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Chapter 325 Prehistoric Humans in the Forbidden Land

The end of the black fog.

On the dark rocky ground, a towering giant tree with a height of a thousand meters stands. The trunk and leaves are blue and translucent, and they are emitting little bits of fluorescence all the time. It seems that it is not a real thing, but composed of pure soul power.


Soul tree.

The source of power that constitutes this forbidden land!

"I still can't figure out how a mere phantom beast can form this thing, this half-space?"

Under the giant soul tree, a tall figure with three heads and six arms slowly walked out of the black mist.

The blue flame bird in his chest also flew out, landed on top of his head, looked up at the huge soul tree, and made a thinking voice, "This is completely unreasonable, beyond my knowledge... maybe

, the Fantasy Sky Beast is not the main reason, the space fluctuation caused by its death is just an opportunity, causing this half space to appear in advance?"


Li Guanqi replied to Xie Huang casually.

And his gaze was firmly locked on the dense blue leaves of the soul tree.

Deep in the leaves, there is a pure black fruit.

Ghost fruit.

Moreover, it is a fourth-level ghost fruit. He is now a peak fourth-level soul. This ghost fruit is useless to him, but for Han Mengyao, this ghost fruit can directly help her third-level soul break through to the fourth level.

"Is it possible that you can really simulate the future?!"

At this time, the blue flame bird also discovered the Wraith Fruit, and said in shock, "Wraith Fruit, there really is a Wraith Fruit here!"

It turned to look at Li Guanqi and said in disbelief: "How on earth did you know in advance that there was a Wraith Fruit here? Can you really simulate the future? You are not lying to this stupid kid Mengyao?!"

"...You didn't believe me when I co-wrote it, did you?"

Li Guanqi was speechless.

The blue flame bird stopped talking and just looked at him. It was silent for a long time, not knowing what it was thinking.

"We are going to eat the ghost fruit, why don't you let Mengyao come out?"

Li Guanqi asked.

"No, I'll eat it."

The blue flame bird shook its head, then looked at the Wraith Fruit on the Soul Tree, and said solemnly: "The experience of eating the Wraith Fruit... is really terrible. The Wraith Fruit is a nightmare for all eaters. Can you survive it alive?

Those whose souls are tortured but not insane will not survive even one out of ten.

Of course, Mengyao is no longer the silly little girl who didn't understand anything a hundred years ago. I have confidence in her. I believe that after a hundred years of hard work, she can bear this pain.

But, it's not necessary.

It’s better for me to carry it.”

"One out of ten? Is it so terrifying?"

Li Guanqi was stunned, "Uh, wait, but don't you two share the same feelings?"

"This is optional."

Lanyan Xiaoniao said calmly: "As long as she is willing, she can take the initiative to block it...Girl, be obedient and don't say stupid things about enduring it together. It's obvious that I can do it by myself. You have to go together, there's no need."

After saying that, the little bird flapped its wings of burning blue flames and flew straight to the huge soul tree.

To be honest, Li Guanqi originally thought that there would be some powerful remnant soul guarding this place.

After all, according to the routine, wherever this kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure appears, there must be a powerful monster guarding it... Isn't this all the routine?

Moreover, Li Guanqi just discovered something along the way.

Within a kilometer radius of the soul tree, not even a single remnant soul dares to approach.

Isn't this even more strange?

But that's not the case.

From the moment the blue flame bird flew to the top of the soul tree, to the time it swallowed the only fourth-level wraith fruit into its belly, there was no movement at all.

Except for the noise it makes by itself.


The body of the little blue flame bird trembled violently, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge blue flame phoenix. It flapped its blue flame wings crazily, slammed into the black rock ground, and let out a shrill wail.


Li Guanqi looked at this scene and was speechless.

He had just experienced the terrifying experience of eating the Wraith Fruit two days ago. Looking at the Blue Flame Phoenix, the terrifying process seemed to reappear, making his soul shudder.

Anyone who has eaten a ghost fruit will never want to eat a second one.

Well, that's what it says.

But in fact, if a fifth-level ghost fruit were placed in front of Li Guanqi now, he would probably use a simulator to simulate it. As long as he was sure that he would not die, he would eat it no matter how painful it was.

Because the greatest pain in the world is weakness.

"Evil Phoenix..."

Li Guanqi looked at the blue flaming phoenix in front of him who was rolling on the ground in severe pain and wailing, his eyes flickering.

What kind of existence is the Evil Phoenix?

Are all the kindnesses it has treated Han Mengyao so far spontaneously, or are they just to occupy her body?

At this moment, Evil Phoenix, who took the initiative to bear the pain of the Wraith Fruit, was worried that Mengyao would not be able to bear the torture of the Wraith Fruit and would become insane, or was it just for show?

But it's not necessary.

If Han Mengyao really couldn't bear it and went crazy, wouldn't that be a great thing for Evil Phoenix?

How can a mentally disturbed consciousness snatch control of the body from it?

Regarding Evil Phoenix's stance, Li Guanqi could never come to an accurate conclusion.

Or... In fact, even Xiehuang himself has a contradictory attitude towards Mengyao.

never mind.

Don't think so much.

The possibility of finding the phoenix egg is too small. It is better to go to the weird world to find some soul masters to consult on this matter.

No matter whether the evil phoenix is ​​good or bad, it is not a good thing to let a non-human consciousness share the body and soul with Mengyao - the evil phoenix must be let go.


a long time.

The blue flame phoenix collapsed to the ground, and a majestic wave of soul power erupted from its body.

That is the fourth level of soul pressure.

Evil Phoenix survived the torture of the Wraith Fruit, and successfully used the power of the Wraith Fruit to break through to the fourth level soul.

"Huh - girl, give it back to you, I'll go back and rest."

"Thank you, Evil Phoenix...sister."

After a whisper, the blue flame phoenix stood up again, flapped its wings, and turned into a little blue bird within two seconds, flew back to Li Guanqi's shoulder, and smiled at him: "I'm back."

It's Han Mengyao.


Li Guanqi looked into her eyes and said something, of course, for Evil Phoenix to hear.

Of course he understood the torture of the Nether Soul Fruit, so he really thanked Evil Phoenix from the bottom of his heart for taking the initiative and sparing Han Mengyao from torture.

"It said no thanks."

The blue flame bird flapped its wings, "The evil phoenix said it was paid. When I get back, I will give my body back to it in the evening, and I will tell you to work harder as a reward. "


Li Guanqi was suddenly stunned, "What the hell?!"

"Isn't it okay?"

The blue flame bird looked at him curiously.

"I, I, I..."

Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment, and then said after a while: "I just feel sorry for you, because this thing is a bit... um... a bit..."

He was stunned.

For a moment, he didn't know how to define the word "cheating".


The blue flame bird was a little surprised, "That's still my body, and I also have feelings. I don't even have to move. What does it matter?"

"But that's the evil phoenix, not you after all."

Li Guanqi was a little helpless, "I thought you would care."

"No, I don't care, because it's not another woman, it's the evil phoenix."

The blue-flamed bird looked at Li Guanqi seriously, "During the hundred years when you were gone, it was the one who stayed with me. I used to call it sister.

It has done so many things for me that it would take me a long, long time to tell you all about them.

It did want to take my body, but... I don't know how to explain it to you. I have experienced too many things with it.

If I have to say it, I am actually selfish.

If a life is worth a life, I should have given this life back long ago.

During your absence, there were many dangers. Without it, I would have died long ago, in the mouth of the monster whale in the Atlantic Ocean, under the claws of the dinosaur skeleton in North America, and in Africa.

In the hands of the fourth-level curse spirit... too many times.

Yes, of course you can say that it protects me because its heart is in my body. If I die, it will die, so it protects me. It is just for itself.

You could say that.

Perhaps this is indeed the case.

But no matter what, in my heart...from beginning to end, I have never hated it. I have always regarded Xiehuang as my sister, a sister who has been with me for hundreds of years and saved me countless times.

Watch the chess game and say something that may make you unhappy.

A hundred years, a hundred years.

Over the past hundred years, when I was in a low mood, when I was helpless, when I sat alone in the corner with my legs in my arms and cried, who was by my side?


No, without you.

When I wanted to cry the most, you were not by my side at all, and I didn’t have your shoulder to lean on.

I only have it.

Over the past hundred years, Evil Phoenix has been accompanying me and comforting me. She is my sister, my biological sister."

The blue flame bird transformed by Han Mengyao looked at Li Guanqi with extremely serious eyes.


Li Guanqi was startled, "Hug, I'm sorry, Mengyao, I really didn't know Evil Phoenix was so important in your heart."

"It's really important to me."

The blue flame bird spread its small wings, gently hugged Li Guanqi's face, and said softly: "Also, there is one more thing that Evil Phoenix has never admitted, but over the years, I have become more and more sure of the truth of this matter.



In the Arctic.

I started a soul battle with it, and I don’t know how I survived until the end. When I told you, I meant that I was always thinking of you.

But in fact, is the power of this so-called "love" really that powerful?

No kidding... of course it's impossible.

The reason I was able to survive to the end was probably because the evil phoenix was letting loose.

It wanted to take over my body, but it didn't want to destroy my soul, so it held back. Because of this, it gave me the chance to persist until the end.

In other words, Evil Phoenix never thought of killing me completely.

It just wanted to take over my body, but it also wanted to keep my soul so that I could find another body and continue living.

What if it had the intention of killing from the very beginning and would not hold back at all?

Perhaps, my soul has long been swallowed up by it.

But it didn't do that.

After all, it wanted to leave me a glimmer of hope, and that's why I accidentally merged with its soul.

Xiehuang never admitted this.

It has always been like this. It has always been arrogant, so of course it will not admit it.

But I understand."

Speaking of this, the blue flame bird transformed by Han Mengyao sighed softly, "Guanqi, you can say that the evil phoenix is ​​trying to take advantage of me, but no matter what you say, in the past hundred years, this hundred years without you, if it weren't for it,

I can't hold it any longer."


Li Guanqi was silent.

The relationship between Han Mengyao and Xie Huang is too complicated.

He wanted to consult a soul master to find a way to destroy the evil phoenix's remaining soul, which might not be a good decision for Han Mengyao.

The evil phoenix can only be driven away, not killed.

"I understand."

Li Guanqi nodded slightly and touched the feathers of the blue flame bird, "I understand the position of the evil phoenix in your heart."


The blue flame bird rubbed his palm, "Of course I won't mind if Evil Phoenix uses my body to...well, do that kind of thing with you, and even if I don't use my body, I don't care if Sister Evil Phoenix

If it's a woman, I don't even mind sharing your love with her, of course, provided you don't mind either."

"Hey, forget it."

Li Guanqi quickly waved his hand, quickly changed the topic, looked at the soul tree in front, and said seriously: "Let's not talk about the evil phoenix in advance. We should get down to business and destroy this soul tree before talking about it."


The blue flame bird nodded.


Li Guanqi also nodded.


How to destroy this tree?

I didn’t mention the simulation situation either.

That can only be...

"Evil Phoenix."

Li Guanqi looked at the blue flame bird, "How to destroy this tree?"

"It said it didn't know."


Li Guanqi fell into deep thought.

Even Evil Phoenix doesn’t know?

How did the simulated situation get ruined?

It seems that after picking off the Wraith Fruit, the next simulated situation is that half space begins to collapse.


Li Guanqi turned to look at the giant soul tree, his eyes narrowed slightly.


After a while, all the blue leaves of the giant soul tree began to dissipate, and the entire half-space shook violently, as if the world was shaking!

"Sure enough! The Wraith Fruit has already started to collapse since I picked it off!"

Li Guanqi quickly grabbed the blue flame bird, flew at full speed, and rushed into the distance as fast as possible.

He was rushing towards the location of the teleportation array.

However, after the simulation, Li Guanqi knew very well that he should encounter a remnant soul on the road... a remnant soul that still had intelligence.

While flying along the way, countless remnant souls were wailing and roaring, as if they also felt their own fate. It was clear that after the destruction of half space, it would be the day when these dead souls would dissipate.

But those who were wailing were only the third-level remnant souls.

Instead, those fourth-level remnant souls stood quietly in place, motionless.

The same goes for those fifth-level remnant souls.

Li Guanqi even saw the remnant soul of the giant bull again.

I saw the remnant soul of the fifth-level giant bull standing in the black mist, looking at Li Guanqi passing by, with a bit of...relief and relief in his eyes?

Li Guanqi wondered if he had seen it wrong.


Suddenly, in the black mist ahead, a dazzling white light exploded!

The white light enveloped the land within a few hundred meters in an instant, turning the land of black mist into a world of white light.

Li Guanqi's expression changed slightly.

Because he couldn't move.

It's like the soul body is forcibly immobilized!


Is it the powerful remnant soul with spiritual intelligence?

In the dazzling white light, on the black rocky ground, a figure slowly turned from virtual to real and appeared in front of Li Guanqi.


Li Guanqi's pupils shrank.

That is... a human remnant soul!

After being here for two days, Li Guanqi has seen all kinds of strange souls, all of which are of all kinds of strange races, but he has never seen the remnant soul of a human being.

This is the first one!

And unlike other remnant souls, this remnant soul...he, he couldn't see clearly the cultivation level, couldn't tell what level of soul it was, and the system prompts of the strange world didn't show any indication of this remnant soul.

, as if it were just the remnant soul of an ordinary person.

"The human race is not dead yet, that's good."

In the dazzling white light, the human remnant soul walked slowly, sending out a burst of gentle thoughts.

I saw that he was extremely handsome with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He was a little less "beautiful" than Lin Xianbai's handsomeness, but a little more "handsome". He had a gilt-haired crown on his head, which covered his ears.

The hair was tied up, but another part of long hair was left scattered on the back.

In addition, he also wore a white gown.

The remnant soul of a human being dressed in white?


Can he release his soul power here to transform into clothes?!


A golden gap opened between Li Guanqi's eyebrows.

Eyes that destroy delusion, open!

After activating the Eye of Deception with all his strength, Li Guanqi finally noticed it.

The clothes on this person are also an illusion, a blinding illusion.

But even though Li Guanqi noticed something was wrong, he still couldn't get rid of it completely. No matter how he "looked", the white clothes were still on the man's body.

What level of remnant soul is this?

Sixth level?

Seventh level?!

After experiencing the wear and tear of space turbulence, you can still preserve the seventh-level remnant soul. So what is wrong in life? If you can have a seventh-level soul, how can you still be killed by space turbulence in life?

No, this person...

Li Guanqi looked at the remnant soul in white clothes in front of him with a solemn expression.

This person did not die from space turbulence.

"You are a human from the prehistoric era, right?"

Li Guanqi asked hesitantly.


The remnant soul in white clothes was obviously stunned, exuding confused and confused soul thoughts, "Prehistoric? Why is it... uh?"

As he said that, he frowned, "You don't have spiritual roots, so why does your soul have some spiritual qualities? Obviously only people who have introduced Qi into their bodies all year round can have their souls contaminated with this spiritual quality... But you

Why is there?"

Before Li Guanqi could answer, the remnant soul in white stretched out his hand and explored the chest of Li Guanqi's soul body.

"Senior?! You... hmm?"

Li Guanqi originally thought that the remnant soul in white was going to attack the blue flame bird in his chest.

But that's not the case.

The other party ignored Han Mengyao's soul body at all.

I saw the remnant soul in white clothes slowly retracting his right hand, spreading his palm, and there was a round bead lying on it.

A deep black bead!

It's like the ultimate black, capable of swallowing up all colors.

Li Guanqi's expression suddenly changed.

Surgical organ?

Isn’t this his surgical organ?!

When Ethan dissected his body, he had seen his surgical organ with his own eyes... He would never admit it wrong, this was his surgical organ.

Why is it also in the soul?

And how did the remnant soul in white clothes take out this thing from his soul?

"What is this? Mutated spiritual roots?"

However, the remnant soul in white clothes looked even more confused than Li Guanqi.

He held the black ball in his hand and was puzzled.

"I have never seen such a mutated spiritual root... And no matter how much it mutates, how come the spiritual root's ability to live forever is mutated? A spiritual root that cannot live forever? What else is this called a spiritual root... In other words, this is really true

Is it the spiritual root?"


Li Guanqi could no longer suppress the curiosity in his heart at this time, and asked the remnant soul in white clothes: "Are you an immortal?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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