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Chapter 141 Curse Spirit, Yang Realm of Liangyi!


Original curse spirit!

As soon as these two words came out, the entire competition arena exploded.

"But haven't the human world and the underworld been unable to communicate with each other for a long time?"

"Yes! The door to the underworld has long been closed!"

"Then this Annie's innate magic technique can forcefully open the door to the underworld? Otherwise, how did she let this original curse spirit come from the underworld to the human world?"

"Principal! This woman..."

"Everyone, please be patient."

Above the competition platform, the principal stood in the air and pressed down with one hand. The voices of everyone present disappeared instantly. His mouth was moving, but strangely no sound came out.

There was silence.

Then the principal said slowly: "Anne's natural magic technique is of course a research significance, which is far greater than its practical significance... But as you all know, the natural magic technique has no principles and logic at all, and you may not be able to study anything.

And the reason why she exposed her natural technique so early was actually because her natural technique had been exposed in other places for a long time, and she couldn't hide it, so she just made it public.

As for the research significance of this natural technique, haha, that has nothing to do with the present matter.

Now, it is the grade competition for our first-year classmates, and it is also the most intense finals. Everyone, let's not disturb the students' interest.

Now the principal announces that the finals of the first-grade spell competition have begun.

In the contest between Shuyuan Anne and Shuyuan Li Guanqi, the winner will be the first-year champion and will be rewarded with ten bottles of ‘spiritual blood boiling’ potion!”

The words just fell.

Everyone in the audience regained the ability to speak out. Cheers and shouts were heard one after another, and the sound was loud. Under the auspices of the principal, the finals began again!

No one knows what is going on with Anne who looks like a Westerner, but in fact not many people care.

Students only know one thing.

Li Guanqi was so strong that he continuously defeated the chiefs of the four academies.

But just when everyone thought he would win the championship undisputedly with an invincible attitude, the principal brought another beautiful and powerful girl, Annie.

The championship position, suspense returns!

One, he can use two-level spells as a regular means, and his spiritual power seems to be endless.

One can directly control a two-level underworld curse spirit, an extremely outrageous natural technique.

Which of the two is stronger and weaker, who can win the championship?!

"Shu Yuan, Li Guanqi."

Li Guanqi stood on the other side of the competition platform and saluted the white-haired girl opposite who was inside the tentacle monster... no, or should be said, inside the tentacle curse spirit.


The white-haired girl named Annie did not speak. Her pale pink eyeballs trembled slightly. She raised her slender hand and outlined a white green jade finger in the air.

Aura emerged from the fingertips, leaving a string of pale pink aura characters:



Li Guanqi couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene.


From the first moment he saw this girl, he made a judgment.

The hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are all white, and the skin is white and pink, as well as light pink eye color, and the eyeballs that are constantly trembling - these are the symptoms of albinism.

But now it seems that Anne is still mute...that's not right.

Not just dumb.

Li Guanqi noticed that when he spoke just now, the tentacled curse spirit repeated his words.

Why repeat?

Then thinking about the tentacled curse spirit's scattered thoughts from beginning to end, Li Guanqi finally figured it out.

The Tentacle Curse Spirit is not a talkative curse spirit who likes to talk nonsense at all.

Annie, this albino girl is not only mute, but also deaf.

Gu Cui

To put it harshly, he is deaf.

She couldn't hear the sounds around her.

The Tentacle Spell seems to be rude and full of bloodthirsty murderous intent, but in fact it has been caringly explaining to Anne what the people around her are saying. The so-called chatterbox is actually just to translate for Anne.

Anne cannot hear the sounds of the world.

The only thing she could hear was the thoughts of this underworld curse spirit.


Li Guanqi took a deep breath and slowly clenched his fists.

An albino girl who was born deaf and mute.

Based on the characteristics of a spellcaster who would always give something if God doesn't give it, it was hard for him to imagine how high this Anne's spelling aptitude would be.

[It hits hard, sorry]

Suddenly, Annie wrote this pale pink aura of characters in the air again.

Then the black mucus from the tentacle curse began to spread, tightly wrapping the white-haired girl inside her body.


The next moment, the tentacle curse spirit began to expand rapidly, and in an instant it exploded to a huge black ball with a diameter of five meters. Countless tentacles with suction cups twitched wildly, and a burst of piercing screams broke out!

Not only that, its body surface also glowed with dots of white light, eventually turning into white-gold lines on its pitch-black body surface, exuding rich vitality.

From then on, two completely different auras began to emerge from the tentacled curse spirit.

A wave of murderous violence.

One stock, endless life.

...two forms!

The Tentacle Curse Spirit instantly activates the Yin and Yang states of the two bodies, and at the same time superimposes super attack power and super high self-healing ability.

This cursed spirit from the underworld is not only at the Liangyi level, but has also reached the peak of the Yang realm!

Li Guanqi has seen and killed the cursed spirits in the Liangyi Yin Realm.

And this is the first time for the curse spirit of Liang Yiyang realm!

"call out!"

Suddenly, the Tentacle Curse Spirit stretched out a sticky tentacle, pierced the sky at an alarming speed, exploded with a piercing scream, and swept towards Li Guanqi like a steel whip.


Li Guanqi opened the Liangyi-level spiritual shield in an instant, but it was still easily exploded by this tentacle.

If he hadn't urgently connected the second layer of spiritual shield after the first layer of spiritual shield was broken, he would have been hit by the tentacles.

That would make you half-dead and half disabled!

But even so, Li Guanqi still felt uncomfortable. The second layer of spiritual shield was thrown hard by the tentacle, and he was directly blasted dozens of meters with the shield and body, and rolled all the way to the edge of the competition platform.


The Tentacle Curse Spirit let out a harsh and ferocious laugh, and its huge body shot up, throwing out countless black tentacles in the mid-air, extending hundreds of meters in an instant, and stabbing towards Li Guanqi like a dense rain curtain.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Li Guanqi had no choice but to use the wind control technique to dodge back and forth, and the countless tentacles stuck on the ground, easily leaving countless holes in the hard competition platform.

And as the tentacles twist and shoot, the mucus on them also splashes out, and every drop splashes on the floor, making a "sizzling" sound.

Green smoke rises, leaving small corrosion holes.

Li Guanqi ran wildly against the wind, dodging the successive stabbing tentacles, while his mind was running rapidly, and he kept thinking about ways to crack it with an anxious expression.


The curse spirits in the Liangyi Yang realm and the Liangyi Yin realm are not at the same level at all, the gap is too big!

The two states of yin and yang complement each other. After entering the yang state, the super attack power brought by the yin state will skyrocket to another level.

If this continues...

Will lose!

This chapter has been completed!
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