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Chapter 643: The Time Bomb Left by Luodi

"Misha, you should go back first."

Li Guanqi was sitting on the throne, looking at the officials leaving one after another, and turned to say something to the Centaur Queen beside him.


Misha nodded slightly, then walked down the steps and left.

With the departure of the centaur queen, only Li Guanqi on the throne was left in the entire palace, and below the hall, a male centaur wearing a black and gold costume.

"Are you the head of the Centaur clan's intelligence department? Is your name Mitchell?"

Li Guanqi looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.


The male centaur lowered his head and said: "My name is Mitchell Chiron. I am responsible for all the external intelligence and investigation affairs of the centaur clan. If the Khan of Heaven gives orders, I must do my best."

"I do have something to ask you."

Li Guanqi frowned and asked in a deep voice: "How much do you know about Daluo matters within the Great Wall of Heaven?"


Mitchell raised his head, hesitating, "I don't know what exactly Khan is referring to? Is it the war situation of the Eight Kings Rebellion? Or is it something else?"

"What's the status of the Eight Kingdoms Pillars now?"

Li Guanqi asked.


Mitchell groaned, thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Since the death of the previous generation Luo Emperor, the Eight Kingdoms Pillars have declared themselves kings in their respective fiefdom base camps in the name of uprising for the people.

Their rebellion officially began.

Almost immediately, the Prince of Daluo chose to immediately start the enthronement ceremony in Luojing and ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

After he ascended the throne, under the banner of orthodoxy, he openly regarded the Eight Kings as heretics and rebels, and tried to reorganize the dynasty, but it was in vain.

He was helpless.

Although he successfully completed the enthronement ceremony, this generation of Luo Emperor is obviously not comparable to the previous generation of Luo Emperor. Even though the emperor was crowned and the country's luck increased, he still could not stop the joint attack of the eight kings.

On the night of his coronation, the eight kings teamed up to break into the Luojing Palace and killed the new emperor directly in the palace.

The last emperor of the Daluo Dynasty died without a burial place less than a day after he ascended the throne.

But this is not the end.

For some unknown reason, the Eight Kings did not choose to seek the abdication of imperial power from the Ying family, but instead chose to join forces to massacre the Ying family.

The Ying family is not weak, and there are quite a few at the Jiugong level.

But the eight kings working together are unstoppable.

In a short period of time, the once huge Ying family was hunted down by the eight kings until the whole family was almost destroyed. It is said that only the last few Ying family members are still on the run, but no one knows their whereabouts..."


After hearing what Mitchell said, Li Guanqi, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly changed his expression. He was holding on to the armrest of the throne with his left hand, and covering his head with his right hand. His expression looked ferocious due to the severe pain.

"God, God, Khan?!"

Seeing this scene, Mitchell was immediately at a loss.

"I! Nothing! Nothing!"

Li Guanqi endured the pain, gritted his teeth, and shouted word by word in a deep voice.

This sudden pain comes from the depths of the soul!

And along with the pain, there is also a man's voice that seems to be there but not at all, and is extremely ethereal:

"Go and help the descendants of the Ying family, at least don't let the bloodline of the Ying family be cut off. Please, Li Guanqi."

This is……

Luo Di’s voice!

"Found it!"

Suddenly, Pluto's slightly solemn voice sounded in Li Guanqi's mind: "Kid, your original guess was correct. That Ying Xuan did take the opportunity to attack you when you [synesthesized] him and merged with him.

The soul did something.

It's just that he does have some ability. At that time, even I couldn't find the specific problem. Of course, now that the backup plan he left behind has taken effect, I finally found it.

As for the specifics, I’m too lazy to go into details.

Hey, that one named Shunkong, come out and talk, don’t you like being the commentator the most after all?”

Pluto's solemn attitude disappeared in an instant, and his tone suddenly changed back to his usual lazy tone.


Shunkong groaned, and then said: "Master, the backup plan left by Luo Di is, to put it simply, a 'timed soul bomb', but it does not set time, but external conditions.

When you learn about the Ying family's accident, this condition will be automatically triggered, activating the 'soul bomb', which will then stimulate your soul and cause pain.

This time the pain is only temporary and will disappear in a few seconds.

But, this is not the end.

From now on, this pain from the soul will appear from time to time and will become more and more intense.

If you don't think of ways to help the Ying family, the pain will get worse and worse.

In the end, Luo Di's backhand will completely explode, tearing apart your master's soul from the inside, causing your master to die.

If we want to solve this problem according to normal steps, we can only help the Ying family.

Judging from the specific details of this 'soul bomb', Master, we must ensure that at least one descendant of Ying's bloodline is by your side, and must have sufficient security and a comfortable life.

Our artifact can distinguish this solution condition very clearly..."

At this point, Shunkong suddenly realized, "Oh, Luo Di knows that you have a divine weapon, so this backup plan is specially reserved for us to see the divine weapon. He knows that we can explain it to you in detail and teach you what to do.


"I can just wipe it off for you, kid."

At this time, Pluto said lazily: "Lend me some soul power and I can help you forcibly erase this so-called 'bomb', but...according to my perception, Ying Xuan left more than just a 'bomb'


He also left something else behind.

Is it some information? Or is it some kind of power inheritance?

I'm not sure what it is, can't figure it out.

However, this thing will only officially emerge after you follow the normal steps and defuse this 'bomb'.

Is it a kind of reward gift after completing the requirements?

It should be noted that if you use my method to forcibly erase this 'bomb', then the gift that Ying Xuan left for you will also be erased together, making it impossible to obtain it.

There is no way to forcibly erase the bomb and get the gift at the same time.

Times have changed. Ordinary people in this era cannot become gods, and their upper limit of strength cannot be increased. They just keep doing research and playing tricks at the stage of limited strength.

Even I can't crack Ying Xuan's method, I can only wipe it out violently.

So, choose one.

It is to leave this 'bomb', accept Ying Xuan's arrangement, save the descendants of the Ying family, and then get the last gift he left behind.

Or, let me violently erase everything?"

"Keep it."

Li Guanqi sat on the throne, rubbed his brows, and breathed lightly.

At this time, the pain in his soul had completely subsided, and he continued to say in his mind: "Luo Di has helped me a lot. Just the seven stars of the Ying family that he helped me pull are a huge favor, so Yu Qing

I have to help him no matter what.

As for this so-called bomb, it was just his suspicious nature as an emperor. He was always worried about outsiders and always wanted to make some threats.

I have to help him.

It's just to ensure that the bloodline of the Ying family is not extinguished. I have to help with this little task. I, Li Guanqi, am not ruthless and unjust yet.

Just keep it, besides, Luo Di also left a reward waiting for me to get it, right?"

"The choice is yours."

Pluto's voice was still lazy, "That's it for now. I want to talk about another thing now. Regarding the consciousness of the Human Emperor, although there are no signs or clues yet, you don't want to tell everything about it.

Forgot about it.

The current situation is that the Human Emperor knows that I am here with you, and what you are going to do next will definitely make your identity public.

In other words, we are in the light and he is in the dark, so be careful in everything."

"I know."

Li Guanqi nodded lightly.

He has never forgotten the human emperor's consciousness that quietly left Lin Xianbai and then disappeared.

Next time you get a charged item, use 5 simulation times to predict things about the Human Emperor’s consciousness.

"Shunkong, how much time do I have to save the Ying family?"

Li Guanqi asked in his mind.


Shunkong replied: "In other words, it should be... there is no time limit at all.

The 'bomb' left by Luo Di was very clever.

Master, you can understand that this 'bomb' will automatically detect the situation.

Only when it detects that you clearly have the conditions to save the descendants of the Ying family, but choose to ignore it from the bottom of your heart, will it activate the final mechanism, which is the so-called 'explosion', to kill you.

Beyond that, it just gets more and more painful, constantly urging you to find a way to save it without exploding.

That is to say.

If you, Master, have never been able to save the descendants of the Ying family, then this 'bomb' will only cause you unbearable pain from time to time, but it will never threaten your life.

But if you don’t save it if you have the conditions, then it will really ‘explode’.”


Li Guanqi shook his head and laughed.

It seems that Luo Di doesn't want to force others into trouble after all.

The simple summary of the mechanism of this 'soul bomb' is - if you can save it, you must save it. If you really can't save it, forget it.

Li Guanqi wanted to save him, and he was willing to help Luo Di take care of his descendants.

But the question is how to save?


Li Guanqi's brows wrinkled slightly.

He used the Heart of Time and Space to make [Prophecy] before. Although the purpose was for his senior sister, the process also allowed him to find survivors of the Ying family.

After putting together the several future scenes he saw, the Heart of Time and Space said that what he wanted to do was the following steps:

1. Take the dragon clan back to the Centaur King's City and make the centaur clan surrender.

——I did it.

2 Then, in the intelligence department of the Centaur Royal Army, a Centaur officer named Mitchell was found.

——Found it, this guy is in the main hall.

3 Mitchell is the head of the Centaur royal family’s intelligence department, and you can get a lot of information about the survivors of the Ying family from this guy.

After obtaining this information, he will gain the ability to enter the Great Wall of Heaven.

After entering the Imperial Great Wall, he will go to find the survivors of the Ying family. After finding the survivors, Wang Yanqing will appear in front of him...



Li Guanqi, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the centaur officer in the main hall and suddenly realized.


He didn't get enough information about the survivors of the Ying family.

He probably needs to get more information about the survivors of the Ying family, further stimulate the "bomb" Luo Di left for him, and then he can gain some ability to enter the Great Wall of Heaven.

And the picture of the future that the Heart of Time and Space saw was actually not today, but the next time.

It was Mitchell who got enough information and then came back to report to him "next time".


Li Guanqi looked at the centaur officer and said solemnly: "I need more information about the survivors of the Ying family, go check it out!"

"Weak ministers must do their best!"

Mitchell in the main hall quickly lowered his head.

"Well, speaking of this matter..."

Immediately afterwards, the centaur officer hesitated slightly, but still said slowly: "Dear Tian Khan, we do have some clues about the survivors of the Ying family.

Just 12 days ago, an espionage agent we placed in Daluoyong Prefecture encountered something.

To put it simply, he encountered a chase on the road.

The pursuer is a Nine Palace-level human of different blood, who is hunting down a woman and a little girl.

And that woman is also a Jiugong-level human of different blood.

In the end, after a great battle, both sides died, the pursuer died, and the woman also died of serious injuries due to the trauma to her soul.

Only the little girl survived... well, I can only say that she seemed to have survived.

Because the spy went to the scene after the incident and only saw the body of the pursuer and the woman, but not the little girl.

According to the spy's report, he saw with his own eyes that during the battle, the woman had the appearance of black hair and golden eyes, as well as the suspected superpower characteristics of the 'Emperor's Blood Golden Body'.

These are all standard equipment of the Ying family."


When Li Guanqi heard this, he felt severe pain in the depths of his soul again, and he couldn't help but become ferocious.

Seeing this, Mitchell couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

"Keep talking!"

Li Guanqi grabbed the armrests of the throne with both hands, resisting the pain, and gritted his teeth and said: "Where is that little girl? Where is she now?!"

"Temporarily, temporarily missing."

Mitchell trembled and said bravely: "Our spy agent is not very strong. Facing the aftermath of the Jiugong-level battle, he couldn't get too close at all. When he rushed over after the battle, he only saw

They found the bodies of the two people and did not see where the little girl went.

Since the spy was on a mission at the time, he didn't check it carefully and went on to carry out the mission... Well, please don't worry, Khan! When I get back, I will inform him to put down everything he is doing and try his best to track down the little girl.



Li Guanqi shouted in a deep voice: "At any cost, you must track down the whereabouts of that girl for me!"


Mitchell looked solemn and bowed his head heavily.

After this conversation ended, the severe pain deep in Li Guanqi's soul also receded.

...No wonder!

Li Guanqi sat on the throne, looking at the intelligence officer in the hall, his eyes flickering.

No wonder the future seen by the Heart of Time and Space requires searching for information from the Centaurs.

It turned out that by chance, the Centaur clan had long had a spy agent stationed in Da Luo Yongzhou, and happened to meet the survivors of the Ying royal family who were fleeing.

Li Guanqi had a hunch that when Mitchell found the approximate whereabouts of the little girl, he should be able to further stimulate the "bomb" left by Luo Di, thus giving him the ability to enter the Great Wall of Heaven.

It just takes time.

Just wait patiently.

"Keep talking."

Li Guanqi looked at Mitchell and said calmly: "Tell me everything you know about other situations in Daluo today... Uh, wait."

Having said this, he couldn't help but become a little confused.

"Mitchell, isn't the Great Wall fully open for defense? But you can still communicate with the spies inside the Great Wall? How do you do it? Send people to the border of the Great Wall to communicate face to face?"

This chapter has been completed!
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