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Chapter 624 Prophecy, Breakup, Emperor Robe, Wang Yanqing?

【Heart of Time and Space】

[Currently absorbed: time ring, time necklace, time earrings, time crown, time jade pendant, time gem (new)! 】

[The core components of the Heart of Time and Space that you have now obtained include: Time Crown (consumed), Time Jade Pendant. 】

[New feature unlocked—Prophecy!]

[Your current remaining number of simulations: 10]

[Duration of each simulation in the strange world: 10 days]

[You have unlocked the functions of the Heart of Time and Space as follows.]


——You can get simulation suggestions provided by the Heart of Time and Space.

【2.Time review】

——You can go back in time in a small area (currently 10,000 meters in radius) and see past events in this area. However, due to your current strength and the incompleteness of the heart of time and space, you can currently only see designated events.

The screen fragments can only be viewed and cannot be interfered with.

——Improve your cultivation and obtain more charged items. You will enhance the effect of this special ability until you can go back in time, tamper with the past, and change the present and future.

【3. Travel through time and space】

——You must consume a specific core component of the Heart of Time and Space, and then consume a large amount of energy in the Heart of Time and Space before you can travel to the previous time node. The number of years you can travel forward depends on how much energy the Heart of Time and Space has.

——The core components currently available for “traveling through time and space” include: Time Jade Pendant.

——The number of times you can currently activate "Time Travel": 1.


——You can ask the Heart of Time and Space any question about the Heart of Time and Space itself, and get answers to a certain extent.


——You must consume 5 simulation times before you can activate this heart of time and space ability and make a request to directly obtain a detailed prediction result.

——Current number of simulations remaining: 10.

——The current number of times that "Prophecy" can be activated: 2.


On the land shrouded in black mist, Li Guanqi walked slowly, looked at the new information on the light screen panel, and said in surprise: "Is it similar to Taoist Lin's ability?"

[I have said it before, as long as you help me recover enough energy and predict the future, I can do it. 】

Above the light curtain panel, square frames appeared one after another.

[But it should be noted that the ability to predict is not omnipotent, it also depends on your own situation, such as...]

[How can a mortal child kill a Nine Palace Level Great Perfection Golden Dragon King?]

[If this kind of question is raised, there is no way to comment on the prophetic ability.]

"Got it."

Li Guanqi nodded, "In other words, the ability to predict can only give some answers that I can actually do it, but I don't know how to do it, right?"


[For example, during the Liugui Village incident, Lin Xianbai had the heart of the phoenix, so he had the conditions to "give the heart of the phoenix to Han Mengyao to eat". Because of this, his ability to predict gave this answer. 】

[The prophecy ability I newly unlocked with the energy in that gem also has the same nature.]

[It can only give prediction results that meet your action conditions.]

[But it should be noted that once this prediction ability is activated, no matter whether you ask a big problem or a small problem, whether you can get a prediction to solve the problem, whether the prediction succeeds or fails, it will consume a fixed amount of energy. Calculated, it is probably your

The energy required to simulate 5 times in a strange world.]

[And now that you have absorbed the energy contained in that gem, you only have 10 simulations, so you need to take the test carefully...]

"Activate the [Prophecy] ability."

Before the Heart of Time and Space could finish speaking, Li Guanqi said directly to the light screen panel: "I want to know how I can bring my senior sister Wang Yanqing to me now."


[Are you sure you need to consume 5 simulation times to obtain the predicted result of this requirement? 】


Li Guanqi nodded lightly and said seriously: "Brother Time and Space, you should know that she helped me a lot in the past. Now the civil war among the eight kings of Daluo is too dangerous. The war-torn land surrounded by the Great Wall is too dangerous. My senior sister's background

The Wang family is only at the Five Elements level. Even if she reaches the Liuhe level, she is still cannon fodder in this kind of war. I need to ensure her safety."

[When it comes to relatives and friends, you always seem to do it at any cost. With all due respect, rationally speaking, this is not the best choice for your own interests. 】

"What are these words?"

Li Guanqi smiled helplessly, "If I have to make the choice that best suits my own interests when facing relatives and friends, then they won't be considered relatives and friends at all, okay?"

【I don't understand.】

【However, you are the master, as you wish.】

[The "Prophecy" function is being prepared...]

[Number of simulations-5]

["Prophecy" function activated...]

【Prophecy failed!】

——You are completely unable to bring your senior sister Wang Yanqing to you now. As of now, this is an unsolvable need!

[Your current remaining number of simulations: 5]

[The number of times you can currently activate "Prophecy": 1]


When Li Guanqi saw this result, he sighed helplessly, "In other words, for me now, no matter what I do, I can't enter the Great Wall of Heaven to find my senior sister? I can only wait for another half year, I can only wait.

Is the Great Wall of China closed?"

【No, that's not the case.】

Above the light curtain panel, black squares appeared one after another.

[If you did not obtain the Time Jade Pendant before, fully activated my consciousness, and turned on the "Question and Answer" function, then if you fail to predict now, you will have failed. 】

【But, you should be glad that you have completely activated my consciousness.】

[The prediction failed, this is the result.]

[But I can see the process. Since my consciousness has been fully activated, I can choose to tell you some things in the prophecy process. 】

"Oh, I understand what you mean."

Li Guanqi nodded lightly.

It's like going to a vending machine to buy a Coke.

If the Heart of Time and Space does not activate consciousness, it is just a rigid vending machine.

He wanted to buy a Coke, but after he put in his coin, he discovered that the Coke was out of stock. If it was gone, it was gone, and the money was wasted.

But now that the heart of time and space has activated consciousness, it is equivalent to having multiple chatting staff next to the vending machine.

Although the product was still out of stock, at least the staff member could tell him where the Coke supply chain ended.

The metaphor may not be appropriate, but it is roughly the same.

"So, tell me?"

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel and said softly.

[Judging from the prophecy process, you can enter the Yutian Great Wall in advance, and you have successfully found your senior sister within the Great Wall.]


Li Guanqi looked strange, "Speaking of which, from just now I have felt that this so-called prophecy still looks so much like a simulation?"

【What do you think the prophecy is?】

[Prophecy is essentially a simulation of the future situation, but compared to ordinary simulations, when I activate the "prophecy" ability, my ability to deduce the future will be strengthened, but at the same time, the future I can see

It will also be more "narrow" and you can only see the future related to your predicted needs.】

[To put it simply...]

[After turning on the "prophecy" ability, I can deduce the future from the so-called "God's perspective", thereby finding the route that meets your prediction needs, and ultimately forming the so-called prediction result. 】

"I understand."

Li Guanqi nodded again.

Then, he looked at the light curtain panel in front of him and said doubtfully: "So, we can go back to the topic. You said that I was able to enter the Yutian Great Wall in advance and successfully found my senior sister within the Great Wall. So why?

Did the prophecy still fail?”

[Because after you two met, no matter what you did, you couldn't successfully bring her to you.]

[And the prophecy requirement you put forward is - "How can I bring my senior sister Wang Yanqing to me now?"]

[So judging from the demand for prophecy, this prophecy was of course a complete failure. 】


Li Guanqi was a little confused, "Since I can enter Daluo and find my senior sister, why can't I bring her to me? She was captured and imprisoned?"

【have no idea.】

[I just said that when I activate the "prophecy" ability, my ability to deduce the future will be strengthened, but at the same time, the future I can see will be more "narrow". To put it simply, I can't see too much and predict.

Details irrelevant to the requirements.]

【I'll tell you what you want to know.】

[First, you need to lead the dragon clan back to the Centaur King's City, and after making the Centaur clan surrender to you, find a Centaur officer named Mitchell in the intelligence department of the Centaur Royal Army.

Mitchell is the head of the Centaur royal family's intelligence department, and you can get a lot of information about the survivors of the Ying family from him.

After obtaining this information, you will gain the ability to enter the Great Wall of Heaven.

After you enter the Great Wall of Heaven, you will go to find the survivors of the Ying family. After you find the survivors, Wang Yanqing will appear in front of you. This is how you two met.

But you can't take her away.

Because she doesn't want to go with you.

From now on, my derivation of the future after activating the "prediction" ability is over.】


Li Guanqi looked puzzled, "But why..."


【I know you have a lot of doubts.

For example, why did you gain the ability to enter the Great Wall after getting information about the survivors of the Ying family?

For another example, after you entered the Great Wall of Heaven, why didn't you go to Wang Yanqing instead of looking for the survivors of the Ying family?

Another example is why Wang Yanqing suddenly appeared after you found the survivors of the Ying family.

I know you want to ask these.

But my answer is still the same - I don't know.

The reason is still the same - when I activate the "prophecy" ability, my ability to deduce the future will be strengthened, but at the same time, the future I can see will be more "narrow", and I can't see details that are irrelevant to the need for prophecy.


Li Guanqi looked thoughtful.

If nothing else, this should be the back-up trick Luo Di left in his body to force him to protect the bloodline of the Ying family.

But the specifics can only be known when the time comes.

【I still have something to say, but I don’t know if I should say it.】

Suddenly, such a box popped up on the light curtain panel.


Li Guanqi said softly.

【All right……】

[After turning on the "prophecy" ability, I couldn't see many details, but I saw that at the end of the future picture, it was on the top of a very high mountain, surrounded by clouds.

The sky was very yellow and dark, maybe it was just sunrise or sunset.

There is something similar to an altar on the top of the mountain. There is a golden light in the center of the altar, but it is in the shape of a flame. Golden fire?

I'm not sure, these things should have nothing to do with your prophecy needs, so what I saw was very vague and I couldn't see clearly at all.

And you, you stand next to the firelight.

Your expression at that time was very...

I don't know how to express it. I'm afraid of expressing it incorrectly. I can only say that your expression at that time was very complicated.

Wang Yanqing is standing in front of you.

Wang Yanqing is related to your prophecy needs, so I see it clearly.

I can't tell where her facial features have changed, maybe it's her temperament? Anyway, she has become much more beautiful. She is as beautiful as she was back then, and now she is at the level of someone who can conquer a country.

However, that beautiful face was expressionless and cold, like an iceberg beauty.

There were many figures standing around her, but they were very blurry and I couldn't see clearly.

Finally, you lowered your head, gritted your teeth, stepped forward, and passed her by.

You two met and parted like this.

Oh right.

At that time, you were holding another figure in your hand. It was very blurry and I couldn't see clearly, but it was very small. It was right next to your knees. It should be a child. It seemed to be wearing braids?

I'm not sure.

After all, your first spell teacher was a dwarf. Generally speaking, it is not accurate to judge age based on body shape.

This is basically the last picture I saw of the future.



With all due respect, maybe you don't like to hear it, but from my own perspective, the situation between the two of you at that time was like... breaking up?

In that future scene, it looks like the relationship between you two has completely broken down, especially Wang Yanqing’s cold appearance, which gave me the feeling of “next time we meet, we will be enemies.”]

"Are you kidding me?"

Li Guanqi was confused, "How could senior sister and I be enemies? And to put it mildly, with my current strength, how could senior sister be my enemy?

I can kill Jiugong level now, but she was only at Five Elements level when we separated a year ago. Even if she is Luo Di's illegitimate daughter, she can't keep up with my cultivation speed, okay?"

[I'm just describing my own subjective feelings.]

[You don’t have to worry about it, maybe I feel wrong. After all, my judgment of your human emotions is still not very accurate.]

"It must be wrong. You must feel wrong. Absolutely."

Li Guanqi waved his hand.

However, I don’t know if this sentence is meant for the Heart of Time and Space, or whether it is meant for himself...


Li Guanqi turned around, turned his back to the light screen panel, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled it heavily, as if he wanted to let out the depression in his heart.

Then he raised his hand and scratched his hair, frowning, seeming to be in a bad mood.

There was no pop-up box on the light curtain panel.

This world shrouded in black mist became so quiet.

But the silence will eventually be broken.

"What else?"

Li Guanqi turned his back to the light screen panel, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and said softly: "Brother Time and Space, you should have something to say, right?"

【I'm not sure.】

This black square did not appear on the light screen panel, but was condensed from the black mist in front of Li Guanqi.


Li Guanqi slowly opened his eyes, staring at the black fog ahead with his blue eyes, "Not sure? It doesn't matter, tell me, what kind of clothes is my senior sister wearing in that future scene? Or is it her?

In order to commemorate Chi Yuan'an, did you always wear red clothes?"

[I can’t see clearly...]

The black mist surged and slowly condensed into black squares.

[I can only see Wang Yanqing’s face clearly, and I can’t see her clothes clearly. Her clothes are very blurry, but I can be sure that they are definitely not red.]

[If you ask me, it’s most likely a golden one...]

【Emperor's Robe.】

This chapter has been completed!
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