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Chapter 388 Copying ability, the law of light!

"Damn it! Why was your illusion seen through just now? My powers are not fully prepared yet!"

Gui Chi Haozhi walked in front of the black-robed female conjurer and cursed in a low voice: "If it weren't for good luck, he would have dodged this sword."

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The woman with a birthmark on her face quickly lowered her head and followed Guiju Hiroshi.


Gui Chi Haozhi looked unhappy and kept walking.

Soon, he walked to the two bodies of Li Guanqi.

However, it was at this time that this alien-blood warrior in the early stage of the Five Elements discovered something that frightened him belatedly - there was no trace of a broken heart in the blood!

Where is the heart?!


Li Guanqi suddenly opened his eyes, and the body with half of his head and left chest missing stood up suddenly, swung the magic knife with his right hand, and cut off Guiju Hirozhi's head in an instant.

Blood spurts.

The head that looked frightened and shocked flew high into the air.


The eyes of the black-robed female conjurer next to her suddenly turned red, and she rushed over with an exclaim.

It is true that the figures of the two people before were illusions, but the state was real. This woman had indeed exhausted all her spiritual power.

A magician who has exhausted his spiritual power is weaker and useless than ordinary people.

But even so, after seeing Gui Chi Haozhi being beheaded, she still rushed towards Li Guanqi without hesitation.


Li Guanqi didn't even look at her and kicked her several meters away.


After his right foot was retracted, it did not step on the ground, but directly crushed the heart of Guishu Hiroshi's headless body.

Then Li Guanqi shook his head, and the other half of his head, as well as the left chest and left arm regenerated instantly.

He raised his new left hand, and before the head of Guishu Hiroshi, who had been chopped off by him before, could hit the ground, he caught it in mid-air, and with his five fingers like hooks, he dug into the flesh and blood of the severed head.


The fingertips of Li Guanqi's left hand ignited white flames, and the power of the divine veins escaped, restraining Gui Chihao's attempt to regenerate his limbs from the severed head.

"Hey, Ghost Ruler."

Li Guanqi just grabbed Gui Chi Haozhi's head, raised it in front of him, grinned and said, "You can cheat, I can do it."


Gui Chi Haozhi's face was full of disbelief, "Why, why do you have no heart..."

"Because I'm special."

Li Guanqi smiled calmly.

brain, heart.

The alien-blood warrior has these two fatal wounds, or "one". These two parts must be destroyed at the same time to completely kill the alien-blood human.

But in other words, as long as these two parts are destroyed at the same time, a human of different blood can be killed instantly.

So it’s not the fault of Gui Chihao’s lack of caution.

99.9% of the different-blooded humans in the world will feel like they have killed the other person after destroying their brain and heart.

It can only be said that Li Guanqi, a human of different blood without a heart and without any fatal injuries, is too special.

"Want to live?"

Li Guanqi looked at Gui Chi Haozhi's head in his hand and chuckled, "Tell me, how did you...

"You will never let me live."

Before he could finish his words, Gui Chihaozhi closed his eyes and said, "I won't let the person who kills me get his wish. Whatever you want from me, you are doomed to fail. Kill or behead him, it's up to you."


Li Guanqi was silent for a moment.


He was speechless, and with a wave of his hand, azure blue light enveloped Gui Chi Haozhi's head.

Soul Illusion: Hypnosis!

Gui Chi Haozhi was a different-blooded warrior in the early stage of the Five Elements, but he actually only had a fourth-level soul. Under the powerful soul of Li Guanqi's fifth-level peak, he had no resistance at all and sank into it in an instant.

"tell me."

Li Guanqi glanced at the woman in black robe not far away who was crawling over on the ground and asked, "What is the name of this female conjurer at the peak of the Four Elephant Level? What does it have to do with you?"

"Her name is Gui Chi Yingzi, a dog I raise."

The hypnotized Gui Chihaozhi looked dazed and replied dully.

As soon as this statement came out.

The woman in black robe with the ugly birthmark on her face stopped immediately, looking at the head with disbelief in her eyes.


When Li Guanqi saw this, he immediately made a guess in his mind.

"Tell me clearly, how did you and Gui Chiyingzi meet?"

Li Guanqi looked at Gui Chi Haozhi and asked in a deep voice.

"97 years ago."

Hiroshi Kichi replied dully: "I picked her up as a baby on the roadside. She was thrown by her family next to the trash can at that time. She was abandoned because she had an ugly birthmark on her face. I told those around me

When people inquired, they said that a conjurer had come to see her and she had a birthmark, but she had no conjuring qualifications."

When Li Guanqi heard this, he frowned immediately.

If God doesn't give it, it will give it.

According to what he learned in the last days, the essence of this matter was actually due to the fusion of nuclear radiation and alien blood, which caused mutations and produced surgical organs.

And a large amount of nuclear radiation is likely to cause physical deformities.

Therefore, in the strange world...or in other words, in this era of the New Age, there is such a theory with incorrect logic but correct results - babies born with deformities and serious illnesses must have the aptitude for spells.

This is the so-called "what God does not give, will surely give".

But the question is, if there is a birthmark on the face, does it count?

"But the conjurer was wrong."

Gui Chihaozhi said dullly: "I don't know why, maybe the person's blood test stone is broken, or maybe it's for other reasons. In short, I just killed a spellcaster at that time, and there was a blood test stone on him.

I tried it on her blood.

The blood test stone came on.

She is actually qualified for spells.

I took her away and raised her, naming her Yingzi and giving her the last name Gui Chi.

Because conjurers are so useful, I've wanted a conjurer slave for a long time.

But what happened later was beyond my expectation. Yingzi's spell aptitude was very good, very good, and her practice speed was getting faster and faster.

I was afraid that I would not be able to control her in the future, so I used the tattoo soul imprinting method to brand her soul, and let the imprint tattoo appear on her face. The pattern of the imprint was exactly the same as the birthmark on her face.

Then I kept brainwashing her, using this birthmark to force her to feel inferior, making her psychologically surrender to me, making her..."


Li Guanqi suddenly grabbed Gui Chi Haozhi's head and smashed it to the ground, causing his head to bleed.

He looked at the head with a ferocious expression, "You are a fucking scumbag!"

No wonder.

No wonder the tattoo on the face of this black-robed woman is still there. It turned out to be this scumbag’s deliberate design!

Isn’t it easy for a magician to erase a birthmark?

But this bastard, Kichichi Hiroshi, actually used the "tattoo soul sealing method"!

This is a criminal law commonly used on death row prisoners in Daluo.

After a prisoner is sentenced to death, his soul will be branded by the warden, and a special method will be used to turn the soul brand into a conspicuous tattoo on his face, which will follow him for the rest of his life until his death.

And Gui Chi Haozhi used this soul imprinting method on this black-robed woman, turning the soul imprint into a birthmark on her face.

He even continued to use this birthmark to force the black-robed woman to feel inferior, thereby making her obey him from the bottom of her heart.

This kind of behavior...

This person, Gui Chi Haozhi, deserves to die!


Li Guanqi turned around and looked at the black-robed woman Gui Chi Yingzi who was standing there not far away with tears streaming down her face. He didn't say anything, but just grabbed Gui Chi Haozhi's head again, looked at him and said coldly: "Wind and Thunder Sword Demon King Xiu"

How did you use the sword intent?"


Hiroshi Kichi, who was bleeding badly, replied dully: "My power can copy a person's moves, but I can only keep one at a time. If I want to copy the next move, I have to forget the previous move and then replace it.

The closer someone is to my cultivation level, the easier it is to copy.

But there are exceptions. For example, the closer the style is to me, the easier it is for me to copy it.

Although the Wind and Thunder Sword Demon is a seven-star alien blood warrior, his sword style is very similar to my fighting style. With some luck, I successfully copied it during the battle I watched three years ago.

The sword intent of the Wind and Thunder Sword Demon has been preserved to this day."


In the woods nearby, Wang Yanqing, dressed in red, slowly walked out, "My guess is indeed correct. This guy relies on super powers. Compared with my friend, this super power is much better. It's comparable."

It’s called an upgraded version.”


Li Guanqi glanced at her, then lowered his eyes to look at the head in his hand. With a bit of fierceness in his eyes, he threw it vigorously to the ground beside him.


The head collided heavily with the ground. While a big crater was made in the ground, the whole head also exploded into a ball of minced meat.

Gui Chi Haozhi, die!


At the same time, Li Guanqi activated the "plunder" technique, emitting black mist and swallowing up the mass of minced meat and the headless body of Guiju Hiroshi.

Now that his martial arts cultivation has reached the peak of the Four Elephants level, his physical strength has reached a bottleneck, and naturally there is no improvement.

As for the soul, Kichi Hiroshi's fourth-level soul is not worth mentioning to him, and the improvement is minimal.

What really matters is the ability.

After Black Mist returned to his physical body, Li Guanqi also plundered this special ability of Gui Chi Haozhi.


Li Guanqi has absorbed many, many supernatural powers, but there are only a few that he can truly regard as "exquisite".

As for Kichi Hiroshi's copying ability, which can even copy "momentum", he is eligible to be included in his premium list, and he might be able to use it soon.

"Junior brother."

At this time, Wang Yanqing stood in front of Gui Chi Yingzi, folding his hands on his chest, looking down coldly at the female spellcaster who was kneeling on the ground crying, "I just took away the space storage device of Gui Chi Haozhi and this woman, and then, I

Just inside her space ring, many herbs were found.

I suspect she is a pharmacist.

The ecstasy potion that Onichi Hiroshi used to seduce his wife was prepared by her.

Junior brother, give her some hypnosis too."

"Oh, okay."

Li Guanqi did as he was told, and it was a soul hypnosis spell.

"Are you aware of everything Gui Chi Hiroshi has done over the years?"

Wang Yanqing asked indifferently.


Gui Chiyingzi said dullly.

"The potion used by his wife, is it prepared?"

Wang Yanqing's eyes have completely turned cold.


Gui Chiyingzi nodded.

"Did you do it voluntarily, or did he force you to do it?"

Wang Yanqing asked again.

"I volunteered. I can help my father. Yingzi is very happy, and he will reward Yingzi every time afterward. Like Yingzi..."


Before Gui Chi Yingzi finished speaking, Wang Yanqing picked up his collar and threw him out. He hit a tree nearby and his head was shattered.

"Do you object to me killing her?"

Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi and asked calmly.


Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

After all the killings, why are you still objecting?


"Why would I object?"

Li Guanqi was a little confused, "Maybe Gui Chi Yingzi is very pitiful, but she has helped the emperor do evil over the years, and she also helped Gui Chi Haozhi rape the master's wife. There is no need to cleanse her, and there is nothing wrong with killing her."

"That's good."

Wang Yanqing wrinkled her little nose, "I don't like Sakura Shogunate. Although not everyone is like this, but I always feel that many Sakura people are weird. I can't tell what's wrong, and I feel like there are problems everywhere.



Li Guanqi scratched his head, but still didn't say anything.

He walked to Gui Chiyingzi's body and activated the "plunder" technique to devour his body and soul.

Of course, the key point is the understanding of the laws contained in the surgical organ.

Gui Chiyingzi is a conjurer at the peak of the Four Elephants level, and understands the four laws of wind, thunder, light and darkness.


Suddenly, Li Guanqi's expression changed slightly.

After plundering Hideko Kichi's understanding of the law of light, he seemed to have a "feeling" without any warning.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

This is the principle behind Li Guanqi's plundering of other people's understanding of the law. By plundering a large number of other people's understanding of the law, he tries to stimulate and inspire himself, so that he can understand the law.

But at this moment, after gaining Gui Chiyingzi's understanding of the law of light, he suddenly found this feeling!


Li Guanqi suddenly looked at Wang Yanqing, grabbed her little hand, was enveloped in a strong wind, and flew quickly towards the forest in the distance.

"Junior brother, what's wrong?"

"It's too late to explain, let's find a hidden cave!"

"Why, why?"

"I want to retreat!"

Is the understanding of the law accumulated over time?

No, it's not.

The understanding of laws is actually more similar to epiphany.

A magician traveled thousands of miles across mountains and rivers, trying to understand a certain law, but he walked for several years, decades, or even hundreds of years. He may not be able to complete the understanding in these years, but maybe one day, he will watch the sunrise.

, watching the sunset, at that moment, he "caught" it.

Once you catch that glimmer of insight, you will truly complete the understanding of the law.

Li Guanqi has the ability to plunder, but this does not mean that he can directly rob others of their understanding of the law.

Because it belongs to someone else after all.

The plundering technique can transform energy, and it can transform the energy in other people's bodies into one's own, but it cannot transform such idealistic things as "perception".

But it’s the same old saying.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

After reading more about other people's understanding of laws, Li Guanqi can more easily get inspiration and gain his own understanding.

But on that day, after receiving Gui Chiyingzi's understanding of the law of light, he suddenly received this "enlightenment".

This enlightenment of the law is a bit similar to inspiration. If it is not grasped at the time, it is very likely to "slip away", so Li Guanqi hurriedly took Wang Yanqing away, hoping to find a good place to start retreat.

In a deep and dark cave.

Wang Yanqing was sitting cross-legged on a rock and was practicing the soul visualization method. After all, the soul had broken through the fifth level. Although practicing with the soul visualization method was slow, it could at least increase the strength of the soul little by little, so that time would not be wasted.

As for the spatial laws of the Liuhe level of breaking through the realm... Well, I don't have a clue, so I can't rush it.


Suddenly, Wang Yanqing's face was illuminated by white light.

She quickly quit the soul cultivation and looked at the light source with some surprise.

I saw Li Guanqi sitting cross-legged on another rock with his eyes closed tightly, and white-gold light emitted from his body, which became more and more dazzling, gradually lighting up the entire cave, making it as bright as day.

And he himself gradually turned into a white-gold dazzling ball.

In Wang Yanqing's eyes, at this moment, his junior brother seemed to have turned into light...


Suddenly, the air conditions outside the cave changed drastically.

Wang Yanqing is a warrior of different blood and cannot feel spiritual power. However, judging from the change in air conditions, the surrounding area of ​​several thousand meters must have been squeezed in by a massive amount of spiritual energy, so this change occurred.


"A sharp increase in spiritual energy concentration?"

Wang Yanqing looked surprised.

"So, a breakthrough?!"

For a four-image-level conjurer, every time he comprehends a law, it will cause a storm of spiritual energy with corresponding attributes, thereby achieving a small step-by-step improvement in his cultivation level. She is still aware of this.

And the fact.

And indeed it is.


Li Guanqi suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils glowed with platinum light, and the rock wall above his head was violently blasted by the surging light attribute energy, causing gravel to fly!

The rich light-attribute spiritual energy gathered together and turned directly into a white-gold light pillar. Like an enlightenment, it suddenly poured into his body, rapidly increasing the quality and total amount of his spiritual power!

[Spiritual power: lv.52→lv.54! (54.3)] (Four-elephant level wind, thunder and light realm)

[Comprehensive level: lv.63→lv.64!]

Understand the law of light, and the overall level is upgraded to lv.64!


For a long time, the light-attribute aura around Li Guanqi was completely absorbed into his body, and the white-gold light slowly dissipated.

"The Law of Light..."

He lowered his head, spread out the five fingers of his right hand, condensed a ball of white light in the palm of his hand, and whispered to himself, "It has a dispersing effect on various negative effects, and also has a strong recovery effect. If the law of light is condensed,

The recovery spell combines with my own self-healing ability, and my self-healing ability will be even more powerful."

"Find some time to study it carefully."

Li Guanqi flipped his right hand and dispersed the ball of light. He turned to look at Wang Yanqing next to him and grinned softly, "Senior sister, I succeeded! Four elephant level, late stage!"

"It can be considered a success."

Wang Yanqing smiled helplessly, "Your senior sister, I have been staying here with you for a month, and I can only chat with mice every day."

"A month?!"

Li Guanqi's eyes suddenly widened, "It's been a month already?!"

"What do you think?"

Wang Yanqing walked up to him with a smile, "To be precise, it's 31 days, and it's July 2nd now."


Li Guanqi frowned slightly.

July of 4871 was the fifth month since he came to the strange world.

And the time he can stay is only one year.

"But you are very fast, right?"

Wang Yanqing looked at Li Guanqi curiously, "I heard that if a magician wants to understand the law, doesn't he have to retreat for several years, or even more than ten years? It only took you a month, so it was very fast."

"That's what I said."

Li Guanqi nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, there has been no movement from Kentaro Morimoto and Nanao Ono in the past month?"

"Not at all."

Wang Yanqing spread his hands and said with some hesitation: "I even began to suspect that we were overthinking it. There was no such thing at all. The 13 personal disciples of Teru Fujii and the five other people besides the Eight Burning Craftsmen might have He was silenced back then."

"No, I always feel that's not the case."

Li Guanqi shook his head gently. After thinking for a while, he looked up at the big hole above and said, "Senior sister, let's go."

"Where to go?"

"As usual, Huang Mingzhen, buy information and compete with swordsmen who have understood the meaning of the sword. I haven't found an opportunity to break through the Five Elements level of martial arts yet."

"No matter whether those two people come or not, I will improve my strength."

"This time we have to find a swordsman from Sakura Kyuubi. Otherwise, a weakling like Hiroshi Onishi will be meaningless and won't feel the slightest bit at all."

Sakura Shogunate, Beiling.

In a certain forest.

"Junior brother, the positioning is completed!"

A woman in black robe suddenly stopped and looked happy.


Another man in black robe was slightly surprised, "Why is it completed so suddenly? Senior sister, didn't you say it will take a while?"

"It's the law."

The black-robed woman's face was full of surprise and smile, "Maybe there is a magician who understood the law of light near the artifact. The breath of the law of light stimulated my positioning technique, and now the location of the artifact is completely clear!"

"Let's go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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