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Chapter 81: The Speech at the Memorial Service

After Tom and Rocky got off the car, they did not immediately enter the center of the square, the center of the mourning meeting.

Instead, they went to different groups of people to comfort the family members of each employee who died accidentally.

"The Texas state government will definitely get to the bottom of it and bring those hateful Yankees to justice!"

"The dignity of our state of Texas cannot be trampled upon by those shameless and despicable Yankees!"

"I, Rocky Smith, assure you that the Texas state government will definitely protest to the federal government for their inaction on such a huge case!"

Governor Rocky Smith is tall and has a righteous face, except for "I am a good man" written on his head.

Rocky was chosen by Tom to become the new governor because of his "decent" white appearance and quick on-the-spot reaction.

Rocky keeps wandering among the traditional "red neck" groups among the bereaved family members, relying on Deeks's anti-Yanga sentiment to constantly win over and comfort the bereaved family members.

Let the family members turn their grief into hatred, hatred for Mr. Yang.


"I still remember the day when Li Shisan recognized me as the chief helmsman in front of Guan Gong."

"I didn't expect that something unexpected would happen..."

"The families of the Heroes Association brothers are my family, Niu Dan! Take good care of this family. If anything goes wrong, I'll take it to you!"

Tom's eyes were reddish, and his deep breathing from time to time was a sign of "extreme sadness." In the eyes of Niu Dan and others, he was simply the "albino version" of Liu Bei and Song Jiang.

"Chief Rudder Gao Yi!"

"Chief Helmsman Renyi!"

Tom plays different roles in different groups. He is the chief helmsman of the Heroes Association in front of local employees, and he urges the members of the Heroes Association to treat the families of the deceased well.

In front of black people are "enlightened Dixie people" who do not discriminate against black people.

You need to be more careful in front of white people to see if the person is a Dixie "red neck" or a European who recently fled to the United States.

Tom can always put on the most suitable "mask" in an instant.

Because of Tom's performance, these people believed that the founder of Hero had special "preferential treatment" for them, and that they were the people Tom valued.

Anyway, there is a huge gap between each race, and no one is willing to reveal in front of "outsiders" what kind of "preferential treatment" they have received from the founder of Hero Company.

At about 12 noon, President Carl, president of the Texas Smith Factory Federation, also arrived at the square where the memorial service was held.

Karl also expressed condolences to several families of the deceased.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the memorial service for the explosion in the Smith Factory area officially began.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, John Mueller, the president of Hero Company, stepped onto the podium first.

John's manuscript was prepared in advance. It was nothing more than an apology for this "accident" and stated that compensation would be provided to the family of the deceased.

Hero Company’s pension scheme is completely different from the way in which the factory owners of the same era were treated by Yankee factory owners. At the same time, Yankee still adhered to the concept of “die for a new one”. What kind of work-related injury pension?

Don't even think about it.

He also stated to his "journalist" friends that Hero will definitely build a factory as soon as possible, resume production, compensate for liquidated damages for delayed delivery, etc.

The second person to appear was the governor—Governor Rocky Smith. With his image of a sunny young man and a decent white man, he attracted the attention of the Dixie “red necks” below as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Governor Rocky Smith spoke fiercely, directly blaming the cause of the accident on Yankees. He directly cursed Yankees many times in his speech!

In the end, Governor Rocky Smith left the stage amid cheers of "Long Live Texas" from the "rednecks".

The third person was President Carl, President of the Smith Factory District Federation. Carl’s speech was to soothe people and encourage employees to help each other and overcome difficulties together. Working hard will definitely lead to a better tomorrow.

Unlike John and Rocky, President Carr did not sit very close to the podium, but sat among a group of workers.

Carl's behavior and speech wording inspired all the employees present.

It was because of this that Tom chose Carl as president. Carl's voice and micro-expressions were amazing, and he was a natural speaker.

The last time was at the downstairs of the state government building, and this time at the mourning meeting, both performances made Tom very satisfied.

Director-Tom Smith officially debuts.

Dragging heavy steps, Tom walked up to the main speaker's seat with a slight trembling. Tom did not bring a speech script, and began to speak unscripted to the thousands of victims' families in the audience:

"This bombing is all my fault."

"Maybe I shouldn't have founded hero company in the first place."

"If I had not established Hero Company, these people might still be working hard in the fields, waiting for the joy of the autumn harvest."

"Moose, I still remember him. He lived on a farm five miles away from my house. When we were kids, we used to compete with each other to see who could shoot better. I remember, he killed a bird and he won. But I still think

He is lucky..."

"Clovie, I also remember, was a gangster from downtown Houston, and he even had a few fights with me."


Tom twitched the tip of his nose slightly, and some tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his tears. The handkerchief was temporarily borrowed from the female secretary, and it smelled like a female sachet.

Tom shed more tears because of the irritating smell, and he just cried out.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper a little."

"I really sometimes doubt myself, is establishing a hero company a good thing?"

"When I heard about the bombing, I was confused."

"When I came here, I saw the ruins behind me and was confused."

"When I heard the cries of the family members, I regretted it."

"But after I remembered that thousands of employees died due to Yang Yang's conspiracy, I became more determined in my original intention of establishing hero company!"

Tom adjusted his expression and body movements, and looked firmly at the tens of thousands of employees' families in front of him with tearful eyes.

"Back then, Texas was trampled by the invaders, and my father also died at the hands of the Yankees!"

"When I founded hero, I just wanted to set up a company that would help the people of Texas stand up!"

"Build a company that makes Texas great!"

"To form a corporation so that Texas will not lose in any war due to lack of industry!"

"And every one of you workers is a hero of Hero Company!"

"They are all true heroes of Texas!"

Some people in the audience cheered, some cried, some were encouraged...

But no one knows the truth.

The audience was either moved to cry by Tom's crying, or inspired by Tom's speech, or by Tom's...

Finally, most of the employees, led by a few people, began to chant:

"Hero Company is the hero of Texas!"

Tom walked off the podium amidst the cheers of the crowd.

After a few more unimportant links, the memorial service came to a perfect conclusion.

Employees also returned to work with various emotions.

It was as if none of this had ever happened.

Ordinary people still have to eat, drink, go to work and make money. Those who can go to the forefront of various sports every day generally do not belong to the ordinary working people.


Thanks to Happy Angel for the 5000 points reward

The 500 points rewarded by Marshal Tian No. 2

The old rules continue to recommend the book "I will guide Superman to become a citizen of the motherland"

In this book, Superman will become a true authoritarian leader under the leadership of the protagonist.

This chapter has been completed!
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