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Chapter 385 New quest [Armor of Ares in Greek Mythology]!

"I, Tokugawa Shinji..."


Li Guanqi opened the gilded envelope, but as soon as he saw the first line of words, his eyes widened and he was completely confused.

Tokugawa Shinji!

Tokugawa family, one of the nine Sakura warriors!

And Tokugawa Shinji is the only Jiugong-level powerhouse in the Tokugawa family. He is already over 800 years old this year!

Not only that, Tokugawa Shinji is also the most famous and ranked No. 1 ancient master in the entire Sakura Shogunate.

In other words, looking at ancient academic circles around the world, Tokugawa Shinji is among the top five in terms of qualifications and is a figure who will definitely leave his name in history.

Ever since his childhood, when his grandfather gave him an ancient relic as a birthday gift, he has been obsessed with it and spent most of his life studying ancient history.

No wonder.

No wonder a seven-star star can be described as "not high in cultivation". It turns out he is a nine-level boss!


Li Guanqi swallowed and continued to read the contents under the gilded envelope.

"I, Tokugawa Shinji, this name needs no introduction, right?

You said you want 9 months, okay, I will give you 9 months. When you have time, come to Tokugawa's house to find me, just hand over this letter.

What I want you to help me with is the deciphering of that text.

Everyone has a secret. If you are willing to tell me your secret and tell me where you learned this text knowledge, then I will give you more of what you want.

However, if you don't want to, I will never force you. I just hope that you can help me decipher more of that kind of writing.

Once you have completed your work, you can make any reasonable request to me.

Today's seventh-level magic weapon should be given as a gift.

If I am satisfied, you can also have a ninth-level magic weapon.

In addition, you will also get a favor from me.

Tokugawa Shinji's favor.

If you want 9 months, I'll give you one year.

One year later today, if you haven't come to see me yet, I will go find you myself.

Don't believe in the nonsense that Miyamoto Auction House will never leak customer information.

His Miyamoto family has a Ninth Palace rank, and I also have a Ninth Palace rank. If they don’t give it to me, they have to give it to me!”


Envelope contents, ends everywhere.


"Trigger mission conditions!"

"You get a new main quest!"

——[Greek Mythology: Armor of Ares]——

Task requirements:

1. Go to the Tokugawa family within one year and ask to see Tokugawa Shinji, a Jiugong-level ancient master, or wait for him to come to you in person.

2. Complete the tasks assigned by Tokugawa Shinji.

Mission reward:


...The mission reward is a question mark.

Talking about "Greek Mythology: Armor of Ares"?

Li Guanqi thought for a moment.

He didn't know much about Greek mythology, but he had heard a few words about it. Ares was one of the twelve Olympian gods. He was regarded as the embodiment of the martial spirit and was called the Greek god of war.

So why does this task name appear?

Are all the Greeks running away?

The strange world view has expanded again.


Li Guanqi clutched the gilded letter, and suddenly felt that what he was holding was not a gilded letter, but a hot potato.

Dealing with Jiugong-level Shinji Tokugawa?

This is so damn exciting.

As Li Guanqi folded the envelope, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the information he knew.

Tokugawa Shinji...

This is a famous master of ancient studies, but judging from the reviews from all aspects, there is indeed no bad word at all. They are basically about his obsession with ancient studies, and he is a kind person and has never done anything bad.

Therefore, charging items must be obtained.

Li Guanqi's eyes narrowed slightly.

Working for Tokugawa Shinji is the next time I enter the strange world.

And he must get the charging items within this year and then simulate the next experience, otherwise the risk will be too great and difficult to estimate.

After all... what could Tokugawa Shinji want him to work for?

Just a simple translation of Greek?


Li Guanqi's intuition told him that Tokugawa Shinji definitely wanted to explore an ancient ruins full of Greek texts... In fact, this was not intuition either.

Because Tokugawa Shinji, a master of ancient studies, became famous for his exploration of ancient ruins.

But the ancient ruins he explored were never good.

Since Tokugawa Shinji's career as an ancient scholar, his achievements in exploring dungeons in ruins with others have resulted in the death of a total of 3 Jiugong-level experts, 19 Bagua-level experts, and countless seven-star ones.

Someone would always die if I forced myself into a dungeon, but I had never died.

To a certain extent, this characteristic is also a major reason why Tokugawa Shinji is famous.

Therefore, downloading a dungeon with Shinji Tokugawa is too risky...

You must get charging items and then simulate the situation in advance.

The problem is, Li Guanqi has been here for more than three months now, but he still doesn't have any clues about the rechargeable items.

"What exactly is written in the letter?"

At this time, Wang Yanqing, who saw Li Guanqi reading the letter alone and then standing there in deep thought for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask.


Li Guanqi did not answer, but glanced at Miyamoto Canlin next to him.

Miyamoto Canlin also understood immediately, and immediately walked to another teleportation array in the corner of the room, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jincheng, according to the rules of Miyamoto Auction House, you should choose to take the teleportation array with your friends and leave Koka Castle.


Of course, you don’t have to sit in the teleportation array, but in this case, if you leave the auction house, safety issues will not be within the scope of our Miyamoto Auction House’s responsibility."

"Where does it lead?"

Li Guanqi put away Tokugawa Shinji's gilded envelope and walked over curiously.

"To be honest, I don't know either."

Miyamoto Canlin smiled, "The teleportation array in each auction room will be updated after each use. It is carried out by the staff of the headquarters. Even if I am the person in charge here, I am completely unaware of this. This is also

A way to keep it secret.”

"Then let's go, senior sister."

Li Guanqi stood on the teleportation array and looked at Wang Yanqing.


Wang Yanqing also came over and stood beside him.

"I wish you both a pleasant trip and welcome to Miyamoto Auction House next time."

Miyamoto Canlin smiled, gently turned the golden bracelet on his wrist, and pressed lightly on a red rune.


The teleportation array flashed with colorful light and quickly engulfed the bodies of Li Guanqi and Wang Yanqing.

The Sakura Shogunate can be roughly divided into four areas: Dongyuan, Nanhu, Ximo, and Beiling.

Dongyuan is because there are many plains to the east of the shogunate.

Nanhu, of course, does not mean that there is a whole lake south of the shogunate, but that it is an area with rich water plants and water resources.

West Desert is completely opposite to Nanhu. It is a desert area.

Beiling is the shogunate area where Li Guanqi stayed the longest. It is full of mountains and valleys.

In addition, there is Heian Kyo, the cherry blossom capital located in the center of the country.

Li Guanqi really wanted to visit Ping An Jing.

But before that, he still had many things to solve.

After he and Wang Yanqing teleported away from the Miyamoto Auction House in Koka Castle, they came to the South Lake of the Sakura Shogunate and appeared in a lakeside town called "Anlinye".

The two of them took a casual stroll around the village and town, and after looking at the scenery of the nearby lake, they left there and headed for the depths of a sparsely populated forest.

"Fifth level soul?"

Deep in the forest, beside a sparkling lake.

Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi in front of him, a little surprised, and couldn't help but raise his voice a few times, "You just said that you want to help my soul change from virtual to real and step into the fifth level?!"


Li Guanqi nodded lightly.

"This, this..."

Wang Yanqing couldn't hide the surprise on her face, but she still couldn't help but ask: "What did you buy? The most cost-effective fifth-level soul-condensing potion? Or the pure natural fifth-level soul-condensing fruit? No, no, where are you?

What's the money? You obviously didn't sell out your eyes, and you didn't buy anything at the auction."

"Soul condensing potion?"

Li Guanqi smiled and said, "I didn't buy the soul-condensing potion or the soul-condensing fruit."


Wang Yanqing was stunned for a moment, "Then what did you buy?"

"I didn't buy anything."

Li Guanqi shook his head.


Wang Yanqing looked at him confused.

Li Guanqi said calmly: "Sister, instead of relying on external forces, it is better to rely on yourself. If you can complete this step of transforming your soul from virtual to real, it will be of great help to your future martial arts path."


Wang Yanqing became more and more surprised, "Of course that's the truth. The problem is that it's not just words. Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to complete the transformation of their souls from virtual to real by themselves? Your senior sister, I do have a little talent, but

I’m not so conceited.”

"How come?"

Li Guanqi grinned, "My senior sister is the 99th person in history to have mastered the "Sealing the Aperture Technique". In the past four thousand years of the New Era, all countries together have historically accomplished the transformation of souls from virtual to real by themselves.

There are tens of thousands of them, right?"


Wang Yanqing was a little speechless, "You're just talking nonsense, just changing the concept."

"Haha, no joke."

Li Guanqi straightened his expression and looked seriously at the female warrior in red in front of him, "Sister, I have a way to help you complete the transformation of your soul from virtuality to reality. The method is to make you enter an illusion and keep falling into it.

The cycle of killing and death will temper your soul and consciousness, and ultimately achieve a qualitative change from virtuality to reality."

"Aren't you still joking?"

Wang Yanqing was a little confused and didn't know why he was joking so seriously.

However, Li Guanqi's expression remained serious.

"Uh... junior brother," she said helplessly, "your idea is not impossible, and there are indeed people who have done this in history, but let me tell you clearly, I don't dare, I'm afraid that my soul has not yet broken through.

, I will go crazy if I die and others die."


Li Guanqi said softly.

The killing illusion of the magic knife is not only a cycle of illusions, but the magical weapon itself will actually protect the soul and ensure that a person's consciousness and mental state do not collapse.

Of course, there are limits to this.

However, when he really couldn't hold on anymore, as the master of the magic sword, he could still pull Wang Yanqing out - just like Kirisa Kojima pulled him out.

Otherwise, as Wang Yanqing said, if you rely solely on illusion cycles, there are indeed ruthless people who can complete a soul breakthrough before being driven crazy. The question is how many such ruthless people are there in history...

"With it, there is no risk of consciousness collapsing."

Li Guanqi opened his right hand, black light flashed, and a long black knife with a silver bead and rattan chain tassel appeared in his hand.


Li Guanqi looked at Wang Yanqing and said seriously: "After you fall into the killing illusion, you will never be driven crazy. The only thing you have to bear is the pain of the death cycle. This is how I broke through to the fifth-level soul."

"Is this you? But..."

Wang Yanqing was still in disbelief. She looked at the magic knife in his hand and frowned: "But I can't understand what you said at all. This kind of behavior is like... using your knife as an analogy, this kind of behavior is like wearing armor and being knifed.


The knife must first cut through the armor before it can cut into the flesh, but there is no protection.

But if you don't cut through the armor, the blade will never penetrate the flesh.

If you don't protect your consciousness, you will most likely go crazy.

But if I protect my consciousness, the training of my soul and consciousness will not be as effective as it should be, and it will be impossible for my soul to complete the qualitative change from virtual to real."

"Well, this is hard to explain."

Li Guanqi scratched his head, "I can only say that that is an example of other people."

Others, people.

The magic sword is different. The magic sword is a magical weapon. It can do things that "humans" cannot.

"never mind."

In the end, Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi and reluctantly agreed, "What else can I do? I can only believe in you. Who made you my junior brother? The young junior brother who is best at accomplishing miracles."

"That's the truth!"

Li Guanqi suddenly smiled.

"So, what exactly is it?"

Wang Yanqing looked at the magic knife in his hand, curious, "Can it be said?"


Suddenly, before Li Guanqi could reply, Demon Sword Lumo roared in his mind.

This is very abnormal.

Although the magic sword can speak, it prefers to convey its thoughts directly because it is always stumbling.

But this time, he spoke directly.

That hoarse voice, as polished as gold and stone, made Li Guanqi very uncomfortable.


Li Guanqi asked in his mind: "Why? Tell me?"

Soon, the thoughts of the magic knife came through.

——If this woman is killed, has her soul stripped by other artifacts, checks her memory, and learns of my existence from her memory, then you and I will be doomed.


Li Guanqi was a little surprised.

"Brother Lumo, do you have many enemies?"

At this time, Xiaoxue's soft voice also sounded quietly.

The magic knife seemed to have no response.

At least Li Guanqi didn't hear it.

"Xiao Xue?"

Li Guanqi was a little surprised, "He had a private chat with you?"


Xiaoxue was also a little confused, "Brother Lumo doesn't seem to want to say anything."


Li Guanqi was silent for a moment, and then said to Demon Sword: "Lumo, if you really think that I am your master, then you can say something more. We are on the same front, aren't we? You also said that we will kill everyone from all over the world together.



After a long while, Demon Sword let out a faint sigh.

And a thought, a "private chat" thought sent to Li Guanqi alone.

——My enemies are not many, but so many that you can't imagine. Even though Xiaoxue is calling each other "Brother Lumo" now, calling her "Brother Lumo" very dearly and sweetly, when her memory recovers to a certain extent, she will definitely cry and shout

Let you melt me.


Li Guanqi's expression changed slightly, "Is it so serious?"

——My memory is actually in a sealed state, but I told you a long time ago that my seal level is lighter than Xiaoxue, so I still remember some. I remember that the master who created me was called a killer.

God, and I, am also known as the Artifact Destroyer. I don’t know how many artifacts were destroyed by the first owner in his hands.

"Holy shit, Lu Mo, are you so fierce?!"

Li Guanqi was stunned.

The Demon Sword did not respond, this time it was completely silent.

"Junior brother?"

outside world.

Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi who was in a daze in front of him and couldn't help shouting.

"Um, senior sister?"

Li Guanqi came back to his senses, looked at the magic knife in his hand, and then at Wang Yanqing. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"You can't say that, right?"

Wang Yanqing tilted her head, and then waved her hands freely, "Then I won't talk about it. Really, I don't know where you got so many secrets. I've only been separated from you for two months, and I have so many more.


"Let's get started."

She looked at Li Guanqi and said seriously: "Show your illusion."


Li Guanqi looked at him and said solemnly: "I can guarantee that you will never go crazy. When your consciousness is about to completely sink into the killing illusion, I will pull you out and let you recover, but the pain of the death cycle

, still scary.”

"Don't underestimate your senior sister."

Wang Yanqing put her hands on her hips and grinned, "I have never been afraid of pain since I was a child practicing martial arts. Come on!"


Li Guanqi took a few steps back, held the magic knife in his hand, and struck a blood-red sword directly towards Wang Yanqing.

After this red light touched Wang Yanqing, it did not cause any substantial harm to her, but simply escaped into her body.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Yanqing closed her eyes and her body fell limply.

Li Guanqi hugged her, then walked to the grass by the lake, gently placed her on a piece of soft green grass, and waited for the killing fantasy to start "torture" her.

"By the way, how many times did I have to die before my soul could change from virtual to real?"

Li Guanqi looked up at the blue sky, tilted his head and thought, "Three hundred and forty thousand times?"

"I don't know how many times Senior Sister will have to die."

"Forget it, let's do our own things first."

Li Guanqi took out a black cat seal from the space necklace.

The seventh level soul defense weapon, the eye of the black cat!


A black mist spurted out from Li Guanqi's body, covering the black cat seal, and escaped into the seal, beginning to plunder the soul power of the eighth-level demon species' remnant soul contained in it.


Almost instantly, Li Guanqi couldn't help but emit a wave of soul power all over his body.

[Soul:lv.50→lv.51!(51.2)](Fifth level reality)

And the improvement of soul power continues.




The rapid increase in soul power made Li Guanqi unable to control his soul power for a while, causing the pressure of soul power to continuously escape from his body. The surrounding green grass was faintly azure, as if he was being promoted from an ordinary grass to a...

Soul plants are common.


In the blink of an eye, Li Guanqi's soul power increased by three levels.

But he soon discovered that this was not possible. His soul power increased too quickly, making it impossible for him to properly control his rapidly becoming stronger soul.

Gotta slow down a bit.

In the next two days, Li Guanqi did not continue to plunder the Black Cat's Eye. Instead, he continued to release his soul power and used the God-killing Sword to fly around him, familiar with the current strength of his soul.

Only when he is familiar enough, will he take out the Black Cat's Eye again and continue to plunder the soul power within it.

This chapter has been completed!
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