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Chapter 378 Unexpectedly protruding, burning spirit landslide, Fujii Teru appears!

"Everyone, I am honored to be able to witness this glorious day."

Fenling Mountain Top, Statue Square.

A middle-aged man in a black robe was suspended in mid-air, standing with his hands behind his back. His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the top of the snow-capped mountains and rang clearly in the ears of tens of thousands of people.

Among the thick crowd on the ground, Li Guanqi stood beside Nishimura Mina and Guan Ting, looking at this person from a distance, his eyes solemn.

[Seven-star magician]

Among the Eight Burning Craftsmen, there are two seven-star conjurers, Fujii Teru's eldest and second disciples. The remaining Six Burning Craftsmen actually sided with them, fighting openly and secretly in Fenling Mountain.

Struggle for power.

And this person is Fujii Teru’s eldest disciple, Omura Takashi!

This is not only a seven-star conjurer, but also an weapon refiner who can refine ninth-level sacrificial weapons with the help of Fenling Mountain's earth-fire furnace!

But today's protagonist is not him.

Li Guanqi withdrew his gaze and looked towards the front of the crowd.

There, there are a total of 8 splendid seats, which are the seats of one of the Eight Burning Craftsmen.

Omura Takashi spoke in mid-air.

And these eight seats are already filled with seven back figures.

The eight Fenling craftsmen are gathered here, just for one person!

"Since my mentor Mr. Fujii Teru, the founder of Fenling Mountain, established Fenling Mountain 372 years ago, he has been able to refine third-level sacrificial weapons without relying on the earth-fire furnace and simply relying on his own inferior cultivation level.

He is the only person who has ever lived."

Omura Takashi was suspended in front of tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples. He turned his head and looked at the statue of Fujii Teru behind him, and said with tears in his eyes:

"But today, we have another refining genius who has achieved this level in Fenling Mountain. He is a rising star, a successor to our master, and a new star of our Fenling style. He will bring Fenling Mountain to a more glorious place.


"Let us welcome him! Welcome, Takada Aoi!"

"Whoa whoa!!"

In the entire square, tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples began to cheer and applaud.

Li Guanqi was also applauding.

But he had something else on his mind.

The level of a weapon refiner is linked to one's own cultivation level.

But excellent weapon refiners can generally surpass their own realm.

In other words, a one-level weapon refiner can only be considered excellent if he can refine a second-level sacrificial weapon.

But there are even better ones.

For example, Teru Fujii, a seven-star conjurer back then, relied on the core technologies of the Earth Fire Furnace and the Burning Spirit Style Refining Method to be able to cross two levels and refine a ninth-level sacrificial weapon, attracting many ninth-level conjurers to visit him.

And what is the concept of Takada Aoi?

He refined the third-level sacrificial weapon with his unparalleled cultivation!

This is completely a step beyond level 3.

And this is without using a ground fire furnace.

For a weapon refiner, this is an absolute genius, even a monster-level genius. It's no wonder that Fenling Mountain attaches great importance to him. Even the Eight Fenling Craftsmen gathered here to hold a ceremony for him and restore his status.


Amidst the thunderous applause, a burst of colorful light slowly appeared on the 10-meter-tall statue of Fujii Teru with its raised right hand.

Immediately afterwards, Takada Aoi's figure in red gradually emerged in the light.

He no longer carried the sword case on his back, and just wore the Fenlingshan red robe embroidered with gold threads. He stood in the right palm of the statue of Teru Fujii, looking at the tens of thousands of people below with a smile on his face, enjoying countless cheers and envious eyes.

But among the crowd, Li Guanqi looked at him and looked into his eyes, but he didn't see any joy in those black pupils.

Some are just indifferent.

"Everyone, everyone."

At this time, Takada Cang smiled slightly and pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet, and his voice strangely spread throughout the square.

He didn't seem to cast any amplification spell. This amplification effect may be one of the functions of the Fujii Teru statue.

As he began to speak, Omura Takashi slowly fell to the ground in mid-air, returned to his seat, and quietly looked at Fujii Teru on the right hand of the statue.

"Thank you eight masters for your love."

Takada Cang looked at the Eight Burning Ling Craftsmen on the eight thrones, bowed slightly, and then said softly: "Eight Masters, let me come up and say a few words, so let's do it.

But what to talk about?

If I were to give some testimonials, no one would be interested.

Then tell me how I used my inferior cultivation level to refine a third-level sacrificial weapon?

In fact, there is nothing much to say about this, except for two points.


2. Work hard.

This is all useless nonsense, so let’s just stop talking about it.”

As soon as Takada Aoi said this, tens of thousands of people in the square immediately burst into an uproar.

Although everyone knows that this is the case, the purpose of this celebration speech is not to let this weapon-refining genius come on stage at Versailles to say a few words, and then call on everyone to continue working hard like him, and then officially restore his status.

What he did was a bit out of line.

The eight Fenling craftsmen also looked at each other in confusion at this time, including Takada Ao's teacher Kimura Shinpei, who were all a little unhappy. It seemed that Takada Ao's move was indeed not part of the plan.

"Let me tell you a story!"

At this time, Takada Solang laughed and said: "Compared with boring speeches and meaningless nonsense, telling a story may interest everyone more.

A long, long time ago, there was a person who had a pretty good level of weapon refining. Occasionally on a whim, he could refine a sacrificial weapon that was higher than his own level. He often told outsiders that he was an excellent weapon refiner.

He is a seven-star conjurer, and with the ability to refine eighth-level sacrificial weapons, he seems to be considered the upper echelon of this world.

But it's actually not enough.

Seven stars, an embarrassing position.

It was more than enough, so much that he went to Southern Xinjiang and said hello, and the king of Southern Xinjiang would summon him to have a drink and chat with him.

But what about comparison?

Insufficient, too insufficient.

The Bagua-level powerhouses ignored him, and the Jiugong-level powerhouses were invisible to him.

He wanted to visit the Gu God Ancestral Temple in southern Xinjiang, but because he was a foreigner, the priests of the temple ignored him.

He seemed to be standing on the upper level of this world, but the top level of this world was in the clouds and he couldn't see it at all.

He wanted to see it but couldn't.

But all this changed that day.

In search of a weapon-refining material, he came to a certain snow-capped mountain.

But he couldn't find the weapon refining material in this snowy mountain, but he followed the traces all the way to the depths of the ground, where he found another thing.

With this thing, he became so powerful that he could even refine ninth-level sacrificial weapons easily.

In this way, he rose to the top and reached the top of the world, drinking and laughing face to face with those Nine Palace level experts who only existed in legends.

He created his own force.

Even the Sakura Shogunate had to come to him to order military sacrificial vessels.

He also accepted many, many apprentices, among whom 13 were the most beloved and respected by him. He accepted them as his direct disciples and taught them carefully and cultivated them with all his heart.

But finally.

Just because he wanted to pass on the core weapon-refining skills to his descendants alone, his disciples chose to murder him cruelly.

He just died.

The disciples he valued most in the past joined forces to kill them, seize the weapon refining technology, and divide the industry.

And among these 13 apprentices, 8 have fully learned the core techniques and have taken control of the power he left behind after his death."

Having said this, Takada Ao, who was standing in the right hand of the statue of Teru Fujii, stopped and looked at the Eight Burning Craftsmen on the ground with a smile.


And they didn't move.


Among the tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples, some of the senior officials who knew the inside story looked terrified, but seeing the eight Fenling Masters who were motionless, they themselves did not dare to act rashly.

As for the other disciples who didn't know the inside story, they looked confused and didn't know what Takada Aoi meant by telling this story.

8 people learn technology and divide the industry?


Their eight masters are also eight...

"Something's wrong."

Li Guanqi, Guan Ting and Nishimura Mina next to him looked at each other with solemn expressions.

This is exactly the story of the eight white-eyed wolves and Fujii Teru of the Eight Burning Craftsmen!

But the strange thing is that when the Eight Burning Craftsmen listened to Takada Cang's words, they just sat on the throne and did not move at all.

Due to location issues, Li Guanqi could only see the backs of the eight of them, and could not see their expressions at this time.

But if he could go around and stand right in front of the throne, he would be able to see the eight Fenling craftsmen at this time. Whether they were the six peak Liuhe-level ones or the two seven-star ones, they all looked frightened at this time.

Eyes rolling around.

Obviously I want to move, but I can't!

"The story I just told is the story of Fenlingshan and Fujii Teru!"

On the right hand of the statue of Fujii Teru, Takada Aoi pointed angrily at the Eight Burning Spirit Craftsmen and roared: "And those eight treacherous master-slayers who repaid kindness with revenge! They are the so-called Eight Spirit Burning Craftsmen, the so-called Eight Masters!


An astonishing statement!

The whole house was in an uproar!

Hearing this, the tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples all had expressions of shock and astonishment on their faces. The whispers came and went, and when they were added together, they soon formed a loud public opinion.

There are already many doubts about the mysterious death of Teru Fujii five years ago.

Coupled with the story Takada Aoi told just now, these disciples now thought about it and already believed it in their hearts.

But the really amazing part is not here yet.


Takada Ao suddenly collapsed in the right palm of Fujii Teru's statue, but blue light flashed on his body, and a light blue translucent soul slowly floated out.


But looking at the appearance of the old man's soul, it is exactly the same as the statue of Teru Fujii!


Tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples were completely shocked.

"I am Teru Fujii! The real master of Fenling Mountain!"

The old soul opened his hands, stood on the right hand of the statue, and roared loudly: "I'm back!"


"Oh my god..."

"I'm not dreaming..."

"How is this possible?!"

"He must be lying! This is fake! It's fake!"

"But why are the eight masters still sitting there now?"

On the square, tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples were completely excited and restless.

"Gao, Takada Cang..."

Among the crowd, Li Guanqi looked at the old soul with a stunned expression, "He is actually Fujii Teru? He is not dead?!"

Next to them, Guan Ting and Nishimura Mina also had complicated expressions, looking at this scene in disbelief.


At this time, the entire Fenling Mountain suddenly began to shake violently, and among the tens of thousands of disciples in the square, everyone suddenly fell down.

Even Fenling Mountain, a snow-capped mountain, has started to experience avalanches in several places.

And the shaking of Fenling Mountain continues to intensify!


Li Guanqi put his foot on the ground, forcibly controlled his body balance, and suddenly looked at Fujii Teru's soul body, his expression ugly.


Fenling Mountains Collapse—The Artifact Appears!

Now the mountain is going to collapse?!

"It's an artifact that hasn't been born yet."

Suddenly, Xiaoxue's soft voice sounded in Li Guanqi's mind.

"The old man is controlling an artifact that has not yet been born, but the artifact has not been born yet, so he can only use other auxiliary means to help him control the artifact, and the palm of the statue's right hand is this auxiliary means.

There is obviously a connection between the old man and this artifact, similar to the relationship between Xiaoxue and your master.

But this artifact has not yet been completely born, so how can it be completely recognized as its owner?

So he can only choose to use auxiliary means.

And that statue is special!

Only when he stood on the palm of the statue could he call upon the artifact and mobilize its power... Those eight people were locked by the artifact at this time, so they could not move.

Master, the unborn artifact is also an artifact, and it is an artifact that has not been sealed. Its divine power is not something you can compete with now!

Let’s run quickly!”

At the end of the sentence, Xiaoxue's voice was full of anxiety.

"Damn it! Lumo, I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place!!!"

In fact, when Xiaoxue was halfway through speaking, Li Guanqi had already started running away, turned around and ran away.

If it weren't for Lu Mo, he wouldn't have brought the divine weapon box with him, and he wouldn't have brought the magic knife and snow-pointing gun here.

In this way, even if the mountain collapses and his physical body dies, the worst he can do is fail the mission, and his consciousness will soon revive in his body, without any loss to himself... But it's different now!

If his body was buried in a landslide, the Divine Martial Box would also be buried deep here.

Li Guanqi's intestines were filled with regret at this moment...


Suddenly, Fenling Mountain shook violently again, and a huge explosion occurred in the waist on the back side of the mountain, spewing out raging fire, which instantly illuminated half of the sky and burned away the wind and snow!

The collapse of the mountainside also caused Fenling Mountain to begin to collapse, and the first thing to appear was a large avalanche!


While Li Guanqi gritted his teeth and ran wildly, he did not forget to observe the surrounding situation.

The prophecy comes true - Fenling Mountain collapses!

Then the next step should be... the artifact appears?

"call out!"

A few seconds later, a dazzling red light shot out from the avalanche in the distance, hovered in the air, and finally fell into the hands of Fujii Teru's soul body.

Although Li Guanqi was running for his life, he couldn't help but look back.

It was something like dough, emitting red light.

Is that the artifact embryo of Fenling Mountain?

"It's not born yet..."

Xiaoxue's distressed voice rang out, "That old man will kill it by abusing the origin of its artifact like this!"

"Xiaoxue, that old guy is trying to kill us now!"

Li Guanqi couldn't care less about this, he lowered his head and ran for his life.


Suddenly, the space ring in his right hand began to tremble violently, and a purple light actually penetrated the storage space of the space ring and directly illuminated the outside world.


Li Guanqi opened the space ring while running.

I saw his purple cherry badge flashing purple light at this time.


Li Guanqi was stunned.

According to Nishimura Mina, the purple cherry badge will only flash purple when it reaches the auditorium inside the mountain - this is a symbol that it can be activated, which means that the teleportation array to the inside of the temple can be opened!

And now that he is still on the top of the mountain, this badge can be used?

Wait, could it be that Fujii Teru summoned the artifact embryo and then exploded the mountain, causing the change?

No, it's not important!

The important thing is to turn on teleportation!


Li Guanqi took out the purple cherry badge and raised his right hand above his head. The dazzling purple light emitted from the badge completely submerged a 3-meter area around him in an instant.


The light dissipated.

Li Guanqi disappeared.

The place was empty, with only a piece of white snow left, shaking with the violent shaking of the mountain.


Just a few seconds after he teleported away, a raging flame covering a thousand-mile radius swept through the entire Fenling Mountain in a short period of time, completely burning this majestic snow mountain.

And the tens of thousands of Fenling Mountain disciples who were fleeing on the mountain were evaporated into mist in an instant, with not even ashes left!


Soon, Fenling Mountain completely collapsed, and the aftermath of the landslide completely covered the city at the foot of the mountain, directly submerging it.

Hundreds of thousands of people of the Sakura Shogunate died tragically in the collapse of the mountain. Only those magicians and warriors of different blood who were above the third level could possibly save a life among countless giant falling rocks.

Beyond the Sakura Shogunate, the Oriental Islands, Moya Island.

In a guest room of one of the most expensive inns in the capital, Nishimura Mina and Guan Ting, who were lying on the bed, opened their eyes at the same time and stood up suddenly.

"We failed?!"

Nishimura Mina looked at Guan Ting with reluctance.


Guan Ting just lowered his head and sighed.

This accident was so unexpected. Who would have thought that they had planned it well, but Fujii Teru came back to kill him halfway?

Could this be God’s will?

His sister and Mina's father could only suffer from spontaneous combustion cancer for the rest of their lives? Until the day they were burned to death?


Guan Ting suddenly looked at the third bed in the room, a little surprised, "Why hasn't Mr. Jincheng woke up yet? Hasn't his consciousness recovered in his body yet?"


Nishimura Mina looked at Li Guanqi with white hair and blue eyes on the bed, and there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes again, "There will never be any accidents with the bipolar mirror. This can only mean one thing."

"Mr. Jincheng is still alive, he is still in Fenling Mountain!"

"We still have hope to get the artifact!"

"Old, teacher..."

The top of Fenling Mountain.

There are no mountains here at this time.

The mountain completely collapsed, and the altitude where the top of the mountain was originally turned into an empty "sky".

Fujii Teru's soul body holds the artifact embryo in his hand, suspended in mid-air, with an expressionless face.

In front of him, there was a row of people kneeling.

Eight Burning Craftsmen!

The eight people who had killed their master back then were now kneeling in front of their former mentor, all looking terrified.

The artifact embryo is also an artifact!

These eight people controlled by divine power, whether they are at the peak of the Liuhe level or the seven-star level, are no different from ants at this time and can only be slaughtered by others!

This chapter has been completed!
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