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Chapter 274 The secret of martial arts, the four pillars reach the sky!


Thunder poured down, and purple-blue lightning illuminated the night!

However, this terrifying thunder attack was firmly blocked by Wang Yanqing's three-meter-high demonic body, which also spread its wings to protect Li Guanqi. Even though a large area of ​​flesh and blood on her back was burned, the body in her arms was not affected.

Li Guanqi was slightly injured.

"Senior sister..."

Li Guanqi lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and his body was trembling.


Li Guanqi, who could only hide in his senior sister's arms, was filled with a deep sense of powerlessness.

This powerlessness made him feel an indescribable sting, a sting coming from the depths of his soul!

He is Li Guanqi.

People in reality call him the Extraordinary King, right?

He should have been the one to protect his relatives and friends!

He hates such weak people who need protection from others!

"Junior brother, what's wrong with you?"

At this time.

Wang Yanqing suddenly raised her right hand, gently touched Li Guanqi's face, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then rubbed the white hair on Li Guanqi's head, revealing a gentle smile on his face.

As if she could see through Li Guanqi's thoughts, she asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Is it shameful to be protected by a woman?"

"No, I..."

Li Guanqi raised his head and looked at her with a complicated expression.


Wang Yanqing looked at him and smiled softly: "You are my junior brother, and it is your senior sister who should protect you.

Also, don't worry.

Senior sister is a five-element level martial artist of different blood, so what does it mean to be injured? It will heal quickly.

Moreover, your soul attack technique is very powerful, and the tactics you arranged at the beginning were also very successful, but after all calculations, this magician still has a space-transfer sacrificial weapon, so although the plan failed, it doesn't matter.


Wang Yanqing smiled with crooked eyes and her voice was very soft.

But the more this happened, the more angry Li Guanqi was, feeling ashamed of his own weakness at this time.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at Wang Yanqing.

He has been independent since childhood.

I have been living alone in China since I was sixteen, and I handle everything by myself.

At the age of eighteen, after becoming an extraordinary person, he became the real "extraordinary king". He saved Han Mengyao, all the teachers and students in the high school, and saved Liugui Village... He has always been the only one to protect and save others.

He is not used to being protected.

He hates being weak and needs to be protected, and feels ashamed because of his weakness.

"Hey, don't bow your head."

Wang Yanqing held Li Guanqi's face with both hands and forced him to look at her.

"Never bow your head."

Wang Yanqing looked into his eyes and said seriously: "Senior sister, I believe that you will become more powerful than senior sister in the future, really."

"But now, let's leave it to Senior Sister."

Say it.

The female devil's hands turned into afterimages, and she clicked on her limbs several times, as if she was opening some secret method.


Then, Wang Yanqing took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and with a fierce look in her eyes, she suddenly opened her demon wings, shouldered the thunder bombardment from behind, turned around forcefully, and raised her right fist towards the thunderous light in the sky.


She punched out, and the terrifying power shook the ground 800 meters in front of her. While shattering the sky with thunder, she also leveled a large forest!

"Junior brother, watch carefully!"

After smashing the thunder, Wang Yanqing's eyes were gloomy, and he slowly stood up facing the sky full of grass, trees, and dust. The injury on his back healed instantly.

When the demon wings behind her were completely stretched out, the three-meter-tall female demon also clenched her fists tightly.

Her left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg all emitted blazing white arrogance, and the pressure on her body instantly increased!

"Junior brother, soon I will teach you this secret martial arts technique that is both a method of opening pulses and a method of attacking enemies."

"Its name is...Four Pillars to the Sky!"


As Li Guanqi looked up, Wang Yanqing stood up from the ground. The three-meter-tall demon body turned into a purple afterimage and rushed towards the sky at an alarming speed.

at this time.

Yan Chengping had already condensed a large black thundercloud in the night sky again.

Bursts of purple and blue thunder light flickered in it, faintly forming the appearance of a giant thunder dragon.

In fact, the most perfect fighting method for a spellcaster who has mastered the laws of the nine systems is of course to use the laws of the nine systems together and cooperate with each other to attack the enemy... But this is just a theory.

In actual combat, most spellcasters do not have that much spiritual power to use the power of multiple laws at the same time.

Rather than being miscellaneous and lacking in excellence, it is better to focus on one series!

What Yan Chengping chose to study was Thunder!


The thunder was rolling, as if a giant blue thunder dragon was roaring in the dark clouds!

Wang Yanqing was not afraid at all, holding the blood-colored spear in his hand, the demon wings behind him flapped wildly, and flew straight towards the thundercloud.

"Zi la!"

Thousands of thunderbolts shot out from the dark clouds and hit her hard.

At this time, Wang Yanqing's limbs were burning with blazing white arrogance, and the pressure was overwhelming!

After activating the "Four Pillars to the Sky" state, her limbs are far more powerful than before. With a wave of the blood-colored spear, she can shatter the sky full of thunder, smashing the thunder into countless electric snakes and scattering them in all directions.



Wang Yanqing tossed and turned around outside the dark clouds, and from time to time he fired a shot to shatter the thunder in the sky.

But the interference caused by the thunder to her was not small, and it would take some time to get close to Yan Chengping in the center of the thunder cloud.


The center of the thundercloud.

Yan Chengping stepped on the void, looked at Wang Yanqing who was getting closer, and slowly exhaled.

Then, this five-element level new sect magician took out a bottle of scarlet blood from the space ring.

What's inside is a portion of the Liuhe-level dragon's painstaking efforts.


Yan Chengping crushed the glass bottle, released his spiritual power, and condensed the dragon's blood into small blood cells, which were condensed on his right hand and suspended out of thin air.


Yan Chengping raised his hands and used the dragon's blood to slowly perform the seal. At the same time, purple-blue lightning erupted from his body, and his spiritual energy reached its peak.

Previously, he had always used the most energy-saving method to fight.

Directly rely on spiritual power and the power of the law of traction.

It is equivalent to using 1 point of spiritual power to draw 10 points of law power.

This certainly saves energy.

But it's not powerful enough.

But now, Yan Chengping finally decided to take action.


Yan Chengping formed a seal with his hands and began to use the dragon's blood to cast spells. Pieces of blood-red spiritual power gradually appeared all over his body.

In the end, all these blood-red spiritual powers poured into the dragon's blood.


The dragon's blood changed its form and turned into a small blood dragon, flying back and forth between Yan Chengping's hands.


Yan Chengping raised his right hand high, and the little blood dragon also jumped high from the fingertips of his right hand, swaying its dragon body and flying towards the black thundercloud above.


The next moment, the dark clouds with a radius of one kilometer began to shrink sharply, and turned into a gray western dragon, covered with gray and black dragon scales, with dazzling lightning flashing all over its body!

This giant thunder dragon was entrenched in the sky and let out an earth-shaking roar towards Wang Yanqing below!


The Thunder Dragon's body swayed and turned into a dragon-shaped thunder, descending from the sky with the power of destroying the world and launching the last and most powerful offensive towards Wang Yanqing!

The pinnacle spell of the five elements: Dragon Thunder!

"Ugly Lizard."

Wang Yanqing's face was expressionless, and he advanced instead of retreating. The demon's wings behind him flapped wildly, and he held a bloody spear in his hand, which turned into a rainbow and hit the thunder dragon at high speed!

The white flames on the limbs ignited fiercely!

Four Pillars of Heavenly Jue!

On Wang Yanqing, the coercion of a warrior of different blood is rising steadily!

At the same time, the white flames emanating from her limbs almost condensed into substance, making her look like a white sun emitting white flames from a distance!

After a moment.

The purple-blue dragon-shaped thunder collided fiercely with the blazing sun!


The moment the two collided, a shocking loud noise instantly spread across the land tens of thousands of meters in radius, and the terrifying aftermath completely razed the forest below to the ground!

The earth is cracking and the grass and trees are flying!

Countless first-level curse spirits and one-level demon species were directly crushed into blood mist under the pressure of this aftermath!

Soon, the dragon-shaped thunder was smashed to pieces by the incandescent sun, but under the raging thunder, the incandescent sun was also powerless.


Purple and blue thunder light splashed in all directions.

The white flames collapsed and disappeared.

The aftermath gradually dissipated.

The night turned pitch black again, as if only the flattened forest and the grass clippings and dust flying in the air could prove what had just happened.

"Senior sister?!"

Among the ruins of the forest, Li Guanqi looked at the empty night sky with a frightened expression, and quickly shouted: "Senior sister, where are you?! Senior sister!!!"

"Teacher, junior brother..."

Suddenly, in the silent night, a woman's weak voice came from the distance.

"Senior sister?!"

Li Guanqi quickly followed the sound.

Thousands of meters away, among the ruins of the desolate forest, he saw a demonic body lying there, covered in blood, motionless.


Li Guanqi's pupils shrank suddenly and he rushed over quickly.

The distance of a thousand meters is reached in an instant.

"Senior sister?!"

Li Guanqi fell to the ground and knelt next to Wang Yanqing's body. He looked at the senior sister who had her eyes closed tightly and was as angry as a silk thread, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Senior Sister... don't scare me... Senior Sister, wake up... wake up..."

Li Guanqi quickly leaned down, put his ear on Wang Yanqing's chest, and listened carefully.

Heart arrest?

Different blood, different blood will no longer flow?!

"Senior sister?!"

Tears burst out of Li Guanqi's eyes in an instant and he couldn't hold them back at all.

"Senior sister...senior sister...senior sister!!!"

He grabbed Wang Yanqing's right hand and cried sadly.

Above the ruins of the forest that had been razed to the ground, the land was barren, and the cries continued for a long time in the dark night.

Before this, Li Guanqi always felt that crying was a very meaningless behavior.


When the incident happened to him, he realized that crying was not a behavior, but a kind of... emotion that could not be controlled by subjective consciousness.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, Wang Yanqing, who was covered in blood and furious, sat up from the ground.

She pointed her left hand at Li Guanqi, who was crying uncontrollably. Her eyes turned into a pair of crescent moons, "You're still crying! A two-meter-tall man is still crying! Are you ashamed?"


Li Guanqi was stunned.


Wang Yanqing laughed heartily, and the wounds all over his body healed in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he was restored to his prime from bruises all over his body.

It took Li Guanqi a long time to come back to his senses.

Where is this serious injury?

It was obvious that he had enough life energy, but he deliberately suppressed his injuries and refused to heal himself. He was just lying here pretending to be dead to scare him.

"Ha...senior sister..."

Li Guanqi, who knew he was being tricked, covered his face with his hands and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his palms. He smiled bitterly but also chuckled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, okay."

Wang Yanqing, who still maintained the body of a demon and was about three meters tall, took Li Guanqi into his arms with his big hands, rubbed his head, and said with a smile:

"Don't cry, your senior sister. I am a five-element-level Dzogchen martial artist, a Daluo martial artist. How could I be killed by a mere magician? Don't underestimate me, senior sister."

In front of Wang Yanqing at this time, even the two-meter-tall Li Guanqi looked particularly "little bird in love".

"Sister, don't scare me."

Li Guanqi leaned in her arms and smiled helplessly, "I can't stand being scared."

As he spoke, his body slowly changed, exiting the three-headed and six-armed state, and his white hair and blue eyes gradually changed back to black hair and black eyes.

"Did Yan Chengping run away?"

Li Guanqi broke away from Wang Yanqing's embrace, sat on the ground opposite her, and asked calmly.

"Well, he ran away."

Wang Yanqing nodded lightly, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "After he cast the thunder dragon spell, he ran away immediately. There is nothing we can do about it.

Senior sister, I am a martial artist after all. To be objective, it is extremely difficult for a martial artist of the same level to defeat a conjurer of the same level. As for killing him? That would be too difficult."

This is the truth.

Under normal circumstances, it is always easy to decide the winner between practitioners at the same level, but it is even more difficult to decide whether to win or die...

Li Guanqi was not surprised by Yan Chengping's escape.

Yan Chengping didn't have "100-refined spiritual power". From the beginning to now, he and his senior sister had been fighting for so long, and coupled with the last thunder dragon spell, the spiritual power in the five-element level magician's body was probably on the verge of bottoming out.

If your spiritual power is about to bottom out, you won’t run away. When it really bottoms out, you won’t be able to run away even if you want to.

A spellcaster without spiritual power is a complete cripple. His spiritual power is about to be exhausted, so he naturally has to run away quickly.

But Yan Chengping will come back eventually.

If He will come once, then what reason is there not to believe that He will not come a second time?

"Senior sister will protect you."

Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi and said seriously: "As long as I am here, no matter how many times the conjurer comes, I will protect you. Trust me, senior sister."

She didn't even ask Li Guanqi why Yan Chengping wanted to kill him.

Because it's not needed.

Senior sister protects junior brother, regardless of the reason.


Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing looked at each other for a few seconds, but suddenly felt their faces getting hot and quickly turned their heads.

There is no other reason.

Facing Wang Yanqing at this time, almost no man could look at her calmly.

Da Luo Wang Family, Devil Wang Family.

It is also known as the "Succubus Family".

The male of the Wang family, who turned on the devil's body, was extremely handsome and gave birth to numerous great Luo princes.

The women of the royal family are well-deserved "succubi", and in every generation there are those who enter the palace and become concubines.

At this time, Wang Yanqing, who transformed into a succubus, was extremely beautiful, with a pair of beautiful amber eyes that were unparalleled in enchantment, and her figure was extremely hot.

Although the magnificent chest is covered with black scales, it actually only covers half of the "ball", and the other half is exposed.

Especially with her current lavender complexion, not only does she not look weird, but she has a special wild beauty that makes people daydream about her.

in short.

Li Guanqi couldn't stand it after watching it for so long.

This is his senior sister!

"Ahem, let's talk about Senior Sister."

Li Guanqi looked at the sand on the ground and asked Wang Yanqing: "You said you had found me a long time ago, but have you seen the last words in the cave?"

"The foreigner's last words?"

Wang Yanqing looked strange, seeming to have recalled some unspeakable past events, "Look, I saw it, but it must be Violet language... Ah, what I hate most is learning foreign languages. When I was a child, my family was not willing to learn them at all. It was the most annoying thing.

, and I was beaten several times by my father because of this.”


Li Guanqi was stunned and turned to look at her, "In other words, you don't know what is written in Western language?"

"Also recognize a word, 'i' means 'I', right?"

Wang Yanqing blinked her big amber eyes and looked at Li Guanqi curiously, "So what's written on it?"


Li Guanqi was startled.

That's the recipe for the strange blood potion.

But if senior sister knew about it, would she tell Da Luo?

It definitely will.

However, if his and Lin Xianbai's guesses were correct, then in the near future, when the strange world and the real world interface, the countries in the strange world will inevitably become real enemies.

In this case, if he told the Daluo Dynasty about the strange blood potion, wouldn't that mean he was seriously siding with the enemy?


Li Guanqi lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and said with complex eyes: "I don't want to lie to you, but this..."

"Then let's not talk about it."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Yanqing with a smile.


Li Guanqi looked up in shock.

All she saw was a beautiful face with smiling eyes.

"If it's difficult, it's better not to say anything."

Wang Yanqing smiled and said, "There is no need to say it. Anyway, senior sister is not interested in the last words of foreigners at all."

"Senior sister..."

Li Guanqi hesitated for a while, and finally said softly: "Senior sister, thank you."

"Thank you for what!"

Wang Yanqing smiled brightly, waved her hand, and patted his shoulder hard, "I'm your senior sister, don't be so outspoken!"


Li Guanqi quickly turned his head and looked away.

Because Wang Yanqing waved his hand like this, the movement was so violent that it caused a wave in his chest. It was so turbulent that it was shaking so much that it was unbearable to watch.


Li Guanqi couldn't help it anymore and could only look at the ground and persuaded: "Your Liangyi form is indeed very beautiful, but there is no need to maintain it forever, right?"

Normally Wang Yanqing is not very beautiful, but she looks very kind, like a big sister next door.

Wang Yanqing, who has activated her succubus body, is very beautiful and tempting, but she is really... unbearable.

"No need to maintain it?"

Wang Yanqing smiled and said, "Of course it is necessary."


Li Guanqi was stunned.

The battle is not over yet?

He turned to look at his senior sister, only to find that Wang Yanqing had already stood up, holding the blood-red spear in his right hand, looking at the end of the horizon, his amber eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

"A powerful curse is approaching."

Wang Yanqing glanced around and looked at the desolate ruins that had been razed to the ground. She narrowed her beautiful eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "It seems that we destroyed its territory, so it was unhappy and couldn't find the spell."

Master, he came to settle accounts with us."

Li Guanqi's complexion changed slightly.

Powerful magic spirit?

The overlord of this forest, that fifth-level curse spirit?!

In the mouths of the surrounding cursed spirits, one against two, two strong men of the Five Elements Level Wind God Giant Eagle were killed at the same time!

It's coming?!

This chapter has been completed!
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