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Chapter 65 Can employee wishes be manipulated?

A few hours ago, tens of thousands of selected employees came together to the downstairs of the state government building in Austin, Texas.

These worker representatives, selected from nearly one million workers, want to put pressure on the state government on behalf of the nearly one million unemployed employees of Hero Company behind them.

Ask the state government for an explanation.

Texas is completely different from other areas of the world that have experienced massive unemployment during the economic crisis.

Employees in other areas often experience unemployment and strikes. They will start riots after large-scale unemployment, attack wealthy areas, and rob...

But in Texas, the vast majority of employees are employees who "jumped" from agricultural areas such as Ireland, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

Most of these people were serfs or outright slaves before, and the best ones were only small farmers.

It was the first time for them to experience large-scale unemployment among employees, and everyone was very confused.

Before anyone could start a riot, as soon as the factory closed, many prominent employees appeared across Texas, rallying all the unemployed workers together.

Hundreds of prominent Texas employees began to publicize Governor James' "glorious deeds" at different rallies of unemployed workers.

Corruption and nepotism are all small things.

To be more serious, directly say that Governor James is colluding with the Yankees.

The most powerful thing is that he scolded Governor James for being gay and violating the Lord's creation.

The employees did see state government workers sealing the factory with a sealing order "issued" by Governor James.

Governor James's popularity among the people has plummeted.

The next governor, who was once a popular figure, declined in one fell swoop and became the eternal sinner of Texas.

In fact, these words are not slander. These employee leaders just pointed out what Governor James usually does.

The "cleanliness" of the top leaders of the American government may be "matched" only by American priests.

Telling the truth is enough for Governor James to "drink a pot".

Why do these prestigious employees go all out to "smear" a governor?

Of course, it was a certain factory owner who wanted to transform, but was unwilling to bear the stigma of analgesia during the transformation period, so he pushed all this to Governor James.

Tom learned this set of operating methods from his first generation of fathers.

With the "coordinated efforts" of Tom's undercover employees stationed throughout the country, Texas became the only state in the world for the first time:

After employees lost their jobs due to large-scale factory shutdowns, they did not go to the factory owner immediately. Instead, they went straight to the governor's area.

There is no other way. Hero company managers and some well-known employee leaders from all over the country are blaming the cause of this widespread unemployment on the state government and letting the state government take the blame.

"My fellow employees, this is all the work of that corrupt governor, James."

"He must have colluded with Mr. Yang in advance."

"Today we are going to seek justice from him."

"But we will not use violence. We want to talk to the governor as equals!"

Carl, the president of the Smith Factory Employees Association, stood on a high platform and loudly called on tens of thousands of worker representatives to join him in peacefully asking Governor James for an explanation.

The workers also blindly followed him and employee leaders from various places. Douda didn't even know a few of the workers. They only knew that the factory was closed due to the sealing order issued by the governor.

I never considered why the "security guards" of Hero Company were able to bring down the United States of Mexico, and why they allowed these government members to "seize the factory" as if nothing had happened.

"Down with James' corruption!"

“Down with James Bureaucracy!”

"Down with James Corruptism!"

"Give me back my factory!"

"Give me my job!"

"Give me back my income!"

Led by the president in the stands and a large number of employee leaders who "love workers" below the stands, the voices of tens of thousands of employees downstairs in the state government became louder and louder.



The sound of gunfire attracted Governor James, who hurried to the window to see where the gunshot came from outside the window.

On a high platform below the state government building, a young man lay in a pool of blood, shot in the abdomen.

The shooter was a state government security guard, and the one who was shot was Carl.

James recognized the shot at a glance as Carl, the president of the employees association of the Smith Factory in Texas.

After Karl fell, he still used his last strength to shout to the employees behind him:

"We are here to resolve it peacefully..."

"No force..."

Carr covered his abdomen with his hands and used his last breath of strength to call on the workers' representatives to adhere to the original intention of non-violent marches.

In the end, he fell into a pool of blood, and the emotions of tens of thousands of workers underneath instantly boiled.

Before Karl could finish his staccato words, several "grumpy" employee representatives had already led the charge and stormed into the state government building.

"It's all Jameston's orders!"

"It's all orders from that bastard James!"

"It's all bullshit orders from that bastard James!"

"James is going to kill us!"

As the news spread, the employees became increasingly angry.

Originally, there was only a "strong security" force of "up to three" security guards downstairs of the state government.

Under Karl's leadership, there has been no direct conflict between tens of thousands of employee representatives and this "powerful security team."

After this shot, all the unemployed employees could no longer bear it.

Led by hundreds of employee leaders from all over the country, they swarmed into the state government building. All three security guards had already run away after a shot was fired.

"Send someone to stop them quickly!"

Governor James knew what these angry employees would do, so he quickly turned around and ordered his staff to stop these red-eyed workers.

But when Governor James turned around, the entire office was empty.

Three minutes ago, there was still a staff member standing in the office who was being manipulated by him as usual.

One minute ago, there was a book about the Senate representative who broke into the governor's office and issued a warrant of impeachment and arrest.

Now, everything has disappeared without a trace.

James was the only one left in the huge office, looking at the various furnishings and pendants in the room...

And James’ favorite French red wine.

James walked to the desk and sat down on the office chair in the governor's office.

Stroking the natural bison leather on the office chair.

James did not open the red wine imported from the Second French Empire on the table, but opened the cabinet door below the desk.

After groping for a while, he came across a rectangular box with dust on it. James blew in and blew away the dust on the box.

Open the box and take out a bottle with the words "Everyone is his own hero" printed on it.

Opening the bottle, James poured himself a glass of gin.

James took a sip of the Texas gin sent by Hero Company and smiled helplessly.

"Am I an outcast?"

"Aren't you this young boy afraid that I'll jump and confess to my employees?"

"Or is everything settled with him?"

"I, James, cannot be willing to be the abandoned son of a bastard like you."


Thanks directly for a quick Wuhu reward of 100

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