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Chapter 68 Transformation of hero company

The financial crisis provoked by Tom will of course affect Tom's own hero company.

Tom destroyed the economy of the Yankee region, causing the Yankee region to lose the ability to import Hero Company's products, which was also a big loss for Hero Company.

It is different from the large-scale shutdown in the Yankee area.

Tom did not directly carry out layoffs and shutdowns like the Yankee areas, but instead fed millions of unemployed workers on the minimum nutrition line.

Of course, this is not because Tom is showing mercy, but because Tom needs these millions of employees to survive.

Once a riot breaks out among employees and casualties occur because they are unable to meet the most basic needs of survival, Tom will be heartbroken to death.

The heartache can lead to insomnia every day, and the insomnia can be so severe that one can only sleep for ten hours.

It can also cause heartache, soreness in the back and legs, so I need to massage for an hour more every day.

I have to work overtime for four hours every day, numbing myself with work.

If every employee who dies does not die but survives the economic crisis smoothly, they will become a labor force of Hero Company.

Hero Company is different from companies in the Yangtze region. In order to ensure their competitiveness in the Yangtze region, companies in the Yangtze region must retain funds and wait for the economic crisis to pass.

And hero company is the emperor of Texas. There is no company in Texas or even Dixie and Mexico that can compete with hero company.

Therefore, every time an employee dies in Texas, Hero Company loses a labor force.

If an employee dies, he or she dies. Once and for all, it’s over.

But who will be responsible for the loss of labor force and property damage caused by the loss of labor force due to their death?

It’s impossible to dig out employees from their graves to take on this responsibility, right?

"Why do you want to starve to death?"

"This is Texas, how can you starve to death if you work hard?"

“Hero Company and the Texas government strongly condemn these employees who did not work hard and caused themselves to starve to death!!!”

To sum up, it was the employees who died, and the only one who was truly "injured" and truly lost wealth was Hero Company, and only Hero Company's sole shareholder - Tom Smith.

Employees cannot die casually without responsibility, because their random death is a ruthless "squeezing" and "exploitation" of Tom!

But the current situation is that the economy in the United States is collapsing, and there are slight fluctuations in Europe, but the impact is not as great as that in the Yankee region of the United States.

What faced Tom was how to fully utilize the productivity of his millions of employees.

There are two methods:

First, expanding sales in the European market means exporting.

Second, expanding the scale of the local market is domestic demand.

Tom has already started planning the first method. Let’s hold off for now and let’s take a look at the second method.

Tom was a little unhappy with this method at first.

If you want to expand the local market, you must enhance local consumption power.

Among them, there are nothing more than two methods to increase the consumption power of the population in local consumption power, one is to increase the population and the other is to increase wages.

The population continues to increase, but no matter how much population is increased, it will not be able to fill such a large domestic demand in the short term.

If Tom raises wages for employees, so that people have more money in their hands, it is not impossible to increase the population's consumption power.

It’s impossible for someone with a monthly income of fifteen dollars to spend a hundred dollars a month in this era without micro-loans, right?

Can Tom be asked to raise wages for his employees? It would be better to kill Tom Smith.

Tom thought of an alternative way to increase the local market - massive infrastructure construction to boost domestic demand.

In Tom’s eyes, infrastructure has many advantages:

"No matter how domestic demand and infrastructure are produced, it can be guaranteed to have a purpose, and the United States allows private control of infrastructure."

"These infrastructure projects will be my Tom's infrastructure in the future. Now that the economy is in crisis and export sales are weak, we should use this period to strengthen our own strength."

"Anyway, I am raising these unemployed employees for nothing. I will find a job for them and consume these people's energy. Isn't that beautiful?"

"When you work eighteen hours a day, you don't have the mood to think about things."

In this way, the Texas government led by Rocky Smith took the lead, with Hero Company as the "submissive", and began a massive infrastructure project.


December 26, 1867, Christmas Day.

It has been almost ten days since Hero Company resumed full production. Today, some workers in some factories got a short holiday.

To be precise, white employees from the Dixie area were given a short vacation.

The normal working hours of 18 hours, thanks to the "generous mercy" of hero company,

On Christmas Day, white employees only have to work fourteen hours.

Mr. Tom Smith, he really doted on his employees so much that they were so moved that they almost cried to death.

Not every employee has such treatment, and local employees do not have Christmas holidays.

On the U.S.-Mexico border in North America, countless local employees work shirtless together on this not-so-cold day in December in the Americas.

They are all employees of hero company - hero engineering company.

Unlike Dixie workers who can work reduced hours at Christmas to celebrate the holiday, local workers

The employees of Earthly Dynasty, who have no faith and no soul to go to heaven, are still working without regrets.

"Yeah, you~"



"Like, style~"




In the territory of Texas and the Tom Cavalier territory of the Second Empire of Mexico, a large number of employees began the largest infrastructure construction project in human history so far.

Amid the shouts of a famous local employee, the road was continuously compacted, and the four-lane road foundation gradually took shape in the hands of these local employees.

The road temporarily paved for the war has been damaged. This time, Hero Company will build the "Centennial Avenue".

Huge log piles tied with ropes, like octopuses, were grabbed by the tentacles toward the employees and "flyed" up and down on the construction site.

The employees of Earth Dynasty all look forward to these dancing octopuses, which can dance to create the future that these employees of Earth Dynasty expect.

Not far away from the construction of the carriage road, less than half a mile, was the construction site of the railway.


The undulating sledge hammer hit the steel nails one by one, nailing the rails to the sleepers.

The employees of the Dichao who had just crossed the largest ocean in the world and came here from thousands of miles away were basically seeing this kind of long "iron rod" for the first time. They didn't understand why their foreman asked them to put these

Something long smashed into the ground.

It's different for some veteran employees from Texas. Many of them are "transferred" employees from the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad in California. They know that they are building railroads.

Although the Lao Dichao employees were building the railway themselves, they were also curious as to why the rails were so thick this time and the distance between the two rails was so wide.

This chapter has been completed!
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