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Chapter 454 Lost consciousness, uncontrollable artifact

"Why is my soul body white?"

"Good question."

"Who knows?"

Lin Xianbai's pure white soul spread his hands, "When I looked inside for the first time, I was very surprised when I saw my white soul. I checked all the information in the spell school in southern Xinjiang and finally found some clues.

The soul of a creature should be the same as its body.

However, for some hybrid creatures with mixed bloodlines, the soul may look different from the physical body, and the soul structure may even undergo different mutations, causing the color of the soul body to be different from the blue of ordinary souls.

Therefore, I guess there should be some strange creature among my ancestors that got in, turning the souls of humans in my lineage white.

By the way..."

Speaking of this, Lin Xianbai looked at Li Guanqi's three-headed, six-armed body of a god and demon with two wings on his back, with a strange look on his face, "Although my soul is not blue, I am still a human being. You are not a human being at all?!"

"My ancestors were not human."

Li Guanqi smiled and said, "The clues you found are almost true. You and I are in the same situation. Our ancestors are not human. We are both mixed-race humans."

"I knew it. After all, your cultivation speed is unnaturally fast."

Lin Xianbai looked at his soulful body with three heads and six arms, and curiously poked the two heads next to him, "Do these two have independent consciousness? Why are they both closing their eyes?"

"Of course not."

Li Guanqi looked a little helpless, "And to be honest, I haven't fully mastered the three-headed and six-armed body. The two heads can't actively control opening and closing eyes, speaking, etc. I can only control the six hands."

"It's really interesting."

Lin Xianbai took back his hand and looked at Li Guanqi, who had three heads and six arms, and marveled, "Your ancestor is not Nezha, right? They are all three heads and six arms."

"Isn't Nezha the body of a lotus root?"

Li Guanqi also followed his joke and chuckled: "Why, lotus roots can give birth to babies and reproduce offspring?"

"If there really is a Nezha, he would be a god, but he still can't handle this?"

Lin Xianbai chuckled lightly, then looked at the sea of ​​consciousness around him, pondered for a moment and then said: "If you have anything to say, let's go out and chat. It always feels weird to chat with your soul body."

"Well, let's go out first."

Li Guanqi nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Shunkong in the anthropomorphic form took the lead and transformed into a ball of gold and silver light, escaping into his soul body.

Not far away, Lu Mo, who had his back turned to this side, said nothing, but also turned into a flash of purple flame sword light and flew back.

"Goodbye, Master."

Xiaoxue smiled and waved her hand towards Li Guanqi, and then her body gradually turned into an ice crystal snowflake and merged into Li Guanqi's soul.

Li Guanqi also turned around and looked at the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Lin Xianbai's "Holy Flower" soul defense technique used to defend against the sea of ​​consciousness had long since dissipated, and the road to the outside world was clear.

With a thought in his mind, Li Guanqi controlled his soul body to fly outside.


Longhu Mountain, in the nameless Taoist temple.

Li Guanqi's soul had just come out of Lin Xianbai's body and returned to his original body. Before he could open his eyes, he heard a familiar voice.

He was all too familiar with this sound.

This is the sound of flesh and blood exploding.


Li Guanqi, who was wearing an ice crystal mask on his face, opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him with a look of astonishment on his face.

Lin Xianbai was seen sitting cross-legged opposite him, with an expressionless face, and his left arm was missing from the elbow. Blood was dripping from the broken arm, forming a pool of blood beside him.

In the pool of blood, in addition to blood and minced meat, there was a blood-stained chain that was thicker than a finger and at least 2 meters long.

"Director Lin, what's going on?"

Li Guanqi wiped away a few drops of blood that splashed on his ice mask, and then looked at Lin Xianbai in surprise.

Lin Xianbai was not a human of different blood and could easily regenerate limbs. As a physically weak spellcaster, it would be very troublesome to regenerate a hand after it was broken.


Lin Xianbai had a broken hand, but he didn't seem to be in any pain. Instead, he calmly raised his right hand, made seals with one hand, cast a hemostatic spell on himself, and said calmly to Li Guanqi:

"Imagine that in an instant, a 2.18-meter-long iron chain suddenly appeared in the flesh and blood of your left forearm. What would happen?"


Li Guanqi glanced at the flesh and blood next to him, and then looked at Lin Xianbai with a complex expression, "The whole hand will be crushed by the sudden appearance of the iron chain."

"As you can see."

Lin Xianbai smiled.

"So, Ye Kui's artifact is usually shrunk and hidden in the flesh of your left arm."

Li Guanqi looked at the chain in the pool of blood and said hesitantly: "Then, now that Ye Kui's consciousness has dissipated, no one is controlling this artifact, so it cannot remain in its shrunken state, and it will suddenly return to its full size in your left arm.

Blast your left arm."

"That's it."

Lin Xianbai nodded lightly.

"Ye Kui is dead, can't you take over control?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously.

"There's absolutely no way."

Lin Xianbai sighed, then touched the pool of blood with his remaining right hand, picked up a severed finger, took off the space ring on the severed finger, and took out a small golden wooden box from the storage space.

This box is not big, only about the size of a palm.

Lin Xianbai slowly opened it.

Lying inside the box was a sleeping golden beetle.

"El Kulitworm?"

Li Guanqi said with some uncertainty: "Is it the curse insect that can regenerate limbs?"


Lin Xianbai nodded, then pinched the golden beetle, placed it on the broken arm of his left hand where the bleeding had stopped, and used spiritual power to awaken the golden beetle.

Soon, the beetle's tentacles twisted slightly, then pierced his skin, got in, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Guanqi was quite curious when he saw this scene.

This was the first time he saw the regeneration curse insect with his own eyes.

There are many kinds of curse insects that can regenerate limbs, and the one used by Lin Xianbai was researched and cultivated by a seven-star centaur curser named Al Kulit 1800 years ago.

Curse insect.

It is for this reason that later generations named this kind of curse insect after the centaur curse master to show respect and commemoration.

For conjurers, regenerating limbs is a situation-specific matter.

If the conjurer was born without a left arm, then even if he used the regenerative curse insect to obtain a left arm, this acquired left arm would not be able to form a spiritual circuit.

In other words, this kind of conjurer can only form seals with one hand for the rest of his life.

In most cases, the effect of the spells that can be cast by one-handed seals is far inferior to that of two-handed seals.

They need a lot of practice to achieve the effects of ordinary magicians' hands.

If the proficiency of a fireball technique is divided into primary and intermediate levels, then the proficiency of one-handed technique needs to be raised to at least the intermediate level, so that the power can be barely comparable to those of elementary proficiency of two-handed techniques.

Therefore, a conjurer who is born without one hand has a natural disadvantage in combat.

There are even spellcasters who are born without arms.

They have no hand seals at all, so they can only cast spells of a lower level.

For example, only when they are at the Liangyi level, they can cast one-yuan level spells without forming seals.

But because of this, in the world of magic, many inventors are magicians who are not good at fighting, because they usually focus their magic career goals more on academics.

However, situations need to be differentiated.

For example, Lin Xianbai.

He was born with hands, which allowed him to form a complete spiritual circuit and form seals with his hands to perform spells.

In his case, even if he loses one hand the day after tomorrow and then grows a new one, his new arm can form the same spiritual circuit as the "original arm".


Suddenly, Lin Xianbai's broken left arm came out, and granulation began to form, squirming there, gradually converging and intertwining, forming flesh and blood.

When the flesh and blood is fully formed, his left hand will be completely regenerated.


Li Guanqi frowned when he saw this scene.

Humans of different blood often regenerate limbs, and he has regenerated many times, but their regeneration of limbs is extremely rapid, even completed within an instant.

In this way, the severe pain and torture of flesh and blood only lasts for almost a second, and it passes without much experience.

And Lin Xianbai's slow regeneration speed... Li Guanqi believed that this was definitely an unspeakable torture.

"Wait, why are you so calm?"

Li Guanqi looked at the calm-looking Lin Xianbai and finally noticed something was wrong.

"Because I used my spiritual circuit to temporarily block the pain nerves."

Lin Xianbai said calmly.

However, Li Guanqi was undecided.

Use spiritual power circuits to seal pain nerves to achieve a physical state similar to "painlessness", thereby losing consciousness to pain... Is this possible?

Of course it's possible.

But the problem is that this operation is an ultra-high-end operation, which is even more advanced than the "double-casting" of the combat magician. Many seven-star magicians cannot master such an operation, which can control spiritual power to the point of "extreme micro-operation".


Neither does Li Guanqi.

"There are always many geniuses in the world."

Li Guanqi shook his head and laughed.

"After all, he is the second extraordinary person."

Lin Xianbai also smiled, looking at the slowly regenerating left arm, and said with emotion: "I have experienced so many dangerous battles, but I didn't expect that the first time I lost a limb was because of this incident, a crime other than war.


"So, you can't control this artifact chain at all?"

Li Guanqi waved his hand, summoning water and breeze, lifted the Ye Kui chain from the pool of blood into the air, cleaned it of all the blood stains, and thoroughly saw its true face.

A 2-meter-long purple-black chain looks ordinary.

"There is no sense at all."

Lin Xianbai smiled and shook his head, and then explained softly: "I read some of Yu Kui's memories and learned that only the consciousness of the artifact itself has control over the artifact. Once the consciousness of the artifact dissipates, no one can continue to use it.


Moreover, the master-servant relationship I had established with Ye Kui seemed to have ceased to exist as Ye Kui's consciousness dissipated.

Now this chain to me is just an unbreakable chain and has no effect."

"But it has a great effect on me."

Li Guanqi looked at Lin Xianbai seriously.

"Of course, it's yours now."

Lin Xianbai smiled softly, "You saved my life. If I give you back an artifact that is useless to me, wouldn't I make a lot of money? And... I'm sorry."

As he spoke, the smile on his face faded, he lowered his head slightly towards Li Guanqi, and said apologetically: "I failed to protect myself. If Ye Kui completely controlled my body, she would be able to learn about you, the extraordinary king, from my memory.

your true identity, and then to your family..."

"Okay, it's all over."

Li Guanqi smiled and patted the other party's shoulder.


Seeing this, although Lin Xianbai said no more, he still looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"What else do you want to say?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously.

"You are strong."

Lin Xianbai looked at him and said seriously: "The extraordinary king of level 76 is almost invincible in reality, but it is only 'almost' because you have a fatal weakness - your family."


Li Guanqi heard this, but just smiled indifferently, "I don't think this is my weakness, my family is my concern, and I like to feel concerned.

Because I care about my parents and my lover, their existence makes me feel that I, Li Guanqi, am still a living person, not a fighting weapon with no desires or desires. Living like that is meaningless."


Lin Xianbai was startled for a moment, then smiled, "It's a very interesting statement, I like it very much, really."

"You should be too, because you also have family, right?"

Li Guanqi stood up from the ground and looked outside the Taoist temple.

There, a beautiful woman wearing a pure white dress with a worried face was looking forward to this place, but she still didn't dare to step in.

Because Li Guanqi said something to Lin Qinglian before.

——"If you don't want Lin Xianbai to die, don't let anyone get close to this place, including yourself!"

"I have a headache."

Suddenly, Lin Xianbai said something to Li Guanqi through soul transmission.


Li Guanqi reacted immediately and his expression became strange.

In the last days, when he was on the road with Lin Xianbai, he learned about the relationship between Lin Qinglian and him—half-brothers and sisters.

But this sister's feelings for him don't seem to be right.

"You have never told me what the situation is between you and her."

Li Guanqi looked at Lin Xianbai and said through his soul: "Tell me?"

"It's a long story."

Lin Xianbai sighed.

"Then let's make a long story short."

Li Guanqi was completely interested. He just stood up and sat down again.

"She and I have the same father and mother, brother and sister."

Lin Xianbai rubbed his eyebrows with his only right hand and sighed: "When I was 23 years old, I suddenly met her in a library. That was the first time I met her.

We had a good chat, and it didn't take long for her to express her affection for me.

I actually don’t feel anything, but you know, as a man, it’s actually hard to feel any rejection towards a beautiful girl who pursues you.

So I didn't reject her at that time, I just wanted to be friends first and wait until I have feelings for her before I accept her.

However, before that day came, my father called me and told me about his romantic history and the truth that Qinglian was my sister. "


Li Guanqi scratched his head.

This fucking bloody story happened in reality.

However, although it sounds bloody and funny, if it really happened in reality, the feelings of the person involved would definitely be... well, it's hard to describe in words.

"So are you sad?"

Li Guanqi asked Lin Xianbai.

"That's not true."

Lin Xianbai shook his head gently, "Fortunately, my dad called early. He told me the truth before I had any feelings for Qinglian, but..."

As he said that, he looked at Lin Qinglian outside the Taoist temple and said helplessly: "She seems to be unable to come out."

"Okay, my curiosity is satisfied."

Li Guanqi waved his hand, "I'm not interested in such bloody stories between brothers and sisters. Let's stop here. How you deal with your private life is your business. I have no interest in getting involved, but... ahem, you

If you decide, I can help you contact several German orthopedics."

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Stop playing this old joke."

Lin Xianbai has black lines all over his head.

“Classic old memes never go out of style.”

Li Guanqi grinned, then picked up the Ye Kui chain next to him. He no longer used his soul to transmit sound, but directly said: "Speaking of which, how did you get this artifact? How did you get tricked by her?"

"An accident."

Lin Xianbai sighed again after hearing this - he seemed to have been sighing.

"At that time, I established a Penglai branch, a mercenary group, in Gu City, the capital of southern Xinjiang, to accept the joining of extraordinary people and provide shelter and help. After all, the world is integrated, and there are many extraordinary people.

Everyone has come to my world.

At that time, I accepted a mercenary and led the 10 strongest people in the mercenary group to hunt a five-element-level wind demon monitor lizard.

It was normal at first, but the moment I killed the wind demon giant lizard, a ball of black light suddenly flew out of the monster's mouth and rushed directly into my left hand.

Then Ye Kui's consciousness appeared in my sea of ​​consciousness and took away control of my physical body.

I resisted desperately, but when I regained control, I found that the companions next to me had been killed by Ye Kui with my body.

I'm very angry.

But I can't do anything.

A few days later, Ye Kui spoke up again, telling me in my mind that she wanted me to accept the test of transforming into a monster 10 times, and if I survived, she would recognize me as her master.

It's all nonsense, lies from this guy.

Each of those 10 transformations essentially increased her familiarity with my body, making it easier to control me in the end.

A few days before returning to reality, I completed 10 transformations, and Ye Kui completely revealed his true colors and began to fight for control with me.

Of course I resisted.

This resistance lasted for several days, directly from the strange world to the real world, and then..."

At this point, Lin Xianbai looked at Li Guanqi and chuckled: "My great savior, the extraordinary king, came and saved my life."

"It's so sad."

Li Guanqi was quite emotional, then grabbed the Ye Kui chain in his hand, turned around and left, "Okay, your sister seems to have couldn't help but want to rush in. Let's get together another day and talk about the interesting things we encountered in the weird world.


"As for now, I'm leaving first... Oh, by the way."

As he said that, he turned back, looked at Lin Xianbai and said, "Your sister is a bit stupid and wanted to use Longhu Mountain's defensive weapons to attack me. I was anxious to find you at that time, so I accidentally took those missiles away.

The gun barrel, armored drone, exoskeleton technology armor and so on are all destroyed, are you okay?"


Lin Xianbai was unmoved at all, and said calmly: "It's better to destroy it, let those people see the power of the Extraordinary King, so that they don't come to me every now and then and ask me stupid questions like 'Can I control the Extraordinary King?'"

, I am troubled every time I face this kind of mental retardation problem."

"Ha, thank you for helping me deal with those people. Let's go. Let's meet again another day."

Li Guanqi smiled, took the Ye Kui chain and walked towards the door of the Taoist temple.

At the same time, he also said something in his mind: "Shun Kong?"

"I am here!


The guy's excitement could be heard in his voice.

Li Guanqi shook off the Ye Kui chain in his hand.

"Ready for dinner."

This chapter has been completed!
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