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Chapter 167 Martial Dao Two Instruments, Yang Realm!


The mysterious lines on the three-headed and six-armed Li Guanqi's body seemed to come alive, crawling around on his body, with purple-blue light and platinum light flashing alternately, flickering on and off.


Li Guanqi's eyes returned to human round pupils, and those blue eyes once again became as bright as sapphires, like the vast ocean, and as gentle as the wind.

But if you look carefully, you will feel that these blue eyes are like the gaze of the nine gods, aloof, cold and ruthless.


Li Guanqi's whole body suddenly burst out with pressure!

Immediately afterwards, all the magic patterns on his body began to twist violently, and they all crawled to the center of the eyebrows of the head in the center. They condensed into a point at the center of the eyebrows, and turned into a magical talisman with purple outside and platinum patterns inside.


The rune looks... like a blooming lotus.

Purple lotus!

The purple evil spirit.

Golden holy light.

Finally, a perfect fit was achieved in a lotus symbol.


Li Guanqi exhaled a heavy breath, white mist stretched, and the purple lotus rune between his eyebrows flickered in and out with his breathing, full of rhythm.

When the Purple Golden Lotus rune appeared, the aura emanating from his body suddenly changed. It was both murderous and brutal like a ferocious beast, and radiant and holy like a saint.

At this time, although Li Guanqi had three heads and six arms, there was no magic mark, and there was a purple golden lotus mark between his eyebrows, which actually added a bit of otherworldly "divine" appearance.

yin and yang.

The two states superimpose each other and complement each other. It is not only the strongest killing form, but also has strong recovery ability. It can be said to be the strongest defensive posture.

Attack and defense integrated.

The two rituals of martial arts, Yang Realm!

【Physical body:lv.24→lv.27!(27.3)】

[Comprehensive level: lv.35→lv.36!]


Li Guanqi took a deep breath.

As he breathed, his white hair, which was as white as frost and snow, began to fade away quickly, turning black again, and the blue in his eyes also quickly dissipated.

The two extra heads and four arms quickly degenerated and shrank until they completely disappeared.

In the blink of an eye.

Black hair and black eyes.

Moreover, the purple golden lotus mark between the eyebrows also quietly disappeared and dissipated its brilliance.

"Martial Arts Liangyi, Yang Realm, this means that my physical body limit has also been increased to 29.9. Next time I enter the weird dungeon... ah no, maybe I can find Liangyi level spell spirits in reality, and I can also obtain different blood to improve my physical body?


Li Guanqi began to make careful calculations.

By the way, his time necklace is still in the space ring and is useless.

After returning to reality and relaxing for two days, he would recharge the simulator and then enter the [Frontier Battlefield] on the Wufu route to simulate it. Maybe he would be able to reach the limit directly.


"You created a total of 4 records in the last copy."

[1. The world’s first lv.20 transcendent! 】

【2. The world’s first lv.30 transcendent! 】

【3. The world’s first two-level different-blood warrior! 】

【4. The world's first transcendent to kill enemies beyond the third level! 】


"Reward distribution, based on your current record level, you will be given two copies of different blood (green) and two copies of different blood (blue)."

As soon as the cold mechanical female voice finished speaking, four small glass bottles containing blood appeared on the wooden table in front of Li Guanqi.


Li Guanqi did it all.

Immediately afterwards, the skin all over his body quickly turned red, like a cooked crab, and the sound of blood boiling came from his body. At the same time, his physical strength also increased slightly during this process.

【Physical body:lv.27→lv.28!(28.5)】

[Comprehensive level: lv.36!]

The physical body has been upgraded by one level, but the overall level has not been significantly improved.

Today, Li Guanqi is a one-level magician and a two-level martial artist of different blood.

But really speaking, his current physical level is not as high as his spiritual level.

The "hundred-refinement of spiritual power" thing is really buggy.

Xiahou Li's epoch-making revolutionary technology was truly what allowed Li Guanqi to embark on the road to invincibility.

"Teacher Xiahou, I have not forgotten."

Li Guanqi's eyes were firm.

He will definitely find the thunder monitor lizard that was seriously injured and fled, and avenge Xiahou Li!


"Now that all the rewards have been received, are you returning to reality?"



As soon as he finished speaking, a screen of light appeared in front of Li Guanqi. The content of the screen was clearly the balcony of his home, and there was a paragraph of large characters next to it:

Gu Hao

[This is what you did before entering the strange world. Please adjust your state and I will teleport you back to reality in one minute. 】

Time passes.

A minute passes in the blink of an eye.


In a flash of white light, Li Guanqi disappeared instantly.

In the room, the curtains fluttered.


"The world's first Liangyi-level conjurer appears, and his name is... Tao follows nature!"

Li Guanqi had just returned to reality when this cold mechanical female voice sounded in his mind.

This is Lin Xianbai’s recording prompt.

"It's still just a moment."

Li Guanqi picked up the mobile phone on the table and looked at it. The time displayed was the same as when he went to the strange world, and there was no change.

A year in this strange world is just a moment of reality.

"Lin Xianbai...the first Liangyi-level conjurer, ha."

Li Guanqi smiled.

Time in this weird world, no matter how long it is, is just a blink of an eye to reality.

Therefore, it took him almost a year to break through a major realm and clear the [Spell Academy] copy.

As for Lin Xianbai, it may have taken him a year and a month, maybe a year and a half, maybe two years, maybe even longer, to break through a big level.

But no matter how long it took him, the time when Lin Xianbai ended the copy of the strange world and came to reality was the same as Li Guanqi and all extraordinary people.

It’s the same sentence I just said.

The time spent in the strange world, no matter how long it is, is only a moment to reality.

But what is certain is that the time it took Lin Xianbai to become a Liangyi-level conjurer definitely exceeded a year in the [Spell Academy] dungeon, and it definitely took longer than Li Guanqi.

Otherwise, Li Guanqi would not be able to hear the notification sound until he returned to reality.

With the same clearance goal, Li Guanqi cleared the level faster than Lin Xianbai. As for how much faster, you have to call and ask.

"Let's look at the rankings."

【Extraordinary Ranking】


(The pinnacle of all living beings!)

(Level: lv.36!)

2. Tao follows nature

(under one person)


3. Fist and ask the sky

(Tanhua Lang)


"Now we are finally in the top three, but compared to me, the second and third places are still far behind..."

Li Guanqi lost interest and turned off the ranking list.

The realm of cultivation cannot represent actual combat power, not even paper combat power.

However, the comprehensive level can reflect the combat power on paper to a certain extent, because it is a comprehensive evaluation of the three data of [spiritual power] [physical body] and [soul].


Even Lin Xianbai, who ranks second, has an overall level of lv.23.

And Li Guanqi has reached level 36...

At this moment, he seemed to suddenly understand the lyrics.

"Invincible, how lonely it is~"

Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion.

Clouds and mist linger among the peaks, which are majestic and majestic. The place is graceful and majestic.

Nameless mountain peaks, nameless Taoist temples.

"Someone is coming!"

Lin Xianbai, who was wearing a black Taoist robe, suddenly pushed out the door of the Taoist temple and shouted angrily at the people around him: "Where are the people?!"

"Lin, Taoist Priest Lin?!"

Several Taoist priests rushed out quickly, including the woman in a white dress named "Lian".

Lian looked at Lin Xianbai at this moment and was slightly stunned.

She had never seen Taoist Lin so glum.

"Notify everyone!"

Lin Xianbai looked ugly, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "I want to hold a joint meeting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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