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Chapter 291 Wasteland era, city ruins where monsters are rampant!

【Simulation starts.】

[On the first day, you follow the direction of the guiding light ball and move forward. 】

[You arrived at your former hometown, Yucheng, and rescued a new human from the wasteland from the Minghua tribe. His name is Feng Yao. You learned a lot of information about the wasteland world from him. 】

[You continue to move forward. According to Feng Yao’s prompts, you go to the Minghua Tribe and see a larger human sanctuary. Along the way, you encounter the Tianshi Army, the Red Blood Army, and meet many people and many things. 】

[It’s just that in front of you now, these people and things are all small people and small things. There is no need to worry about them at all, they can be wiped out with a wave of your hand. 】

[You only want to find the Guanmeng Sanctuary, find Han Mengyao, and find your parents.]

[On the 12th day, you finally arrived at the Dream Viewing Sanctuary. 】

【You found Han Mengyao.】

【You saw your parents’ graves.】

【Simulation ends.】

——Ending: The son wants to be raised but cannot be cared for——

Ending evaluation: Life is helpless.

Ending reward: time fragment.

Find the residence of your parents in the Dream Viewing Sanctuary and use the [Time Recall] ability. You will no longer randomly rewind, but will be able to 100% see several time fragments about your parents.



On the land shrouded in black mist.

The tall man knelt on the ground like a child, lowering his head and crying. He cried for a long, long time...

He was afraid of the second simulation because he was afraid of seeing this kind of thing and seeing what he didn't want to see.

But the reality is always like this, it has always been.

It never goes as planned.

"Tick tock, tick tock."


This beautiful town a hundred years ago has completely changed its appearance.

Among the ruins of the city, those drizzles are no longer unique to the Jiangnan region, but have evolved into the most deadly humid climate.

Bacteria, viruses, and insect eggs that cause carrion all accelerate their development in this humid climate.

The humid air, coupled with the fact that humans are no longer the masters of the city, has caused the city's streets and alleys to be covered with a variety of plants.

Towering trees hundreds of meters tall, piranha flowers with sharp fangs, and various plants that should not belong to this world fill the city, and this lush plant environment has also attracted countless demon species.

Settled here.


In the city, the roars of wild beasts can be heard from time to time, one after another, never ending.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a branch flew out, picked up a human corpse on the street, and dragged it away at an alarming speed until it was dragged to a tree trunk not far away.

This big and strong tree actually cracked a crack, and the carrion was stuffed inside the trunk.

Then the tree trunk closed again, and bursts of "sizzling" sounds came from it, like the sound of flesh and blood being melted.

A little further.

On the mossy zebra crossing, there is a huge strange plant that is moving!

It looks like a purple flower as tall as a person, but it is actually separated from the ground. Its dense root system is like a black tentacle, moving quickly on the road, leaving a black slime on the ground.

Soon, it found a human corpse lying on the ground. It looked like it had just died, and it still held a rifle in its hand.


The giant purple flower moved to the corpse, and then the flower buds burst open, revealing a bloody mouth, and the corpse was swallowed directly into it. The sharp teeth chewed the flesh and blood, and blood flowed from the gaps between the petals, mixed with a few broken pieces.

The meat fell to the ground.

Such man-eating giant trees and plants are not uncommon in this neighborhood. You can see more than a dozen at a glance.

Man-eating tree, man-eating flower!

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

In this era when the sky is covered by gray clouds and fog, the sunlight is weak, but the spiritual energy is rich, plants also have the opportunity to achieve more "powerful" evolutionary development, but the direction of evolution is definitely not photosynthesis.

"Damn it, why are there so many man-eating trees and piranha flowers?"

Under the wall of a moss-covered alley, seven men wearing thick animal skin armor and animal skin hats were fully armed, holding firearms. They relied on the wall's cover to carefully observe the group of food wandering on the street.

People plants.

They are a pioneer team from the Purple Leaf Tribe.

"Okay, let's have some fun."

At the front of the team, a strong man with an unshaven beard and wearing bearskin heavy armor smiled.

He is different.

In this seven-man team hiding in the alley, the other six people all held rifles, and even had a few grenades hanging on their waists.

Only the man walking at the front only held a black pistol in his left hand, and a bloody Mo Dao in his right hand.

Mo Dao is an extremely long and narrow blade.

It is said that during the ancient cold weapon wars, the Mo Dao Army, which the imperial court spent heavily on, could even restrain its cavalry on foot, and a single strike would result in a bloody scene of both men and horses.

The man leaned against the wall of the alley and glanced at the piranha flowers on the road. Then he turned to look at the six people around him and said with a smile: "We are lucky this time. There are very few monsters in this street. There are them in several nearby areas."

The zombie army is blocking the way, and the monsters can't get in.

And the zombies outside don't know why, they don't enter here at all.

Therefore, there are only a few local zombies here, and there are no demon species, just some mutant plants.

It’s such a good place with low risk, what else do we have to complain about?”

As soon as the man said this, the six people around him looked at each other, and finally looked at the man with awe and admiration in his eyes.

These six people are all pioneers from the Ziye Tribe. They were also born and raised in the Ziye Tribe since childhood.

And this man's name is Feng Yao.

It was only half a month ago that I came to their Ziye tribe from other wilderness areas.

To be able to travel alone through the wilderness, through the zombies, monsters, and cursed spirits, and come to the vicinity of their tribe, my personal strength is simply terrifying!

Because... he is a first-level alien-blooded superhuman!

It was because of this man that they dared to run out of the tribe in the cave and go to the city to search for supplies.

Before this, they did not dare to come to this restricted area of ​​life in [the city].

Although the leader of the tribe is also a first-level superhuman, the leader needs to protect the entire Ziye tribe from attacks by monsters in the wilderness. It is impossible for the leader to lead the team out. Otherwise, if the leader has an accident and cannot come back, the entire tribe will be lost.

"Okay, the group of piranha flowers have gone far, let's go."

At this time, Feng Yao stretched his neck and glanced out of the alley. After confirming that the piranha flowers had left, he quickly headed to the street with the six-person team behind him.

Their target was the convenience store that was almost hidden by countless vines.

Convenience store with bottled mineral water!

In the wasteland, drinking water without nuclear radiation is the most important first-class resource, and newborn babies must rely on this to survive.

As he moved forward, a saying he had heard before suddenly appeared in Feng Yao's mind.

It is said that all the mineral water in urban convenience stores has been produced for more than 80 years. If it were the era before the wasteland, it would be an expired item that cannot be drunk.

Expired items that you can’t drink?

It's so unimaginable.

But the expired bottled mineral water in these cities is already "clean" compared to the river water contaminated by nuclear radiation in the wilderness.

If you drink the radioactive water, the adult humans in the wasteland will be fine.

But the same cannot be said for children.

Eight babies were born in the Ziye tribe this year. Without enough clean water, these eight babies would not survive next year.

If you don't want to die.

Then during their trip, they must take water out of the city and bring it back to the Ziye Tribe!


Feng Yao walked to the front of the convenience store, raised his right hand Mo Dao, and slashed at the vines blocking the door several times, clearing away the vines.

Then he tried to open the door, but the door lock device, which had been soaked in humid air all year round, had long been rusted, and it could not be opened regardless of whether it was locked or not.

"Damn it, the psychic door lock from Chaofan 20 years ago is so powerful, and it hasn't broken down even after 80 years?"

Feng Yao vigorously shook the door of the convenience store, and when he found that he couldn't open it, he immediately cursed.


He inserted the pistol in his left hand back into his waist, then grabbed it with his left hand and crushed the door lock device made of special material like a ball of plastic.


Feng Yao opened the door and entered the convenience store.

The rancid smell of various foods that have expired for decades mixed together and hit your face.


Suddenly, a zombie with rotting flesh and blood sprang out from behind a row of shelves, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Feng Yao.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Before Feng Yao made any move, the six people around him fired in unison, the muzzles of the rifles spitting flames, and the bullets poured out, directly beating the zombies into sieves.

After a few seconds, everyone was able to cease fire.

The zombie also fell to the ground.

But it's not dead.

It was lying on the ground twitching. Although it was covered in blood holes, the rotten flesh and blood was gradually healing.

Even the half-beaten head had granules writhing in it.

It seems that given enough time, this zombie can recover as before.

"Oh shit!"

When Feng Yao saw this scene, his face suddenly turned ugly. He turned to look at the six-man team behind him, "Are you fucking deaf?! Or are you all fucking idiots? Did I tell you before we set off that when facing zombies?

Don't shoot!

Your tribe only has so many bullets, can you just waste them?!

I've said it several times! The zombies are all fucking humans infected by the alien blood virus!

In other words, you can completely regard zombies as alien superhumans who have lost their minds, and due to the influence of the virus, they have not suffered fatal injuries to their hearts and brains, so they cannot be killed without cutting them into pieces!

If you use bullets to fight, how many bullets do you have to waste? Do you want to use bullets to beat it into pieces?!


Feng Yaoyue became more and more angry as he spoke, and his eyes towards the six-man team were full of murderous intent, "Also, fortunately there are no demons and cursed spirits in this area. If it were placed in other neighborhoods of this city, you guys would open fire like this."

, lure all those monsters over, and we can say goodbye to the tribe and see you in the next life!"

The six people around looked at each other.

One of them said solemnly: "I, we just want to protect..."

"Do I need your protection?!"

Feng Yao did not forget to lower his voice when cursing, and cursed angrily in a low voice: "I am a fucking first-order alien-blooded super human! I can fight my way into your tribe from the dense siege of zombies in the wilderness, and still be beaten by mere mortals.

Kill a zombie in the city?!"

Everyone was silent.


Feng Yao turned around and couldn't help but curse: "Such a safe wilderness area has been taken over by a bunch of fools!"

He was very angry.

But Feng Yao actually understands why.

A wilderness area that is not safe is taken over by fools.

It is a safe wilderness area that breeds a group of fools who lack tempering.

The wilderness area where this group of people's Purple Leaf Tribe is located is very similar to this city street because they are both strange.

There are obviously many zombies outside, but they just don't come in.

To put it simply, there are no zombies around the Ziye tribe at all, only some weak demon species and curse spirits.

Therefore, the people of this Ziye tribe have almost never experienced fighting against different-blooded zombies, and they don’t know how difficult the different-blooded zombies are.

Living in this kind of safe zone for a long time without experiencing the baptism of zombies will indeed raise a group of wastes, and there is nothing we can do about it.

"The six of you stay at the door while I go clean the convenience store."

Feng Yao held the Mo Dao in his right hand and waved it lightly. The right hand holding the knife turned into an afterimage. The speed was so amazing that it was impossible to tell how many times he had swung the knife.

Before the six people around them could react, the zombies on the ground turned into a puddle of flesh and blood, and were then kicked away by Feng Yao.

"Remember, after turning the zombies of different blood into minced meat, the safest way is to separate the minced meat as well."

After that, Feng Yao checked back and forth in this fairly large convenience store.




From time to time, Feng Yao would find traces of zombies in the corners of shelves and convenience store warehouses, and then without firing a shot, he would chop all the zombies into mincemeat with a Mo knife.

Ten minutes later.

When Feng Yao returned to the door of the convenience store again, his body was covered with scarlet blood and minced meat. The Mo knife in his hand was even more bloody, with blood dripping from the tip.

"It's safe."

Feng Yao's face was expressionless, and he exuded a fierce aura that made the six-man team dare not say a word.

See this scene.

Feng Yao sighed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, the safer and more comfortable the area, the easier it is to breed waste. If the Purple Leaf Tribe were placed in other wilderness areas, it would probably be destroyed in less than half a month.

"Hurry up and load up supplies."

Feng Yao was carrying a black mountaineering bag. It was empty before, but now after returning, it was already a big bulging bag, filled with bottles of mineral water.

Obviously, in these ten minutes, he was not just killing zombies.

"hurry up!"

Following Feng Yao's low shout, the six people around him quickly started sweeping supplies.

Feng Yao, on the other hand, was leaning against the threshold of the convenience store, holding the Mo Dao in his right hand and pressing the pistol on his waist with his left hand, observing his surroundings vigilantly.

"Crap, it's really heaven on earth."

He looked at the green plants sweeping the entire city, then looked down at the blood stains on his body, "Such a strong smell of blood can't attract half a zombie or a demon species. This street is as exciting as the Purple Leaf Tribe.

It’s simply…”


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the basement of the convenience store. The sound spread hundreds of meters around, causing the piranha and man-eating trees in the distance to cast their "eyes" towards the place.

But it seemed that due to Feng Yao's strange blood aura, none of them came close.


Feng Yao's expression changed drastically, he turned around and rushed into the convenience store's basement warehouse with the Mo Dao in hand.

"Who the hell threw the grenade?! You... huh?!"

As soon as Feng Yao rushed into the basement, he saw corpses and broken limbs all over the ground, and the rich smell of blood rushed straight to the tip of his nose.

The six-man team was completely wiped out...all of them were fucking dead!

"Oh shit."

Feng Yao held Mo Dao tightly with both hands and looked at the end of the basement warehouse with cold eyes.

On that wall was a mass of twisting vines.

The numerous green vines were like tentacles, twisting and turning, rolling up the broken limbs on the ground, sending them into the big fang mouth of the vine root system, and then chewing the flesh.

Mutated plant, or plant-like demon species - the man-eating vine demon.

But why?

When he entered the basement warehouse earlier, the man-eating vine demon didn't show up. Why did he wait until six ordinary people entered the warehouse to collect supplies before killing people?

Could it be... bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

Feng Yao looked ugly.

Oh shit!

Could he have met an intelligent plant demon?


At this time, the man-eating vine demon on the wall stretched out a flesh-stained vine and pointed to the basement stairs.

That's the exit from the underground warehouse.

Then, the cannibal vine demon stretched out two more vines, which was a humane opportunity to "show hands helplessly".

"Let me go?"

Feng Yao frowned, "Because you can't beat me, and I can't beat you, so there's no need for us to fight?"


One of the tentacles of the man-eating vine demon actually nodded up and down, as if it was a "nodding" motion.

"Damn, you are really smart."

Feng Yao held Mo Dao tightly in his right hand, bent down slightly, picked up a blood-stained hiking bag on the ground, and left slowly with the bag filled with mineral water.

During this process, he did not turn his back to the cannibal demon, but kept staring at it, slowly walking backwards until he completely walked up the stairs and returned to the first floor of the convenience store.


Report a fart.

Of course he ran away!

"We have to go back to camp quickly."

Feng Yao carried a bulging hiking bag on his back, a mountaineering bag in his left hand, and a Mo knife in his right hand, and ran quickly towards the outside of the convenience store.



Feng Yao stood at the door, his pupils shrank suddenly and his scalp was numb!

At this time, not even a single piranha flower could be seen in several streets with a radius of several hundred meters, they had all disappeared.

And on the moss-covered road, a three-meter-tall blood-red figure stood there quietly, exuding a fierce and terrifying aura.

This monster was covered in rotting flesh and blood, resembling an enlarged version of a zombie, and its arms turned into two huge bloody blades with several purple-red grass leaves and various flower petals stained on them.


Its breathing sound was like the death horn, making Feng Yao's face turn pale and his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

Evolve zombies!

This is a fucking evolved zombie!

This terrifying coercion was something that even the leader of his original tribe did not have...Level 3?!

This is a level three zombie?!





The figure of the third-level zombie flashed across a hundred meters in an instant, and cut Feng Yao in half with one knife, splitting him into two pieces!

Flesh and blood flying!

Then the third-level zombie swung its blade arm and directly blasted Feng Yao's upper body into the convenience store, smashing the back wall of the convenience store and flying dozens of meters upside down in mid-air before landing on the ground.


Feng Yao's upper body fell to the ground and he vomited blood. He was still holding the Mo Dao tightly in his right hand, but he had no intention of fighting again.

No wonder.

On the verge of death, Feng Yao finally understood why this city street was like paradise...

The zombies in the nearby neighborhoods dare not come in because there is a third-level zombie king here!

This is its territory!

Not only are zombies unable to enter, but all other demon species and curse spirits are also prohibited!


Feng Yao closed his eyes in despair.





However, the imagined death never came.

Instead, a ball of light suddenly appeared in his tightly closed eyes.

Feng Yao opened his eyes blankly.

What caught his eye was a faint ball of white light, suspended in front of his eyes, floating gently up and down.


The next moment, Feng Yao's eyes widened with disbelief on his face!

On the moss-covered road, the third-level zombie that had made him despair was now kneeling on the ground, trembling!

In front of this zombie king, there is an extremely tall figure in black clothes, at least 1.9 meters tall, with a head full of white hair fluttering in the breeze.


Then, under Feng Yao's shocked eyes, the tall figure slowly raised his right foot. It seemed that he didn't use much force, but he easily kicked the third-level zombie hundreds of meters away and hit it hard against a ruins.

On top of the building, the already dilapidated high-rise building was completely bombarded into collapsed ruins!

As for the zombie king?

The moment he hit the surface of the building, his entire body exploded into a pool of blood mist!

"Dad, Mom, I'm back...but our hometown is no longer what it used to be."

White hair back.

In other words, Li Guanqi looked at the ruins of the city covered by mutated plants with a complicated expression, and raised his head and sighed.

In a hundred years, things have changed.

The city turned into ruins.

The world has become a wasteland.

Parents... are no longer here.

This chapter has been completed!
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