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Chapter 530 Deep in the universe, the first era!

"So that's it..."

Pluto's voice sounded in Li Guanqi's mind, with extremely complicated emotions, and he murmured to himself, "Resurrection from the dead is one of the characteristics of the blood that connects you... No wonder... No wonder you resurrected me, you need to give me

I transplant this bloodline.

You've discovered this a long time ago, haven't you?

But I'm too stupid... I failed to discover the secret of Tongyouxue in the old era. The truth I have been searching for was actually found in the new era by a woman who has not even become a god.

But I was reincarnated in the new era and wasted more than four thousand years, but I never came here and discovered all these secrets.

God was kind to "You" and allowed her to escape from the constraints of the star field by accident.

But for me, there is so little mercy..."

At the end of the sentence, Pluto sighed deeply.

"Hey, what next?"

At this time, Li Guanqi looked at the beautiful woman "You" who was suspended in mid-air and fell into silence, and waved his hand in confusion, "Why don't you speak? Is this the end? Or are you stuck? Hello, Senior You?"



This projection is just a projection and obviously does not have the function of answering.

Seeing this, Li Guanqi had no choice but to give up, stood on the spot, sorted out the information, and whispered to himself: "So, the current situation is - Tongyou Blood has the ability to inherit.

Whatever the previous generation of Tongyou's sons did to their own Tongyou blood, each subsequent generation of Tongyou's sons will also have what kind of Tongyou blood they have.

This woman improved Tongyouxue.

As the first son of Tongyou in the New Era, she single-handedly changed the entire New Era of Tongyou's son.

She has no theory of the seven stages.

But from her description, we can know that Roger after 2000 obviously did not make any breakthroughs. He just observed his own bloodline and made a theoretical segmentation.

According to Roger's classification, when "You" died for the first time, he was in the sixth stage of Nether Blood, with purple hair and purple eyes, and his spiritual power increased significantly.


When "You" dies of old age and is resurrected, her Youyou blood will automatically be raised to the most perfect stage.

The characteristic of Perfect Nether Blood is purple hair and golden eyes. In addition to the increase in combat power and the ability to control night elves of the same level, there are two most outstanding abilities.

1. You can become a god without origin energy.

This is outrageous.

2. You can get rid of the constraints of the star field and freely travel to the depths of the universe.

This is even more outrageous.

The physique of Tongyou Blood seems to be completely out of tune with this era of alien blood.

The Age of Different Blood requires Origin Qi to become a god, but Perfect Nether Blood does not.

Creatures in the age of different blood are bound by the star field, but the perfect Nether Blood will not."

After talking to himself to this point, Li Guanqi had basically sorted out the information he had obtained. There was only one question before him - how to evolve Tongyou Blood?!

To know the use of evolved abilities, the most important thing is that he needs to know how to evolve.

The simulation only simulated the next ten days.

According to the simulation, after he watched the projection of "You", the bronze ring should explode, and then a drop of purple-black blood would run out from it, rush directly into his body, and then begin to purify his blood to help him.

The evolution of Tongyouxue.

Then he will fall asleep.

He didn't wake up until the tenth day.

This left Li Guanqi wondering what would happen next.

Evolution of Tongyouxue?

Which stage?

Sixth or seventh?

"So hopefully this is the only one!"

Pluto's slightly crazy voice was like a heavy hammer, hammering hard in Li Guanqi's heart, "Tongyou blood! If I want to get rid of the shackles of the star field and go to the depths of the universe to find the footprints of the first era, I can only let the son of Tongyou

Tongyou blood evolves to the perfect stage, and then takes the body of Tongyou's son!"

"That's me? Take me away? But you can't do it at all."

Li Guanqi was a little puzzled, "You have an extremely weak consciousness right now. If I wanted to, I could wipe out your consciousness right now. Why are you so crazy, Pluto?"

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Chapter 530 Deep in the universe, the first era! Free reading:,!

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Shunkong laughed unkindly.

"What are you talking about..."

Pluto was speechless for a moment, "Kid, don't forget, you come from the real world. You are not the son of Tongyou in this weird world at all. I am not talking about you."


Li Guanqi suddenly realized, "Yes, the son of Jiugong-level Tongyou who poisoned Saoirse! Is he your target? Do you want me to help you seize him?"

"Let's make a deal."

Pluto's tone was low and he said slowly: "You help me get the body of the son of Tongyou, and in return, I will give you the position of the Devouring Palace.

Once the conditions for becoming a god permit, I will withdraw from the Devouring Palace, and then give you all my insights about the Devouring Palace, allowing you to directly control the Law of Devouring and become a god.

I have other ways to follow the law.

If not, think about it for yourself, given your current situation, how many years will it take to become a god by relying on other laws? And those laws cannot compare with the power of the Devouring Law.

In addition, your plundering technique is similar to my devouring ability. It is obviously the same path. Entering the Devouring Palace is your best choice."


Li Guanqi had a strange expression on his face, "Compared with what happens next, I want to know more about what we should do if the son of Tongyou, a Jiugong-level person, suddenly comes to me and takes my life after a while."

"Don't worry."

Pluto's voice was calm, "I am responsible for everything, you just let nature take its course."

"What other options do you have?"

Li Guanqi couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this.

"To be precise, it's your own backup, I'm just the initiator."

Pluto hesitated for a moment, but still said: "This method requires sacrificing these artifacts in your hands. I don't like to be a hypocrite, so I will say ugly things in front of you. If there is a situation where there is a narrow escape, I will sacrifice

They pay the price to get that glimmer of life for you and me."


Li Guanqi's complexion changed slightly.

But Shunkong and the other artifacts just remained silent, without saying a word.

"Change the topic."

Li Guanqi frowned and suddenly asked: "Both you and "You" mentioned one word many times - First Era Civilization. What is this specifically?"

"It's just a pronoun."

Pluto said lightly: "In the old era, many people discovered some powers that did not belong to our era. In fact, you have also seen it, the Liugui Village incident, that Lin Xianbai used Taoism to hold back the resurrected Paper Taoist.

I suspect that the Daoyuan Heaven-locking Formation condensed by spells is one of them.

Of course, it’s impossible to say exactly what period of time this thing was.

Then let’s talk about another more accurate thing - evil phoenix.

That amnesiac prehistoric creature obviously has an extraordinary origin. It is most likely a creature from an earlier era. The power she controls is also a prehistoric power. And didn't she say it before? She is more powerful than the Yu Dynasty millions of years ago.


These are all prehistoric.

We call it the First Age.

This is just a pronoun. Of course we are not sure which era these things are from. In fact, we don’t know how many eras there are in total. This is just a name chosen for convenience. There is no need to get entangled in the words.

You can also think of it simply as the prehistoric era.

We believe that the civilizations of the First Era were very advanced, they were extremely powerful, and could easily travel through the stars and travel around the universe.

The planet under our feet may be the origin of the First Era, or it may just be a colony, but what we can be sure of is that no matter what the situation, the creatures of the First Era chose to leave this planet collectively for unknown reasons.

Planet, go to the depths of the universe.”


Hearing this, Li Guanqi couldn't help but look thoughtful.

When he first attracted stars and communicated with the universe for the first time, he saw it.

A group of flaming phoenixes flew out from the surface of the planet, flapping their flaming wings, soaring through the galaxy and universe, heading into the depths.


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Chapter 530 Deep in the universe, the first era! Free reading:,!

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Perhaps the migration of the group of prehistoric phoenixes occurred at the same time as the departure of the creatures from the First Age?

"The civilization of the First Age was very advanced."

Pluto's voice sounded again in Li Guanqi's heart, with mixed emotions, "And I want to pursue their power.

After humans in the age of alien blood became gods, they couldn't find the way forward. At my peak, I could crush the gods, but I didn't actually reach a higher level of life.

What is a higher level of life?

Ordinary humans only know how to use combustibles and combustion aids to create flames indirectly through various methods.

Extraordinary humans can control the law of fire and condense flames directly out of thin air.

This is the difference in levels of life.

But there is only a difference in combat power between the God King and the God, not in life level.

I want to resurrect my lover.

My goal is only this one, this simple one. She definitely still has hope. The Fire Palace is still in the main state, which means that traces of her life still exist, and there is a possibility of her resurrection.

I just want to find a way to resurrect.

The pantheons of the old era always said that in theory, every god was immortal and could always be resurrected over time.

But how long will this take?

She died about 10,000 years ago in the Old Era, but when I reached the end of the 30,000 years in the Old Era, she still could not be resurrected. Today, in the year 4872 of the New Era, she still has not been resurrected.

I just want to see her again.

The one who belongs to me.

I don’t want to talk about multiverses, parallel time and space, there are countless bullshit theories about her in the world, to me, she is her, there is only one her, the only her.”


Li Guanqi was silent, not knowing what to say at this time.

Pluto's persistence was beyond his imagination.

He has only lived for more than twenty years now, just over twenty years.

But what about Hades?

This being has worked hard for nearly twenty-five thousand years to resurrect his lover. This is a number that he cannot understand.

Long years.

This is a love that has lasted for 25,000 years, and it is Pluto’s obsession that cannot be erased even after thousands of years.

"Pluto, I feel very unhappy with you."

At this time, Demon Sword suddenly said, "However, this aspect of you is really admirable, because I really can't understand that human beings can maintain such a long-term memory of a relationship, but you did it."

"Who would have thought that Pluto, who single-handedly caused Ragnarok, was just a pure lover?"

Shunkong had mixed feelings, "In the old era, more than 90% of the gods thought you wanted to rule the world. If they knew that you were just trying to kill gods to gain power for such a purpose, I'm afraid it would make them angry. Come to life.”

"To me, it's not 'just'."

Pluto's tone did not fluctuate, and he said calmly: "Resurrecting her is the only goal in my life. To me, this is everything, and it is far more important than ruling the world."

"Then it's settled."

Li Guanqi suddenly raised his head, looked at the beautiful woman "You" with purple hair and golden eyes floating in the air in front of him, and smiled softly, "If possible, I will help you seize the son of Tongyou, the ninth palace level, and then you Taking his physical body, he evolved into the perfect Nether Blood.

Then, you stay in this strange world and universe, go to the depths of the universe, search for the footprints of the First Era, and search for a way to resurrect the God of Fire.

I really hope you can find it.

Of course, this is the best ending. I don’t know if it can be achieved, but I will try my best. After all, you are also another me, haha."


Pluto was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "Thank you, thank you, the other... me."

Li Guanqi smiled.

"What about you?"

Pluto then asked: "If everything goes well and you can help me achieve the perfect Nether Bloodline, then you should be able to do it yourself. When that day comes, you will go to the depths of the universe in the real universe to find the first Epoch?”

"Who knows?"

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Chapter 530 Deep in the universe, the first era! Free reading:,!

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Li Guanqi smiled and shook his head, and then there was a bit of warmth in his eyes, "Everyone's goals at each stage are different. I can only say that if you want me to answer now... I probably won't go.

I just want to end it all quickly, help the future god do what he wants to do, end the connection between the weird world and the real world, never travel again, and stay in reality peacefully.

Rather than pursuing the First Era, I want to marry Mengyao, have children, and spend our happy life together.

That’s all.”

Having said this, Li Guanqi was suddenly stunned.

No, in addition to the future god, there is also a matter of the heart of time and space to deal with. That guy probably wants him to run around in various universes in the future to help collect energy and restore the stability of time and space - this is the ultimate salvation. Big task.


Li Guanqi lowered his head and rubbed his brows helplessly.

It’s so annoying. This burden is also tied to the multiverse. It’s so heavy.

Um, how about handing over the heart of time and space to Pluto and letting Pluto run errands?

Forget it, let’s talk about it later.

"So can this thing continue?"

Li Guanqi raised his head, looked at the "You" floating in the air, and said helplessly: "It's true that if this senior doesn't tell us how to evolve to connect You's blood, all our ideas will be empty talk, and I won't

Her ability to study the blood of the underworld."

"At least the idea is there."

Pluto didn't seem to be too worried, "Extracting the genes of the night elves is the key to evolving to perfect Netherworld. Even if this woman doesn't tell us the specific method, we can do our own research and develop evolution potions. As for evolving to six

After reaching the seventh level, how to evolve to the perfect seventh level is a later question."

"Are you so confident?"

Li Guanqi was stunned.

"It's better to have confidence than not."

Pluto's voice was calm, "I have lived for more than 20,000 years. Compared to you who have only lived for more than 20 years, of course I will have more confidence. Isn't it just for doing research? At least she has told us that the key lies in the night elves.

The base…”


Suddenly, the projection of "You" flickered and began to become distorted and blurred.

But soon the projection returned to normal, and "You"'s eyes returned to Li Guanqi's position, connecting the previous voice content: "Now, you have learned the ultimate secret about our son of Tongyou, our son of Tongyou,

He is the true darling of this world.”

"Are you really stuck in the machine earlier?"

Li Guanqi had a strange expression.

Naturally, the projection of "You" would not respond to his complaints, but continued: "Unfortunately, these things are uncertain even for me.

For example, after I came back from the dead, I changed from purple hair and purple eyes to purple hair and gold eyes, and evolved into the perfect ghost-blood.

But, why?

Why am I coming back from the dead?

Why can we evolve again after being resurrected from the dead?

And, is it certain?

Will the son of Tongyou definitely be resurrected after death?

Will it be possible to evolve again after resurrection?

All these are unsolved mysteries.”

To provide you with the fastest update of "Global Weirdness: I Can Simulate in Advance" by the great master Cen Sha!

Chapter 530 Deep in the universe, the first era! Free reading:,!


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