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Chapter 557: Life is Constant Contrast

"Of course, there is no need to change people."

Hearing Kevin's words, Isabel couldn't help but nodded slightly, "Wait a moment, Saoirse is refining the elixir now, there is no need to rush for a while, she will come after she finishes refining the elixir on hand."

"Then just wait."

Kevin walked to the sofa nearby and sat down, closing his eyes and relaxing.

"By the way, I haven't asked about Miss Saoirse yet."

After listening to this conversation, Li Guanqi quickly looked at Isabel, "Her Royal Highness, I went to the Elf Forest with her, but then the space passage collapsed. How did she become?"

"What can we do?"

Isabel glanced at him in surprise, "Saoirse is at the Jiugong level. The collapse of a mere space passage is nothing. If she is involved in the space turbulence, why not just crawl out of the space turbulence? After she came out, she found that she could not get in.

Go to the Elf Forest, then come back to the Imperial Capital and wait for my next order."

"Oh, that's good."

Li Guanqi nodded lightly.

Then, Isabel stopped talking, and the ninth-level female knight behind her continued to beat her back, and from time to time she would correct her voice on where to hit her.

Kevin is still sitting on another sofa with his eyes closed and meditating...or is he sleeping?

Seeing this, Li Guanqi also sat down, narrowed his eyes slightly, and sorted out all the information he had obtained from the beginning to now.

Emperor Luo wants to kill Ying Xiao.

This is also his goal.

Since Ying Xiao is Master Wei Mo, the son of a semi-god-level Tongyou, he really can't feel at ease if Ying Xiao doesn't die. After all, the Tongyou blood poison that guy inflicted before was obviously not a good person.

Of course, this requires caution.

Who knows what Luo Di’s plan is?

What if Emperor Luo's plan to kill Ying Xiao requires him to sacrifice his life?

That would also be a favor to the hammer.

Therefore, he must use a simulator to simulate it when the time comes. Even if the current simulator cannot accurately simulate events in which demigods are closely involved due to insufficient charging items, he still has to simulate it.

There are 3 simulations left, so keep them just in case.

There is still one chance to travel through time and space, so you have to use it carefully.

Previously, Li Guanqi originally wanted to use a simulated opportunity to try suicide, to see if he could come back from the dead like "You", and then automatically evolve to the perfect stage through the blood of You.

But this idea is actually not feasible.

Because the current simulator can only simulate the next 10 days in a strange world.

Suppose, even if he can really resurrect from the dead, but the time required to resurrect exceeds 10 days, wouldn't the result be unknown?

So I can't do it now.

And we have to save on the number of simulations, after all, there are only 3 left.

Although the simulator, that is, the Heart of Time and Space, told him last time that it had sensed something, saying that if nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to find the next charged item when he reaches the seven-star level of perfection.

But that is what happened later.

Before that, you must save the number of simulations.


Thinking of this, Li Guanqi couldn't help but frown slightly.

The occasion of the Seven-Star Great Consummation?

Isn't that the time when you have completed pulling the Beidou Star Sequence Group and obtained the [Power of the Beidou] Star Skill?

Luo Di is also waiting for this day, waiting for him to help solve Ying Xiao's escape ability...

Is it possible that the next charged item is on Ying Xiao?

The more Li Guanqi thought about it, the greater the possibility became.

Ying Xiao... Ying Xiao...

Li Guanqi closed his eyes, leaned back on the sofa, and sighed silently.

This was really inconsistent with his original idea.

Li Guanqi's original idea was to investigate Wei Mo's master's affairs by himself, and then help Wei Mo kill his master with his own hands, thus bringing an end to the whole incident.

What now?

It saves him the trouble of tracing.

However, there is no opportunity and time to do it myself.

Judging from the current situation, if he wants to solve the problem of Ying Xiao, he can only rely on Luo Di's power. The most important thing is that Ying Xiao will not give him time to slowly become stronger.

In fact, Li Guanqi estimated that if Luo Di had not been chasing and pestering Ying Xiao these days, Ying Xiao might have arrested him long ago.

Although he wasn't sure, and he didn't know why Ying Xiao wanted to arrest him.

But judging from the fact that Ying Xiao made the Tongyou blood poison and infected Miss Saoirse, it was obvious that Ying Xiao was sending him a signal, similar to how a confident hunter would give his prey a warning before hunting.

Of course, this is by no means a good intention, but purely a hunter trying to satisfy his own vanity.

"That's wrong!"

Suddenly, a startled Kevin suddenly sat up from the sofa, startling Li Guanqi who was thinking about something.

"Why are you so crazy?"

Isabel looked at him displeased.

Li Guanqi didn't dare to point fingers at the demigods. As a younger sister, the Queen would not spoil her brother.

"What are you waiting for me to do here with you two?"

Kevin spread his hands and said, "I've finished what I need to say. What am I waiting for? It's none of my business if Saoirse comes. I won't wait any longer. I'm leaving first."

After that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

However, before he took two steps, his eyes moved back to look at the beautiful ninth-level female knight who was beating Isabel's shoulders.

The demigod knight's eyes moved slightly downward.

The dress of female knights is very distinctive.

Her upper body is a set of exquisite and luxurious platinum battle armor, her lower body is a red miniskirt, and then she wears platinum combat boots that are above her knees.

The white and tender thigh between the short skirt and combat boots is, in Li Guanqi's words, the "absolute territory."

Now, Kevin was looking intently at the absolute realm.


Kevin looked at the pretty face of the female knight and chuckled: "I've never seen you before. Are you a newly promoted ninth-level knight? Let's find a place where no one is around, and I will teach you the swordsmanship in private.

Do you want it?"


The female knight was stunned and tilted her head in confusion, "What is that? Is it your unique swordsmanship, Mr. Kevin? But I don't seem to have heard of any related deeds."


Isabel's face was expressionless.

What kind of bastard swordsmanship is that, isn't it just the short dagger under the crotch?


The younger sister Isabel was expressionless, but the smile on the older brother Kevin's face became brighter and brighter. He looked at the ninth-level female knight with a smile, "stab, sword, technique! My unique secret technique!"


The female knight finally reacted and looked ugly.

After all, he is a ninth-level person, and he has lived for hundreds of years. Even if he indulges in cultivation and ignores the world, he will not be unable to understand such a simple pornographic accent.

"Kai, Mr. Kevin, please respect yourself."

The female knight lowered her head and spoke softly.

What can a female subordinate do if her immediate boss talks dirty?

What about the ninth level?

This is a demigod, the real ceiling of world-class combat power!

Declining politely and saying "please respect yourself" was something she only dared to do after mustering up the courage.

But, is it useful?

"What's the point of being self-respecting?"

Suddenly, Kevin stepped forward directly, smiled and took the female knight's little hand, turned around and walked towards the door, "Come on, let's go. It's getting dark. You have to practice swordsmanship at night to feel good. Don't worry, I'm

Knight Protector, your master is still my sister, you don’t need her consent, you can come back tomorrow morning anyway.”

Being held by him like this, the female knight's face became even more ugly, but she didn't dare to resist at all. She could only be led by Kevin like a puppet on strings.

During this period, she glanced at Isabel asking for help.

However, the Tulip Queen, the sole owner of the Queen's Wings, lowered her eyes and turned a blind eye.


Wooden door opens and closes.

The demigod knight just held the hand of a ninth-level female knight and left the room completely.


Seeing this scene, Li Guanqi felt very complicated.

A female knight at the Jiugong level was sexually harassed?

Well, no, this should be considered an infringement, but he couldn't see it afterward.

Ha... Before hearing this kind of thing, Li Guanqi would burst into laughter when he heard it, and then he would wonder who the fool was who could come up with such a silly story.

However, now that this kind of thing has become a real case before his eyes, Li Guanqi not only does not think it is ridiculous, but feels that this is how things are in the world.

Therefore, the level of strength does not actually mean anything.

The point is not how strong you are, but that you have to be better than others.

The whole life of a person is a comparison, a constant comparison.

Just like a god appearing in the ancient era of gods, it doesn't matter, because he is not the only one.

But if a god appeared in today's new era, it would be a complete indiscriminate killing.

"Speaking of which, I originally thought you would stop it."

Li Guanqi turned to look at Isabel, who was sitting on the sofa and remained silent from beginning to end, "After all, that woman is a member of the Queen's Wings and a knight under your command, isn't she?"

"Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

Isabel glanced at Li Guanqi indifferently, "The demigod is tempted to play with women, do you really think I can stop him with just one mouth? I am his sister, not his mother, and even the mother can never control that.



Li Guanqi said nothing more.

Time passes slowly.

"Bang bang!"

About seven or eight minutes later, there was a sudden knock on the door and a familiar female voice.

"Hug, sorry, Queen! I'm late!"

Li Guanqi turned his head and smiled.

Miss Saoirse is finally here.

"It's okay, come in."

Isabel snapped her fingers, and a circle of spatial fluctuations rippled from her fingers, and then the green door of the room slowly opened.

Outside the gate, I saw the beautiful Jiugong-level female sorcerer, with her blond hair tied into a gentle bun, wearing a green and white floral dress, looking at Li Guanqi and Isabel inside the door.

, with a smile on his face.

It’s Saoirse whom I haven’t seen for a long time.

"See Your Majesty."

She first bowed to Isabel.

Then, she looked at Li Guanqi, breathed a sigh of relief, and then chuckled: "That's great, Mr. Li, when I came back and listened to the Queen's explanation of the cause and effect, and knew that the elf forest had been occupied by the night elves, I really

Very worried about you."

"If you want to catch up on old times, find some time by yourself."

Before Li Guanqi could reply to Saoirse, Isabel, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at them and said calmly: "Guanqi, Beidou sequence star group, you have already led Greedy Wolf, Jumen, and Lucun three

, there are four left: Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, and Pojun.

Now, Saoirse, you are responsible for taking him to the place where literary music leads to stars.

Then, just like before, after he finishes guiding the star and comes out, you are responsible for taking him to the next place to guide the star.

Of course, these things still have to be done secretly, so as not to be discovered by the old guys from the Council of Elders, you know the reason."

"What reason?"

Li Guanqi looked at her.

"You don't need to know the secrets of the empire."

Isabel just waved her hand.


Li Guanqi was speechless.

"Let's go then, Mr. Li."

Saoirse looked at him and asked with a smile.


Li Guanqi nodded, "Let's go now."


As soon as he finished speaking, Saoirse began to perform seals and spells. The space in front of her was turbulent. It seemed that she was going to spend more than ten minutes to open the space passage to the star guiding place, just like she had done before.


However, when Queen Isabel, who was sitting on the sofa, saw this, she raised her right hand and tapped lightly towards the fluctuating space. Then the space erupted in violent vibrations, and the water glasses on the surrounding table and books on the bookshelf were scattered in all directions.


After this shock, a white-gold space crack was completely formed.

Seeing this scene, Li Guanqi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The Queen is the Queen after all.

Whether a spellcaster or a different-blooded human, Space Law is a compulsory course, and Isabel, as a Nine Palace-level different-blood human, obviously understands Space Law much better than Saoirse.

It took Saoirse ten minutes to open the space channel, but Isabel did it in one second.

In fact, Li Guanqi never really knew their specific realms.

There are nine small stages in the Nine Palaces level. Someone seemed to have told him before that the gap between the initial stage of the Nine Palaces level and the Great Perfection of the Nine Palaces level is greater than the gap between a dog and the early stage of the Nine Palaces level.

"What a mess."

After opening the space channel, Isabel looked at the room and frowned slightly.

The way she opened the space channel just now was a bit violent. When she opened the channel, it also caused a space shock. It was precisely because of this shock that the room became a mess, and all kinds of ceramic cups and books fell to the ground.

The books were fine, just scattered, while the ceramic cups were all broken.


Before Isabel could say anything, Saoirse made a seal with one hand, and the white-gold light flashed and spread from her fingertips to the entire room.

Then, those scattered books, broken water glasses and other things seemed to go back in time and began to "play back" at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, they were back to their original positions, and the broken glasses were restored to their original positions.

Suddenly, the messy room became tidy again, just like before.


Li Guanqi watched this scene with interest.

This is of course not time reversal, but the combined effect of multiple spells.

Among them are the "Transmutation of Objects", "Purification of Dust", "Reunion of Broken Mirrors" and so on, but I have to say that Saoirse's spell is very well coordinated and used. At first glance, it does not look like turning back time.


"Hmm, the magician's method is more convenient."

Isabel looked at the restored room, couldn't help but smile, and joked to Saoirse: "Don't you magicians don't have to do housework when you get married? The room will be clean just by moving your fingers."

"The Queen is joking."

Saoirse lowered her head slightly, "Since the day she joined the Queen's Wings, Saoirse has dedicated her body and mind to His Majesty, so why should she marry someone else?"

"Okay, it's time for you to set off."

Isabel looked at her and said seriously: "Also, Saoirse, after sending him there, you have to come back quickly. Regarding the war situation in Hall Province, the elixir you refined using Qingxuan alchemy is...

An indispensable part, I know you haven't rested for a long time, but there is really no time for you to rest now."


Saoirse looked serious, clenched her right hand into a fist, hammered her left chest hard, and performed a tulip knight salute.

Then she took Li Guanqi's hand, turned and walked towards the platinum space crack, "Mr. Li, as before, don't let go of my hand. This space passage is special, and I need to ensure your safety."


Li Guanqi nodded, and then followed the Jiugong-level female sorcerer, completely stepping into the space crack and being swallowed up by the platinum-gold light.

As the space crack closed, the two of them completely disappeared from Isabel's sight.


Isabel sat on the red sofa, her beautiful eyes narrowed.

After a while, the Tulip Queen stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the street view of the imperial capital outside the window, her eyes flickering as she wondered what she was thinking.



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