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Chapter 525 There are many doubts, who is the real son of prophecy?

"The existence that spans two eras, the last of the old era, and the first son of Tongyou in the new era..."

Li Guanqi put down the letter in his hand and whispered to himself.

"So that's it?"

Shunkong made a slightly surprised voice, "This guy named 'You' improved the blood of Tongyou in the New Era, allowing his physique to evolve?

There are countless special physiques in the world, but the reason why special physiques are called special is because these physiques are "illogical". There is no special reason at all, and naturally they cannot be changed.

And this guy is actually able to improve Tongyou Blood. What a genius."

"He improved Tongyouxue."

Li Guanqi narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice in his mind: "But what I am a little curious about is that Ares said earlier that the ancestor of the Yun family discovered a son of Tongyou who died 2000 years ago - Roger.

In Roger's tomb, the ancestor of the Yun family discovered his seven-stage theory of blood circulation.

So, is this 'You' improved Tongyou blood related to these seven stages?

Or is it that they each studied their own things and took the blood of Tongyou in two different directions? Is the plasticity of the blood of Tongyou so strong? "

"You'll find out soon enough."

Shunkong smiled and said, "Why are you thinking so much now? Didn't the former high priest say it anyway? All of You's research has been buried with you. Master, when you go in and dig a grave, won't you be able to learn the truth?"


"But I don't know if I can open the tomb door."

Li Guanqi lowered his head and looked at the bottle of purple potion in the purple wooden box with a look of hesitation on his face.

This potion is a teleportation potion. According to the former high priest, if you drink it, you can teleport to the door of the tomb... But can he really open the door of the tomb?

According to the high priest, the wooden box is specially made and will turn purple if touched by the son of Tongyou.

In the same way, he should have used the same technique on this letter, causing Tongyou's son to be able to see the hidden content if he looked at it carefully.

But he couldn't do it.

He still applied his own blood to his eyes to enhance the related vision.

In other words, he is the son of Tongyou, so he can change the color of the wooden box.

But the purity of his Nether Blood probably wasn't high enough, so he couldn't easily see through the hidden content of the letter.

Coupled with the prophecy seen by the former high priest...the purple-haired man?

"Roger? Stage six?"

Li Guanqi murmured to himself.

According to Roger's seven-stage theory, when the blood of Tongyou awakens to the sixth stage, the intensity of spiritual power will be greatly increased. At the same time, if the spiritual power is excessively used at night, his spiritual power, eyes, lips and hair will all be damaged.

Turns into deep purple.

Could it be that the real son of the prophecy is a man who has awakened to the sixth stage of Tongyouxue?

But that's not right either.

Excessive use of spiritual power at night will turn purple.

The first scene the former high priest saw was originally said to be "a blue sky with misty clouds and mist, but the top of an eastern attic broke through the sky and pointed directly at the scorching sun."

Isn't that daytime?

Then the purple-haired man sitting in the attic drinking tea, why does he have purple hair even though it is daytime?

And does drinking tea also require "excessive use of spiritual power"?


Li Guanqi suddenly thought of something and looked suspicious, "Could it be the seventh level? Roger is only the sixth level and has not reached his theoretical perfect seventh level. Could it be that the son of Tongyou who has the perfect seventh level has completely changed his hair color and pupils?


In other words, the son of prophecy should be a son of Tongyou who has awakened to the seventh level of perfection?

Who else could it be?

Could it be that the real son of the prophecy is the Nine Palace-level son of Tongyou who poisoned Saoirse...


Next to him, Alwin looked at Li Guanqi, who was looking thoughtful and mumbling to himself from time to time. He hesitated for a while. He obviously wanted to say something, but was afraid of interrupting his thinking.

However, Pluto would not worry so much.

"Boy, don't think blindly."

Pluto said impatiently, "I can guess what you are thinking. You still don't understand the nature of prophecy. You need to understand that prophecy is not an absolutely accurate mantra, and the former high priest

The interpretation is not entirely correct.

Taking the first picture as an example, he just saw a purple-haired man.

But is there anything that can prove whether the image of this purple-haired man was before saving the Tulip Elf or after saving the Tulip Elf?

What if the real meaning of this prophetic picture is that the savior of the Tulip Elf will evolve into this purple hair and purple pupil after completing the rescue?

Or is it the ultimate form of the savior in the future?

Or, what it really means is that the savior has a friend with purple hair and purple eyes?

Don't think this is nonsense. To put it bluntly, prophecy is something that relies entirely on interpretation and understanding. The results you can get all depend on how you interpret it.

So, stop thinking nonsense.

What you have to do now is to regard yourself as the son of the prophecy of the former high priest. You are the savior who can save the Tulip Elf, successfully leave this place, and return to the Tulip Empire alive!

Believe in yourself!"

Pluto began to feed Li Guanqi chicken soup.

But Li Guanqi actually doesn't need chicken soup... No matter whether he is really the son of the prophecy or not, he will seize the last clue left.

After all, things have come to this, so I have to bite the bullet.


Li Guanqi glanced at the eighth-level elf magician next to him, "What do you think?"

"I do not understand."

Elwin frowned and replied in a deep voice: "Judging from the content of this letter, the high priest did not receive an exact prophecy. He only saw two pictures, one of a purple-haired man, and the other of the Dreamling Hot Spring.


And at the bottom of the hot spring lake, he found the entrance to the 'secluded' tomb space and the diary of the third-generation high priest.

These are the clues I got from the prediction.

In other words, if you, Lord Savior, can really save our tulip elves, that grave is the last hope.

But what I don’t understand is why the high priest said the person wearing the wreath was the son of prophecy?

Half a year ago, on the night when the night demons invaded the Holy City, the high priest said to me when he handed me this box containing the envelope and the teleportation potion...

‘The next male human who comes to the Elf Forest with a wreath of blessings is our savior and will lead us tulip elves out of hell and back to new life’.


This statement seems to have no basis, at least from the letter left by the high priest, it does not explain at all how he came to this conclusion."

"I'm afraid it's his own guess."

Li Guanqi thought for a while, and then asked Elwin: "When did you discover that the space in the Elf Forest was sealed and imprisoned?"

"At the same time as the Night Demon attacks the city."

Alwin gritted his teeth and said with an ugly expression.

"That should be it."

Li Guanqi nodded, "The night demon attacked the city first, then the high priest discovered that the space was imprisoned, and finally the high priest called you over to tell you this.

In other words, the high priest at that time judged that the confinement of this space was such that no one could get out of it, and no one from the outside could get in. The only ones who could get in were those who had his blessing garland, so he came to this guess...

Huh? Wait?"

Thinking of this, Li Guanqi was stunned and looked at Alwin curiously, "If his blessing garland can ignore the spatial confinement, why can't he ignore it himself?"


Elwin was also stunned, and then said: "Mr. Li, are you mistaken? The garland cannot ignore the spatial confinement, it can only reset the transmission channel.

Night Devil's space confinement can only prevent creatures of level eight and above from entering the Elf Forest from the outside, but you are level seven.

The reason why you were able to reach the Elf Forest was not because of the garland, but because you did not meet the restricted standards."

"Yeah, I didn't think of it for a moment."

Li Guanqi nodded.

But then, he became confused again, "Yes, in this case, the problem does exist. If the garland cannot ignore the confinement of space, then why does the high priest say that the person who brings the garland to the Elf Forest is a prophecy?

Son? What is the basis for the high priest?"

"have no idea."

Alwin shook his head slightly, "It's strange."

There was some confusion in the green eyes of the elf magician, "As far as I know, the high priest is a meticulous elf. It is impossible for him to ignore these things. According to his character, he should

The whole story was written in the letter, but he didn’t, why?”

"I always feel that he is hiding something, from me and from you."

Li Guanqi frowned slightly.


Alwin was silent.

"Tell me more about what happened that night."

Li Guanqi sat on the wooden pier and looked at the elf magician seriously, "What did the high priest do from beginning to end? How did he find out that the space was imprisoned?"

"How do I know this?"

Elwin was helpless, "He is the only ninth-level tulip elf among us. His specific process of judging the situation cannot be understood by us eighth-level ones.

All I know is that at that time, the Night Demons were attacking the city. When the High Priest saw the Night Demons' army, he knew that we would definitely be defeated. He immediately wanted to set up a teleportation array and send all the Tulip Elves to the palace of the Tulip Empire to request the Queen.

Your Highness's protection.

But, it failed!

Because the space is blocked and imprisoned, even the high priest of the Nine Palaces cannot tear open the cracks in the space and cannot teleport at all.

Maybe the high priest discovered that the space was imprisoned at that time, right?"


When Li Guanqi heard this, his expression suddenly became weird, "Um, um, Alwin, I want to ask, how is your relationship with the Tulip Elves and the Tulip Empire? Or rather, how is your relationship with the Tulip Queen?"

"The relationship is very good."

Elwin glanced at him doubtfully, as if he was a little surprised why he suddenly asked this question, but he still answered truthfully: "We, the Tulip Elves and the Tulip Empire, have always maintained a good diplomatic relationship.

Because we Tulip Elves can help the Tulip Empire and help some of their people raise their soul realm to the eighth level.

In return, the Tulip Empire will also provide us with various resources from time to time.

As for the relationship with Her Royal Highness the Queen, she also came to visit us in person a hundred years ago.


As he spoke, Elwin sighed softly, "It's a pity that we Tulip Elves have always avoided the world and rarely contacted the Tulip Empire. Now that half a year has passed, I'm afraid the Empire doesn't even know that something happened to us.

If they knew, then even if the Night Devil's method of sealing the space was very clever, it shouldn't be able to stop the strong men of the empire from cracking it... It's a pity that they haven't discovered it yet.

And all the methods we use to contact the Tulip Empire are ineffective due to space confinement."


Li Guanqi's expression became increasingly weird.

I'm afraid not, brother.

What seals the space is the Queen’s artifact ‘Still Sky’.

I don’t know whether the Tulip Empire knows about it, but Her Royal Highness the Queen must know these things personally, and she saved you... It may have been Isabel who almost killed you.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this."

Li Guanqi waved his hand, then looked at Elwin and said seriously: "To tell you the truth, the reason why I came to your Elf Forest is to ask you to help me raise my soul to the eighth level, and this blessing garland is the one entrusted by Her Royal Highness the Queen.

Someone gave it to me."

"I guessed it."

Elwin nodded, "After all, eight out of ten people who come here with blessing garlands have this purpose, but unfortunately, I can't help you ascend to the eighth level of soul now."


Li Guanqi asked.

"Because the reason why we elves can help you humans ascend to the eighth level of soul is actually not just because of ourselves."

Elwin lowered his head, raised his right hand and gently grasped an emerald necklace around his neck. There was a flash of reminiscence in his eyes, "In the center of our Holy City of Tulip Elves, there is a place called the Elf Holy Spring.

' place.

You must leave your body and let your soul be completely soaked in the holy spring for 8 days and 8 nights. Then we elves can use secret methods to mobilize the power of the holy spring to help your soul break through.

But now, the Holy City has..."

"It has become the royal city of the night elves."

Li Guanqi accepted the conversation helplessly, "So if I want to raise my soul to the eighth level here, I have to drive away all those night elves, right?"

"Dark night, elf?"

However, as soon as he said this, Elwin frowned and said displeased: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, but I hope you don't call those man-eating monsters that. This is an insult to us elves."

"Ah, sorry."

Li Guanqi nodded apologetically, "If you were negligent for a moment, I will pay attention to it."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Alwin bowed his head and saluted. This time it was different from the greeting ceremony Li Guanqi had seen before. He interlocked the fingers of his hands, then put them on his chest, bowed his head and bent down.

"So the situation is very clear."

Li Guanqi picked up the purple potion in the purple wooden box, "Drink this bottle of teleportation potion and go to that 'secret' tomb. All the answers should be hidden behind the tomb door. Of course, if I can't open it,

If you open the door, then everything will stop."

"You can definitely open it!"

Elwin looked at him, his green eyes full of hope.

There is really nothing else the elf magician can do except hope that Li Guanqi will succeed.

"Go out. I want to be alone for a while and then teleport over. Just wait outside for news from me."

Li Guanqi held the teleportation potion in his hand and said suddenly.

"Uh, yes."

Alwin was startled for a moment, but he nodded and turned to leave.

"Hey wait!"

However, Li Guanqi suddenly stopped him and said, "Put a few more bottles of blood on me. Maybe I will go to You's tomb and have to rely on your blood to use the prophecy technique to get hints."


Elwin didn't have any ink marks at all, and directly used the power of the Law of Wood to condense 10 large wooden bottles, and then bled them, preparing to fill them one by one.

While bleeding, he also used healing techniques to quickly regenerate blood.

"Mr. Li."

Soon, Elwin filled 10 bottles of blood and placed them on the wooden pillar.

"Thank you, you can go."

Li Guanqi nodded.

"Everything depends on you, Mr. Li."

Elwin bowed deeply to him, and then, as if he felt it was not enough, he knelt down and kowtowed a few more times before turning around and leaving.

This eighth-level elf magician walked along the stairs he came from and disappeared from Li Guanqi's sight.

When Alwin's back was completely invisible, Li Guanqi withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and looked at the purple potion in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that it can't be done without simulating.

The ghost in the tomb knows what's going to happen next. It's bad if you can't open the door, but if you open the door, the situation inside the tomb will be even more dangerous and unpredictable.


Li Guanqi closed his eyes, and his whole body burst into red light.

Simulator, open!



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