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Chapter 217 Han Mengyao's marriage in Liugui Village? [5000-character chapter] (2/3)

"Can I call you by your real name here?"



Penglai aircraft, passenger cabin.

Han Mengyao sat on the luxurious leather seat, looked around, glanced at the empty passenger compartment, and then looked at the "Extraordinary King" opposite with white hair and blue eyes and an ice crystal mask, and asked cautiously:

"Can I call you by your real name? In other words, that Principal Lin Xianbai is with you? He also knows your true identity?"

"All the way? That's right. He does know my true identity."

The Extraordinary King sat opposite Han Mengyao, raised his hand and lightly touched the ice crystal mask on his face, and then the mask turned into dots of ice shavings, flying in the air.

Under the mask, Li Guanqi with white hair and blue eyes was revealed, with a faint smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Han Mengyao."

"Um, ok, long time no see."

Han Mengyao's pretty face turned red and she blinked her big eyes.

For Li Guanqi, it was nearly two years since they last met, but for her who only lives in reality, it had only been less than ten days.

"There is something wrong with the medical examination report and it is false."

Li Guanqi smiled and said, "It's just to bring you into Penglai's car. Likewise, you can't tell anyone about everything that happens now. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand." Han Mengyao nodded quickly.

"Now, let's get down to business."

Li Guanqi straightened his expression and looked at her seriously, "Your hometown is Liugui Village, and more than 400 villagers in that village are now trapped by a third-level curse spirit and are in urgent need of rescue."

"Curse spirit?!"

Han Mengyao's expression suddenly changed, "I knew it! My mother told me before that the police station in my hometown suddenly said that there was a sudden mudslide, causing the village road to be buried and impassable. People in the village could not get out, and outsiders could not get in."

They also said that the signal base station was destroyed by mudslides, and the mobile phone had no signal and could not send messages. I always thought it was strange... Now it seems that it is really because of the curse!"


Li Guanqi looked at her and said softly: "Are you willing to help and save them?"


Han Mengyao nodded quickly, "That's my hometown, my grandparents are still there!"

"It'll be okay, don't worry too much."

Li Guanqi's blue eyes were filled with extremely strong confidence, "I will bring your grandparents out intact, provided that I need your help. Of course, I promise that you will never suffer any harm."


"Believe me."


Li Guanqi brushed his face with his right hand, and an ice crystal mask firmly covered his face again.

"Believe, the extraordinary king."


There are no outsiders here, so it would be silly to do this suddenly.

Too much.

Li Guanqi suddenly felt embarrassed and knocked the ice crystal mask off his face.

"How can I help you?"

But Han Mengyao didn't pay attention to this, she just held her clothes tightly with both hands and looked at him nervously.

"Just follow me."

Li Guanqi looked into her eyes and said seriously: "Stay with me and don't leave, especially in the gray fog.

Don’t worry, after discovering the entrance to the Curse Spirit Realm, I will let you leave safely, and you don’t need to follow me into Liugui Village to take risks.”

"oh oh."

Han Mengyao looked at him for two seconds, then her fair and tender face turned slightly red, she blinked and quickly turned her head to avoid Li Guanqi's gaze.

She looked at the wings of the plane outside the window, her face became increasingly red with embarrassment, and she asked as if to divert her attention: "Well, my grandparents, will they be okay?"


Li Guanqi raised his eyebrows slightly.

This reaction...is wrong.

If she is really, really worried about her grandpa and grandma from the bottom of her heart, then she shouldn't have this expression.

At this time, Han Mengyao was not so much worried about the safety of her grandparents as "she felt that she should be worried about her grandparents."


Li Guanqi made a judgment quickly.

Because she is "unfamiliar" with her grandparents.

This is a very normal phenomenon.

In many rural families, grandparents live in their hometown, while their parents work in the city. Children born in the city basically only return to their hometown during the Chinese New Year.

Maybe I won’t go back every year.

This situation will lead to the fact that the children and their grandparents are not close, or even alienated - in fact, this is the situation in Li Guanqi's own family.

This is not surprising.

If you have never met your grandparents even a few times since you were a child, then in most cases, it will be difficult for you to have any affection for your grandparents.

This is not indifference, it is just a matter of fact, which is human nature.

In addition to blood connections, human relationships are more important than getting along with each other.


Any person with normal outlook on life, even if he has not seen his grandparents a few times since he was a child, will still show concern if he hears the news that they are sick, and then calls his grandparents to say hello and so on.


Just like when Li Guanqi's grandparents passed away one after another, his father was very sad, but what about him?

Of course, he couldn't feel any sadness for these two relatives whom he had never met even a few times since childhood.

But he still showed a sad state at the funeral.

This is not an act derived from emotion.

It is responsibility and obligation.

You know that they are your grandparents, so you know that you should respect them and act accordingly for their safety - but this is not emotion, just responsibility.

Han Mengyao was in such a situation at this time.

Obviously, she was not familiar with her grandparents, but when she heard that something happened in Liugui Village and her grandparents might be in danger, she still felt worried.

But this is just a concern based on blood relations, not true family affection.

"Have you never seen your grandparents a few times since you were a child? Are you...not very familiar with them?"

Li Guanqi looked at Han Mengyao opposite and asked softly.

"Eh? How do you know?"

Han Mengyao was stunned.

"Because I'm in the same situation."

Li Guanqi smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, your grandparents will be fine, I promise."

"Well, thank you."

Han Mengyao hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Actually, it's not just that we are not familiar with each other, but that the relationship is not very good at all, because my grandparents... well, how should I put it, the old people's ideas are very feudal.

They always said that according to the custom of Liugui Village, when I come of age, they will marry me to a villager.

I have been saying it since I was a child, and I have been saying it.

When I was sixteen years old, my grandparents told my dad that they would take me to the village and go door to door to see who I wanted, and they also talked about getting engaged in advance...

Then my dad got really angry and had a big fight with my grandparents.

Until now, we have not been back to celebrate the New Year for two consecutive years.

I just celebrated my eighteenth birthday last month, and my grandma called my dad and asked him to take me back to the village to get married. That day, my dad completely blocked my grandparents’ phone calls."


Hearing this, Li Guanqi frowned tightly.



There is a problem.

What is the name of this Liugui Village incident in Penglai's files?

[Case 078—Paper Man]!

And what is that nursery rhyme about?

The old father’s newly married daughter passed away…


In Liugui Village, every 24 hours, the sound of weddings and funerals will be heard...

Han Mengyao's grandparents want her to go back and get married this year...


"No matter what, I will definitely ensure your safety."

After Li Guanqi thought for a moment, he couldn't find any more information, so he had to look at Han Mengyao opposite, with an extremely serious expression.


Han Mengyao nodded slightly and looked at him with a smile, "I believe in you, just like I did in the alley the first time and in the school the second time."


Li Guanqi also smiled, "Just like those two times."

"Li Guanqi."

At this time, the cockpit door of the plane suddenly opened.

Lin Xianbai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took off his headphones, stood up, turned to look at Li Guanqi, and said in a deep voice:

"Liugui Village is almost here."

After that, he prepared to walk towards the passenger cabin.

But at this moment.

In the driver's seat, the woman in a white dress named "Lian" wearing noise-canceling headphones suddenly grabbed Lin Xianbai's right hand, her eyebrows filled with worry.

She looked at Lin Xianbai, her red lips parted slightly, but she opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally reduced it to three short words:

"Be careful."

Lin Xianbai was startled.


He looked down at his right hand held by Lian and said nothing, just nodded slightly.

Then he broke free of his right hand and walked towards Li Guanqi.

"Your wife?"

As Lin Xianbai passed by, Li Guanqi smiled and tilted his head and asked, "Can a Taoist priest also marry a wife?"

"First, she is not."

Lin Xianbai looked helpless, "Secondly, our Longhushan Tianshi Dao belongs to the Zhengyi sect, and Taoist priests of the Zhengyi sect can marry wives and have children."

"And a third one!"

Li Guanqi suddenly took over the conversation, turned to look at the cockpit, and laughed loudly: "Your Taoist Master Lin will be fine, because he will not enter Liugui Village at all."


Lin Xianbai frowned, "What do you mean? Do you think I will hold you back?"

"Not really."

Li Guanqi turned his head and glanced at Han Mengyao on the seat, "But after taking her into the gray mist of Liugui Village, I will have a way to open the entrance to the cursed spirit realm, and then I want you to take her out safely. As for Liugui Village,

I alone can suffice your village’s three talented magic spirits.”


Han Mengyao was stunned for a moment, then raised her right hand and pointed at herself hesitantly, "So, am I the hindrance?"


Li Guanqi smiled and said: "Be more confident, you are."


Han Mengyao lowered her head speechlessly.

After all she is.

"So what are you going to do when you get to Liugui Village?" Lin Xianbai looked at Li Guanqi in confusion.

"Just take Han Mengyao in."

As Li Guanqi spoke, he raised his hand and tapped his temple, "Don't ask why, this is my intuition."


After Han Mengyao, Lin Xianbai was also left speechless.

"Taoist Lin."

At this time, "Lian"'s voice suddenly came from the plane's announcement, "Liugui Village has arrived."

"Open the door."

Lin Xianbai turned to look at the door of the plane.


As soon as he finished speaking, the silver-white cabin door suddenly opened, and the raging wind from high in the sky suddenly blew in!

The powerful hurricane blew the hair of the three people flying wildly in an instant.

"I'll take the first step."

Lin Xianbai made a secret with one hand, and a golden spiritual shield appeared around him. Then he ignored the strong wind and walked steadily to the door. He didn't bring a parachute or anything, and just jumped out.


Han Mengyao was shocked when she saw this.

"It's our turn."

Li Guanqi didn't cast a spell to resist the strong wind. He just leaned against the cabin and turned to look at Han Mengyao.

The strong wind at high altitude blew violently, causing his white hair to flutter in the wind, and his white short sleeves were blown by the wind, but his whole body remained motionless.

The physical body at the peak of Liangyi cannot be moved by this little wind force.

"Should I jump directly too?"

Han Mengyao covered her forehead with her hands to prevent her eyes from being hit by her hair that was blown by the strong wind. She looked at him in shock, "I, I... don't have this ability."

"Of course you don't have the ability."

Li Guanqi stretched out his right hand and said seriously: "Hold me tight, don't let go."

"oh oh……"

Han Mengyao stood up from her seat. Although the strong wind blew her waist-length hair flying wildly, her steps were steady and not affected by the wind at all.

Even though she hasn't entered the market yet, she is still a superhuman who has drank different blood.


Han Mengyao braved the strong wind and walked to Li Guanqi. She looked at his outstretched big hand with a shy expression. After taking a deep breath, she also stretched out her white and tender little hand and held it tightly.

Two hands, one big and one small, with their fingers intertwined.

"This is the first time I hold a boy's hand." Han Mengyao lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.


Li Guanqi thought for a while and said: "During the 'Blood Campus' incident, when we rushed to the basement at dusk, I grabbed your hand and ran there together. Have you forgotten?"

"Well, that time it was wrist."

Han Mengyao tilted her head to one side, feeling the warm touch of the boy's palm from her right hand, and the sound was like a mosquito.

"And it was you who caught me that time, but I took the initiative this time...ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly exclaimed. Before she could react, Li Guanqi took the initiative to let go of her hand, then grabbed her wrist, pulled it gently, and hugged her directly.

"You, you..."

Han Mengyao held Li Guanqi's abdomen with both hands, raised her head, and looked at him in shock.

Feeling the touch of the distinctly concave and convex abdominal muscles with her palms, the young and ignorant girl's face was now completely red with shame.

And in her eyes.

The man, with his snow-white hair fluttering in the wind, looked out into the vast night sky.

His blue eyes seemed to be even more brilliant than the stars in the sky, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Han Mengyao?"


"Have you noticed? We always meet inexplicably, either because of this or because of that... Why does fate always make you and I meet?"


Han Mengyao looked up at Li Guanqi, slightly dazed.

But Li Guanqi didn't say anything else.

"pay close attention!"

He just shouted low, then jumped out of the plane door with Han Mengyao in his arms!

Thousands of meters in the air!

Strong wind blows!


The strong wind blew past my ears, and the roaring sound filled my ears!

The two figures fell at a rapid speed!

Li Guanqi's white hair was blown wildly by the strong wind. His left hand tightly hugged Han Mengyao's slender waist, holding her delicate body close to his body, while his right hand was open.

Feeling the strong wind passing by his body and the fingertips of his right hand, he couldn't help but smile brightly.

Looking around here, above the layers of clouds, there is an endless vast sky!

It's as if the stars are at hand.

It’s like the bright moon is right in front of you!


The wind howled.

Han Mengyao, who was in Li Guanqi's arms, quietly opened her eyes after the initial panic and admired the endless sea of ​​clouds and night sky around her.

She held Li Guanqi's white clothes tightly with her two small hands and turned her head to look at the surrounding scenery.

Her hair was fluttering in the wind, but it couldn't hide the yearning and longing in the girl's eyes.

Li Guanqi looked around, his eyes twinkling as well.

Some people say that scenery that has never been seen with one's own eyes will unlock a certain desire in people's hearts.

For example, did Han Xin's inner ambition intensify after seeing the Qin Palace?

Li Guanqi didn't know.

But after he saw the endless vast sky with his own eyes, he suddenly remembered something.

That's what he saw in the book about Weird World.

"Within the Great Wall of Heaven, it is the territory of our Daluo Kingdom. The earth is like this, the water is like this, and the sky...is also like this!"

The source of this statement.

Daluo Dynasty, the founding emperor!

"A true man...should be like this."

The corners of Li Guanqi's mouth curled up slightly, and in those blue eyes, the flame called ambition burned more and more powerfully.

In a strange world, troubled times are coming.

So why can't he get a share of the pie?

Of course you can!

Although the leader of the kingdoms is powerful, it does not mean that he cannot be the one who comes after him... The situation is about to collapse, and if you don't fight, you will die!

Or become a weed in troubled times.

Or become the overlord of one side.

But now, looking at the vast and boundless night sky, Li Guanqi has already set a goal in his heart.


"You have a new pursuit of your life. You have decided to use your invincible power to push geniuses from all walks of life and overcome various difficulties. In this war-torn world, you will achieve invincible greatness, step on the supreme throne, and create a dynasty!


"When you concentrate on it, all aspects of your strength will soar sharply!"

"[Invincible Heart (Green)] quality improvement."

"[Invincible Heart (Blue)]!"


Li Guanqi felt the indescribable subtle changes deep in his body and smiled softly.


This is the "power" of Li Guanqi's own martial arts!

Changes in mood will lead to changes in "potential".

In other words, the reason why Daluo Wufu is different from other blood warriors from other countries is because of his unique martial spirit!


After falling freely in the air for dozens of seconds, Li Guanqi lowered his head and looked at Han Mengyao in his arms. He stretched out his hand to gather her hair that was fluttering in the wind. Then he looked into the girl's eyes and smiled: "Are you ready?"

"It's about to land."


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Guanqi made a secret with one hand, summoning a raging wind below him and Han Mengyao, which increased in a spiral, gradually weakening the force of their fall.

at the same time.

Li Guanqi began to count down in his heart.





This chapter has been completed!
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