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Chapter 489 Tulip Imperial Capital, Queen's Wings!

The next day.

Tulip Empire, Imperial Capital - Flower!

The name of the capital city of this huge empire is the word "flower". Because of this, the world often calls it the capital of flowers.


In the Royal Teleportation Field in Nancheng District, a universal teleportation array flashed with colorful light, and a figure slowly emerged.

He has white hair and blue eyes, and wears silver-white light armor.

It was Li Guanqi who had restored his original appearance.

If he wanted to see Her Majesty the Queen, he would naturally have to change back to his original appearance, and he also asked Ares to only cover up his spiritual power, but not his martial arts skills at all.

In the eyes of the strong, he is now a human with different blood at the peak of Liuhe level.

"Dear passengers, welcome to the Flower City, and welcome you to choose the Royal Teleportation Field next time."

Li Guanqi stepped down from the teleportation array, looked around, and glanced at the young catwoman standing behind the counter with a cute smile on her face, raising her eyebrows slightly.

This Catwoman is different from the Catwoman magician triplets he met in Ziersha City before.

According to the blood theory of orcs, this catwoman should belong to the low-level cat people.

Because her whole head is a cat head.

The most tolerant country in the East is the Sakura Shogunate. Subhuman races other than humans can be seen everywhere within the country, which are the so-called beastmen.

The most tolerant of the West is the Tulip Empire, where many orcs and humans live in harmony, forming a so-called "Western Fantasy" world.

The most powerful Daluo Dynasty and Violet Empire don't like these demi-human races very much.

However, not all demihumans are the kind of beautiful sisters with animal ears and tails.

What's more, it's actually a subhuman species with extremely obvious orc characteristics.

For humans, compared to orcs, they actually prefer "orcs".


Li Guanqi took a deep look at the Catwoman, then withdrew his gaze, turned around and left, heading towards the gate of the teleportation field.


The Tulip Empire has a high degree of acceptance of demi-human races, and their relationship with the various orc royal families on the Ayabel Prairie is also very good, but their relationship with the nominal overlord of the grassland, the Beimang Royal Court, is only average.

Hmm... In this war, will the Tulip Empire bring in some orc royal families?

The possibility is extremely high.

Once a war breaks out between the old and the new in the world of magic, it will not only involve these two factions, but also many national forces.

Li Guanqi has already smelled the gunpowder of a world war.

There is no time, hurry up, faster!

Li Guanqi's eyes were solemn, facing the bright and scorching sun, and he was walking quickly through the streets of the imperial capital. He turned a blind eye to the streets full of gorgeous flowers around him. He was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery of this imperial capital of flowers. He just kept walking towards the center of the city.

Walk to the palace.

The entire Flower City, as you look around, is full of colorful buildings. Most of these houses are painted with bright and bright colors. Coupled with the sea of ​​colorful flowers that bloom all over the city, this imperial capital has nothing to do with it.

A sense of solemnity and solemnity.

Some are just as beautiful and gorgeous as fairy tales and fantasies.

Seriously speaking, the only building complex in the entire imperial capital that can be called relatively solemn seems to be the platinum palace located in the center of the city. It is made of silver-white stones and is paved with a large number of gold bricks, making this palace

The palace looks not only luxurious and noble, but also a bit more calm and solemn.

The same color as the main color of the palace, the armors of the palace guards guarding the Tulip Palace are also generally white gold.

Just like...

At this time, these 21 palace guards were blocking the palace gate.

They formed two rows, with ten people on each side, and in the middle stood a guard captain without a helmet, showing short blond hair and a handsome face, guarding the huge platinum door of the palace with his soldiers.

On the walls of the palace, there are posts every ten steps, guarded by numerous guards holding spears and shields, and they faintly exude a powerful pressure.

Five elements level!

Each of these palace guards is a five-element level demon hunting knight, and the captain of the guard standing at the gate is the pinnacle of Liuhe level!

According to rumors, with the military formation method of the Tulip Palace, the captain of the imperial guards at the peak of Liuhe level can form a military formation with 20 of his guards, giving himself a layer of military formation battle armor and a military formation spear.

Gain a combat power comparable to seven stars in a short period of time.

Of course, even so, it's still not enough.

These soldiers are actually a guard force on the surface. As a group of soldiers who need to stand guard, their strength is far from enough to guard a palace.

The real guarding power of the Platinum Palace in the Tulip Imperial Capital are those seven-star, eight-level, and even nine-star level that are hidden in the dark.

These people always live in the palace, not only living here, but also guarding here.

As for these soldiers?

It's just a humanoid stand guard for show.

These guards themselves also know very well that they are called guards, but in fact if someone really comes to invade the palace, it is not something they can solve at all. The most common thing for these guards is to pass the time and come to the palace to join in the fun.

The idle people are waiting.

That is... now.

"Hey, stop whoever is coming!"

The captain of the Imperial Guard looked at the white-haired Oriental man walking straight towards them on the street outside, getting closer and closer to them. He suddenly frowned and put his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Liuhe level demon hunting knight?

And he's an Oriental...

"Don't get excited, sir."

Li Guanqi smiled, stopped thirty meters away from the palace gate, then looked up at the glorious castle deep in the palace, his eyes narrowed slightly.

According to the simulation situation, what he should do now is...


A moment.

At the moment when the captain of the Imperial Guard had no time to react, Li Guanqi took out the Qingxuan Sword from the divine weapon box in his body, and his whole body exploded with pressure. The martial arts image of hurricane and thunder appeared behind him, and he slashed a sword towards the sky above the palace!

It was a sword of wind and thunder, containing raging hurricanes and thunder, showing extreme speed and violence!


The captain of the Imperial Guard looked up at the flying wind and thunder sword energy with a shocked expression.

The "power" of Eastern warriors is called "field" by Westerners, because they feel that this is the strongest killing move that human beings of different blood can understand after entering another level. People who understand this power can

Easily crush the same level.

Wait...that's not right!


The captain of the Imperial Guard's face changed drastically, and he suddenly drew out the long sword from his waist and glared at Li Guanqi, "Who are you? How dare you wield sword energy against the palace?! Don't be too quick..."

"Let him in."

Before the captain of the imperial guard could finish speaking, a calm female voice suddenly came out from the top of the platinum castle deep in the platinum palace, resounding throughout the entire imperial capital.

The Praetorian Guard heard.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Upon hearing this, the captain of the imperial guard immediately sheathed his sword, then turned towards the direction of the castle, clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it on his left chest, lowering his head slightly.


When Li Guanqi saw this scene, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around, somewhat curious.

Why didn't those seven-star Bagua level and real strong guards in the palace come out to stop him from swinging his sword?

The captain of the imperial guard was too late, and those strong men could not have been too late. If he really wanted to stop him, the moment he took out the Qingxuan Sword, he was knocked to the ground.

Or... those strong men had long sensed that his sword was just slashing into the sky and would not cause any damage, so they were too lazy to take action?

It seems that there is only one explanation.

"grown ups."

At this time, the handsome captain of the guard turned around and gently bowed his head to Li Guanqi, "My name is Leopold Clark. I was rude just now."

"It's your duty, no problem."

Li Guanqi waved his hand casually.


Seeing this, the captain of the guard turned his head slightly and said to a guard beside him: "Go and take this gentleman to meet Her Majesty the Queen."


The guard bowed his head and saluted, then walked up to Li Guanqi and said, "Sir, please come this way."

After saying that, he turned around and walked straight towards the depths of the palace.

Li Guanqi followed closely behind.

As he walked along the palace, he felt many hidden eyes prying on him along the way. In fact, they were not that subtle at all. Instead, they were looking at him unscrupulously, giving him a numbing tingling sensation on his skin.


The gaze of a strong man can even cause a tingling reaction in the body of a weak man.

Under the leadership of this guard, Li Guanqi arrived in front of the glorious castle deep in the Platinum Palace.

But when he arrived at the gate of the castle, he was stopped again.


A female knight who also wore platinum armor, but whose style was obviously much more ornate and beautiful than the guards' armor, stopped Li Guanqi and the male guards who were leading him.

This woman holds a shield in her left hand and a gorgeous golden spear in her right hand. The armor on her body is not so much an armor focused on defense as it is a costume focused on beauty. The waist is tightened to outline an attractive waistline.

Moreover, this armor actually has a large hollow design on both sides of the waist that has no actual use and is just for the purpose of being gorgeous and beautiful, showing off the fair skin of the waist.

This armor also has no thigh armor part.

The lower body is just a white short skirt, which only reaches the top of the thigh. Although the skirt is covered with metal ribbons, it is actually of no defensive use.

Although the combat boots and calf armor are long enough to reach past the knees, when paired with this miniskirt, the armor on the calf part has a feeling similar to "over-the-knee socks", forcing the part between the skirt and the calf armor to be

, shaped into an "absolute realm".

What's even more outrageous is that these boots are in the style of high heels...

Li Guanqi glanced up and down, and he had to say that the exposed white thighs of this beautiful female knight were particularly eye-catching.

Judging from the flashy armor, this female knight is more of a ceremonial team than a defensive guard, specifically responsible for looking good.


Li Guanqi looked at the other party, his eyes slightly condensed.

This female knight did not wear a helmet, fully displaying her fair, smooth, delicate and beautiful face with a somewhat cold and arrogant expression, and her hair was not tied up. Her waist-length golden hair was gently fluttering in the wind, and her hair was flying.

[Eighth Level Demon Hunter Knight]

Eighth level?!

Eighth level, Bagua level!

Although in the Western language system, speaking in English, there is no such thing as one yuan, two rites, and three talents for cultivation levels, there are only pure first to ninth levels, but before that, the Westerners he saw also showed the five elements.

Level Liuhe?

So Li Guanqi didn't know why, but the system prompt at this time suddenly changed from the Bagua level to the eighth level.

But that's not important.

The names are all fictitious. The eighth level, Bagua level, is the real strength represented by this level.

An eighth-level demon-hunting knight, a Bagua-level human of different blood!

"I will lead the way next."

The blonde female knight glanced at the guard in front of Li Guanqi, her voice was cold.


The guards didn't even dare to look at him, he quickly lowered his head and saluted, then turned and left.

"Follow me, sir."

Then the female knight looked at Li Guanqi and said something with the same cold tone. After speaking, she turned around and left, heading towards a staircase inside the castle.

Li Guanqi, just like before, followed the leader and followed closely behind.

"Are you an Oriental?"

After reaching the third floor, the female knight did not stop, but suddenly asked: "Are they from southern Xinjiang? Sakura people? Or grassland people? Or, are they those small border countries whose names I can't even remember?"

In the East, there are actually more than just these countries that Li Guanqi is familiar with. There are a group of small island countries in the Dongyang Islands. In the middle area between Southern Xinjiang and the Sakura Shogunate, there are actually some small countries. Although they are very weak, they are still considered as subordinate countries.

Identity, attached to Southern Xinjiang and Sakura Shogunate.

Li Guanqi has never been to these countries, which may not even have seven-star experts, and he is not very interested in them.

But the question is...when it comes to the East, how can we ignore the Daluo Dynasty?

Li Guanqi looked at the graceful back of the female knight in front of him with strange eyes.

Ask him which oriental country he is from, how could this woman ignore the Daluo Dynasty?

Who is the best in the world, the Daluo Dynasty or the Violet Empire, is controversial no matter how you say it.

But if you ask about the top two in the world, regardless of the order of ranking, 99.9% of people will blurt out the Daluo Dynasty and the Violet Empire.

So how could this female knight ignore the Daluo Dynasty?

The only explanation is...

Thinking of the story of the Tulip Queen and Wang Xiu, Li Guanqi's eyes flashed with excitement and he did not answer for a while.


However, seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, the blond female knight stopped and looked back at Li Guanqi. There was a hint of coldness in her golden pupils, "White-haired one, you'd better not come from the Daluo Dynasty."

"I swear on my honor that I am definitely not from Daluo."

Li Guanqi shrugged.


As soon as these words came out, it seemed that he didn't know what the point of the female knight's smile was. It actually made her laugh out loud. From her original cold and charming look, she turned into smiling eyes and crooked eyes, tilting her head to look at her.

Li Guanqi smiled and said: "Hey, white-haired one, we are just chatting. Do you want to be so serious and swear by honor?"

"Anyway, what I said was not a lie. Of course I can swear on my honor."

Li Guanqi smiled softly.

To the Tulip people, the weight of the sentence "I swear on my whole family" is far less important than the sentence "I swear on my glory".

The Tulip Empire has a strong knightly culture and values ​​glory very seriously.

And he is indeed not from Daluo.

No matter when it was, Li Guanqi actually had no sense of belonging to the so-called First Dynasty of the East. He never considered himself a Daluo person, although he and those Daluo people were indeed ancestors of the same blood.


By the way, according to time, he can be regarded as the ancestor of those Daluo people.

"So who are you anyway?"

The female knight withdrew her gaze and continued to step forward. Her golden high-heeled combat boots stepped on the wooden planks of the stairs, making a rhythmic clicking sound. "You can actually make Her Majesty the Queen speak to let people go in person. You... seem to be a big shot."

Woolen cloth."

"Unfortunately, business is urgent and I have no comment."

Li Guanqi said softly.

His intuition told him that if he revealed his identity as Wang Xiu's disciple, there would probably be some bad consequences.

"Is this so..."

The female knight nodded slightly, stopped smiling, returned to her original cool look, and didn't ask any more questions.

But Li Guanqi couldn't help but become curious when he looked at her seductive back, and asked: "Excuse me, Miss Knight, are you... the legendary Wings of the Queen?"


The blond female knight did not look back. As she walked, she said softly: "It's not true in the legend. Although the Queen's Wings rarely appear in the public eye, it's not a secret organization, right?

To answer your question, I am indeed a member of the Queen's Wings. I was originally the captain of the Queen's Wings, the Left Wing Force, and the Third Detachment. Currently, due to some inconvenient reasons, my status within the Queen's Wings is '

Temporarily suspended'."

With that said, the female knight turned around, looked at Li Guanqi, and said softly: "My name is Andrea Iziela. I don't like my last name and my family, so you can just call me Andrea.

As for now...well, as you can see, I am patrolling the Queen's Palace."

"My name is Li Guanqi."

After hearing the other party's formal self-introduction, Li Guanqi also spoke seriously out of etiquette.


The female knight named Andrea narrowed her beautiful eyes, "With this name format, it sounds like either a Daluo person or a grassland person, but it sounds more like a Daluo person..."

"Miss Andrea, do you hate Daluo people?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously.


Andrea nodded, then turned around and continued to move forward, walking up the stairs step by step.

Her cold, slightly sullen voice echoed in the quiet palace: "I hate Daluo people, because that Daluo man named Wang Xiu not only took away Her Majesty the Queen's heart, but also hurt her.

I have lost her heart, so I hate the Daluo people and the Daluo Dynasty."

Li Guanqi walked behind her and sighed helplessly.

Queen's Wings...

This is the name of an army, a world-famous army.

Of course, it is not so much an army as it is a royal guard directly dispatched by the Queen.

Every member of Queen's Wings is a woman. They are either sexy, cute, pure, or charming... In short, they must be beautiful. Only beautiful and powerful women can successfully pass the selection of Queen's Wings.

He thus became the personal bodyguard of the Tulip Queen.

They are all at least seven-star demon hunting knights.

The Queen's Wing is divided into two major divisions: "Left Wing" and "Right Wing".

The Left Wing is composed of different blood humans, that is, Demon Hunter Knights, and the leader of the Left Wing is a Nine Palace level Demon Hunter Knight.

The Right Wing is composed of spell...er, that's right, it should be said to be new school magicians now, and the leader of the Right Wing is a new school magician at the Jiugong level.

The two "wings" are further subdivided into eight squads.

The captain of the detachment, that is, someone of Andrea's level, is a Bagua-level, eighth-level demon-hunting knight.

Powerful is the first synonym for the Queen's Wings.

Beautiful and sexy is the second synonym.

But they also have a world-famous third pronoun, or... trait.

This chapter has been completed!
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