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Chapter 79 Happy April Fool's Day!

April 1, 1868,

Hero Company made a big "joke" to the whole world to celebrate Happy April Fool's Day from all over the world!

In the afternoon of that day, Hero Company began a complete shutdown. Employees thought it was just a simple "work transfer". In each factory area, hundreds of thousands of employees moved from the old factory area to the new factory area a few miles away.

The new factory area is no longer like the old factory area, where each factory has a strict division of labor, but like an ordinary factory, each factory has only one kind of product.

The new factory area is mainly for military factories and infrastructure-related factories, and other daily necessities, fertilizer and other factories are all under construction.

After all the jobs in the new factory area are filled, the excess employees will be assigned to positions in transportation, infrastructure, etc.

Thanks to the wise decisions of the former governor, today's employees no longer mind taking lower-paying infrastructure jobs.

A low income is better than being unemployed.

As for the question of whether all the millions of employees can be placed in infrastructure positions?

Anyway, Hero Company wants to build the entire railway network and highway network in Texas and the Second Empire of Mexico. With five million workers, Hero Company can put them all into jobs.

At night, the Smith factory area ushered in the first nighttime shutdown since the establishment of the hero company.

Workers who had not worked the night shift fell asleep in the dormitory. It was not known how much the fatigue caused by long-term overtime work over the past year could be relieved by this night.

The old factory area is still crowded with people even though the entire area is closed.

"Hurry up, put it in place, then we have to go to the next factory!"

"Cousin, what are you installing? These yellow boxes are connected with red wires. There are also several long black wires connected outside the factory area. This wire must be four or five miles long.


"Don't worry about it. I don't know. Just know that I will give you five dollars tonight."

"My cousin is still kind to us."

"Everyone should pay attention. If this rope breaks, there will be a lot of salary rebates."

"Okay, Gong Li!"

This middle-aged man, whom everyone calls Gong Li, is the foreman of dozens of Chinese workers nearby. He leads dozens of Chinese workers to place these strange "yellow boxes".

Not only this small group of Chinese workers, but this time there were hundreds of people of all races, placing "yellow boxes" in different corners of the old factory.

Hundreds of workers held fluorescent sticks in their hands. In the old Smith Factory area, more than ten tons of "yellow boxes" were placed at designated locations and red lines were laid.

It may be that the temptation of five dollars is too great, or it may be that the small foremen hired too many "helpers" in order to earn a few more dollars. The TNT was originally planned to be installed in the early morning of the next day, but was completed at 11 midnight.


After the installation of the TNT was completed, all the workers who installed the TNT gathered in the center of the factory area according to the previous order of the supervisor John, waiting for the unified payment of bonuses.

"Cousin, five dollars can buy you a lot of good things. Thank you very much this time."

"Stop talking so much nonsense, just go back and treat your second aunt properly."

"Five dollars! I want to buy some clothes for my son."

"My mother said she would have a rest tonight, so she specially made dumplings. Then you can call the second aunt and we will eat together as a family."

"Auntie's dumplings are the best. Are they made with pork and green onions or pork and cabbage?"

"It's pork..."

"Pfft! Boom!"

The deafening explosion interrupted the conversation between the two cousins ​​and also interrupted the thoughts of everyone present.

Is it pork and green onions or pork and cabbage?

Before they died, they were still thinking about how to spend their five-dollar "bonus."

"You guys, go organize people to put out the fire."

Standing a few miles away from the factory area, John braved the heat wave from the explosion and glanced at the fire all over the sky. After saying a word with an expressionless face, he left the scene of the explosion and rushed towards Smith Tower.

Fifteen minutes later, John returned to Smith Tower and walked directly to Tom's office.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Who is it?"


When the sleepy female secretary heard that John was coming, she quickly shook Tom on the pillow, took off Tom's earmuffs, and called to Tom softly:

"Tom, John is here."

"What time is it now? Why are you here so early?"

"It's half past eleven now, Tom."

"What, wasn't it agreed that it would be eight or nine in the morning? Could it be that those damn workers were too active in installing the TNT? Did they install it in advance? They really deserved to be bombed to death! If they die, it will affect my sleep!"

"Tom, I don't know the specific situation. Go and see John."

"I'm too lazy to get up, so you go and tell John. You still go as planned, triple the work-related injury pension, put out the fire as soon as possible, announce to the outside world that there was an explosion at Hero's chemical plant, and then falsify the accounts, and try to get the state to do so tomorrow.

The government seized assets in the name of bankruptcy. Wasn't the original plan in the morning? I'm too lazy to go at this point. The original plan was to rush to the scene as soon as possible. Instead, I was out of town and wouldn't come back until tomorrow morning."

"Mmm Good."

After about three or four minutes, the female secretary got dressed, walked to the door of the room, and whispered a few words to John. John nodded, left Tom's office, and returned to the "accidental explosion" site in the Smith Factory area.


By the time the female secretary came back in her usual uniform, Tom was no longer sleepy, so he played a few more games of "the maid tied up the butler" with the female secretary.

After the "maid" let the "butler" go, the exhausted Tom was ready to sleep comfortably, but the female secretary took advantage of the darkness to cover up her expression and talked about something with Tom. The female secretary knew that at this time

Tom had better talk.

"Tom, the doctor estimates that I may not be able to get pregnant again."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

"Look, how about I help you find some more companions?"

"That's fine. Anyway, the pharmaceutical company has made many new breakthroughs recently, so you won't have to worry about diseases soon."

"Then I'll make arrangements."

While the female secretary was crying, she punched her stomach several times.

"Why is my belly so disappointing..."

"Just one..."


Looking at the Smith Factory area again, dozens of women of all colors were crying in a ball outside the Smith Factory area. They were sobbing as they looked at the fire and rain in the factory area.

"My son! My only son!"

"Oh God! Please give me my son back!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Didn't you say you would come back to eat my mother's dumplings tonight? Look, these are my mother's dumplings, your favorite stuffed with green onions and pork!"

A woman whose name was unknown took out a dumpling and began to kowtow to the dumpling. As she kowtowed, the dumpling became stained red with blood.

If Tom had been there, he would have thought that pork and leek dumplings dipped in human blood were more delicious than pork and leek dumplings.

This chapter has been completed!
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