. No one, not even that shit God, can ever change this."

While Tom was talking, he walked up to his cousin, patted his shoulder gently, and whispered the last words in his ear.

After finishing speaking, Tom returned to the main seat and continued to read the "Appendix".

The cousin stood in front of Tom blankly, thinking about what Tom meant by what he said.

After about two or three minutes, my cousin figured everything out.

My cousin realized that after he was born into the Smith family, and when Tom Smith became famous, no matter what we did, he had actually been labeled "Smith" for a long time.

People have no way to choose their own birth.

The cousin realized how stupid what he had done before imagined how he would end up if he continued to do this. If Tom did not have this conversation with him, but let himself go, what would happen to him in the end? The cousin couldn't help but wonder.


"Cousin, I was wrong. I will never do this again."

"Just understand, cousin, we are a family."

"Thank you cousin, I will remember it."

"Remember to accompany my family to church for me on Sunday, cousin."

"no problem."

"You go out first. I'll go back after reading the information in the reception room. For those few gadgets, just go to the finance department and exchange them for US dollars. It's more upright. It doesn't matter. We are a family."

The cousin walked out of the reception room, leaving Tom alone in the reception room, looking through the "Appendix".

Does Tom care about his secretary "accepting gifts"?

Tom doesn't care. From the earliest Johnny and Rocky, to the female secretary who became his secretary last year and is now on maternity leave, Tom doesn't mind at all that the people around him rely on him to get some "little gifts".

What Tom cares about is "attitude"


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