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Chapter 334 Extraordinary 5 years, I'm back!

Traveling to New Epoch 4870?

Li Guanqi's complexion changed slightly.

Extraordinary one!

"I am, who are you?!"

Li Guanqi asked quickly.



The unknown man laughed wildly, "I succeeded! I succeeded hahaha!!! The primitive people of that era were really chosen by me!!!"


Li Guanqi looked shocked.

"Hey! What level of cultivation are you doing now?!"

In addition to surprise, the unknown man's voice also contained a bit of anxiety.

"Four Symbols."

Li Guanqi replied truthfully.

"Too weak! Too weak!!!"

The unknown man's voice deepened.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Li Guanqi raised his head and looked at the twisted and changing world of colorful light, "You are the 'god' who chose us? What on earth do you want us to do when you choose us?!"

"Choose you...?"

The unknown man smiled and said, "No, there has never been 'them' in what I want to choose. If anyone can accomplish that thing, it can only be one person at most.

In each era, only one such existence will appear.

The reason why I selected all the primitive humans of your era was just to find that one person."

Li Guanqi looked shocked.

Therefore, his and Lin Xianbai's guesses were correct.

One hundred million extraordinary beings were selected by a certain "future god" and asked to carry out a mission to do something.

And their other guess was also correct.

In the future, God will just cast a wide net and catch only one fish!

Moreover, this future word of God also seems to verify another thing.

——"Select all the primitive people of your time."

No, it doesn't.

In this strange world, only one percent of the world was selected, and only 100 million people became extraordinary.

Li Guanqi had some vague guesses.

If this is correct, the simulator should have stepped in and taken away some kind of... um, energy?

In short, it should be the sudden appearance of the simulator that caused the God of the Future to fail to select all humans and only select one percent of humans.

The truth comes out.

The emergence of extraordinary beings is the handiwork of a certain future existence.

But the simulator is not.

The simulator is still an unknown mystery.

And Li Guanqi was not prepared to tell this unknown existence about the simulator.

"You let us witness the future, what exactly do you want us to do?!"

Li Guanqi only asked this question.

"I want to tell you too."

The unknown man's voice sounded, "But I can't say. If I don't say many things, you don't know, but fate will bring you to that point. But if I say it, maybe everything will be different. I don't dare to bet on the consequences. , so I can’t say.

And you are too weak now, like an ant. If I tell you all the causes and consequences of the matter, I am afraid that your soul will be broken by being scared... Well, besides, I don’t know if you are the one I have high hopes for."


Li Guanqi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Riddler is so annoying.

"So, what can you tell me?"

After a long while, he asked helplessly.

"I can tell you why it took a hundred years for you to return to reality."

The unknown man's words caused thunder to break out from the ground!

"You didn't do this?!"

Li Guanqi was stunned.

"Of course not."

The unknown man said solemnly: "There are many things I want you to do, and some things need to be done before a specific time point. If you return to reality directly after a hundred years, you will miss a lot of things."

"So we shouldn't have left for a hundred years."

Li Guanqi also looked serious.


The unknown man gave an affirmative reply, "It's hard for me to explain this to you. If you reach the Liuhe level and understand the laws of space, you can understand it if I just say a few words, but now... I don't know you

Can you understand?

Simply put.

You should know that as many human beings as you have, there will be as many weird worlds as there are.

These worlds are not illusions.

They are actually parallel time-spaces that actually exist.

Of course, whenever you leave that time and space, then these time and spaces will be illusory to you, because the two time and spaces do not interfere with each other. In this case, you can completely say "illusion".

But when you go to that time and space and are in it, it becomes real... Well.

It seems to be complicated.

To put it simply, there is a being in a strange world who is aware of the existence of your real time and space, so he wants to open the space and time leading to reality..."


Hearing this, Li Guanqi couldn't help but look shocked, "We have been discovered?!"


What bastard supernatural person revealed that?!

"Who discovered us?"

Li Guanqi asked in a deep voice.

"...It is a very bad habit to interrupt others when they are talking."

The unknown man seemed a little displeased, but still said: "I can't give a 100% accurate conclusion about who it is, but when he was levering the time and space barrier, I also had a feeling in the future. I used some means to open it.

A small crack in time and space opened up.

Just like we are now.

It's just that I can't see you, so I can only communicate by voice.

The crack in time and space is the other way around. I can't hear it, but I can see it.

I saw a piece of fabric through the small gap in time and space.

It was a piece of black cloth with golden dragon patterns embroidered on it.

I'm not 100% sure.

But if I had to guess one person, it would be Emperor Shenwu of Daluo, the Shenwu Emperor of a strange world.

After all, the black clothes embroidered with golden dragons are most likely the Great Luo Emperor's robes. If we calculate the candidate with the required strength, it is basically him."


Li Guanqi was stunned.

"Where did I just say... Oh, he noticed you, I will continue, and, primitive man, don't interrupt me again.

Emperor Wu of the Great Luo Shen in a certain strange world noticed the existence of your real time and space, so he wanted to open a time and space shuttle door to reality.

It is precisely because of this move that it affected the time and space barrier of your time and space, causing...well, shaking, causing your time and space barrier to 'shake' a bit.

I don't know how to explain the principles to a four-elephant primitive like you.

You just need to know the cause and effect.

The cause was that Emperor Wu of the Great Luo Shen of that strange world had moved the time and space barrier.

The result is that you humans, who were supposed to return to reality after a 'moment', returned to reality a hundred years too late."

At this point, the unknown man stopped narrating.

"Then what?"

Li Guanqi was a little surprised, "Keep talking."

"What else can I say?"

The unknown man also seemed a little surprised, "The matter has reached this point and there is no way to undo it. What else can be done?"


After a pause, he continued: "It doesn't matter a hundred years from now. You are still within the scope of that era and can still give birth to the existence I want. Even if you have missed many things in this hundred years,

, it doesn’t matter, as long as the final thing can be completed, that’s enough.”


Li Guanqi's eyes flickered.

It seems that even this future god, even if he is talking to him now, does not know that he is traveling through time and space.

He won't just stay a hundred years from now.

He will go back soon, back to the extraordinary 5 years!

"So what else can you say to me?"

Li Guanqi asked again.

"No more."

The unknown man's voice was calm, "It's too early now, you are still too weak, and my conversation with you should not have happened at this moment... It seems that this space-time rift is about to close."

Almost closed?!

Li Guanqi's heart skipped a beat.

"I still have many questions to ask you!"

Li Guanqi asked quickly: "You said that the Great Luo Shen Wu Emperor of that strange world moved the time and space barrier, which caused us to come back a hundred years late. Who is he? Will this kind of thing happen again in the future?"

"Almost impossible."

The unknown man didn't care about his refusal to answer the question, and calmly replied: "Even gods do not have the ability to affect the space-time barrier at will. The 'swaying of the space-time barrier' is just a super low-probability cosmic phenomenon.

In fact, even if Emperor Da Luo Shen Wu successfully opened the door of time and space, opening a passage through reality and connecting the two worlds, it would not 100% cause the time and space barrier to shake.

So, this is just an accident.

It should be that Emperor Shenwu wanted to open the space-time channel, but he failed and accidentally caused the space-time barrier to shake. This is a very, very low probability, and you don't need to worry about this happening next time."


Li Guanqi looked ugly.

Low probability, does that mean there is a probability?

If it is almost impossible, then haven't they encountered it once?

"What about the space channel?"

Li Guanqi's voice was low and he continued to ask: "As you said, the Great Luo Shen Wu Emperor of that weird world failed this time, does that mean... that he may succeed next time?"


The unknown man's voice remained calm, "I can even tell you in advance that it is almost inevitable for the strange world to invade your reality.

And I can also tell you that in the future, countless strange worlds will slowly merge together.

Until eventually, it becomes a parallel time and space, another universe.

Have you heard of the concept of the multiverse?

I remember that you should have already had this concept during your time.

Parallel time and space is another universe.

I don't want creatures from a strange world to invade our time and space.

This is not in line with my wishes.

Your time and space and my time and space are actually the same 'line' and the same universe. If you change history at your time point, you can directly change my future.

But Weird World is not.

From the moment I made the decision to select you and let you enter the weird world, the weird world was destined to become another 'line' and become another brand new, independent, and real universe.

So of course I don't want the weird world to invade.

But many times it’s not a matter of whether I think about it or not.

The time point of the universe in the weird world is already on the verge of destruction, so in order to survive, people in the weird world will definitely choose to invade your universe.

This is something that can't be helped.

But...maybe it's also a good thing?

The fusion of the two universes and the competition between the two worlds may allow the existence I want to be born faster.

all in all.

I am in the same camp as you.

I come from the future, the future of the same universe as you.

But the strange world is another parallel time and space, and another independent universe.

If nothing else happens...before you help me change the future, the first thing you have to do is to resist the invasion of the strange world, otherwise everything will be empty talk."

At this point, the unknown man stopped narrating again.


Li Guanqi, on the other hand, was lost in thought.

After a few seconds, he said: "Hey, if, I mean if, if I could go back to 95 years ago, is there any way I can make the other humans chosen by you return to reality immediately?"


The unknown man was silent for a moment.


His voice when he took a deep breath was very clear.

"I believe this is not a 'what if', you have no reason to ask me such nonsense."

The unknown man's voice was extremely low, "Go back in time? Can you tell me how you did it?! If I could go back in time, I wouldn't need the people of your era at all!"


Li Guanqi's face was expressionless.


The unknown man was silent for a moment.

Li Guanqi thought he would never speak again.

But unexpectedly, after more than ten seconds, he actually spoke again:

"There is a way, of course there is a way.

If you could go back in time, you could bring all primitive people back to reality.

Before I talk about this method, I still have to explain the principle to you in a little detail.

About the time and space barrier.

I just told you that the cause of this incident was that Emperor Wu of the Great Luo Shen from a strange world broke the barrier of time and space.

And the result of this incident is that you humans, who were supposed to return to reality after a 'moment', returned to reality a hundred years too late.

But you need to understand.

The reason why you can only come back after a hundred years is essentially a matter of time flow.

Originally, the time flow rate ratio between the strange world and reality, the two space-times, was about 100 years: 1 second. Note that it is years and seconds.

After staying in a strange world for a hundred years, reality only passes for one second.

Because of this exaggerated time difference, you think that no matter how long you stay in the strange world, it is only an instant to reality.

And when you return to reality, this time difference will be reversed, so that after you have stayed in reality for a hundred years, only one second has passed in the weird world, so it will cause you to stay in reality for dozens of days, and when you return to the weird world, the weird world

It's still the same as when I left.

However, the time difference is not eternally fixed.

That Great Luo Shen Wu Emperor moved the time and space barrier and affected this time difference, which caused your return to reality from the strange world to be a hundred years late.

Do you understand?

It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

You only need to know one thing.

What you have to do is to restore the time difference between the two time and space to its original state. In this way, under the influence of the huge time difference of 100 years: 1 second, all humans in your time and space will return to reality in an 'instant'.


The unknown man stopped here.


Li Guanqi was speechless, "So, why don't you continue talking? What exactly should I do?"

I asked you how to get one million, and you told me that you can just earn one million and deposit it in the bank to earn interest.

The question is how to make this damn 100 million?!

"Just go back."

The unknown man's voice was calm, "If you can really go back to the past, then you only need to go back. Traveling through time and space will inevitably pass through the time and space barrier, and then the time difference will return to its original state, because...ah, I am too lazy to explain


Because you don't seem to understand at all.

Let's put it this way.

You understand it this way.

Emperor Shenwu moved the barrier of time and space, which was equivalent to turning on a switch, causing the time difference to become chaotic.

When you travel through time and space and pass through the time and space barrier, it is equivalent to leveraging the time and space barrier again. It is equivalent to turning the switch off again, and the time difference will be restored.

Do you understand this?"

"……all in all."

Li Guanqi hesitated slightly, "I don't have to do anything else. I just need to travel back. The time difference between reality and countless weird worlds will be restored, and then all the people chosen by you will come back?"


The unknown man replied in the affirmative.

Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

He originally wanted to say, why make such a simple thing so complicated?

But the rules of the conjurer suddenly came to mind.

As a magician, you can't just know what is happening, but also know why it is happening.

Although Li Guanqi still doesn't understand these things about time, space, time and space, and two universes, it's too complicated. Now he just wants to go back to the extraordinary 5 years to see the era he is familiar with and see the world.

's parents.

"Well, the space-time rift is about to close."

The unknown man suddenly said.

"Then do you have anything else you can tell me?"

Li Guanqi shouted quickly.

"No...ah, if you want to say there is, there is. It's about the time difference. I just told you that in the future, many strange worlds will gradually merge until they become one. In this process, the two worlds will

The time difference will also change and will gradually become one..."




"What the hell are you saying and half the people are gone?"

Li Guanqi was immediately speechless.

It seems that the space-time rift mentioned by the "Future God" has been closed.

But the words are not finished yet.

How big will the time difference between the weird world and reality be?

How many compared to one?

Could it be one to one?


Suddenly, the entire seven-color light world trembled violently, like a mountain shaking and the earth shaking!


Not far away, a white light came from far to near, completely engulfing Li Guanqi in an instant.

His vision has been completely occupied by white light.

Because of this, Li Guanqi couldn't see it. The moment the white light drowned him, a new box popped up on the light screen panel next to him.

[The simulator function "Time Travel" has been activated, and a total of 34694 days, 7 hours and 32 seconds have been traveled forward (approximately 95 years). 】


"The world's first four-elephant-level conjurer appears, and his name is... King!


"The world's first extraordinary person to obtain a fourth-level virtual soul appears. His name is...King!"


"The world's first lv.60 transcendent appears, and his name is...King!"



Li Guanqi felt that his mind was groggy. Before he could wake up, a cold mechanical female voice sounded in his ears three times in a row, making him even more confused as he was already unconscious.

Then before he could react, he felt a falling feeling, and then he felt like he had fallen directly into a piece of warm water, and there was something like a foam-like touch.


There was also a woman's scream that almost pierced the eardrum.



After a while, Li Guanqi gradually recovered from the discomfort in his soul and body. Then he stood up, surfaced, and spat out the foamy water in his mouth.


Only then did he realize that he had stood up from a large white bathtub, and the so-called bubbles naturally meant foaming bath water.

And outside...

Li Guanqi was immediately speechless.

Outside the bathroom, I saw a young, beautiful, wet woman with a face full of fear, holding a towel in her left hand to cover her important parts.

In her right hand, she held a fruit knife tremblingly, pointing at Li Guanqi, her voice trembling, "You, you, don't come over! If you come over again, I will call the police, Peng, Peng Lailai's night watchman, immediately, immediately

It’ll be there!”

"Please don't be nervous. I'm not a bad person. I'm sorry for the current situation, right...hahahaha!"

As Li Guanqi was talking, he suddenly burst into laughter and was ecstatic!

Because he saw an electronic calendar in the shape of a pink sheep in the living room behind the woman.

The living room was dark, and the white light fonts lit up on the little sheep were very clear:


——June 1.

——Five extraordinary years.

"5 Extraordinary Years!"

With a bright smile on his face, Li Guanqi raised his arms and shouted!

"I'm back!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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