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Chapter 627: Li Guanqi Inheriting Zulong's Will?


After Li Guanqi thought about it again and again, he looked at the golden dragon in front of him and finally made a decision.

"Do you know that your brother, the former Golden Dragon King Croton, was actually killed by me?"

One word shocked the whole house!

The tens of thousands of giant dragons in the sky, except for Hades who had known about this for a long time, were all shocked at this moment and looked at Li Guanqi in disbelief.

The previous green dragon Edson could directly sense that it was Li Guanqi who killed Croton, but it is unknown where this ability came from. Except for the green dragon, other dragons could not directly sense it.


Cade looked at Li Guanqi, his golden pupils trembling constantly, "Why?! Where did it go before?! Why, why did you kill it?!"

"This is the will of the ancestors, Cade, don't you understand yet?!"

At this time, among the dragons, an old Nine Palace-level ice dragon slowly flew over and said in an old and hoarse voice, "Kloton disappeared out of thin air in front of us before, without even the slightest spatial fluctuation appearing.

Then just half a month after its soul lamp collapsed and was declared dead, our new king came here.

As soon as he arrived, he disrupted Adelson's terrible plan, saved all our dragons, and even defeated Adelson in an honorable manner in the 'Battle Selection'.

Then, the ancestor appeared, and the holy mountain shone golden light on him, designating him as the next generation of dragon king.

In this way, he returned with Summerfield and not only rescued our dragon family, but also exposed Croton's conspiracy back then, allowing us to finally get the truth after 198 years!

Isn't this obvious?

This is the will of the ancestors!

Our new king comes with a mission!

The Dragon King election should be sacred and untarnished!

However, 198 years ago, Croton used that insidious conspiracy to frame Summerfield, causing him to be expelled unjustly, thus solving his rivals and using such insidious means to step onto the throne.

Obviously, Croton's actions betrayed the ancestral precepts of our dragon clan and offended our ancestors!

That’s why Croton seemingly mysteriously disappeared out of thin air half a month ago!

That is the method of the ancestors!

And our new king, adhering to the will of his ancestors, gave Croton the punishment he deserved-death!

As for why he is a human?

This couldn't be more obvious!

Croton's bad behavior has completely disappointed the ancestors with today's dragon clan, so they sent a human with the power of the dragon to guide our dragon clan back on track!

This is all the will of the ancestors!

Our current new king is the true Dragon King who has truly inherited the will of his ancestors!


At the end of the sentence, the old ice dragon raised its head and let out a dragon roar.


Immediately after it, tens of thousands of giant dragons around it also raised their heads and roared with it, and the roars of the dragons came and went, resounding through the sky.

These roars represent conviction and approval.

"Because my brother and ancestor...are disappointed in us..."

Cade looked around, watching the scene of countless dragons roaring, his body trembling, and he lowered his head in grief and shame, as if he had no face to look at the dragons again.


Li Guanqi blinked when he saw this.

What the hell?

This old ice dragon's imagination was so strong that he almost believed what he said. He almost thought that he was carrying the will of some dragon ancestor.

"Hades, who is it?"

Li Guanqi sent a soul message to the black Yinglong at his feet.


Hades then used soul transmission to return: "In the late stage of the Nine Palaces level, the nine basic elemental laws have been activated. Except for the Fire Palace, which has not been activated, the other eight palaces have been activated.

The ice dragon is born very insensitive to the law of fire, and given its age, it will die of old age in a few decades, so it should have no hope of entering the Nine Palaces level of Dzogchen in this life.

But Randall has rich combat experience.

In terms of actual combat power, among the current dragon clan, it should be only lower than me and Cade.

In addition, Randall's prestige among the dragon clan is extremely high. To use your previous words, he is the true 'ambassador of peace' for the dragon clan, maintaining the peaceful order of many dragon species for many, many years.

In terms of prestige, no dragon can compare with it.

To most dragons, Randall is equivalent to the dragon clan's high priest... although the dragon clan canceled the establishment of high priests as early as 1,000 years ago.

198 years ago, Randall was only in the middle stage of the Nine Palaces level, so he failed to stand out from the battle and did not enter the voting round. Otherwise, he would have been the previous Dragon King.

My king, please allow me to ask, is what it just said true?

Did you really come with the will of your ancestors?

Ancestors, are you really, really disappointed with us today?"

At the end of the sentence, Hades's voice trembled slightly and was filled with anxiety.

When Li Guanqi heard this, he looked calm on the outside, but he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He did not answer Hades's question.

Because it's not important.

The important thing is that there is almost no fault in what Randall said. Li Guanqi almost believed it. Coupled with the prestige of this old ice dragon among the dragon clan, most of the current dragons will know it.

I have no doubt about this.

For him, this situation is very good.

"My king..."

At this time, the golden dragon Cade looked at Li Guanqi again, but his eyes were no longer as firm as before, and even his tone became submissive.

"I, I know, my brother did a very serious wrong thing and tarnished the sacred Dragon King election. According to the ancestral teachings, the Dragon Clan should erase all traces of its existence, but...but...but I, I still

I would like to ask you to keep its name on the top of Zulong Mountain, is that okay?"


At this time, the old ice dragon Randall who had spoken earlier shouted in displeasure, "This is a violation of the ancestral teachings. Do you want to become like your brother?!"

"I, I just..."

Cade wanted to retort, but when he opened his mouth, he lowered his head in frustration and said nothing more.

"What do you think?"

At this time, Li Guanqi looked around, looked at the tens of thousands of giant dragons nearby, and asked softly.

"Cade is a good guy."

A giant dragon muttered, "But his brother is not a toy, and according to the ancestral teachings, Croton's name should have been erased. That guy has no right to leave his name on the holy mountain."

"That's right."

The other dragons echoed.

"Clotton's name should be erased."

"Should be erased!"

"We must not tolerate it!"

"Cade can't atone for his brother's sins!"

"The crime has been committed and is irreversible. Only by erasing Croton's name can we wash away the shame of our golden dragon clan!"

There were more and more echoes among the dragons, and even many golden dragons began to join in the condemnation of Croton.


When Cade saw this scene, his golden vertical pupils were filled with despair.

"I, the king, have another idea!"

At this time, Li Guanqi, who was standing above Hades' head, suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy group of dragons suddenly became quiet, lowered their heads, and prepared to listen to the will of the Dragon King.

After Li Guanqi became the King of the Dragon, he actually did not have a "king" due to his diction habits.

The dragons also keenly discovered that whenever Li Guanqi calls himself "the king", he basically has to issue orders or the like.

"On the top of Zulong Mountain, Croton's name does not need to be erased."

Li Guanqi said slowly.

Cade's eyes suddenly lit up.

However, the other giant dragons looked at each other in confusion, and some even looked slightly displeased.

"However, after Croton's name, there must be a brand symbol of a sin dragon pattern, because it is a sin dragon, there is no doubt about it."

Li Guanqi looked down at the group of dragons and continued: "Then, Cade's name will be moved next to Croton's name, and from now on, it needs to continue to contribute to the dragon clan and use his glory to wash away Croton. crimes, and the shame Croton brought to the Golden Dragon Clan.

Erasure the name, the crime and shame remain!

Even if Croton's name is erased, the shame it brought to the Golden Dragon Clan will not disappear and will still exist in history!

Only contribution and glory can wash away crime and shame!

Cloton is dead, and he can no longer atone for his sins.

However, it has a good brother.

Cade is willing to atone for his brother's sins!

And I, as the Dragon King, agreed to his request!


Because, I want every giant dragon from now on to remember these two stories when they come to the top of the Ancestral Dragon Sacred Mountain and see these two names.

Croton is a powerful dragon who went astray due to jealousy.

Cade is equally powerful, but completely opposite to his brother. He is a dragon with a pure heart and a deep love for brotherhood.

His passionate feelings for his brother, this unbreakable brotherhood, should be remembered by all dragons.

Today's dragon clan is too indifferent to each other's emotions, and there are even constant frictions and civil strife between various dragon species.

Cade's dedication to brotherhood is worth learning from all dragons.

And this emotion is not limited to the same dragon species.

The golden dragon is a dragon, the dark dragon is also a dragon, the forest dragon is a dragon, the rock dragon is also a dragon, and the same goes for other dragon species.

Different dragon species are also compatriots, because you are all dragons and compatriots of the same race!

All dragons, regardless of their species, should be brothers and sisters. The sibling relationship between us should be the same as Cade's admiration for his brother, strong, reliable, indestructible, and nothing can cut it off!

When all dragons regard each other as brothers and sisters, the dragon family can become a better dragon family.


At the end of the sentence, Li Guanqi's voice suddenly raised, he opened his hands and shouted solemnly: "This is the will conveyed by the ancestral dragon spirit to this king! This is the will of the ancestors!!!"


The last sentence completely incited the emotions of all the giant dragons, and countless dragon roars came and went, shaking the heaven and the earth!

This is a dragon roar that represents agreement and approval.

All the dragons agreed with Li Guanqi's idea.


Above Hades' head, Li Guanqi's expression remained solemn, but a hint of smile could not help but rise in his heart.

He finally figured out these giant dragons.

Value tradition?

To put it bluntly, his thoughts are pedantic and feudal, and he is basically the same as the feudal and superstitious ancients. In his current situation, as long as he uses the banner of "the will of his ancestors" when speaking, no matter what he says, these dragons will nod crazily and shout loudly.

The sound echoes.

Well, Li Guanqi suddenly felt that as the king of dragons, he seemed to be becoming more and more like a magic stick.


Li Guanqi looked at the golden dragon.

"My subordinate is here!"

Cade immediately lowered his head in excitement, his voice filled with unspeakable joy and excitement.

Although the brother's name will be engraved with the sin dragon pattern, at least it did it!

It succeeded in allowing its brother's name to remain on the top of the holy mountain. For the dragon, this was proof that it had existed in this world, and it was extremely meaningful.

"Did you hear everything I just said?"

Li Guanqi said softly.


Cade nodded heavily, "From now on, I will regard the honor and disgrace of the Dragon Clan as my own honor and disgrace. For the rest of my life, I will completely burn out the dragon blood in my body and fight only for the glory of the Dragon Clan!"

"Remember, the ancestors are watching you."

Li Guanqi said calmly.

"What...yes!! I will never let down the gift from my ancestors!!!"

As soon as these words came out, Cade was shocked at first, then quickly reacted and nodded heavily again, feeling extremely excited.

Li Guanqi, on the other hand, suppressed the laughter in his heart and pretended to be calm and calm.

To be honest, this feeling of talking nonsense under a big banner is quite refreshing.

This way of speaking with a banner is really useful for the Dragon Clan.

And there is another thing that needs to be used in this way of speaking.

"Everyone, look at Hades."

Li Guanqi pointed to the black Yinglong at his feet.

As soon as these words came out, all the giant dragons immediately cheered up. They all looked at Hades's winged and snake-shaped Yinglong body, their eyes full of envy and yearning.

And Hades also raised his head proudly, enjoying the envious gazes of all the dragons.

In fact, from the beginning, after seeing Li Guanqi help it evolve into a Yinglong, these giant dragons wanted to know how to evolve into a Yinglong body.

For the giant dragon clan, this has a strong appeal, because it represents the evolution of the dragon clan's bloodline.

"This is the gift of Zulong!"

Li Guanqi looked down at the tens of thousands of giant dragons below and said solemnly: "Only dragons that are loyal enough to the dragon clan can receive this gift. In the eyes of the ancestors, Hades fully meets this qualification, so it has become

A Yinglong.

In fact, in addition to Hades, there are many dragons who also have some qualifications.

But, it's only part of it.

You are not enough, not enough to receive the gift of this ancestral dragon.

You need to continue to prove your loyalty to the Dragon Clan and prove it with the glory you bring to the Dragon Clan!"


As soon as these words were spoken, many giant dragons roared and roared, and all of them became excited.

"I understand! I understand!"

"No wonder the Dragon King said earlier that he would take us out of the wilderness to the Ayabel Prairie. It turns out that this is the will of the ancestors! It is the ancestors who want us to conquer the grassland!"


"I want to gain glory on the battlefield! I also want to become Yinglong!!"

"The battlefield! I want to go to the battlefield!"

"I can't be decadent anymore. I can't gain glory by eating, sleeping, and eating all day long. I also want to go to the grassland battlefield, and I also want to become Yinglong!"

"Damn it, when I wake up, all the demigods in the world are gone. I can't sleep for so long anymore!"

"I'm going to the battlefield!"

The crowd of tens of thousands of giant dragons was filled with excitement and excitement.

Li Guanqi estimated that if he opened a space crack to go to the grassland now, these giant dragons would probably rush in like crazy, thinking of fighting for glory on the battlefield and obtaining the "gift of the ancestral dragon" to transform into a Yinglong.

Evolving into the body of a dragon is indeed a gift.

But it was not Zulong who decided who to give this gift to, but Li Guanqi himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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