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Chapter 114 Longevity Seed, Magician

"This year's champion is Li Guanqi from Guxue Branch!"

After the King of Southern Xinjiang announced the news, dozens of people from the Royal Honor Guard came to the competition stage and moved a medal podium.

Li Guanqi stood at the top - this is the position of the champion.

Dongguo, the original champion, could only stand in the runner-up position angrily.

As for the third runner-up, Li Guanqi didn't know him.

And he didn't bother to pay attention to who these people were.

Soon, the King of Nanjiang came with a group of beautiful maids and handed three gold, silver and bronze trophies representing the championship, runner-up and third place to Li Guanqi and the others.

...so heavy!

Li Guanqi was a little surprised as he held the golden championship trophy.

The weight of this trophy is probably not pure gold.

In addition to the trophy, there is also a prize given by the King of Southern Xinjiang - a ticket worth 10,000 gold coins, which can be exchanged for gold coins at the banks of major chambers of commerce around the world, or used directly.

Li Guanqi instantly became a pauper and became a householder worth ten thousand yuan.

"I declare!"

The King of Southern Xinjiang laughed loudly in front of the 100,000 spectators in the venue.

"This Summer League of Spell Competition has come to a successful conclusion!"


"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The royal band began to play instruments, and as the festive and jubilant music played, salutes also began to be fired one by one, and colorful ribbons filled the entire venue.

At the same time, the King of Nanjiang turned around, smiled at Li Guanqi and the others and said, "You three, there will be a dinner specially held for everyone from the Conjuration Academy tonight."

"My king, I look forward to your arrival."

At night.

Southern Xinjiang Palace.

Although the sky and the earth were dark, the palace was extremely brightly lit. In the luxurious and magnificent palace, an exquisite dinner party specially designed to receive the magician was being held.

As the champion, Li Guanqi was also invited.

Before coming to the banquet, a special palace etiquette came to help him choose clothes, style his hair...all kinds of trivial matters that need not be described in detail.

He was originally not interested in the dinner, but what the King of Southern Xinjiang said to him before made him have to come.

"Maybe... I will come to you a little later."

What on earth is the King of Southern Xinjiang going to do?

Recruiting champion talent?

Li Guanqi always felt that it was not that simple, but he was really curious.


Li Guanqi, wearing a luxurious robe, still entered the hall where the dinner was held.


"It's him."

"It's finally here."

"I don't feel anything like it on the competition stage. Now that I'm dressed up, I look so handsome..."

"Nymphomaniac, just because you are tall you are handsome?"

"He's taller than you anyway! He's more handsome than you!"


Li Guanqi's tall body immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the banquet, and the black and gold aristocratic clothing on his body gave him a more noble temperament.

For a time, countless eyes gathered in the entire banquet, full of various emotions, including curiosity, envy, admiration, and even... jealousy, and murderous intent!

"Look, our champion is here."

At the top of the many seats, the King of Nanjiang smiled and said: "Mr. Li, you are two minutes late."

"Feel sorry."

Li Guanqi smiled apologetically to everyone present, "The palace is too big and too luxurious. A country bumpkin like me really takes one step at a time and delays the start of the banquet. I'm sorry for you."

This kind of humorous and self-deprecating words immediately aroused good-natured chuckles from some people.

Of course, some spellcasters also sneered contemptuously.

But who cares?

It's just a bunch of defeated men.

Glutinous rice

"I'll punish myself with a drink."

Li Guanqi smiled and took a glass of wine from the tray of a maid next to him. He raised his head and swallowed the purple-red liquid that looked a bit like wine.

However, before the wine came into contact with the mouth, a ball of light blue spiritual energy emerged in the mouth, wrapped in the wine and flowed into the stomach, where he would spit it out when he went to the toilet.

Although the possibility of being poisoned at the King of Southern Xinjiang's dinner is very slim.

But Li Guanqi doesn't like gambling.

Of course, those present were not ordinary people. His move was easily noticed by many people, but no one said anything.

After all, toasting is just a superficial courtesy.

As long as the words and actions are there, no one cares about the details of real drinking and fake drinking.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The King of Southern Xinjiang laughed loudly, "Then I will now announce that the dinner party will begin!"

"I would like to toast you all, and wish you a smooth road from now on, and that you will go further and further on the road of seeking the truth of mantras, with endless hope!"

With that said, the King of Southern Xinjiang raised his glass and invited him to drink.

"Your Majesty——"

More than a hundred magicians present raised their glasses, including Li Guanqi.

"This is a farewell party, you don't need to be formal, just have fun!"

After toasting a glass of wine, the King of Southern Xinjiang left, leaving the banquet to the conjurers present and the elite students of the 28th branch of Southern Xinjiang gathered here.

This also includes the teachers who lead the team.

"My name is Lianshan, a teacher from Lanxue Branch."

Suddenly, a kind and kind old man walked up to Li Guanqi, holding a cup of clear green tea in his hand.

【Five Elements Level Conjurer!】

"I've met Teacher Lianshan."

Li Guanqi lowered his head and said.

They are both spell schools, even if they belong to different branches, it is never an exaggeration to call them "teacher".

And he can be arrogant when facing one-level classmates, but he doesn't have the capital to be arrogant when facing an old teacher like this who is on the five-element level... In life, you have to pick the soft persimmons, and don't pick the durians no matter what.

"Xiahouli and I have known each other for more than a hundred years."

Lian Shan's eyes were complicated, and he was quite emotional. After saying this, he stood in front of Li Guanqi, looking in a daze, as if he was recalling the past.

Li Guanqi couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw that he had said the above but not the following.

By the way...this old man is Xiahou Li's old friend who has known him for more than a hundred years?

After a conjurer reaches the third level, his lifespan can basically reach about two to three hundred years.

Further improvements in subsequent cultivation will not automatically increase lifespan.

But you can "actively" increase your lifespan.

Spellcasters can also extend their lifespan through many methods, such as potions, cherishing spiritual fruits, etc. If they are willing to spend a lot of effort and cost, they can basically "equal" their own cultivation with their lifespan.

For example, a five-element-level conjurer should be able to live close to five hundred years after completing various life-extending methods.

As for the life limit of a conjurer, it is a thousand years.

To be precise, less than a thousand years.

The highest record recorded in Wei Mo's book collection is a seven-star conjurer.

That conjurer devoted his whole life to maintaining good health, and finally died at 999 years old. He lived longer than many Jiugong-level conjurers, and became a monument in the history of the world. He was the longest-lived human being... huh?


Only then did Li Guanqi suddenly realize.

When he was reading the book, he was still wondering why he used the more formal and rigorous word "human being".

It turns out that there are orcs on the grassland.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. When people get old, they tend to become dazed."

The old teacher named Lianshan came back to his senses and smiled softly at Li Guanqi.

"I know everything about your teacher."

The old man sighed, and then smiled gently, "However, this ending is not bad."

"Although that old guy Xiahou is dead, he has fulfilled his only long-cherished wish in his life and avenged the students. I think he will not have any regrets when he leaves."


Li Guanqi echoed softly.

"Hey, let's not talk about these sad things anymore."

Lian Shan waved his hand, then smiled and shouted to the other side: "Mu Ya, come here and have a good chat with Li Guanqi you want to see."

This chapter has been completed!
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