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Chapter 417 The capital of the Sakura Shogunate - Heianjing!

"But these are just inferences..."

Li Guanqi took the books and documents from the old goat man's hands, looked through them carefully, and couldn't help but frown.

Some of these documents were torn out by Alton from nowhere, and some were clearly handwritten, with his own name at the end of the page, obviously written by himself.

How credible is Alton's inference about ancient history?

If Li Guanqi had to say it, he would probably be very, very high.

Because Alton divided the Old Age into five major stages, the first three of which, the Mortal Era, the Doomsday Era, and the Spiritual Era, are basically consistent with his and Shunkong's cognition, and history is indeed like this.

But what about the next two stages?

The Age of Human Emperors and the Age of Godless...

During this period, Shunkong fell into a deep sleep and had no idea what was happening in the world.

Pluto, who all the gods tried desperately to seal, was finally killed by a "Human Emperor" in the 4th Old Age stage with his own power?

This may sound outrageous.

But that’s not necessarily the case.

Pluto himself can defeat the gods all by himself, and the gods cannot even die together. He can only seal him away at the cost of death.

Since there is such a powerful Pluto, why can't there be another Human Emperor who is more powerful than Pluto?

Of course it's possible.


Li Guanqi paced back and forth in the room, looking at various historical materials around him with twinkling eyes.

Is Pluto his future self?

There seems to be no answer to this question at all.

If Pluto and the Human Emperor have died together, then who else can know the true origin of Pluto? Who can know the relationship between Pluto and the Fire God Han Mengyao?

Even if the artifacts completely recover their memories, the possibility of knowing is very small.

Shunkong is an artifact that has no sealed memory at all, but even Shunkong has no idea about this matter.

Because in the age of gods, Pluto always kept silent about his past and only claimed that he was born in the 21st century.

The only hope is the ancient ruins.

Maybe, there will be some ancient ruins that hide the truth of this matter...

But if Pluto is really dead, it might be a good thing.

At least in this era, Li Guanqi no longer has to face his future "self" - of course, the premise is that Pluto is really him in the future.

"Thank you, Master Alton."

Li Guanqi turned his head, looked at the old goat man holding the book in his arms, immersed in history, and said seriously.

But Alton ignored him completely.

At this time, the old goat man, I don't know if it is the remaining power of the colorful pills or some other situation, holding the book, his eyes are full of tears, and he doesn't know what he is crying for...

"It turns out that ancient history is so exciting."

At this time, Ryota Miyagi couldn't help but sigh, "When I explored the ruins before, my focus was only on those ancient technologies. Now it seems that history does have its own unique charm, which I have always ignored before."


Li Guanqi smiled, passed him by, left the wooden house, and went straight to the wooden house next door.

"Jincheng, what do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Ryota Miyagi quickly followed him and said in surprise: "This is the old goat's utility room."

Obviously, he didn't understand what Li Guanqi was doing in the utility room.

But Li Guanqi didn't know either.

He came here just because Xiaoxue told him that the item with the aura of the Ice Temple was here.


Li Guanqi pushed open the wooden house, and a smell of decay came to him. It was filled with all kinds of debris, and it was impossible to distinguish one category from another.

And there's nothing valuable.

After all, Alton would definitely not leave valuable things here.

"Ice cubes?"

Li Guanqi followed Xiaoxue's induction and had a clear goal. He walked directly to the pile of debris and dug out a dusty ice crystal.

It's very cold when you start it, but it's the temperature of an ordinary ice cube.

The only unusual thing may be that this ice cube shows no signs of melting in the slightly hot surrounding environment.

"These are the bricks of the Ice Temple!!!"

In his mind, Xiaoxue's excited shout rang out, "This ice cube must have been taken out by the old man from the Ice Temple! He must have been to the Ice Temple! Master, Master! Go ask him! Ask him where the ice cube is.

Got it!"


Li Guanqi replied in his mind, then left the utility room with the ice cubes and returned to Alton's studio.

At this time, Alton, perhaps the effects of the colorful pills had not yet worn off, was still holding the book, with tears in his eyes, immersed in unknown emotions...

"Master Alton."

Li Guanqi was a little doubtful whether he could answer his question in this state, but he had no choice but to come to him with the ice cube and asked: "Where did you get this ice cube?"

Alton didn't answer, but after glancing at the ice, he raised his right hand and pointed at the wall.

Li Guanqi immediately looked over.

On that wall, there is a map of the city. There is a text mark in the lower right corner of the map, indicating that the city is located in the central area of ​​​​the shogunate and is called Heian Kyo...


Li Guanqi was slightly startled.

That city is the capital of the Sakura Shogunate - Heian Kyo!

In the XC area of ​​Heianjing, in an attic, there is a star and moon sign, and there are text labels next to it, and there is a long list of items, among which there is a "strange ice cube that will not melt".


Li Guanqi looked around and found that this was not the only one.

Alton seems to have the habit of making lists. Many maps have text marks on them, describing what he got there.

"Heian Jing..."

Li Guanqi lowered his head and glanced at the ice cube in his hand.

So, Alton got this ice cube from the attic in Heianjing?

"That's the Xingyue Wanwu Pavilion in Heianjing."

Miyagi Ryota came over, looked up at the map of Heian Kyo on the wall, and pointed to the star and moon sign in the

There, let’s see if there’s anything worth buying, because the owner of the Xingyue Pavilion likes to buy relics and items.”

As he said this, the handsome man turned around and smiled at Li Guanqi, "It's a bit of a coincidence that I introduced this Xingyue Wanwu Pavilion to Lao Yang. After all, I spent some time in Ping'an Capital before."

"I definitely bought a lot of interesting stuff there."

At this time, Alton suddenly put down the book in his hand. It seemed that the effect of the colorful pills had finally passed, and his whole body returned to normal. He pointed at the bricks of the Ice Temple in Li Guanqi's hand, "Including this ice cube."

"The boss of Xingyue Wanwu Pavilion, did you tell me where he got it?"

Li Guanqi quickly asked.

"He doesn't know either."

Alton shook his head slightly and said calmly: "He is just a collector, not an explorer. He collected this ice from a ruins mercenary. As for where the mercenary got it from, he didn't ask.

There is nothing magical about the ice cubes, it was originally given to me as a gift by my boss."

"Xingyue Wanwu Pavilion... It seems that I have to go to Ping An Jing."

Li Guanqi grabbed the ice cube in his hand, his eyes slightly focused.

"Then please?"

Alton turned half sideways and pointed at the door. Although the sheep's face was not a human face, Li Guanqi could also see a bit of displeasure from it, "What on earth were the colorful pills before, and why did they make me

I can’t help but explain my research. I’m not interested in knowing anymore. I just ask Mr. Jincheng to leave as soon as possible.”

"Sorry...and Mr. Miyagi, goodbye."

Li Guanqi didn't explain much. After apologizing to the old goat man, he said goodbye to Ryota Miyagi and walked directly towards the gate.

Sofia, who was guarding the door, saw him coming out and immediately followed him.

The two of them left.

In the wooden house, Ryota Miyagi and Alton, one person and one sheep, looked at each other.

"Ryota, who is he?"

"Uh... my friend's friend?"

State-owned capital.

The Daluo Dynasty had Luojing, which was called Daluojing City by the world.

The Sakura Shogunate also had its own capital, a luxurious city called Heian-kyo.

Looking around the world, the protection mechanism of large cities basically uses city walls as the base to form the foundation of the formation. Once faced with an invasion by foreign enemies, the formation can be based on the city wall to form a large city protection formation with 360-degree coverage.

Protect the city in all directions, including above and below ground.

This is also the reason why cities in strange worlds still have such things as "city walls" when faced with extraordinary powers.

The essence of the city wall is no longer to block the enemy, but to serve as the base of the city defense formation.

The thicker and taller the city wall is, it means that the more base materials used in the city defense formation, the higher the quality of the city defense formation will naturally be.

Therefore, in many cases, the thickness and height of a city wall is also a proof of national strength.

The capital of the Daluo Dynasty and the imperial capital of the Violet Empire are recognized as the most luxurious city walls in the world and represent the world's top city defense formations.

Although Heian-kyo of the Sakura Shogunate is not as tall as these two giant cities, it is still majestic.

"The hundred-meter city wall... is really exaggerated..."

The sun sets in the west.

The dark red sunset gradually sets over the mountains, and the brilliant sunset glow hangs high in the sky.

A few days after leaving Alton, Li Guanqi took Sophia to the edge of a mountain cliff.

They stood high and looked at the huge city in the distance, looming on the horizon.

I saw that huge and towering city, just sitting on the plain, shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The hundred-meter-high city wall completely surrounds this huge city covering an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square kilometers, making it look like a god standing in the dusk, accepting travelers from all over the world.

In the East, apart from Daluo Kyo City, which is known as the city that never sleeps, Heian Kyo, which belongs to the Sakura Shogunate, is the most tolerant to foreign countries.

“It’s truly spectacular.”

Li Guanqi looked at Ping'an Beijing in the distance and couldn't help but feel emotional.

Heian Kyo covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square kilometers and is completely surrounded by a hundred-meter city wall. If the strange world had not entered the extraordinary era, the manpower and material resources required to accomplish such a thing would be almost unimaginable.

However, even in the extraordinary era, the resources required to accomplish this are quite huge.

After all, those city walls look like piles of stones, but in fact they are filled with expensive high-end formation materials, requiring countless skilled formation masters to design, supervise, and build.

"How big is Heiankyo?"

At this time, Sophia looked at Heian Jing and suddenly asked.

"3278 square kilometers."

Li Guanqi glanced at her with a smile, "This is the official data provided by the shogunate. I thought they would exaggerate, but now it seems that this is even a little understated."

"It's only 3,000 square kilometers and it's so spectacular. How about Da Luo Jing City and Violet Imperial City?!"

Sophia's eyes widened, "I heard that the area of ​​Da Luo Jing City and Violet Imperial City both exceeds 30,000 square kilometers, which is ten times that of Heian Jing. So aren't these two cities even more spectacular?"


Li Guanqi continued to look at Ping'an Jing with a smile on his face, "The world is still very big, and there are many wonderful places. I haven't visited them all yet."

"By the way, the 100-meter city wall, can people still live in the area under the city wall?"

Li Guanqi was still feeling the wonder of the world, but Sophia looked at Ping'an Jing, and her thoughts wandered again for some reason, and she said blankly: "With such a high wall, the area under the wall cannot see the sun for quite some time every day, right?"

"Never mind it, it's none of our business."


Li Guanqi shook his head, his whole body was enveloped by the strong wind, and he suddenly stood up from the ground and flew towards the gate of Ping'an Jing at full speed.

"Let's go Sophia."

"I know!"

A few minutes later.

The sun sets completely and night falls.

Li Guanqi and Sophia arrived at the north gate of Ping An Jing. They passed by the long entry line on the left and took the road on the right straight to the city gate.

There are two passages at the city gate.

The one on the left is for people below the fourth elephant level.

You need to queue up when entering the city, and you need to check the space storage. If you bring a large amount of goods, you will be considered to be doing business in Ping An Jing. The goods need to be classified and taxed.

The one on the right is prepared for people above the fourth elephant level.

Of course, there is a tax on the passage here, but the tax rate is no different. It just gives people with high cultivation a fast passage, so they don't have to queue with people with low cultivation.

Unlike the long queue on the left, the aisle on the right is quite empty.

After all, people with level four and above are not bad people, and in most cases, there will not be a long queue.

Life in this world is actually about mixing in circles.

Li Guanqi seemed to be able to interact with people above the Four Elephants level and the Five Elements level wherever he went.

But this is because of his strength. He is a person of this level, so he will naturally deal with these people often.

Just like there are not many millionaires in reality.

But wherever multi-millionaires go, they socialize with multi-millionaires, as if everyone around them is multi-millionaires, and there seem to be many such rich people.

But in fact, the reason why multi-millionaires have seen many multi-millionaires is because they themselves are rich people, so they naturally interact with other rich people.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, will never be able to see a few multi-millionaires in person in their lifetime.

The same is true for the weird world.

A cultivation level of four elephants, even in a national capital like Heianjing, can be regarded as the middle class of a small aristocracy, and it is not seen everywhere.

Such as now.

There were only two people in line in front of Li Guanqi and Sophia, which formed a sharp contrast with the long queue on the left.

These two four-elephant-level humans of different blood seemed to be lovers, holding hands.

It is worth mentioning that both of them are foreigners with blond hair and golden eyes. If their hair color and eye color may be due to alien characteristics, then their European and American faces cannot be explained by the alien characteristics.

"Businessman? No, no, no, I'm not a businessman...ah, I'm not a businessman. My wife and I are here to travel to your Sakura Shogunate. These are souvenirs."

The two foreigners seemed to have had some discussions with the city guard.

"Then you bought too many souvenirs, right?"

The city guard frowned.


"If you haven't learned how to speak Eastern languages, you can also communicate with your soul using your soul. I have a fourth-level soul."

"Okay, sorry, we..."

The two foreigners started chatting with the city guard.

Li Guanqi and Sophia were not in a hurry, and just waited patiently.

Li Guanqi watched this scene with great interest.

He also asked Shunkong about the weird world languages.

Shunkong said that this is because in the end of the world, the world's population has shrunk sharply, and the world structure has undergone a round of cleansing. In the end, only two extraordinary groups have the right to speak in the world.

One is the extraordinary force from Britain, who have completely become the hegemon of the West.

On the east side, there was a group of top Chinese powerhouses, including the later Fire God Han Mengyao.

The two groups fought for a long time, but in the end they couldn't decide the winner. They chose to "rule across the sea" and not invade each other.

Gradually, the world was divided directly into "East" and "West" by these two groups of people.

And the language types have also been directly reduced to Chinese and English under thousands of years of subtle influence.

If in the 21st century, people are accustomed to calling the world the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere from a geographical perspective, after the end of the world, due to various influences, people in the olden times are more accustomed to calling the world the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.


There is no Penglai.

In Shunkong's knowledge, the force Penglai has never appeared in history, and there is no figure of Lin Xianbai.

As for the reason?

God knows.

“thank you.”

At this time, the two foreigners in front finally passed the city entrance inspection, got rid of their identity as merchants, and were exempted from the goods tax. After thanking the city guard in Western language, they went straight to the city gate.

"You're welcome. Just remember to speak Eastern when entering Ping'an Capital. Welcome to Ping'an Capital. Please come in."

A city guard sitting behind the table waved his hand, looking a little bored.

[Five Elements Level Alien Blood Warrior]

"Ah, finally there is a Sakura Man."

After seeing Li Guanqi, he smiled and said something.

"How many foreigners come to Heianjing these days?"

Li Guanqi stepped forward, followed the prescribed procedure, took off his space necklace from his neck, and handed it out.

Most of the miscellaneous items in his space necklace were sold to Miyamoto's auction house, and there was nothing in it except money tickets and gold coins.

"Not just these days?"

The city guard took the space necklace with an expression of "I'm tired of having to work again." While checking the space necklace, he said: "The number of foreigners coming to our safe capital has always been high. Sakura people and foreigners in the city

The ratio remains 5:1 all year round, especially the tulip people, who have the most.”

With that said, he returned the space necklace to Li Guanqi and looked at Sophia next to him.

In the eyes of this city guard, Sofia, with her blond hair, golden eyes and Western face, was obviously a tulip woman.


Sophia also handed over her space necklace.

And her space necklace was even empty, not even money, just clothes and other things.

"Brother, you are awesome."

The city guard just glanced at it and returned the space necklace to her, and then looked at Li Guanqi with admiration, "I leave all my money to my wife, but you manage it all yourself, and you have the financial power with one hand.


"Ha ha……"

Li Guanqi smiled silently.

He didn't even bother to explain.

"Welcome to Ping'an Capital, please come in."

Seeing this, the city guard said nothing and asked the soldiers behind to get out of the way.

Li Guanqi and Sophia walked towards the city gate, preparing to enter the capital of the Sakura Shogunate.

In the seventh month of his tour of the Sakura Shogunate, Li Guanqi finally came to the most luxurious and prosperous city in the country - Heian Kyo!

This chapter has been completed!
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