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Chapter 382 Miyamoto Auction

Where there are people, there will be transactions.

With or without a common currency, there will always be transactions.

From the primitive bartering, using shells as coins, and then gradually developing metal currency, banknotes, virtual currency... and so on, there is actually only one purpose.

Use the resources you don’t need to get the resources you need.

But people's transactions need to be protected. There can be no such thing as "I put something out for sale, and you saw it when passing by and wanted it, so you killed me and took it away."

In the strange world, in this era of highly developed supernatural power, various institutions have emerged to provide guarantees for transactions.

They may have been palace institutions.

Such as the Sakura Shogunate's Royal Exchange.

Or maybe it's a hugely powerful private company.

For example...Miyamoto Auction House!

The name of this auction house may seem unremarkable, but in fact the two characters "Miyamoto" are its biggest sign.

Miyamoto family.

The Sakura Shogunate is the strongest different-blood family among the nine different-blood families known as the "Sakura Nine Warriors"!

There are at least two Jiugong-level experts on the surface.

A man travels around the world and has footprints all over the world.

A man is in the palace, holds the military and political power of the Sakura Shogunate, and is powerful throughout the country!

Because of this, the reputation of Miyamoto Auction House can be said to be the highest among the Sakura Shogunate.

They have two of the most well-known mechanisms.

1.Virtual transactions.

Everyone who participates in the auction house does not enter the body, but sits in a specially designed virtual warehouse at Miyamoto Auction House, entering the auction venue with an illusory body. No one will know who you are or what your cultivation level is.

Where to come from.

2. Transaction guarantee.

Everyone who completes the transaction will not see the other person in person. Instead, the auction items will be delivered by the dedicated staff of the auction house. After receiving the auction items, they will take the Miyamoto Auction House's exclusive teleportation array and leave the current situation.


Every auction and every trader goes to a different teleportation location, and only the auction house official knows the details.

The Miyamoto family has been around for a long time.

The Miyamoto Auction House is not that old. It has been more than 800 years since its establishment.

However, since the Miyamoto family entered the auction market, Miyamoto Auction House has begun to firmly occupy the position of the No. 1 auction house of the Sakura Shogunate.

By the way, they haven't even had one leak of information.

This is the foundation of Miyamoto Auction House - credibility and safety!

The virtual trading technology of Miyamoto Auction House has destined that their venues can be widely distributed. Their branches can be seen in cities no matter how big or small. Even if they are in the auction house branch, they can participate in national auctions as an illusion.


Li Guanqi discovered it very early.

Throw away the misconception that [technology = electronic products].

So the technology tree in New Era 4871 has nothing to do with electric energy and does not benefit the people at the bottom. If you really want to say it, the level of technology is actually not low.

At least this kind of "national networking, virtual reality" technology can't be called "ancient" in any way.

And now.

Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing spent several days arriving at a shogunate city with Miyamoto's auction house.


This city is not very big, and the city owner is only a five-element level magician, but there is a branch of Miyamoto Auction House in this city.

Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing walked side by side, passing through the busy streets of the outer city and arriving at the inner city where there were fewer and fewer pedestrians. There were almost no ordinary people in sight, and all they saw were different-blood warriors and spellcasters.

In the south of the inner city, a luxurious and magnificent building rises from the ground, covering an extremely large area.

This is the Koga branch of Miyamoto Auction House.

The two armored men standing outside the door of the auction house are both four-elephant-level different-blooded warriors, and they are worthy of the name.

"Hello, welcome."

As soon as Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing stepped into the door of the auction house, they heard a melodious and sweet voice.


Li Guanqi followed the sound, but was slightly startled.

The person who came was an extremely beautiful woman with a breathtaking smile on her face, dreamy pink pupils, wearing a light pink ceremonial skirt, and a pair of slender white legs that were particularly eye-catching.

But what is more eye-catching than these beautiful legs are the two white fox ears on this woman's head and the fluffy snow-white fox tail behind her buttocks.


A prairie orc, a female of the fox tribe.


When Wang Yanqing saw this woman, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely disgusting, "The auction house of the dignified Gong family actually uses such despicable slaves?!"


Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

The senior sister is very good to him.

But that doesn't erase certain qualities.

For example, Wang Yanqing is a very typical Daluo person. He is arrogant in his bones. He believes that the Daluo bloodline is extremely noble. He looks down on many countries and races other than Daluo, looks down on southern Xinjiang, looks down on the shogunate, and looks down on black people...

Well, Daluo people seem to look down on everyone.

Among the many chains of discrimination among the Daluo people, orcs and spellcasters are almost on the same level. They are at the bottom and are the groups they hate the most.

In fact, Wang Yanqing is not the most typical.

The most typical Daluo person is looked down upon by everyone, but at least she does not discriminate against magicians.

After all, her husband Chi Yuanan's grandfather Chi Gongming was a conjurer, and Chi Gongming was very good to Wang Yanqing, so Wang Yanqing put aside her discriminatory prejudice against the conjurer group.

However, it is the standard "individual" that changes her view of "group".

But among the orcs, it was obvious that no orc could make Wang Yanqing change her prejudice against the orcs.

So she had a big opinion after seeing the fox receptionist at the auction house.


Li Guanqi's soul sent a message to Wang Yanqing, "This is the Sakura Shogunate. Sakura people basically do not discriminate against orcs. You are too conspicuous."

"I just hate despicable orcs!"

Wang Yanqing was expressionless and didn't even bother to communicate with his soul. He stood directly at the door of the auction house and loudly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, very sorry..."

The fox waitress who retorted the insult just lowered her head, bent over, and kept whispering apologies. Tears flashed in her beautiful eyes, which made me feel pity for her.

"Get out of my sight!"

Wang Yanqing roared at her.


Li Guanqi frowned immediately when he saw this scene.

"They're orcs!"

Wang Yanqing turned her head, grabbed Li Guanqi's collar, stared into his eyes, and suddenly used soul transmission again: "Guanqi, do you know how many innocent people are killed in the northern border of Daluo every year?

Died in the plunder of these orcs?!

I don’t have to hate the civilians in southern Xinjiang.

Because the war between Daluo and Southern Xinjiang is a war between nobles and has nothing to do with civilians. Faced with the orders and conscription of nobles, civilians in Southern Xinjiang have no right to choose.

But I hate every orc!

Because all the grassland orcs are soldiers!

Do you know that in the Tauren clan, every 7-year-old Tauren child must personally cut off the head of a Daluo people as an adult ceremony?!

Do you know that among the kobold clan, the last meal of their annual hunting festival dinner is a Daluo girl under the age of sixteen?!

There are too many more!

Facing such a despicable group of people, you want me to be calm? How can I be calm!!!

If it weren't for the checks and balances of the Western countries and their eager eyes, the Daluo Dynasty would have laid waste to the Beimang Grassland long ago.

And I will definitely fight with the army!

If there is a full-scale war between Daluo and Beimang Royal Court one day in the future, even if I have been deprived of the qualification to join the official army of the dynasty, I will still participate in the war as a mercenary and kill those bastards! "

By the end of the story, Wang Yanqing's expression was extremely ferocious.


Li Guanqi's complexion changed slightly.

In the end, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Because he suddenly remembered that Chi Xiaoxiao's parents were brutally killed by the tauren clan in the northern grasslands.

The pattern of countries in the world is one of balance.

The Daluo Dynasty has actually been the target of public criticism for a long time, but they have not yet had the strength to declare war on the whole world, so even with the power of the Daluo Dynasty, they must work hard to maintain this balance.

For this, Daluo paid the price.

For example, the continued invasion of southern Xinjiang.

Another example is the annual plunder of the northern orcs.


Li Guanqi looked at Wang Yanqing, then at the fox receptionist who was standing aside wiping tears, and finally looked away, lowered his head and sighed.

Shouldn't this innocent fox girl who settled in the Sakura Shogunate bear the responsibility for the sins of the orc clan?

This sentence can be true or false.

But no matter what, it is not suitable to talk to Wang Yanqing.

"terribly sorry!"

At this time, someone from the auction house finally came over to solve the problem.

It was a handsome middle-aged man wearing black ceremonial clothes. He walked up to the fox girl and winked at her to leave. Then he looked at Wang Yanqing and bowed.

Li Guanqi glanced at him.

[Four Elephant Level Alien Blood Warrior]


The man raised his head, looked at Wang Yanqing, and said seriously: "I am the person in charge of the Miyamoto Auction House branch here. My name is Miyamoto Canlin. If our receptionist causes you discomfort, then I will represent you on my behalf."

We sincerely apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness. We can..."

"Excuse me!"

Before Miyamoto Sanlin finished speaking, a slightly green boy's voice sounded not far away.

Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing walked out simultaneously.

I saw a young man wearing gold and silver and luxurious clothes slowly walking towards him. His face was unhappy and he looked like he was less than 15 years old.

[Four Elephant Level Alien Blood Warrior]


He first glanced at Miyamoto Sanlin, with a look of disgust on his face, "Why are you so humble? You have almost embarrassed our master's family!"


Li Guanqi raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is the Koka Castle branch of Miyamoto Auction House.

And the person in charge, Miyamoto Sanrin, whose surname is Miyamoto, must be the head of the Sakura Nine Warriors and a member of the Miyamoto family.

But it should be just a branch.

This young man, who is dressed in gorgeous clothes and looks like he is under 15 years old, but already has a level of cultivation at the level of four elephants, is from the Miyamoto family and is a descendant of the Miyamoto family in the true sense!

It seems that I have met a very important person...

"Master Jiang, these are the rules."

Miyamoto Canlin looked calm and lowered his head slightly, "It is the rules and regulations of Miyamoto Auction House to treat guests with courtesy. I just act according to the rules. There is no such thing as being humble or not."

"My young master's rules are the rules!"

The young man looked unhappy and turned to look at Wang Yanqing, "Hey, old woman, do you think you are from Daluo? You are discriminating against this and that. How can there be so much discrimination!"


Li Guanqi stood nearby, speechless.

Coincidentally, she is really a Daluo who likes to discriminate...

"Little brat, who are you?"

Wang Yanqing lowered his eyes and looked down at the young man in front of him.

"Miyamoto Shogo!"

The young man looked arrogant and said, "Remember this name. I come from the Miyamoto family. This is the property of my Miyamoto family. The rules are set by us. There is no discrimination here. Beastmen and Sakura people are equal! Everyone is equal.



He turned around and shouted, pointing at the fox girl who was hiding in the distance and wiping her tears, "Come here! I'm calling you to come here!"

Although the fox girl was still crying, she quickly wiped the tears from her face and walked over with red and swollen eyes.

"She is an employee of our Miyamoto auction house."

Miyamoto Shogo stood next to the fox girl Siya, looked at Wang Yanqing, and said coldly: "It's impossible to ask her to leave, but you can leave. You have the right to 'get out of my sight'!"

The latter sentence was what Wang Yanqing shouted to Qianya earlier.


Wang Yanqing's face was extremely gloomy.

But facing Sakura, the leader of the Nine Martial Arts, the head of the Miyamoto family, even if she gets angry, she can't seem to do anything.

Identity, family background.

It is always the most important thing to consider when going out!

"I'm a little unhappy."

Li Guanqi suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Wang Yanqing and Miyamoto Shogo. He lowered his eyes and looked down at the young man from the Miyamoto family, and chuckled: "No, I should say, what you just said offended my senior sister and made me very unhappy.


This sentence seemed to cause conflict, but coupled with the smile on his face, it made people feel a little weird.


Miyamoto crossed his arms over his chest and frowned slightly, "So?"

"So let's solve it the samurai way!"

Li Guanqi opened his hands, the aura belonging to the divine veins escaped, and smiled brightly, "I want to challenge you to a duel. If I lose, I will apologize and get out of your sight. If you lose, how about canceling this matter?"

Divine Vein, a four-image level characteristic.

Miyamoto Shogo is also at the Four Elephants level.

This is an invitation to a duel from warriors of the same level!

The Miyamoto family, the head of the Sakura Nine Martial Arts, is a family of different blood comparable to the surnames of the Eight Kingdoms of Daluo!

Li Guanqi wanted to fight Miyamoto Shogo not only to appreciate the strength of the Miyamoto family's martial arts, but also because he was surprised by what the young man said just now.

Everyone is equal.

In a strange world full of extraordinary power, someone can actually say such words.


Miyamoto Shogo looked at Li Guanqi and couldn't help but laugh, "Hey, do you think being tall is a big deal? Didn't you hear clearly what I just said? I'm from the Miyamoto family! The Miyamoto family, the head of the Nine Martial Arts! Are you crazy?

Do you dare to duel with me?"

"The Miyamoto family is certainly the most powerful family in the entire shogunate."

Standing on the family's territory, Li Guanqi blew a rainbow fart first, then looked at the boy who seemed to be less than 15 years old and smiled: "But you, a child, cannot represent the strength of the Miyamoto family. You are still too young, little fart."



Miyamoto Shogo suddenly looked angry, "Are you insulting me?! I am already 15 years old this year, and I am only 1 year old before I can have the family coming-of-age ceremony. You are provoking me!"

"Oh, it turns out you are over 15 years old, but you said it yourself."

Li Guanqi spread his hands and said in surprise: "A 16-year-old is an adult Miyamoto family child. You are only 15 years old, a child. Did I provoke you? Isn't this true?"


Miyamoto Shogo wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to say it back.

Li Guanqi just looked at him and smiled.

At the same time, I felt a surge of emotion in my heart.

A 15-year-old four-elephant level, is this the Miyamoto family’s talent of different blood?

The power of different blood that is respected by blood.

To be honest, as Li Guanqi's understanding of the strange world became deeper and deeper, he was a little confused about how the School of Conjuration had maintained a strong position for so long in the past thousands of years.

It seems that the middle and lower classes cannot compare at all.

Neither the quantity nor the growth rate can be compared.

I guess we can only rely on the quality of the top combat power.

However, in the strange world, a world where extraordinary power is highly developed, it seems that the middle and low-level powers do not play a decisive role.

The competition between the nine palaces is the key to determining the world structure.

"Come on Shogo."

Li Guanqi took out the Shuiyue Sword with a scabbard from the space necklace. He did not unsheath the sword, but just held the sheathed long sword with both hands. He looked at Shogo Miyamoto in front of him and smiled softly, "Show you."

The pride of being a member of the Miyamoto family."

"Come on, come on!"

Shogo Miyamoto also took out a katana with a black sheath from the space necklace around his neck.

He also did not pull it out, but just held the sword in both hands with the scabbard, and lightly touched Li Guanqi's sheathed Water Moon Sword.


The scabbard of the sword collided lightly, making a crisp sound.

This is the dueling etiquette of the shogunate samurai!

By doing this, Shogo Miyamoto agreed to the duel!

"Hey, let me give you a warning in advance."

Miyamoto hung the katana on his waist, his eyes slightly cold, "I am at the peak of the Four Elephants level, with all four divine veins fully connected."

"What a coincidence, so am I."

Li Guanqi grinned.

But there was one sentence he kept deep in his heart but didn't say.

——He is the kind with all eight divine veins open.

"Master Jiangwu..."

At this time, Miyamoto Sanlin, the person in charge of the auction house, looked a little helpless, but still said: "Since you have agreed to the duel, I cannot interfere with the holy warrior challenge. However, I would like to ask you to change this place.

If it’s smashed, it will be very difficult for me to handle.”

"That's right."

Li Guanqi grinned beside him, "It's best to find a quiet place with no people, otherwise you, a little brat, won't know where to put your face after losing."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Unexpectedly, Miyamoto Shogo was so excited by this sentence that he flew into a rage and said with bared teeth and claws: "Are you kidding me! I am a descendant of Miyamoto's family! There is no way I can lose!!"

Seeing this scene, Li Guanqi became more sure of his thoughts.

As a member of Miyamoto's family, how could he appear here?

There is only one reason.

"You're such a little kid."

Li Guanqi stood with his sword in hand and looked at Shogo Miyamoto with a half-smile, "You have quite a talent for cultivating in Master Miyamoto's house, but it's a pity that your character is not that good. You are a son of a wealthy family. At the age of 15, you should have some wealth.

But you didn’t, so your family sent you to this auction house, hoping that you could learn some ways of dealing with people from Miyamoto Sanrin, right?”


Miyamoto Shogo was stunned for a moment. He didn't even pay attention to the "little brat" he said at the beginning. He just looked at Li Guanqi in shock, "You, how do you know...and you said exactly the same thing as your father?"


"Because you have these things written all over your face."

Li Guanqi turned around with a smile and walked towards the outside of the auction house, "You still have to learn more from Miyamoto Canlin."

"As for now?"

"It's time for us to find a place to start the duel, Shogo!"

Li Guanqi's duel with Miyamoto Shogo was not just a whim, nor was it just for a martial arts contest.

He has another, more important purpose.

This chapter has been completed!
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